View Full Version : SR grounding question-not a n00b ?

07-17-2009, 08:22 PM
Ok so the other day I pulled my friends sr to fix a couple things on the motor that couldnt be fixed from inside the car. A few hours later we dropped it back in. It started right up yadda, yadda.

Ok so my question is the on the alternator. There were three wires going to it (not counting the plug) I'm sure when I unbolted everthing there was, a ground (at the bottom), a power (in the middle), and what I believe was another ground (at the top). Well the problem was someone else hooked up the harness and we were left with nothing on that top post. Can anyone tell me what goes there? Bottom post was a ground which I believe went through the tranny harness. What should I ground the top too?

07-17-2009, 08:32 PM
im pretty sure its just the positive with the cover thing on it, the ground, and the plug.

07-17-2009, 08:35 PM
I know I took a wire off of it. Seems like another ground was there. Is the tranny harness indeed grounded to the alternator? Can I just ground that to the chassis?

07-17-2009, 08:46 PM
im pretty sure its just the positive with the cover thing on it, the ground, and the plug.

Correct. The positive cable with the 1/4" ring terminal and rubber shroud (that goes to the lower harness), the plug which has two wires on it, and the grounding wire (with a much smaller ring terminal on it)

I know I took a wire off of it. Seems like another ground was there. Is the tranny harness indeed grounded to the alternator? Can I just ground that to the chassis?

I think the grounding wire does go to the lower harness - it's the intake manifold ground that goes directly to the body, and then to the negative terminal.

07-17-2009, 08:54 PM
well he's having all the symptoms of an alternator going out and the car was fine before. The harness whas grounded to the alternator by a screw so upon engine removal i snipped it the saughtered it when putting it back in. The harness was deff hooked to the the bottom post (closest to the ground/road) on the alternator, the next one up was the positive, should I just ground the top to the mani? He is stranded while we speak lol. this is why I'm asking.

07-17-2009, 08:55 PM
I think the grounding wire does go to the lower harness - it's the intake manifold ground that goes directly to the body, and then to the negative terminal.
The grounding wire goes from the alt. through the lower harness and grounds at the same point as the Battery/Intake ground wire.

07-17-2009, 09:03 PM
so there is the only one ground?