View Full Version : HobbyCNC EZ Driver Board Kit

vin diesel
07-10-2009, 01:23 PM
Anyone on here have one. I go one a while back. Waiting for a good time to assemble it. If anyone is using one, what software are you using.
link to what im talking about http://www.hobbycnc.com/products/hobbycnc-ez-driver-board-kit/

07-11-2009, 01:53 PM
crap... there are several others that are much much better.. assembled.. and almost the same price... DO NOT go cheap on a CNC board or you will hate it.. artsoft mach 3 now has a board that works with USB. I would get that or get gecko drive units. this is the vvvooooiiiiiccceee ooffff eeexxxxpppeerrriiiannnceee