View Full Version : WTB: s13 coupe or vert shell on east coast

06-20-2009, 11:05 PM
the price depends on the car but im looking for a s13 coupe or convertible rolling chasis, i need no motor no trans, no wiring , no ecu, if its a vert it doesnt need a top.

i want a rolling shell for a project,

car needs to be withing 4 hours driving distance of baltimore md, so most of pa de md va nj and parts of ny, carolina too, fuck it if the cars clean enough ill drive for it,

im looking for one with no rust, and minimal body damage, it doesnt need to have fenders hood or front bumper either. no frame damage.

if interested i have a super clean 93 super hicas hatch to trade, ill be taking everything out of it for the new one, but the car is free of rust, no frame damage, never wrecked.

let me know what you got.

i would really really really prefer a convertable.

thanks, landin

06-21-2009, 09:51 AM
come on people someone has to have something, just post a pic a description and how much you want.

06-21-2009, 01:20 PM
bump bump bump

06-22-2009, 09:04 PM
come on people

06-23-2009, 08:31 AM
Yo I just PMed you :hsdance: