View Full Version : my fears of beginning a engine swap project..

04-11-2003, 11:49 PM
anyone else get like this? it seems cheap, but then there is alot of stuff you have to do. get new exhaust, hook up all the hoses, get an intercooler, get a harness and ignitor chip (in my case), get spark plug wires, etc, etc, etc

i dunno, i just dont know if im up for this. is it really that hard to do? i have lots of tools at home and ive taken mechanics in school, but still dont feel confident. always get the feeling that im going to start off and then just stall and give up on my project :(

04-12-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by ichiro
anyone else get like this? it seems cheap, but then there is alot of stuff you have to do. get new exhaust, hook up all the hoses, get an intercooler, get a harness and ignitor chip (in my case), get spark plug wires, etc, etc, etc

i dunno, i just dont know if im up for this. is it really that hard to do? i have lots of tools at home and ive taken mechanics in school, but still dont feel confident. always get the feeling that im going to start off and then just stall and give up on my project :(

Well, you don't NEED a new exhaust..... but once you get everything, you'll still have more things to buy as you go along (for instance, you can never have enough brake cleaner!).

Usually when I start a project I can't stop untill it's done, which has led to a couple times where a rushed job has proved to be catastrophic. If you can, start what you can with the project, and as you go along and things go well your confidence will build. First step is always the hardest!!

Good luck!

04-12-2003, 01:58 AM
I know how you're feeling. I just finished the parts list for my s13...and I had no clue what the cost would be. It quickly went from 6 grand to 10. Luckily....I have free labor...which always helps reduce the cost. If you live in the Bay Area let me know...maybe I can come help you out. Good Luck!

04-12-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by s13chica
I know how you're feeling. I just finished the parts list for my s13...and I had no clue what the cost would be. It quickly went from 6 grand to 10. Luckily....I have free labor...which always helps reduce the cost. If you live in the Bay Area let me know...maybe I can come help you out. Good Luck! i live in the bay! and i am looking for some help on a turbo 240 project. do you have experience?

04-12-2003, 09:51 AM
Well one prob with switchin an engine especially after going from auto to manual is that you spend 15 hours working on the engine hooking everything up and it does not start :( , oh man I would just rip my scalp off right there. Or you finish and take it out and the engine will not switch out of first gear :( . Both of those are bad but the problem with switching is most likely a ecu but if the engine doesnt start you have to first make sure everything is connected and if it is take it all apart and put it back together again ! if your going to do it by yourself make sure that you connect everything to specifications before you put everything in other wise your gonna be spending 30+ hours because you wanted to get it done super fast. (this happened to me after fixing a blown engine on a jeep).

04-14-2003, 12:28 AM
Listen, and listen good.


It is NOT a good idea. I had to rush my swap due to many, many horrible circumstances I do not wish to recount, and I will tell you, it has taken me the better part of four months to get the thing going good.

You're better off taking your time, doing it piece by piece and making SURE you get everything done RIGHT.

or you WILL regret it later.

Just take it slow, make sure you've got all the parts, and if you're unsure of something, just find out what you should do. DO NOT jury-rigg stuff.

You'd think this is common sense, but you'd be surprised at how many people ignore this just because they want to get it running. :D

Anyway, good luck bro

04-14-2003, 12:37 AM
it seems like the biggest pain in the arse is the wiring harness chopping, right? (assuming you're doing a SR20DET swap from a clip and doing it as stock as is possible)

so - to me it seems like it would be worth it to send your harnesses to someplace like srswap.com and have them do it for real. personally, i have plenty of confidence that i can pull and replace the engine - but the devil's in the details ;)

i dunno, at least that's what i'm going to do = get the front clip, have the harness done, do everything as stock as possible with only the aftermarket/non oem parts that are absolutely necessary.