View Full Version : I plowed thru 2 deer.. [pics]

04-13-2003, 12:36 AM
Okay, the time is 1am. After watching Option Video #73, my friend and I decide it would be a good idea to go and drive on Henderson rd (very technical, great road.) So! we take it slow the first run just to make sure there are not any deer or cops camping or fallen trees or drunk wanderers stunmbling about. Conditions are steller; dry road, no traffic, no debris. We push it for one round. Great run, we decide to do another but my friend says that he isnt gonna puch it. So I decide to take the lead and just practice my heel-toe/throttle blip. I go around one of the blind corners only going about 30mph (i hadn't begun yet) and BOOM! I spy 5 deer walking single file blocking both lanes. I slam the brakes but slide straight into the deer. boom boom boom! 2 deer hit the right of my car and fly off into the air. My following friend takes the corner behind me and plows through one of the deer that I hit too. Needless to say, i knew my car was fuxed. Heres the pics:

I bent the hood back shortly after.. (http://james.exiva.net/deer1.jpg)
I see deer spit.. i think (http://james.exiva.net/deer2.jpg)
so sad.. (http://james.exiva.net/deer3.jpg)

There was deer fur all over my car and its all over my clothes. this **** is static charged like a bitch and wont come [email protected]$#[email protected]#$

anyway, if anybody wants to sell me some silvia parts, let me know please! but post your thoughts..

04-13-2003, 01:01 AM
I'm laughing my damn ass off at the way you described it. "Boom boom boom, I hit 2 deer, and my friend hits one I just ran over"
Sorry about the car tho...
With tears in his eyes.

04-13-2003, 01:07 AM
That is the LAST! time I let you borrow an option video!:eek:

Glad your ok though..
I should be able to get the parts you need also.

PS: Your cut off! No more drift videos for YOU!

04-13-2003, 01:13 AM

04-13-2003, 01:50 AM
that sucks, hope you get your baby looking good again.

drift into a curb
04-13-2003, 01:51 AM
You deserve it, but the deers didn't. As much as you probably think you know, you didn't know any better to keep it off the streets..

04-13-2003, 03:06 AM
no pics of said annihilated deer?

04-13-2003, 04:08 AM
yeah... d00d, I feel really sorry for the deer!! Are you sure they were dead? I'd be willing to bet that neither of them were dead when you hit them. :( :( Imagine how SUCKY it must be to be one of the deer. slowly dying from internal bleeding off on the side of the road... That's horrible.

04-13-2003, 07:12 AM
That sucks, but at least you have some venison now!

04-13-2003, 07:45 AM
That's if they bleed internally... sometimes, you only break their legs... Poor creatures. A car can be fixed, but not their lives. :(

04-13-2003, 08:45 AM
If i were a deer thats the way i would like to die, getting hit with a pimp 240, i bet you made his day.

04-13-2003, 08:58 AM
hmm how come he deserves it? HE said

Conditions are steller; dry road, no traffic, no debris]

[QUOTE]You deserve it, but the deers didn't. As much as you probably think you know, you didn't know any better to keep it off the streets..
um not everyone has a track or strip next door. jeez people like
"drift into a curb" make me so ****ing mad!

i feel your pain bro. hope you fix your car

04-13-2003, 09:02 AM
drift into a curb: helllo friend, i wasnt even pushing my car at the time. also, perhaps you will find disgust in a website that i love? http://www.mulhollandraceway.org/
"Southern California Touring Association Dedicated to Sports Car Driving in its Purest Form" ;)

04-13-2003, 09:31 AM
Hey dude...drop Larry an email over at silviashop.com

[email protected] Tell him Ryan sent ya.

I've had similar luck as you...and he's always been able to get me what I need.


04-13-2003, 09:33 AM
That sucks man. When I'm driving through the backroads late at night and I see deer next to the road, I think oh hell, please don't be an idiot and run towards my car. It's a scary feeling for a second, I couldn't imagine actually hitting one. :eek:

How were the deer? Die on impact? Eventually die?

04-13-2003, 09:39 AM
i dont really know, they flew off into the air and dissapeared :eek:

04-13-2003, 09:58 AM
So I see a lot of you people don't care about the deer. It sucks for your car and all, but you basically killed 2 deer, you can repair the car, or get a new one, but unless these dears somehow converted to budhism (spelling) they aren't coming back.

I probably sund like some environmentalist, but I don't really care, if you shot em while hunting, I wouldn't care, but you hit two deer.

blah anyway hope you fix your car, and hope you dont kill anymore deer.

04-13-2003, 10:37 AM
They are just deer, why is everyone freaking out. Deer get hit every day by vehicles on the roads, its not like he is the first to ever kill a deer. Ive ran over two cats before, and I could have cared less about the damn cats, they didnt cost me any money , but my car did. Sensitive ass people.:rolleyes:

04-13-2003, 10:49 AM
i feel bad for both the car and the deer, but glad you guys are okay and it didnt go straight into your winshield. i hope you car gets back to its beautiful self soon.

04-13-2003, 10:50 AM
Yeah unfortunately that happens.

Not all of us can go to a track or afford to as much as we like. :(

I wonder sometimes, if you turn your headlights off before the hit, would the deer just wake up from its trance and run away?


04-13-2003, 10:51 AM
Thats horrible. If your gona kill deer, atleast eat them...they're good. :)

Sucks about the car, good thing you weren't ****ing aroudn when it happened or the damage could have been much worse.

04-13-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by radrex88
They are just deer, why is everyone freaking out. Deer get hit every day by vehicles on the roads, its not like he is the first to ever kill a deer. Ive ran over two cats before, and I could have cared less about the damn cats, they didnt cost me any money , but my car did. Sensitive ass people.:rolleyes:

Wow! That really is low..

04-13-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by radrex88
They are just deer, why is everyone freaking out. Deer get hit every day by vehicles on the roads, its not like he is the first to ever kill a deer. Ive ran over two cats before, and I could have cared less about the damn cats, they didnt cost me any money , but my car did. Sensitive ass people.:rolleyes:

Naw Fook! that!

I like cats...that's just wrong.:mad:

Karma's gonna get you!

Probably ate em too didn't ya

04-13-2003, 11:01 AM
I hope you get your car fixed. But I also hope you grow a brain and stop pretending to be in an Initial D cartoon. Stick to normal driving on the streets, will ya. The lives you save could be my wife and kids.

04-13-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by radrex88
They are just deer, why is everyone freaking out. Deer get hit every day by vehicles on the roads, its not like he is the first to ever kill a deer. Ive ran over two cats before, and I could have cared less about the damn cats, they didnt cost me any money , but my car did. Sensitive ass people.:rolleyes:
omg you deserve to be ran over by a deer or rammed by antlers on a moose, and bitten by a big cat (i.e. lion, panther, tiger)

I guess I could understand the deer par, but who the freak runs over cats and doesnt try to dodge them. Thats sad and sick, imagine you at 8 years old playing with Mr. Fluffy (haha don't ask where the name came from), then after letting your cat out, you find your cat's carcas stuck to the road.

04-13-2003, 11:28 AM
if you shot em while hunting, I wouldn't care, but you hit two deer.

So, its cool if you kill them on purpose, but youll damn me to hell for killing one on accident? Am I the only one that sees how that makes no sence?

I also hope you grow a brain and stop pretending to be in an Initial D cartoon.

Wait.. so I was drifting? I must of forgot :rolleyes:

04-13-2003, 11:35 AM
dude, **** happens. its just pure dumb luck :(

i hit a dog one time and it poo all over my side door. the stupid thing chased me across the field and jumped right in front of me.

deer is prety heavy, as was said you are lucky it didnt hit the windshield.

04-13-2003, 11:46 AM
I hit the cats on accident, so Im not a cat killer, I leave that for my dad.:D

04-13-2003, 11:48 AM
Tobad u hit 2 deers... If I hit two deers I'd pop them into my back and take them to the butcher.. there Yummie! ^_^

ANyways.. what did u do to the dead deer huh? left them on the side, or what? and what a Waste.. if so.. u could of at least had Deer for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner...(YumYUM) and maybe at least make there death have a meaning-ful purpose... If u didnt know.. u could of sold the deer for money at the butchers.. at least like $200 each...

04-13-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by deltrr
my friend and I decide it would be a good idea to go and drive on Henderson rd (very technical, great road.)

I love taking that road at high speeds. For me, Maple Branch IS NOT a shortcut! My mom hit 2 deer on that road in the same season a few years ago. So I know what's up.

Ohh yeah, we saw a Vette get air and he crashed right into these trees and plowed through a yard. It was funny.

04-13-2003, 01:27 PM
This thread is HILARIOUS!! I love all you people taking the moral high ground. I consider myself a liberal and I'm bent towards environmentalism, but this is just stupid. He *accidentally* hit two dumb animals that happened to be crossing the road at the time and didn't think to get out of the way. I'm sure they could have heard the car coming. Deer have better ears than we do. They just have brains the size of walnuts, so they don't know what to do when they hear/see a car.

So all you people who are crying about the deer, what would you have done? Would you have stopped and tried to help the deer? Would you have called the animal control immediately to tell them you had hit the deer and they should come save them? I highly doubt that. You would have been focused on the car.

Also, this wasn't exactly a bad way for a deer to go. Have you seen it when a semi hits a deer on the freeway?? **SPLAT** :eek:


04-13-2003, 01:30 PM
hmm btw do hitchhikers have brains the size of walnuts? roadkill! :)) j/k

04-13-2003, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by deltrr
So, its cool if you kill them on purpose, but youll damn me to hell for killing one on accident? Am I the only one that sees how that makes no sence?

I never damned you to hell, and I see your point, **** happens.

Maybe its just the way you tell the story, and all you really cared about was the fur on your car, but I guess I am not expecting you to cry or anything.

Basically a bunch of assumptions I made about you from the way you said the story, so ignore me and watch the road.

04-13-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by radrex88
Ive ran over two cats before, and I could have cared less about the damn cats, they didnt cost me any money , but my car did. Sensitive ass people.:rolleyes: Looks like you probably never owned a pet before, or have issues. ;)

But like someone mentioned, there is nothing you can really do afterwards, but hope for the best.

04-13-2003, 02:46 PM
I think people need to put this topic in perspective. In my local area if deer aren’t killed off they begin to cause problems. Deer reproduce so what if you kill so many of them. 240’s aren’t made anymore I feel more compassion for that endangered species :)

04-13-2003, 03:29 PM
Moral of the story:

Wait at least ONE hour before attempting to drive after watching an option, drift tengoku or any other video of that sort.

04-13-2003, 03:55 PM
**** happens:o

04-13-2003, 05:10 PM
Im sorry to hear about your car deltrr

on a side note:

You guys need to quit watching Bambi and get into the real world, I question how many of you even live where there are deer? I must say that I live in rural Missouri and cant count how many times I have had to panic stop for deer. This isnt deer wandering across suburbian streets, he is talking about deer jumping out in front of you on a winding road. Most of the time they will see you coming from a ways away and just stop and stare. Any animal that stupid almost deserves to get hit. I'm sorry if i sound insensitive towards the poor deer's feelings.

Oh, and one more thing. I'm sure that the stupidy of deer causes many more accidents a year than the stupidy of street racers and you guys seem to hate them.

-Matt the deer hater

04-13-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by deltrr
a website that i love? xxxxdracexxx.
yeah, I imagine they would NOT have appreciated your posting their site up here. Stop advertising street racing, we've already come to the conclusion (a number of times) that the place for any sort of hard driving is the TRACK. :rolleyes:

04-13-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by adey
yeah, I imagine they would NOT have appreciated your posting their site up here. Stop advertising street racing, we've already come to the conclusion (a number of times) that the place for any sort of hard driving is the TRACK. :rolleyes:

who is we?

04-13-2003, 06:14 PM
I think people need to put this topic in perspective. In my local area if deer aren’t killed off they begin to cause problems. Deer reproduce so what if you kill so many of them. 240’s aren’t made anymore I feel more compassion for that endangered species
that was funny. we don't even know if the deers died, if they had enough strengh to run away, maybe they get well until somebody else hit them again or hunt them.

04-13-2003, 06:56 PM
OMG....this thread is f*cking hilarious! This just the way you described everything and some of the responses your getting. I feel sorry about your car and also the deers. Now you know how it feels to f*ck up a nice, hard to get parts, semi-expensive front end....it f*cking SUCKS.

Well right now http://www.jspec.com has S13 silvia front end parts. They are first come first serve basis.

Once again...sorry for the car....atleast it still runs. It could have been worse...if you were going faster we might not be able to read this thread you made.

Originally posted by DSC
Thats horrible. If your gona kill deer, atleast eat them...they're good. :)

LOL...that is SOOOO true. why didn't u eat them James?

EDIT: I remember this one guy (forgot his name), he owned a S14....but it got total when he tried to miss some deer. I think that's his story...either way he has a S13 now and is still on this forum.

04-13-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by MyFirst240SX
who is we? "We" is the zilvia message board community.

04-13-2003, 07:12 PM
Well, I don't know if I sounded like someone who was extremely sad over the deer or not. I mean it is sad that the animals got killed and all. The poor deer were probably a bunch of male deer(s?) just crossing the street, going to hook up with some females thet met last night, and let nature take it's course. Then BOOM....BOOM.

But like Rancid240 I was wondering where the picture of the annihilated deer were :Well, just a description of what happened to them at least. :D I mean, we see the damage that happened the car, what about the deer? That's all I was asking. :D

04-13-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by DSC
Thats horrible. If your gona kill deer, atleast eat them...they're good. :)

haha im gonna have to agree with u DSC. yes they are good.

04-13-2003, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
omg you deserve to be ran over by a deer or rammed by antlers on a moose.

Moose bites can be veri nasti. My sister got bit by a moose once.

04-13-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by adey
"We" is the zilvia message board community.
I don't know how exactly true that statment is. I have seen alot of debate on that topic for the year or so i have been watching zilvia.net. Judgeing by the amount of people who admit on this forum that they do engage in somewhat reckless driving on public roads(via backroad driving or street racing), i don't think we is 100% accurate. But hey i could be wronge Just My opinion, just like yours(take it to the track).


04-13-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by MyFirst240SX
Judgeing by the amount of people who admit on this forum that they do engage in somewhat reckless driving on public roads(via backroad driving or street racing), i don't think we is 100% accurate. Oh, of course. but as a board, we've come to the consensus every time the topic comes up, that street racing is not the smartest thing to do. The forum as a whole does not condone it.
I don't know why you're trying to argue though; any online forum with respectable members and run by any respectable person (such a WeST!) would NOT approve of/condone/support street racing of any type.

04-13-2003, 10:41 PM
he said "clear from cops and cars"

just a reminder

04-13-2003, 11:54 PM
Too funny. If the deer were hit while going the speed limit then it could have happened to anyone. I wish I could come up with something funny to say about the situation but you guys are taking over. I vote for Oni's response about getting ran over by a 240 making a deer's day.:D What did you do with the remains anyways? I imagined the deers blowing up on contact.

04-14-2003, 12:38 AM
the worst thign bout this all, is the deer were most likely alright. i've been in a car twice while hitting a deer. once in my ucles caddy, hit them goign over 40 straight on and the dear pracned away. once in my friends truck. the deer we could see hurt its leg, but thats it. give me a break. they're just deer. i'm mean they are living animals, but accidents happen. when did we turn into PETA?

04-14-2003, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by CoasTek240
when did we turn into PETA?


04-14-2003, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by yeswepromise
**** happens:o
I'm here reading all the posts here. Its nice to see we have morals but at the same time S-h-i-t will happen. I have morals to about things dying but what are you people duing. Trying to perswade each other that there perspective is right. Come on now, you guys depend on dead animals and kill millions of things a day. Eatting them, killing them for our own happyness, whatever.

He killed a deer. Stuff like that happens all the time, Rats, ants, racoons, everthing is killed on the road.

But what you guys are more concerned about is the fact that he was drifting. I can't really say weather he is right or wrong.

Please ignore me if you don't agree and don't respond. I don't want to be an ass coming out with my perspectives and all that don't make scense. I'm a bit drunk.

drift into a curb
04-14-2003, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by russian
hmm how come he deserves it? HE said

What? Do you expect me to praise him for going out on his backroads to play Initial D right after he watched an Option video? I don't mind spirited driving, but he got what was coming to him. Driving at night time when he was well aware the possibility of deer, cops, and drunk wanderers. So what if it was a drunk wanderer around that blind corner or even a broken down car. Deltrr would have hit a human being instead. Does that give him any more of a reason for him to complain about his car? Hell no. He said to post our thoughts about the situation. Sucks for your car, but you deserved it. Learn from your mistakes.

04-14-2003, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by drift into a curb
What? Do you expect me to praise him for going out on his backroads to play Initial D right after he watched an Option video? I don't mind spirited driving, but he got what was coming to him. Driving at night time when he was well aware the possibility of deer, cops, and drunk wanderers. So what if it was a drunk wanderer around that blind corner or even a broken down car. Deltrr would have hit a human being instead. Does that give him any more of a reason for him to complain about his car? Hell no. He said to post our thoughts about the situation. Sucks for your car, but you deserved it. Learn from your mistakes.
Who, OK grandma. He is going out on a back road late at night, and only driving it AFTER checking for dangers, in other words generally as responsible as "sprited" driving gets. Do you just drive like a grandma all the time, or take advanage of your car every now and again. I am sure that type of driving would be better suited for rush hour traffic on 395, huh? As for the WWF convention this tread has turned into, I say F-that dea. That damn thing messed up one of the sweetest looking cars I have ever seen. I hope it was bambie and it dropped dead in a ditch.

04-14-2003, 08:19 AM
OH MY GOSH! why are so many people mourning the deer? I guess that's what you expect when most of the board is from CA... getting brainwashed into liberalism...

dudes car got jacked... there are TOO MANY DEER anyways, it's over population! there are more Deer and bunnies and trees in america now than there were when the westerners first landed here... because we stop forest fires and ban hunting in certain areas... it causes problems with the environment when people get in the way of nature running it's course...

humans are part of nature anyways, and we do certain things, driving car's is part of human nature, as much as running across the road is deer nature... people being people is part of the progression of nature, if that means that we kill "innocent creatures" then are we not innocent as well? we're just being people... that's what people do, don't expect us to be different than our nature.

04-14-2003, 08:49 AM
there are more trees, havn't done the research but jugding by all the house coming up where woods use to be that doesn't seem to true......

04-14-2003, 09:04 AM
do the research, it's a fact.

04-14-2003, 09:50 AM
dude, you didn't do this friday night, just after i saw you on 95 did you? I was in the white S14 with "DORIFTO" plates, commented on your wheels? sucks though man... just sucks!

04-14-2003, 03:46 PM
Man.... that deer sucks ass. He wasn't even driving fast yet... Deer ruins ****... i wonder how they taste. All I know is that if I was driving and a deer decided to make a suicide attempt by jumping in front of my car, I would be ****ed. Then, after looking at my broken front end, I'd toss the deer off the side of the mountain and watch it roll down into nothingness.

Adey: How dare you say such things about backroad driving. You traitorous fool, I should destroy you. heh. We used to drive the canyons all the time; I hardly see you anymore -- only on track days. Remember To****a and La***o? Those were good times.


Stee Flo
04-14-2003, 04:57 PM
I bet the people feeling sorry for the deer are from places that dont have many deer. I dont know about cali but here in va there are too many off them. Yeah its not good that he killed them, but it was an accident. Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
I probably sund like some environmentalist, but I don't really care, if you shot em while hunting, I wouldn't care, but you hit two deer.. That makes no sense. You care if he kills them unintentionally, but if someone seeks to kill them on purpose you have no objection?

04-14-2003, 07:34 PM
That makes no sense. You care if he kills them unintentionally, but if someone seeks to kill them on purpose you have no objection?

As somebody said earlier in the thread, a deer hit by a car might run off into the woods as if it's unhurt, but have internal injuries that lead to a slow painful death. Or it might have a broken leg, the pain of which it doesn't feel in the shock/adrenaline surge of meeting a large chunk of steel, which might heal or might leave said deer immobilized until it starves because he's eaten all the grass and leaves he can drag himself to.

However, a deer who get his heart or liver punctured by a .30-caliber rifle round is dead in a few minutes and has his death validated by becoming yummy burgers and sausages. :)

04-14-2003, 08:35 PM
when said deer runs into the woods and eventually dies in pain it will become food for small roadents and insects and bacteria... ah, the circle of life.

04-14-2003, 08:56 PM
when said deer runs into the woods and eventually dies in pain it will become food for small roadents and insects and bacteria... ah, the circle of life.

Well said, Mufasa, but...

Screw the rats and bugs and stuff, I want deerburgers!

Stee Flo
04-15-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by THX1138
Well said, Mufasa, but...

Screw the rats and bugs and stuff, I want deerburgers! I want deerburgers! ;)

04-15-2003, 04:08 PM
Nah, it was sat. night. None the less, im glad SOMEBODY on this board got to see my car shortly before it got fuxed!

04-15-2003, 04:27 PM
Since when has the treehugging bug been biting :confused: As some one else said, if your dumb enough to stop when you see bright lights coming at you, you should be put to death. Heh reminds me when I had to run over some already roasted road kill during a turn. I felt that one and my mom starting freaking out ;)

LOL, you guys' posts have been making me crack up. Continue :D


01-07-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
omg you deserve to be ran over by a deer or rammed by antlers on a moose.

Moose bites can be veri nasti. My sister got bit by a moose once.

when said deer runs into the woods and eventually dies in pain it will become food for small roadents and insects and bacteria... ah, the circle of life.

Well said, Mufasa, but...

Screw the rats and bugs and stuff, I want deerburgers!

i love the boards :p :p :p

01-07-2004, 12:24 PM
Well since this post topic was brought back up, all you sensitive animal people out there should know that the moving vehicle doesnt always win. A friend of my was killed last weeking in Alaska when he hit a moose while snowmobiling. Another one of my friends saw it happen, moose stepped out of the woods right in from of him and that was the end of that.

Moral of the story-when an animal is hit by a moving vehicle, it is neither the animal's nor the operators fault. Cars can be fixed, animals die everyday, just be glad that you didnt get hurt.

01-07-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
So I see a lot of you people don't care about the deer. It sucks for your car and all, but you basically killed 2 deer, you can repair the car, or get a new one, but unless these dears somehow converted to budhism (spelling) they aren't coming back.

I probably sund like some environmentalist, but I don't really care, if you shot em while hunting, I wouldn't care, but you hit two deer.

blah anyway hope you fix your car, and hope you dont kill anymore deer.

lol, come on now... so if you're walking in the street around a blind curve and some grandma comes around the corner and nails you in her tank-like SUV it's not at all your fault for walking around in the street near a blind spot? they are deer, they get hit/shot every day all over the place. hell, i've been hit by a deer, the bastard came prancing at about 30mph right into the side of my car out of the darkness. should i feel bad because it was a deer? no, i turned that little bastard into venison pepperoni :D

after many years of evolution you'd think the damn things would know when it's not safe to cross a road:p

01-07-2004, 01:50 PM
that's it. I'm changing lhracer05's user status.

01-07-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by MrMigs
Then, after looking at my broken front end, I'd toss the deer off the side of the mountain and watch it roll down into nothingness.

good luck "tossing" a deer..:rolleyes: :p

01-07-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
that's it. I'm changing lhracer05's user status.

hahahah..:lol: seriously..he's on a roll...

01-07-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Chokets
I guess that's what you expect when most of the board is from CA... getting brainwashed into liberalism...

Hmmm brainwashed? Yeah, we are ALL brainwashed. But at least 90% of our deer are educated enough NOT to run into a street with a car and stop!....at least the so cal deer...norcal deer arent quite as smart as the socal ones. But hey, it isnt their fault, so cal has better schools! Hahaha, sorry bout the car. yeah deerburgers do sound yummy right about now.