View Full Version : sigs should have required info...

04-11-2003, 08:52 AM
I think that everyones sig. should have to have the year of your car, and what kinda engine you have (KA, KA-t, SR, CA, etc.)

A lot of times i read a post in tech talk, and i find out they are talking about s13's all along so its really of no use to me. also, i think the little icons should be used a lot more when starting a thread (the little ones that go to the left of the thread name) so that we know what kind of car or engine they are talking about.

I think it would make things easier.

04-11-2003, 08:56 AM
no. its up to poster to be clear.
god forbid you learn something about another car! :eek:

04-11-2003, 01:47 PM
you should put this in the suggestion threads.
I think it makes things easy sometimes when people don't have to ask if one has SOHC or DOHC, and what year.
I have seen it in other forums, seems like a good idea.

04-11-2003, 02:29 PM
I dont think so.

I think the sign space.Are free to put what ever you want.

04-11-2003, 03:16 PM
What do you put if your car looks like this? http://mywebpages.comcast.net/geske81/90_240sx.jpg

04-11-2003, 03:20 PM
if you want man.Its you space ,use for that if you want
What are doing that lamp there??

04-11-2003, 03:24 PM
My apartment doesnt like people keeping cars like that in the garage so i have to do stuff with the garage closed. The lamp proides light so i can see. :D

04-11-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by DuffMan
[B]What do you put if your car looks like this?

You sell the red fastback?

Love the lighting :D


Sigs are meant for you to customize, just like the avatar, some people prefer not to share info about thier cars, and if you require people to put thier cars and engine down, its going to end up bieng a long list of mods cuz people are going to want to be different.

Let people put whatever they want thier, if they want you to know what car they drive, they'll tell you. There is an official declaration of mods post if you search, IMO that should be stickied, but the people who wanted to tell you the type of car they have already listed every single mod they have in there (sure its a little outdated now), but this is startting to turn into a long responsese, so I'll stop here

Cliff notes - leave it the way it is.

04-11-2003, 03:29 PM
Still have the red one, i might have to sell it though.

04-11-2003, 07:12 PM
oh, I thought he meant the left side, right below post count & shit

04-13-2003, 04:02 AM
I like an idea I saw a while ago on the 3rd gen board at Supraforums. A lot of them have one line in their sig with different letters meaning different grades of modification and engine type and such. It's just something like A/B/B/A/A or something like that. Where each of the 5 letters is explaining something. If someone would want to come up with something like that i don't think many people would have a problem putting it in their sigs, i mean it's only one line.


04-13-2003, 08:19 PM
Why are you bitching? :D

Seriously...its just a sig.

They should post there car info on....well.....their profile.




04-13-2003, 08:22 PM

The only piece of information I think more people need to include is location... and then only in the classifieds section.

I hate to see someone selling something big and expensive to ship like body parts, seats, wheels, etc. and they don't say where they're from.