View Full Version : fighting a lazy cops ticket

04-13-2003, 07:05 PM
i'm just looking for an easy way out, since they won't believe the truth that I wasn't speeding:

A: "violator acknowledges receipt of citation" is written in a box with an X below that, under the officer's signature. However, he never made me sign it.

B: It says:
Notice to Officer
Enter Assesment $ and all total due $ only if you check "all civil infractions". Enter court address below only if you check "criminal application"
And he stamps the court address, and checks all civil infractions

Just a few small details that seem to be incorrectly done on the officer's part. Wondering if that's a sure way out of a Mass. ticket, since I've never gotten one before (being a CT resident.)

If anyone can offer input or advice it would be GREATLY appreciated.

04-13-2003, 08:17 PM
It's REALLY hard to beat tickets based on little technicalities like that nowadays.

04-13-2003, 09:10 PM
if they only request a small amount of fine from you assuming you really did it yourself then why not just pay for it if not then you should talk to a lawyer or someting.

04-13-2003, 10:20 PM
If he didnt make you sign it then the ticket is void and you should have no problem getting out of it.

04-13-2003, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by s13driver
if they only request a small amount of fine from you assuming you really did it yourself then why not just pay for it if not then you should talk to a lawyer or someting.

because that small amount of fine would cost me the same as a set of rear AGX shocks, and also give my insurance a reason to drop me.