View Full Version : pilot bushing?

07-13-2009, 02:40 AM
i was wondering if it mattered what side of the pilot bushing was on the inside the flat or the round side? prob doesnt but i thought i would ask in case anyone else wanted to know as well. thanks.

07-13-2009, 03:48 PM
Round outside, you will have the input shaft sitting on it.

07-13-2009, 04:42 PM
I didnt even noticed there were to sides, maybe thats why it took me 12 hours of constant ramming to get it to go in.

07-14-2009, 12:24 AM
eh...new one i got today didnt have differant sides...lol. went in nice and easy too. only bout 50 swings of the mallet. hardest part was getting the damn tranny on. got it in as far as it would go and pressed it on with the tranny bolts. hopefully i wont have any problems :0 ill get the motor back in in the next couple days and see.