View Full Version : any1 using pocket pc? got a question...

04-14-2003, 10:03 PM
Ok, we are doing this assignment in one of my comp sci classes. Basicly designing an interface for a pocket pc program. Anyways on to my question.

Is it possible to select multiple items with a touch pen (w/o using the on screen keypad) just like you would do with a shift/ctrl on a regular pc? Thanx.

04-16-2003, 07:25 PM
how about a drag box?

04-16-2003, 11:16 PM
drag box? what do u mean by that?

anyways, yeah you can actually select multiple. Like if you click something once, then click something second time, instead of deselecting the first one and selecting hte second one, it'll have both selected. To deselect you have to click again..... but doesn't matter anyways, cuz the ppl in my group aren't too fond of the idea anyways :-/

04-17-2003, 12:41 AM
tell them pocket PC's are for weenies anyway!

I love sony!

um yah...

drag box meaning like click and drag your desktop and you see the box that comes out? and how everything that touches the box gets selected? yah that thing... sorry im so useless =p

04-17-2003, 03:14 AM
I'm so clueless about this lol. I've never even seen the pocket pc in person anyways. What we are using is an emulator, so everything is still done with a keyboard and mouse. And this is a project given, so we aren't actually free to select any other hand held pc type thing :-/ blah this clas is sooo retarded lol