View Full Version : just plain crazy.

04-16-2003, 12:35 AM

04-16-2003, 12:49 AM
It's a cool concept...
I just have a problem with the physics of that entire commercial/flash movie thing.

04-16-2003, 12:54 AM
I think it makes sense...

some people doubt that the tires can roll up hill, but it seems to me that if you place a weight up at top, and balance the wheel, and it is hit on one side, it will push up the hill a ways.

04-16-2003, 01:05 AM
yea..i agree with u Jeff..at first i wasnt sure about the tires rolling uphill and all

but then i remembered this place i visited called "mystery Spot" and this lady placed a pen on a table and it rolled up.

NOTE: i suck a spelling

04-16-2003, 10:39 AM
good concept.thats all.maybe the wipers can move like walking.but i like all concet.

04-16-2003, 08:50 PM
That commercial is cool, i gotta give props to honda on that looks cool. Plus that accord looks really nice, wagons have been growing on me lately.

On a different site it says that the idea is from a 1987 film called "The Way Things Go" made by Peter Fischli and David Weiss, and is a 30 minute long version of this stuff.

04-16-2003, 08:52 PM
where can u find a site that has the vid kid? i wanna see it!

04-16-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
where can u find a site that has the vid kid? i wanna see it!

I am not sure where you can download it, but here is more info on the movie http://www.frif.com/cat97/t-z/the_way_.html

You can buy it there but not dl

04-17-2003, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
That commercial is cool, i gotta give props to honda on that looks cool. Plus that accord looks really nice, wagons have been growing on me lately.

On a different site it says that the idea is from a 1987 film called "The Way Things Go" made by Peter Fischli and David Weiss, and is a 30 minute long version of this stuff.

yea i saw dat vid in my physics class...crazy ****...and they also had da tires rolling up a ramp in dat one too..u juss use weights...

Stee Flo
04-23-2003, 11:06 AM
yeah my bro sent me a link to this. A nice commercial.

04-23-2003, 11:43 AM
its pretty cool commercial

04-23-2003, 06:44 PM
I saw that posted on another board with an article about it. Yes, they did weight the tires to make them roll like that. The commercial took over 600 takes to get it right. People had to walk around softly and not make any noise for fear of disturbing something.

04-24-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver

but then i remembered this place i visited called "mystery Spot" and this lady placed a pen on a table and it rolled up.

used to love that place when i was a kid...tripped me out many a time...

it's only 15 min from me here in Santa Cruz but i havn't been there in YEARS...

04-24-2003, 09:14 PM
Yup, InferiorWang is right.

A total of 606 takes, and months of planning to get right.

They did it all in one take too.