View Full Version : pre-order windows 7 starting today for half off

06-26-2009, 09:53 AM
home premuim upgrade is like $49, ultimate is $99. compared to what their full retail is gonna be, its on microsofts windows 7 site. Better deal for you guys who are still XP and want to consider skipping vista .

06-26-2009, 09:56 AM
$100 (ultimate) and I get a brand spanking new OS? not bad at all. match that with the netbook busted posted and I'm set.

06-26-2009, 11:03 AM
you mean i can upgrade from 2003 server which i paid 0 dollars and .00 cents, and upgrade to an operating system that comes with a bunch of useless integrated software?

awesome... i'll highly consider upgrading, just like i considered upgrading to vista. too bad i only considered it for less than 11 seconds.

06-26-2009, 11:09 AM
If my laptop could run it I would upgrade.

06-26-2009, 11:10 AM
aww man we all know your still on 2003. dont think they have a 64bit version of that OS so your really limited.

06-26-2009, 11:17 AM
haha what do i need a 64 bit OS for?

this reminds me of the video game bit wars, where the more bits meant the better graphics... but its all a bunch of useless bullshit.

06-26-2009, 11:36 AM
64 bit has its advantages, but flash still fucking chokes on it. No thanks.
And I thought ultimate wasn't for presale yet? Either way it's a good deal. Too bd I haven't had a legit copy of windows since 98SE.

Remember when ME came out and it sucked ass, then 2000 rolled out and it was awesome and everybody loved it? This is the same thing. The xp holdouts will be the 9x holdouts back then.


06-26-2009, 11:52 AM
haha what do i need a 64 bit OS for?

this reminds me of the video game bit wars, where the more bits meant the better graphics... but its all a bunch of useless bullshit.

Sooo, Playstation having 120bits over the NES's 8bits has nothing to do with it having better graphics?

06-26-2009, 12:16 PM
whats better about 7 than vista heard its the same just with less crap in it....

06-26-2009, 12:42 PM
Sooo, Playstation having 120bits over the NES's 8bits has nothing to do with it having better graphics?

NES 8bit was way more enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

PS 120bit has a sea of faceless mundane games that no one remembers.


06-26-2009, 12:45 PM
HyperTek - It's pointless to make such a thread on this forum -_- already know there will be haters.

Also the price is for the upgrade, not full retail. So you need an existing copy of Vista or XP to benefit from this deal.

I rather get the retail version so I can do a clean install on a formatted hard drive. The only problem is the price for the retail copy is ridiculous. *_* I'm going to stick with Vista for now since I got it for free. :keke:

06-26-2009, 12:47 PM
NES 8bit was way more enjoyable and memorable for everyone.

PS 120bit has a sea of faceless mundane games that no one remembers.


I like NES better then PS. But he's talking about the graphics, not how fun the games are.

You can use more memory with a 64bit OS. That's the only advantage I've heard of. But I'm pretty sure that's only a perk for gaming.

06-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Good post HyperTek!

I posted this in the deal thread at the top.


This really is a good deal guys and I suggest you guys jump on it. I got 4 for all my computers. If you are not running W7 beta try it, it really is awesome.

06-26-2009, 01:08 PM
I rather get the retail version so I can do a clean install on a formatted hard drive. The only problem is the price for the retail copy is ridiculous. *_* I'm going to stick with Vista for now since I got it for free. :keke:

You can do I clean install with this. I don't have time to find the link but google it.

Not free but how's $39.99... http://microcenter.com/storefronts/microsoft/windows7/preorder.html

Cause I am such a nice guy.

How to do a clean install.



06-26-2009, 02:10 PM
NES 8bit was way more enjoyable and memorable for everyone. PS 120bit has a sea of faceless mundane games that no one remembers.

Amen brotha. I'm not here to say that older shit is/was better than newer systems, because there have been some great creations over the years. But generally speaking, too many people focus on technicalities than they do on whether or not something sucks.

Also the price is for the upgrade, not full retail. So you need an existing copy of Vista or XP to benefit from this deal. I rather get the retail version so I can do a clean install on a formatted hard drive. The only problem is the price for the retail copy is ridiculous. *_* I'm going to stick with Vista for now since I got it for free. :keke:

You dont need to install one and then upgrade to the other. Typically, you can go do a clean install and it will simply do a check to see if you have the older version. Pop in the CD, windows checks your older version and you're good to go. Its always been this way, unless it recently changed. I wouldnt know since I havent had an "upgrade" version of software in ages.

I like NES better then PS. But he's talking about the graphics, not how fun the games are. You can use more memory with a 64bit OS. That's the only advantage I've heard of. But I'm pretty sure that's only a perk for gaming.

You can use more memory because these higher-bit OS'es typically require more memory. From the little I've fucked with Vista, the only thing I've noticed is that it takes a lot more memory to process bullshit animations and bloated coding, which older (well built) pc's can do with a fraction of the hardware using old software.

I am not saying that the newer software has no potential. I am just saying that a lot of software (office suite, adobe suite, etc) do absolutely nothing really.. REALLY unique or special that older software doesnt.

I run Adobe CS2 and Office 2003, both work fine and have been stripped down from being updated/verified/etc.

Here is a fun video for all you kids who need a history lesson, the angry video game nerd says shit best:
ScrewAttack Video Game, Angry Video Game Nerd: Atari Jaguar Part I | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/46723)

06-26-2009, 02:23 PM
I wasn't talking about whether or not the games were better. Mike's comment was saying more bits doesn't equal better graphics. Which is false. It's not THE only factor but More bits DOES equal better graphics.

Any yes, I agree NES games were better then PS games.

06-26-2009, 02:30 PM
You dont need to install one and then upgrade to the other. Typically, you can go do a clean install and it will simply do a check to see if you have the older version. Pop in the CD, windows checks your older version and you're good to go. Its always been this way, unless it recently changed. I wouldnt know since I havent had an "upgrade" version of software in ages.

I know older versions work like that, and I guess it's safe to assume its the same case this time around. The only thing is, I can't go buy assumptions all the time. =/

06-26-2009, 02:56 PM
The difference between 64bit and 32bit is the amount of memory that the system can address, which limited to 4 gigs for 32 bit. If you're not into gaming and could really care less about how your operating system looks, then xp is probably fine, however games today use a lot of memory, and 4 gigs will probably not be enough in the near future. Directx 11 is coming out with the windows seven launch, which is a pretty big improvent on dx10.

On why windows vista and seven use a large amount of memory (if a gig is really 'large'), is due to the superfetch, with an article on how it works here: Understand how SuperFetch uses RAM to enhance system performance | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com (http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=735)

06-26-2009, 03:12 PM
I wasn't talking about whether or not the games were better. Mike's comment was saying more bits doesn't equal better graphics. Which is false. It's not THE only factor but More bits DOES equal better graphics.

Any yes, I agree NES games were better then PS games.

I know, I just wanted to inject some videogames into this.

I'm running old legacy hardware, on XP, which by todays standard, is a dated OS.

Everything runs peachy, boots up fast, not fancy or flashy. Reliable as shit.

It cost me 200bucks to build 5 years ago. LOL.

06-26-2009, 05:23 PM
You can use more memory because these higher-bit OS'es typically require more memory. From the little I've fucked with Vista, the only thing I've noticed is that it takes a lot more memory to process bullshit animations and bloated coding, which older (well built) pc's can do with a fraction of the hardware using old software.

What about 64bit WindowsXP?

I have four gigs in my computer right now, but I have XP32bit. I was thinking about just getting XP64bit so I can get more out of my memory without all the bullshit Vista programs.

06-26-2009, 06:54 PM
Do it. runs the same, lifts ram cap.

06-26-2009, 07:22 PM
will it run aem / fc datalogit? (vista cant)

06-26-2009, 08:32 PM
vista cant? i dont see why people cant run things in xp compatability.. people too lazy to right click run in compatibility works like 99% of the time lol

06-26-2009, 08:35 PM
how much for a cracked version? =)

06-26-2009, 08:40 PM
^whatever not having updates and fixes is worth to you lol

I got vista ultimate free btw from participating in one of those microsoft deals so im still up in teh air on this, but figured this would be good for those who never bought vista etc.

06-26-2009, 09:00 PM
cool stuff. i pretty much ignored the nes v ps more or less bits idiocy... that was kinda ignorant to be brought up. (dont take it personally, it just has nothing to do with the thread)

in any case, i have been running W7 for probably 6 months now, and its pretty sick, im not gonna lie... i havent had a single problem. not that i really ever had problems with any other OSs but im not even running an anti-virus... they added some cool stuff like pinning locations and programs to the taskbar (sort of like the apple dock, but different because you can also pin common and recent files to the pinned icons)
and some other stuff... desktop wallpapers that change whenever you want it to... desktop videos... haha. i like it. definitely a HUGE improvement over vista... to hell with xp IMO http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b190/lukula/Untitled.jpg

06-26-2009, 09:49 PM
^theres a prgram that will remove the windows 7 beta watermark at the bottom right

06-26-2009, 11:02 PM
how much for a cracked version? =)

now you're talking my language

^whatever not having updates and fixes is worth to you lol

you realize that updates (in most cases) are quite meaningless. ive ran software that hasnt been updated in ages (except for my browser and antivirus).. everything else is useless.

cool stuff. i pretty much ignored the nes v ps more or less bits idiocy... that was kinda ignorant to be brought up. (dont take it personally, it just has nothing to do with the thread)

in any case, i have been running W7 for probably 6 months now, and its pretty sick, im not gonna lie... i havent had a single problem. not that i really ever had problems with any other OSs but im not even running an anti-virus...

wow, you actually bought a zune and have a happy emo desktop? youre the prime example of a modern man.

06-26-2009, 11:31 PM
vista cant? i dont see why people cant run things in xp compatability.. people too lazy to right click run in compatibility works like 99% of the time lol

there are things that Vista cannot run. period. this is a fact. compatibility mode doesn't fix everything.
also Vista sucks fat dick, and nothing can fix that :)
except upgrading to 7. which is the new hotness

06-26-2009, 11:49 PM
now you're talking my language

you realize that updates (in most cases) are quite meaningless. ive ran software that hasnt been updated in ages (except for my browser and antivirus).. everything else is useless.

So updates are useless? Wow...just because you have ran software or operating systems without updating doesnt mean the updates are useless. In many cases, updates or patches are applied/created for security risks/bugs that are found after the software or OS was released...but I guess thats useless. People on the internet crack me up sometimes...lol! :ddog:

06-26-2009, 11:54 PM
So updates are useless? Wow...just because you have ran software or operating systems without updating doesnt mean the updates are useless. In many cases, updates or patches are applied/created for security risks/bugs that are found after the software or OS was released...but I guess thats useless. People on the internet crack me up sometimes...lol! :ddog:

fact of the matter: 99% of the time, the average user won't have an issue.


but yeah, i may actually buy 7. if you's a PC throw ya fist in the air, brah

06-27-2009, 12:02 AM
ahhhhh nooooo!!!! this is becoming a anti-vista/7 thread lol
do u guys still wanna see those "Im a mac" commercials? hahah

06-27-2009, 12:40 AM
Just ordered it. I wwas going to shoot for vista 64 bit but W7 64 bit should be a better alternative.

06-27-2009, 02:11 AM
I've tried them all. If your not on W7 your missing out. The only haters are people who haven't actually used it.

06-27-2009, 06:39 AM
vista cant? i dont see why people cant run things in xp compatability.. people too lazy to right click run in compatibility works like 99% of the time lol

Too lazy? Try, i almost blew up my friend's MKIV Supra after his aem erroneously tried to tune ITSELF on compatibility mode in vista (when we could get it to connect at all).

Been on my hacked XP Pro "downgrade" ever since. No need to upgrade imo, i will stick with what i KNOW works

06-27-2009, 07:40 AM
there are things that Vista cannot run. period. this is a fact.

so wait.. can windows 7 let me play duke nukem 3D? or anything dos? how about quake in software mode?

doesn't look like its going to offer anything i need. vista runs everything i want just fine.

06-27-2009, 12:53 PM
there are things that Vista cannot run. period. this is a fact. compatibility mode doesn't fix everything.
also Vista sucks fat dick, and nothing can fix that :)
except upgrading to 7. which is the new hotness

you are correct, compatability mode does not always work with all situations. ive tried to run things under XP mode since i run server OS and it doesnt always apply.

i mean there are always ways to get things done, but its not always as simple as right clicking and enabiling that little option.

So updates are useless? Wow...just because you have ran software or operating systems without updating doesnt mean the updates are useless. In many cases, updates or patches are applied/created for security risks/bugs that are found after the software or OS was released...but I guess thats useless. People on the internet crack me up sometimes...lol! :ddog:

fact of the matter: 99% of the time, the average user won't have an issue.


but yeah, i may actually buy 7. if you's a PC throw ya fist in the air, brah

haha very true, many times patches are not necessary. not saying that they are useless, but in reality if youre running a home PC or even a small business PC setup, the updates are not *that* important. remember, we're talking about small time scale here, you're not running a fucking Citibank datacenter or something for the government.

I can see it now, someone is trying to exploit my machine so they can gain access to my porn and access my credit card debt. OH NO....!

06-27-2009, 05:52 PM
fact of the matter: 99% of the time, the average user won't have an issue.


but yeah, i may actually buy 7. if you's a PC throw ya fist in the air, brah

im running xp without wga and i get updates just fine ;)

06-27-2009, 06:19 PM
so wait.. can windows 7 let me play duke nukem 3D? or anything dos? how about quake in software mode?

doesn't look like its going to offer anything i need. vista runs everything i want just fine.

i'm really not following this one. can windows 7 not play 15 year old fps's? what is the meaning of this?

i can only assume this was some sort of sick burn post or something, but i'm just going to take it seriously and say dual boot xp and 7. or 98 and 7, if you're a boss.

I can see it now, someone is trying to exploit my machine so they can gain access to my porn and access my credit card debt. OH NO....!

exactly. fact of the matter is nobody wants what's on your computer, so there's your protection right there.

06-27-2009, 06:26 PM
home premuim upgrade is like $49, ultimate is $99. compared to what their full retail is gonna be, its on microsofts windows 7 site. Better deal for you guys who are still XP and want to consider skipping vista .
Home is $49
Pro is $99
Ultimate is $219

Snow Leopard is $29

I wasn't talking about whether or not the games were better. Mike's comment was saying more bits doesn't equal better graphics. Which is false. It's not THE only factor but More bits DOES equal better graphics.

Any yes, I agree NES games were better then PS games.
The problem is that game systems use funny math when talking about bit addressing. Cram 8 8bit processors in a box and then you got a 64 bit machine right? The worst was Jaguars Tom and Jerry bullshit. Games still looked like ass and the controller sucked balls. Still remember the one kid in school talking that thing up for months before he got it. Day after people were loling at him how bad it was. He stuck by it and got every game for it out of the bargain bin when it went under.
Still a lot of people running IA-32 CoreDuo processors that think they are 64bit.

Drivers for the 64 bit windows(XP/Vista) are always sketchy. It doesn't use full 64bit addressing for most things. Windows7 is supposed to support both 32 and 64bit in the same box. The 64bit install is 4gb bigger. Hopefully driver support will be a lot better then current 64bit.

06-28-2009, 11:40 AM
wow, you actually bought a zune and have a happy emo desktop? youre the prime example of a modern man.

why do you feel that you gotta hate on my zune bro? the thing is indestructible. i have had it for 3 years, paid 99 bucks NEW from newegg (30 gig) and it sits in my car everyday through CA desert heat and cold. it has never failed me once. im not obsessed about it but i can at least say from experience that its a reliable little brick of musical genius (and it has a pretty good screen too)

so dont be a hater. and a foolish one at that.

06-28-2009, 11:56 AM
^i had a zune 30, too. at the time, the hardware was NICE. the interface was much cooler than the ipod.
unfortunately, the Zune software at the time was fucking SHIT. so i sold it and bought a 5.5 video 80g iPod, and then eventually upgraded to a 160gb Classic, which i still have. Apple's software isn't MUCH better, but it's simple in nature and works.

06-28-2009, 12:09 PM
Vista is just bad to me. I dont mind trying out 7.

06-28-2009, 12:20 PM
^i had a zune 30, too. at the time, the hardware was NICE. the interface was much cooler than the ipod.
unfortunately, the Zune software at the time was fucking SHIT. so i sold it and bought a 5.5 video 80g iPod, and then eventually upgraded to a 160gb Classic, which i still have. Apple's software isn't MUCH better, but it's simple in nature and works.

i agree, the software they made was so bad... the install failed probably 3 times before it worked on my computer, and for no reason. but they have released new software since then and updated everything since then and its actually a lot better now.
i wouldnt mind having an 80gig ipod but theyre so expensive haha im too much of a jew for that. the ipod touch is pretty slick...
and besides, my zune still works for now, so until it breaks ill be good :naughtyd:

06-28-2009, 12:44 PM
why do you feel that you gotta hate on my zune bro? the thing is indestructible. i have had it for 3 years, paid 99 bucks NEW from newegg (30 gig) and it sits in my car everyday through CA desert heat and cold. it has never failed me once. im not obsessed about it but i can at least say from experience that its a reliable little brick of musical genius (and it has a pretty good screen too)

so dont be a hater. and a foolish one at that.

reliable brick of musical genius? dude, back in `99 i bought a 10gb hard drive based mp3 player made by Compaq, check it out:
IGN: PJB 100-30GB Preview (http://gear.ign.com/articles/306/306759p1.html)

A couple years later, I upgraded it to 40gb.. this is in 2001!!! Its 2009 now, I still have this fucking player and it still works. I have over 70gb of music, obviously I've out grown the PJB's hard drive but shit, I dont really need to carry that much music around anyway.

i agree, the software they made was so bad... the install failed probably 3 times before it worked on my computer, and for no reason. but they have released new software since then and updated everything since then and its actually a lot better now.
i wouldnt mind having an 80gig ipod but theyre so expensive haha im too much of a jew for that. the ipod touch is pretty slick...
and besides, my zune still works for now, so until it breaks ill be good :naughtyd:

I dont really have a beef with the zune, just find it ironic that people talk smack about it because the ipod is such a fucking craptastic ghey standard. in the old days, you had a tape or cd player.. no one cared what fucking brand it was. nowadays people make fun of you for having a zune because you should have the newest, latest, ipod macromini... its all hype & bullshit

the funny thing is that this mp3 player i have was made ages ago, still works, and the zune offers no incentive that i would care about. theres nothing cutting edge about it.

06-28-2009, 02:50 PM
ya i had a 40gb creative jukebox zen xtra (whoever came up with that name) before my zune... i had it for a pretty long time too, but it got stolen out of my brother's car one time when he borrowed it... it sucked

but youre definitely right about the ipods out there. its pretty much a fad. i admit they are cool and all, and really easy to use, but all of my friends get them and about a year later BAM the ipod dies. what do they do? go out and buy a new one. apple has done a good job with marketing that thing

06-28-2009, 03:14 PM
I've been ripping albums for about two years and I have about 15GB of MP3 files. And I don't know how anyone with a bigger library.god i love reading old tech articles.

I dont really have a beef with the zune, just find it ironic that people talk smack about it because the ipod is such a fucking craptastic ghey standard. in the old days, you had a tape or cd player.. no one cared what fucking brand it was.
that wasn't true in my day. you either had a discman, or you had some laughable cd player. i remember being the first one to have 10 second ESP. it was like being their god.

06-28-2009, 07:57 PM
that wasn't true in my day. you either had a discman


shit in my day you had this, playing your underground mix tape.


damn this thread went off a cliff...

06-29-2009, 07:11 AM
$100 (ultimate) and I get a brand spanking new OS? not bad at all. match that with the netbook busted posted and I'm set.

Psst. It's just vista with some crap removed. :faint:

06-29-2009, 07:18 AM
ultimate seemed like a waste of money, so I bought the profressional upgrade for 99 bucks. My usb ports have been trippin with windows x64 so it's time to upgrade. I'll need new hard drives too. I've been running these 36 gig raptors in raid 0 for the past 4 years and I think it's time to finally retire them and my 250gig caviar and fill this bitch up with 1tb drives.

06-29-2009, 07:25 AM
i'm really not following this one. can windows 7 not play 15 year old fps's? what is the meaning of this?

i can only assume this was some sort of sick burn post or something, but i'm just going to take it seriously and say dual boot xp and 7. or 98 and 7, if you're a boss.

exactly. fact of the matter is nobody wants what's on your computer, so there's your protection right there.

What makes you so special that nobody will steal your info or install malicious software on your computer, even though it happens to thousands of other computers?

It's not like these updates are going to hurt your computer, and you don't even need geniune windows to get security updates.

10-22-2009, 07:10 AM
Bump for Windows 7 being released to day. I cannot find my confirmation emails, or anything. Have yall received any word from Microsoft about it?

10-22-2009, 08:14 AM
im supposed to get some sort of free upgrade for a new laptop, but they never gave a date just sometime after today. may not be til after christmas, i dont know. but i have not gotten anything.

10-22-2009, 08:39 AM
Bump for Windows 7 being released to day. I cannot find my confirmation emails, or anything. Have yall received any word from Microsoft about it?

i did the student $30 preorder and got the download link and product key sent to my edu e-mail today.

10-22-2009, 08:56 AM
Been running windows 7 for awhile as well I like it quite a bit but osx seems to have a better work flow for me.

10-22-2009, 09:17 AM
i did the student $30 preorder and got the download link and product key sent to my edu e-mail today.

I did mine through a regular pre-order and as of right now nothing yet.

10-22-2009, 10:30 AM
I did mine through a regular pre-order and as of right now nothing yet.

Same here. No email yet.

10-22-2009, 10:32 AM
Same here. No email yet.

That actually makes me feel better. I will check the mail around 5 to
see if anything popped up.

10-22-2009, 05:43 PM

if you have a valid college email account you can get 7 for cheap. I bought pro for 45 WITH dvd backup disk. and download link.

Mita Orange
10-22-2009, 06:03 PM
its $30 for your choice of either home premium or pro from their student discount deal. Windows 7 US Online Store - Student Registration (http://windows7.digitalriver.com/store/mswpus/en_US/[email protected]&rests=1256256135302)

10-22-2009, 06:47 PM
its $30 for your choice of either home premium or pro from their student discount deal. Windows 7 US Online Store - Student Registration (http://windows7.digitalriver.com/store/mswpus/en_US/[email protected]&rests=1256256135302)

Thats only for the download link, with no backup disk. You mustve not went all the way to checkout, they have this option where if you want a DVD disk backup along with the download link. itll be another 13.99, which is what I did.

10-22-2009, 06:52 PM
Im hoping they hook us beta testers with a free copy.

i got 2 copies of Vista ultimate for free from one of their programs before.

10-22-2009, 06:59 PM
its $30 for your choice of either home premium or pro from their student discount deal. Windows 7 US Online Store - Student Registration (http://windows7.digitalriver.com/store/mswpus/en_US/[email protected]&rests=1256256135302)

I have already pre-ordered it, but I have heard no word from Microsoft yet. I am thinking about ordering that one too, and flip it on ebay or something.:wiggle:

Mita Orange
10-22-2009, 07:22 PM
Thats only for the download link, with no backup disk. You mustve not went all the way to checkout, they have this option where if you want a DVD disk backup along with the download link. itll be another 13.99, which is what I did.

Yeah i opted for pro with the backup disk i was just throwing it out there that you could get it for $30 but yeah download only.

10-22-2009, 08:20 PM
You guys should try your university's bookstore and see if they have Windows 7 there. I got my copy of Windows 7 Ultimate at school for $30.

10-22-2009, 08:25 PM
i got my home premium for free =) its comming in the mail in November. Still not sure if i should use it since i dont want to bother backing up anything.

10-22-2009, 08:30 PM
howd u get that?

10-22-2009, 09:04 PM
Jeez $300 for W7 Full Pro! I think i'll save for my laptop and stick with RC7 'til March lol

10-22-2009, 10:56 PM
I got W7 pro upgrade on download now, if my other copy shows up, on ebay it goes. I am moving all my files to another drive so I can erase the partition I have now and get it ready to be set up for dual booting W7 and Mac OS.

JayDee M Rolly
10-22-2009, 11:09 PM
thanks to school, i got my win 7 pro for free. cant go fucking wrong with win 7, too much win.

10-23-2009, 08:53 AM
I got this email from Microsoft today
We wanted to let you know that we are shipping your order on time.

Due to the tremendous response we've received from the launch of Windows 7, your shipping confirmation e-mail has been slightly delayed. Rest assured that your order is on its way, and there's nothing else you need to do.
But my card hasn't been charged yet... Maybe I'll get lucky and they wont charge me lol

10-23-2009, 09:22 AM
^theres a prgram that will remove the windows 7 beta watermark at the bottom right

Hook it up haha.

Will the RC version still be essentially the same? In other words, am I fine not having to buy the version that's out now?

10-23-2009, 01:26 PM
I got this email from Microsoft today

But my card hasn't been charged yet... Maybe I'll get lucky and they wont charge me lol

I don't have shit yet.

10-23-2009, 01:42 PM
I got my student $30 professional already. I'm on it right now. dual bootin with xp incase i dont stick with it.

used a gparted livecd, made a partition for it, told the .exe to install to there, done. fresh copy.

only problem with not having an actual cd is, i moved the partition after installing and because of that the bootloader took a shit on me. no recovery cd = no way to fix it. used a random beta recovery cd but instead of just fixing my bootloader it fucked up my install somehow.

Had a bunch of driver issues with nvidia being a dick about their laptop cards, but all is fixed now by using the vista driver equivalent of my old xp driver.

Long story short, i actually like it.
Tweaked some shit, got rid of the dumb libraries thing, pin'd a working recycle bin to the taskbar and other little shit and it's all very useful. I'm a sucker for the icon-hover window preview.

10-23-2009, 01:43 PM
Hook it up haha.

Will the RC version still be essentially the same? In other words, am I fine not having to buy the version that's out now?

im still rocking it, you wont be able to use it after some date next year. but at least you got some time til you need to do something. whats your email?

10-24-2009, 02:34 AM
Theres also a win7 beta timebomb bypass. Pretty rad.

10-24-2009, 08:52 PM
Just so you all know,if you use that student download and you have 32 bit vista and going to 64bit professional it won't work off rip. You have to go an extra step.

Here is the thread to the solution.
