View Full Version : header ?'s

07-11-2009, 09:46 PM
i just put a header on my s13, literally like 45 min ago. and now it ticks when i get on the gas. runs fine, but it ticks non the less. i think its just a leak... but u know, i don't, and everybody here seems to be nice and helps me with my noob problems:) the only other question i have is weather or not its bad that the floor gets pretty hot now cuz its tucked really close now. header wrap should fix the heat prob right? that dident cross my mind till after i felt the floor...

oni jake
07-12-2009, 12:02 AM
you have headers and now your car sounds like a lawnmower?

hmmm..... exhaust leak between header and exhaust ports? hmmm.... sounds like the problem.

Most of the time this is caused by not probably cleaning off the stock gasket residue or attempting to reuse the old gasket. First I would make sure all the exhaust bolts are properly bolted. If that's not the problem, take the headers off, (yes, i know, it's a pain in the ass but live and let learn) clean the meeting surface between ports and headers, replace new gasket, bolt together.


as for your floor getting hot and exhaust wrap. I wouldn't even worry about it. Hell, my floor pan on my s13 with a stock exhaust gets hot enough to make my feet sweat and gives off a awesome aroma I recommend everyone check out.

oni jake
07-12-2009, 12:03 AM
p.s. for some reason I just automatically thought you had a KA NA. So if thats so, listen to above post. If you have an SR or KA-t then the story could be a bit different.

07-12-2009, 12:10 AM
it happened to me. first loosen all bolts and tighten in a sequence like the two in the middle the two last ones. basically so it mates evenly

07-12-2009, 09:07 AM
oni jake-
that's what i figured it was. like i said i dident really think about everything till it was on. i was a bit excited lol

s13 kidd-
if onis suggestion dident work ill do that, or if i need to clean it i will.

thanks for the help guys:)