View Full Version : Jackie Chan FTO/R32 race

04-09-2003, 11:32 PM
well, i was just flippin through the channels and happened upon a jackie chan movie, started watchin it and realized he was rollin in an FTO and thought sweet, then i realize that he is lining up for a race with a black r32 gt-r, they line up, take off, and start demolishing both the cars!!:eek: the race scene was short, but damn cool, to bad they tore up the cars tho.. movie was called "Thunderbolt" check it out:D

04-09-2003, 11:38 PM
the best part of that movie has got to be the group fight scene in the bath parlor/pachinko parlor. arguably, jackie chan's greatest group fight ever! his best man-to-man fight scene is the one at the end of Who Am I?. that was just frikkin' great!

that movie also had one of my favorite car chases. Evo 4 being chased by Bimmers and other cars. i enjoyed that more than the FTO/R32 race.

04-09-2003, 11:45 PM
that movie also had one of my favorite car chases. Evo 4 being chased by Bimmers and other cars. i enjoyed that more than the FTO/R32 race.

is the evo4 chase before or after the fto/r32 race? the movie is on right now and when i turned it on they were just at the beginning of the fto/r32 race

04-10-2003, 12:54 AM
IIRC the Evo4/BMW chase was from "Who Am I?" as well. Great sequence though. I can only imagine how many cars they went through doing that scene. And are you refering to the 2 on 1 fight on the rooftop from that movie. If so, that one was INCREDIBLE!

04-10-2003, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by nas240man
is the evo4 chase before or after the fto/r32 race? the movie is on right now and when i turned it on they were just at the beginning of the fto/r32 race

Different movies, man.. pay attention. One is Thunderbolt, one is Who Am I?

04-10-2003, 07:13 AM
Different movies, man.. pay attention. One is Thunderbolt, one is Who Am I?

my bad:D

04-10-2003, 08:06 AM
yeah, thunderbolt was great but there was one thing I didn't like at all. I mean, I understand it's a movie and all but the racing and shi% looked like they put it in fast forward. It looked soo damn fake, but I guess I can understand, the movie is old and shi%. Still cool though.

04-10-2003, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by kurissuS13
the best part of that movie has got to be the group fight scene in the bath parlor/pachinko parlor. arguably, jackie chan's greatest group fight ever! his best man-to-man fight scene is the one at the end of Who Am I?. that was just frikkin' great!

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT!!!!
you have to watch jackies REALLY GOOD movies
best group fight? Project A, bar scene!
dragons forever!

the ones released in the USA SUCK!
who am i? can i get a plot please?!

you want TOP grade chan flicks:

project A
dragons forever
drunken master (1 and 2)
miracles (one of my most favorite!)
police story series-except number 4 (mmm maggie cheung!!)

best chan flicks!!

i used to watch TONS of hong kong movies (i have 200 of them in a box at home) so im not talking out of my ass!

04-10-2003, 10:09 AM
Drunken Master and Fearless Hyena RulE!!! I've got both on tape somewhere.

04-10-2003, 10:20 AM
DAMNIT!!! Why does the far-esat get all the good stuff and we get all the second grade CRAP!!! Its true for cars and martial-arts movies.

Ahwell, thank good for importing. The same goes for Jet Li movies as well. His original stuff is 100x better than anything he's done in the US.

04-10-2003, 10:30 AM
haha..yes we get the CRAP. all the chan movies releasedhere are CHOPPED UP (edited) and have a lot of stuff cut or moved around

rumble -hk version VERY different, flows a bit better but still plotless
first strike -didnt lose as much but a few scenese
who am i -i never saw US version
etc etc

jet li?
get HK versions of

Fist of Legend
Once Upon a Time in China (#1 and #2 are best)--Rosamond Kwan!!!!! YUMMY!
Shaolin Temple (first jet li movie-good for fun)
Tai Chi Master (has MIchelle Yeoh)
Fong Sai-Yuk , not my fav but ok movies (1 and 2)
Bodyguard from Beijing, modern movie but some good scenes
High Risk STUPID but funny stupid (intentional) if you watch a lot of HK movies or know alot about the actors lives (other actors) this movie is very funny
Dr. Wai-only good because Rosamond Kwan-HOT!!! :D ;)

04-10-2003, 11:37 AM
AmherstSR20DET, i remember hearing that for the Evo 4 chase, Mitsubishi GAVE Jackie Chan 4 Evo 4's to play with. *drool*

dousan, yea, i haven't watched most of Jackie Chan's HK flicks, but i did see the HK version of Thunderbolt, and i truly enjoyed that fight scene i mentioned. plus, i did say "arguably", so that leaves room for debate.

i did see miracles, tho. i didn't like that one that much. the whole plot of rich Jackie falling in love with the poor Boo, or whatever her name is, didn't get to me. but the fight with that short guy was prty amazing. if i'm talkin bout the wrong movie, lemme kno.

the plot for Who Am I? is Jackie is a elite mitary soldier who loses his memory during a mission in South Africa. he was involved in a scheme to get some secret weapon, and the ppl behind the scheme are out to kill him. a good Jackie movie, horribly dubbed, HK & US, but still enjoyable.

Jet Li HK movies, OMG!!! those are frikkin great!!! only watch his HK movies, those were the BEST!!! u already listed some of his best. Fist Of Legend, i think, was the GREATEST movie he ever did! Fong Sai Yuk 1 & 2 were really good. funny, too. i think u forgot about "My Father Is A Hero", that movie ROCKED!!! even his kid was a martial arts expert. my friends recommend "New Legend Of Shaolin", but i've never watched it.

also said to be good is "Shaolin Soccer". i think that's prty self-explanatory. supposedly, Disney already bought the rights to it and will be releasing it in the US. still, it'd be best to watch the HK version.

i also like "Storm Riders" and "Gen-X Cops". why? cuz i'm trendy like that. plus, Kelly Chen and Jaymee Ong are HOT as hell! mmmhmm... Kelly Chen and Jaymee Ong... ;)

04-10-2003, 12:06 PM
haha..you got me started
when i was 18 and living in santa barbara i would drive to monterey park w/ the HK movie theatre was open adn watch movies for the weekend (3 for the price of 1). that was 5 yeras ago (24 now)

anyways, ive been into HK movies since iw as 15 when i was "The Killer"

kelly is hot. my gf saw her in concert, im so jealous! >_<
when i was in HK earlier this year i saw "Infernal Affairs"
i saw "Shaolin Soccer" in the theater over there last time..good mvie. i have it at home on DVD. :) :) too bad my dvd player broke!!! :(

i did see miracles, tho. i didn't like that one that much. the whole plot of rich Jackie falling in love with the poor Boo, or whatever her name is, didn't get to me. but the fight with that short guy was prty amazing. if i'm talkin bout the wrong movie, lemme kno.

nah wrong movie. this one jackie is a poor guy, helps a mombster as he is dying and he puts jackie incharge of the gang. jackie helps anita mui (singer) and starts up his club and cleans up the gang's act and all. a good story, but there are like 4 or 5 different versions out there. i have 2 of them the longer one. and also a shorter one. i like that movie a lot. slow at times (more of a drama action) but it is funny AND has EXCELLENT (some of the BEST) chan action.

04-10-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
when i was 18 and living in santa barbara i would drive to monterey park w/ the HK movie theatre was open adn watch movies for the weekend (3 for the price of 1). that was 5 yeras ago (24 now)

'Aaron math' rules. 18+5=24!
:D :D :D

Nas240man: no worries!

04-10-2003, 12:53 PM
haha yeah yeah
i always do 23..i forget im 24 most the time (been 24 for 2 months)

04-10-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
... nah wrong movie. this one jackie is a poor guy, helps a mombster as he is dying and he puts jackie incharge of the gang. jackie helps anita mui (singer) and starts up his club and cleans up the gang's act and all. a good story, but there are like 4 or 5 different versions out there. i have 2 of them the longer one. and also a shorter one. i like that movie a lot. slow at times (more of a drama action) but it is funny AND has EXCELLENT (some of the BEST) chan action.

haha, i confused miracles for gorgeous. whoops! :p miracles was aight. i only saw the US version, and it wasn't that great. the HK version is prolly better.

off-subject, has anyone out there seen "Battle Royale"? :D

04-10-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by kurissuS13
off-subject, has anyone out there seen "Battle Royale"? :D

I saw part of it, basically a little before the girl does that very painful thing to that guy :eek: . Pretty good from what I saw, I'll probably dl the entire thing later.

About Thunderbolt, my friend dled it, and watched it, it was pretty good, but I agree the race scenes are very messed up.

But I guess it is because of the time period, in new movies they do the same thing (speeding up the framerate), but better technology these days.

The last race was ruined becuase of thier bad technology, especially when the cars were flipping, i couldn't help but laugh.:D