View Full Version : Parents and tuner cars

06-17-2009, 10:43 AM
Anyone else have problems?

Incident 1) The famous "I'm Killing It" Colin Frost special sticker
I threw the sticker on my car before going to a meet a long time ago (the biggest size available). A couple days later my parents notice and say I should take it off because "It has the word 'killing' in it and that can be taken in many bad ways". So I proceed as if they said nothing because I was not about to take off a $20 sticker supporting my friend and his forums. Then about a week passes by and they approach me again with a more threatening message "If you don't take that sticker off you car, we're going to call the cops on you or you can just go find your own place to live". I told them 'I'm killing it' does not mean killing humans or anything dangerous of that matter, I thought it's pretty obvious when put on a tuner car that has a few battle scars.:2f2f:

Incident 2) The rear traction rod hanging from the toe hook
I know a lot of people that like to put fuckin' dolls and shit like that on their tow hooks and hang them. I personally think it's more of a Honda fad, which is why I approve of only 2 things hanging from the toe hook. Any broken suspension parts (in my case a bent to shit stock rear traction rod) or any sign that says "Honda" or "H". Mine was held on by 3 zipties and was very secure. Like usual a few days go by, and they give me shit in that stupid fucking annoying ass voice that everyones parents gotta do at some point in their life "Whaaat is thaat" trying to make me feel stupid. I told them what it was and what had happened and they just kept trying. Then today they told me I have to take that off or once again they will call the cops, or kick me out of the house. They said it was dangerous and it could fly off and kill someone or destroy a car (which is true, if it was barely held on. It's like a bumper held on with zipties, same shit). I make sure this thing is secure everyday I check the zipties. http://i392.photobucket.com/albums/pp10/dataxunknown/IMG_1163.jpg

Should I just find myself somewhere to move out so I can enjoy my fun little things, even though I'm in debt? Or just do as my parents say and take shit off my car. Or even just don't listen to them and let them call the cops or kick me out. (I'm 19, turn 20 in December, and everything is in my name keep in mind).

.Put sticker on car, parents bitched me out for it
.Put rear traction rod hanging from toe hook, parents bitched me out for it
.Parents threaten to kick me out or call the cops on me if I don't take shit off

06-17-2009, 10:47 AM
In the time it took for you to type up this post, you probably could have figured out a solution for yourself. You could have even removed the sticker and arm from the tow hook.

06-17-2009, 10:48 AM
Their house, their rules right? I don't think moving out because of your ride is the smartest thing to be doing if you can't really afford it.

06-17-2009, 10:48 AM
How old are you?

In my opinion, take off the giant sticker. Take off the goofy thing dangling from the back of the car.
Both things are just BEGGING for attention from people.... cops especially.


06-17-2009, 10:48 AM
I voted, and I will see how this turns out.
I am in need of entertainment

06-17-2009, 10:50 AM
I voted, and I will see how this turns out.
I am in need of entertainment
Hahaha, good idea. Sit back and wait. :keke:

06-17-2009, 10:51 AM
meh just take it off they bitch enough already as it is but if they do kick you out do a big ass burnout on the lawn lol

06-17-2009, 10:51 AM
Act like a kid. Get treated like a kid.
Act like an adult. Get treated like an adult.

06-17-2009, 11:02 AM
move out or go to college.
it would be good life experience anyways.
you can't blame the parents, it is their house.

i'd wager something else is going on here.
they prob want you to move out of the house considering your age.
the 'mods' was probably more an excuse than (rather the main reason) for criticism.

have a talk with them, and/or make plans to move out

06-17-2009, 11:04 AM
Until you move out, you're under their thumb. It is what it is man.

You think spending $500+ a month just to keep a sticker and some rubbish hanging from your two hook worth the investment? I don't.

Save yourself the hassle and remove them. I personally think your rents are batshit crazy for wanting to call the cops on you for something so small, and the cops would prolly laugh at them, but you should just relent.

/beating a dead horse

drift freaq
06-17-2009, 11:08 AM
Wow hanging shit from the tow hook. FAD BOY you are! I am killing it sticker? Well if it was strictly a track car maybe but on a street car? I would side with your parents.

I hope you like getting pulled over by cops especially in Anaheim. Sounds like your car is already a cop magnet, but no you just went to increase that likely hood so you can get more tickets. Maybe even get your license suspended.
Wow then if you have not moved out your parents will just straight up kick your dumb ass out.

Ya I called you a dumb ass. Why? You live in Anaheim Hills right next to Anaheim , damn near ground zero for modified importers which means cops look for your ass. Now unless you drive like a granny which I highly doubt you are just asking for trouble. With your current attitude.

Its as bad as running a super loud exhaust and saying fuck them I have a right to run a super loud exhaust. Then you wind up getting a ref ticket and have to part your car. You wind up suffering worse than just having changed out your exhaust to a quite one.

In Otherwords a big fail in a effort to be a rebel.

Your 19 which means though you may be emancipated your still not a real adult i.e. maturity wise you're a kid and acting like one.
You can either be a man and follow your parents rules because you live in their house or move. Though I would say with your current attitude? Moving you will just find yourself getting into trouble with the law.

Sorry but this is the harsh truth. Seen it lots of times before. So you can either take their advice learn from it or fumble down the road.

Oh and in case your wondering I grew up in Palo Alto Ca aka speed trap central and drove a lowered modified Datsun 510 2 door. Yup I was 18-19 and collecting tickets like they were going out of style.

You have a choice, lots of tickets high insurance rates or running a lower profile and staying out of trouble.

Parents are just trying to do their job , which is being parents. Learn to look at what they say and realize they actually have your best interests at heart. Though for the life of you you don't think so I am sure. LOL

06-17-2009, 11:11 AM
Lots of good feedback thanks guys. Brian that line is pretty motivational, makes me want to be all mature like and such.

And they don't want me to move out, they are just very strict on their rules because they work too hard and don't want any problems. I am signed up for college in the fall, but just community college. I'm leaning on the find a better paying job and move out side, not just because the goobers on my car, but for the experience and freedom as well. I still have a cerfew if you can believe it...

And Mario, we'll do that once the house sells.

*Ninja edit after reading drift freaq's response
The only crap I've got from the law was front license plate which I put back on. They told me my exhaust was modified but since I have SR the Apex'i N1 is super quiet and they aren't bugged by it. My car looks fairly stock, just a little beat up. I've driven in front of cops with that thing dangling and no hassel from them. But you are right about my parents house, so their rules. And yes, Anaheim is really bad with cops.

06-17-2009, 11:16 AM
my 52 year old dad has a modded tuner car.

06-17-2009, 11:16 AM
there is a buddy who is overdoing it all the time. i mean hey pink is a trend color, but dude has pink wheels. and drifting is getting big here and he is drifting in streets and what not. what i try to say is, use your head and dont be an attention whore.
its nice to rock stickers and what not, but keep the XXXXL giant oversized ones for the tracks, because hey trackdays are fun right, so why not place some giant funny sticker.
but id keep it classy and subtile for the street :)

06-17-2009, 11:18 AM
take the shit off...ur still young, and broke, and in debt...do you really think getting ur own place would be efficient let alone the righ tmove to take for something so simple and dumb...cmon man

06-17-2009, 11:21 AM
This thread reminds me of like a Chuck E. Cheese commercial or something.
Maybe those new Subway commercials.

I think your parent's are just trying to keep you out of trouble with the police.

drift freaq
06-17-2009, 11:25 AM
Lots of good feedback thanks guys. Brian that line is pretty motivational, makes me want to be all mature like and such.

And they don't want me to move out, they are just very strict on their rules because they work too hard and don't want any problems. I am signed up for college in the fall, but just community college. I'm leaning on the find a better paying job and move out side, not just because the goobers on my car, but for the experience and freedom as well. I still have a cerfew if you can believe it...

And Mario, we'll do that once the house sells.

*Ninja edit after reading drift freaq's response
The only crap I've got from the law was front license plate which I put back on. They told me my exhaust was modified but since I have SR the Apex'i N1 is super quiet and they aren't bugged by it. My car looks fairly stock, just a little beat up. I've driven in front of cops with that thing dangling and no hassel from them. But you are right about my parents house, so their rules. And yes, Anaheim is really bad with cops.

I applaud you here, you're not as much of a dumb ass as you first sounded like. You actually posted a very good thoughtful intelligent analysis of the responses.
Though I still think the whole tow hook thing is rather lame and does draw attention. Always have.
This is not Japan. In Japan they do silly things and its like ok ya. Its like almost expected. More so from girls though. hahahhahahhahahha

06-17-2009, 11:28 AM
Just stop doing stupid shit.
On that note... Time to run a straight pipe.

06-17-2009, 11:32 AM
A. Your parents suck.

B. That shit is gay anyways.

06-17-2009, 11:33 AM
Their house, their rule.

06-17-2009, 11:40 AM
1) instead of removing the sticker completely, think of other words you can write with the letters

2) replace traction rod with donuts.

06-17-2009, 11:48 AM
make the sticker


Dirty Habit
06-17-2009, 11:53 AM
Two for two today on making threads.

You are killing it, son.

06-17-2009, 12:02 PM
Who payes for your insurance? Who paid for the gallon of milk in their refrigerator? Who pays the cable bill? Who pays for the lawn equipment?

Seriously? Take it off and tell them you'll use better judgment in the future. Bring it up in about a week and I'm sure they'll actually listen with the stuff NOT being on your car.

06-17-2009, 12:02 PM
oh God, stupid liberal Cali parents "waaaaaaaaah the word killing is bad WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" PRICELESS!!!!!

i think you should tell them to chill the hell out, but then again, my parents aren't liberal shitheads and they wouldn't bitch about such trivial things, so I really don't know what to do.

EDIT: i am not going to delete what I said, even though it is harshish, but I stand by what I said. Your parents shouldn't worry about trivial things, your a big boy.

06-17-2009, 12:07 PM
Who payes for your insurance? Who paid for the gallon of milk in their refrigerator? Who pays the cable bill? Who pays for the lawn equipment?

Seriously? Take it off and tell them you'll use better judgment in the future. Bring it up in about a week and I'm sure they'll actually listen with the stuff NOT being on your car.

If you read the note before the cliffnotes, it says everything is in my name and such, which also includes insurance that I pay for. And actually I bought the milk in the refrigerator it was on sale, I'm the only one who drinks it. They do pay for the gardener though I'll give you that. But I get your point.

I lol'ed at the donut comment. Might try that just to get on my parents good side again and make them laugh, then eat it off my car when they get home.

And when I told Colin about the sticker, he said that maybe we'll just think of a new line. (This was about a year ago). I'm illing it would make my parents laugh I think, too bad the sticker is already gone.

06-17-2009, 12:09 PM
While my parents hate my car no matter what I do to it, and a sticker or something hanging from the tow hook would not make them hate it any more or less, I would never put that on my car. All of those huge stickers are really cheesy, and so is hanging things from the tow hook, no offense. :)

06-17-2009, 12:10 PM
Act like a kid. Get treated like a kid.
Act like an adult. Get treated like an adult.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things



You know parents are the same

No matter time nor place

They don't understand that us kids

Are going to make some mistakes

So to you other kids all across the land

There's no need to argue

Parents just don't understand

I remember one year

My mom took me school shopping

It was me, my brother, my mom, oh, my pop, and my little sister

All hopped in the car

We headed downtown to the Gallery Mall

My mom started bugging with the clothes she chose

I didn't say nothing at first

I just turned up my nose

She said, "What's wrong? This shirt cost $20"

I said, "Mom, this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar!"

The next half hour was the same old thing

My mother buying me clothes from 1963

And then she lost her mind and did the ultimate

I asked her for Adidas and she bought me Zips!

I said, "Mom, what are you doing, you're ruining my rep"

She said, "You're only sixteen, you don't have a rep yet"

I said, "Mom, let's put these clothes back, please"

She said "no, you go to school to learn not for a fashion show"

I said, "This isn't Sha Na Na, come on Mom, I'm not Bowzer

Mom, please put back the bell-bottom Brady Bunch trousers

But if you don't want to I can live with that but

You gotta put back the double-knit reversible slacks"

She wasn't moved - everything stayed the same

Inevitably the first day of school came

I thought I could get over, I tried to play sick

But my mom said, "No, no way, uh-uh, forget it"

There was nothing I could do, I tried to relax

I got dressed up in those ancient artifacts

And when I walked into school, it was just as I thought

The kids were cracking up laughing at the clothes Mom bought

And those who weren't laughing still had a ball

Because they were pointing and whispering

As I walked down the hall

I got home and told my Mom how my day went

She said, "If they were laughing you don't need them,

"Cause they're not good friends"

For the next six hours I tried to explain to my Mom

That I was gonna have to go through this about 200 more times

So to you other kids all across the land

There's no need to argue

Parents just don't understand

Oh-kay, here's the situation

My parents went away on a week's vacation and

They left the keys to the brand new Porsche

Would they mind?

Umm, well, of course not

I'll just take it for a little spin

And maybe show it off to a couple of friends

I'll just cruise it around the neighborhood

Well, maybe I shouldn't

Yeah, of course I should

Pay attention, here's the thick of the plot

I pulled up to the corner at the end of my block

That's when I saw this beautiful girlie girl walking

I picked up my car phone to perpetrate like I was talking

You should've seen this girl's bodily dimensions

I honked my horn just to get her attention

She said, "Was that for me?"

I said, "Yeah"

She said, "Why?"

I said, "Come on and take a ride with a helluva guy"

She said, "How do I know you're not sick?

You could be some deranged lunatic"

I said, "C'mon toots - my name is the Prince =

Beside, would a lunatic have a Porsche like this?"

She agreed and we were on our way

She was looking very good and so was I, I must say - word

We hit McDonald's, pulled into the drive

We ordered two Big Macs and two large fries with Cokes

She kicked her shoes off onto the floor

She said, "Drive fast, speed turns me on"

She put her hand on my knee, I put my foot on the gas

We almost got whiplash, I took off so fast

The sun roof was open , the music was high

And this girl's hand was steadily moving up my thigh

She had opened up three buttons on her shirt so far

I guess that's why I didn't notice that police car

We're doing ninety in my Mom's new Porsche

And to make this long story short - short

When the cop pulled me over I was scared as hell

I said, "I don't have a license but I drive very well, officer"

I almost had a heart attack that day

Come to find out the girl was a twelve-year-old runaway

I was arrested, the car was impounded

There was no way for me to avoid being grounded

My parents had to come off from vacation to get me

I'd rather be in jail than to have my father hit me

My parents walked in

I got my grip, I said, "Ah, Mom, Dad, how was your trip?"

They didn't speak
I said, "I want to plead my case"

But my father just shoved me in the car by my face

That was a hard ride home, I don't know how I survived

They took turns -

One would beat me while the other one was driving

I can't believe it, I just made a mistake

Well parents are the same no matter time nor place

So to you other kids all across the land

Take it from me

Parents just don't understand

06-17-2009, 12:14 PM
^ <3
(Other version was embed blocked, live ftw)

06-17-2009, 12:21 PM
you can do what ever the hell you want your over 18.... you want to move out get a job quit whining.

06-17-2009, 12:23 PM
You seem super immature.

I think your dad should have beat you more or something.

06-17-2009, 12:32 PM
Wow hanging shit from the tow hook. FAD BOY you are! I am killing it sticker? Well if it was strictly a track car maybe but on a street car? I would side with your parents.

I hope you like getting pulled over by cops especially in Anaheim. Sounds like your car is already a cop magnet, but no you just went to increase that likely hood so you can get more tickets. Maybe even get your license suspended.
Wow then if you have not moved out your parents will just straight up kick your dumb ass out.

Ya I called you a dumb ass. Why? You live in Anaheim Hills right next to Anaheim , damn near ground zero for modified importers which means cops look for your ass. Now unless you drive like a granny which I highly doubt you are just asking for trouble. With your current attitude.

Its as bad as running a super loud exhaust and saying fuck them I have a right to run a super loud exhaust. Then you wind up getting a ref ticket and have to part your car. You wind up suffering worse than just having changed out your exhaust to a quite one.

In Otherwords a big fail in a effort to be a rebel.

Your 19 which means though you may be emancipated your still not a real adult i.e. maturity wise you're a kid and acting like one.
You can either be a man and follow your parents rules because you live in their house or move. Though I would say with your current attitude? Moving you will just find yourself getting into trouble with the law.

Sorry but this is the harsh truth. Seen it lots of times before. So you can either take their advice learn from it or fumble down the road.

Oh and in case your wondering I grew up in Palo Alto Ca aka speed trap central and drove a lowered modified Datsun 510 2 door. Yup I was 18-19 and collecting tickets like they were going out of style.

You have a choice, lots of tickets high insurance rates or running a lower profile and staying out of trouble.

Parents are just trying to do their job , which is being parents. Learn to look at what they say and realize they actually have your best interests at heart. Though for the life of you you don't think so I am sure. LOL


06-17-2009, 12:39 PM
im with your parents on this one

the sticker is super trendy and lame
that whole hanging shit from the tow hook is super lame and i guess if it did fly off it could hurt someone.

if i was your parents i wouldent tell you to take that shit off, i would just bitch slap you :2c:

06-17-2009, 12:43 PM
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things


i wanna say...Hackers....

06-17-2009, 12:43 PM
their problem is probably that it's obvious that you're a 19 year old maniac behind the wheel and the stupid shit you do to your car is just drawing additional attention.

Dirty Habit
06-17-2009, 12:45 PM

06-17-2009, 12:46 PM




Like a boss.

06-17-2009, 12:48 PM
i wanna say...Hackers....

there is no good and bad; only fun and boring

06-17-2009, 12:57 PM
well your parents are pretty lame being gay about the situation, its not like either is a big deal. i moved out because my parents were being gay but i could afford it. so its up to you.

06-17-2009, 01:02 PM
Your parents are being gay.


06-17-2009, 01:03 PM
If you're in debt, do what your parents say and live with them until you can get yourself out of debt. Get out of debt FAST, then move out.

That said, they're whining about stupid shit. I can see them getting angry if you were annoying them and the neighbors with a loud-ass test pipe or if you had a ZOMGFASTHP car that they thought you were going to kill yourself in....but stickers and stupid fad shit? That sounds unreasonable to me, from a parenting standpoint.

But still, their house, their rules. Do what they say, get out of debt, move out, and do whatever you want.

Being out of the house and self-supporting is golden. You'd be surprised how much your parents loosen up once you're getting successful. I'm 27, I own my house, I'm married, I work in real estate finance, parents have zero leverage on me, and our relationship is fantastic. Part of their anxiety probably stems from the fact that you haven't proven that you're capable of making it on your own yet. Once your remove all doubts, the relationship will improve.

06-17-2009, 01:14 PM
ive been living on my own since i was 18, since then ive had 8 cars, with nobody to tell me what to do, but i dont want a huge sticker or a bent suspension part on my bumper, as you mature your style will progress and you want that shit anyways.

living on your own is a pain in the dick, unless you can find a room somewhere for like $300 i say stay with your parents and make your car look classy, keep the gaudy shit off.

06-17-2009, 01:34 PM
If your in school I'd say take it off just cause your parents asked you to. Your living at home and you gotta pay the price. accept their reasonable rules.

Besides something hanging from your tow hook is just asking for a LEO. Out of all the people who posted how many are actual parent's?

drift freaq
06-17-2009, 01:35 PM

because you're a mental midget. LOL got you again.

06-17-2009, 02:20 PM
Take that fucking dumb slab of metal off of the back of your car.

What are you going to do when the zipties break and it goes flying into someone person/car?

I know if my car was hit by your shit, I would beat your ass then take your cash to pay for it.

Your car isn't, "killing" anything other than my eyes.

Your car looks stock and the only thing it's, "killing" is peoples respect for you.

Grow up and listen to your parents.

06-17-2009, 02:42 PM
You should cover the 'I'M KILLING IT' with a SEXY PANTS or JIMMY UP sticker.

06-17-2009, 03:12 PM
your parents will NOT kick you out because of a sticker on your car

they're pussies and you should stop taking what they say so serious

don't let them test your patience, TEST THEIRS

06-17-2009, 04:18 PM
You should cover the 'I'M KILLING IT' with a SEXY PANTS or JIMMY UP sticker.

this. :ddog:

06-17-2009, 04:19 PM
You would put an "I'm Killing It" sticker on your car.

You hang metal pieces of your rear tow hook.

You would leave the nest because of not being able to carry those two NEEDS out.

You're in debt while living with the fam.

I'm sorry but you're not cut out to live in the real world just quite yet.

06-17-2009, 04:32 PM
lol at wanting to move out over a sticker and tow hook decoration. lame ones at that.

06-17-2009, 05:18 PM
because your a mental midget. LOL got you again.

my a mental midget

06-17-2009, 05:19 PM

Take the stupid sticker and stupid tow hook decoration off and listen to your parents for once.

06-17-2009, 05:22 PM
1. im killing it sticker.
2. ????????????
3. PROFIT!!!

^this makes more sense then the original poster.

06-17-2009, 05:22 PM
just take it off and end tha drama

drift freaq
06-17-2009, 05:28 PM
my a mental midget

Ah Busted does not want to rise to the occasion. His mind must be Busted just like his car. LOL

Like I should talk with my car in the paint shop. LOL hahahhahaha

06-17-2009, 05:37 PM
your parents will NOT kick you out because of a sticker on your car

they're pussies and you should stop taking what they say so serious

don't let them test your patience, TEST THEIRS

Soap, I feel the same way. Maybe we're a product of our environment, but...

Everybody else who posted in this thread needs to grow a pair. Just tell your parents what they want to hear but never do it, or just straight up tell them to fuck off. They can bitch all they want, but they won't do shit when push comes to shove.

I agree that I don't like the style and think the bent suspension thing is retarded, but you do what you want and don't worry about what your parents think about it. They'll get over it.

Just keep out of trouble and be a "good kid" when it matters.

Screw them its your car do what you want

drift freaq
06-17-2009, 05:45 PM
Soap, I feel the same way. Maybe we're a product of our environment, but...

Everybody else who posted in this thread needs to grow a pair. Just tell your parents what they want to hear but never do it, or just straight up tell them to fuck off. They can bitch all they want, but they won't do shit when push comes to shove.

I agree that I don't like the style and think the bent suspension thing is retarded, but you do what you want and don't worry about what your parents think about it. They'll get over it.

Just keep out of trouble and be a "good kid" when it matters.

LOL you contradict yourself in this post. First you say he and everyone else needs to grow a pair and talk back or talk shit to their parents. Then you say keep out of trouble and be a good kid. LOL

Last time I checked following parents rules and not talking back to them was being a good kid. Not to say we either did it , or in case of some do it.

Though to openly advocate challenging them? Is like shear insolence on a major level.
You must be a real dick to your parents. I pity them.

Ya have a shitty relationship with your parents by talking back to them and not putting up with their shit?
Fuck, they put up with your punk ass shit for 18-20 years of their lives! Who the fuck are you, to think you are so much better than them?

Unless they beat you on daily basis, you have a real weak point here and seriously need to be put in check.

You are seriously full of yourself young man.

06-17-2009, 05:53 PM
............Incident 2) The rear traction rod hanging from the toe hook I know a lot of people that like to put fuckin' dolls and shit like that on their tow hooks and hang them. I personally think it's more of a Honda fad, which is why I approve of only 2 things hanging from the toe hook. Any broken suspension parts (in my case a bent to shit stock rear traction rod) or any sign that says "Honda" or "H".........

I thought it was a Japanese gangster thing..... I'm not sure if they still do it, but that's where it came from.

Koopa Troopa
06-17-2009, 05:56 PM
I disagree with the majority of people. If the sticker and tow hook fanboyism means something to him then let him have it. His parents won't stop the complaining after he takes it off. They'll find something else to nag about.

What logical thinking person finds it ok to call the cops cause your son is exercising his 1st amendment rights? Let them call the cops, worst case scenario they'll be charged with wasting emergency response resources, best case scenario the cops will tell them to fuck off.

06-17-2009, 05:58 PM
LOL you contradict yourself in this post. First you say he and everyone else needs to grow a pair and talk back or talk shit to their parents. Then you say keep out of trouble and be a good kid. LOL

Last time I checked following parents rules and not talking back to them was being a good kid. Not to say we either did it , or in case of some do it.

Though to openly advocate challenging them? Is like shear insolence on a major level.
You must be a real dick to your parents. I pity them.

Ya have a shitty relationship with your parents by talking back to them and not putting up with their shit?
Fuck, they put up with your punk ass shit for 18-20 years of their lives! Who the fuck are you, to think you are so much better than them?

Unless they beat you on daily basis, you have a real weak point here and seriously need to be put in check.

You are seriously full of yourself young man.

i'll actually agree on this one. if you live with your parents you need to shut the fuck up and deal with their rules. especially when they make sense (e.g. don't make your car look like a bigger piece of shit than it is and then park it in their driveway).

fucking hoodlums

06-17-2009, 06:19 PM
your a fucking moron, your parents see this and are trying to help you. its kinda their job although i as well as them, believe that you should probably already matured beyond the point that they would need to tell you this

06-17-2009, 06:30 PM
tell em you knocked up your girlfriend.

06-17-2009, 07:03 PM
My parent's told me back then, quit wasting money on something that depreciates. I should have listened to them, but oh well it's all too late for that now.

Koopa Troopa
06-17-2009, 07:34 PM
My parent's told me back then, quit wasting money on something that depreciates. I should have listened to them, but oh well it's all too late for that now.

+ rep for user name. M-Flo is fucking dope...

06-17-2009, 07:43 PM
why would you everr put a sticker that size on a car you daily drive. and why have trash hanging from the back off your car. your parents are right. take that shit off. it pretty stupid. especially hanging shit from your tow hook.

06-17-2009, 07:48 PM
what is a "Tuner Car"
i fucking hate that term.
You sound like a Dumbass Fanboi.

06-17-2009, 07:50 PM
Man its a sticker and a part. Its not that big of a deal. take the shit of, going to fucking college or get a job. Otherwise stop bitchin about what parents do. Its their house, they are letting you stay even though you are about to be 20.

Most parents would be charging rent by now.

06-17-2009, 07:54 PM
Act like an adult. Get treated like an adult.

That right there is the win button.

Simple as that.

06-17-2009, 08:12 PM
Yo man cut that ricer shitake out... Does it make you feel special...Listen i left when i was 18 and it hasnt been a cake walk but it sure has been an eye opener let your baseballs drop and man up...

06-17-2009, 08:14 PM
Just listen to what they say man.

i've been out of my parents house for about a year now.
im moving back in by the end of the month. truth is ..
having a little extra freedom, or being able to do whatever
the hell you want is not worth more than free living. and if
you hit a bump on the road .. you best believe your parent's
will give you that," ohh .. i thought you could make it on your
own speech" which in return will make you just feel shitty about

stay in the pack.
listen to what they say.
and if you, for some tard reason decide to move out.
make sure your job is paying you enough to live on your

cant wait to move back in.


06-17-2009, 08:49 PM
giant sticker on the front..yeaa .no

hanging broken parts from the back end. trashy imo.

your parents just dont want to see you ruin your car.

06-17-2009, 09:22 PM
You must be a real dick to your parents. I pity them.

You are seriously full of yourself young man.

I guess my problem is that I always exaggerate things a lot, and that doesn't really come across as obvious on the interwebs. I have a great relationship with my parents, and have nothing but love for them, just for the record. Don't think I'm a dick to them.

By tell them to fuck off, I didnt mean that literally. Tell them it's your car, you paid for it, you pay to drive it, and its not hurting anybody nor will it hurt anybody. You don't tell them what color to paint their house. It's a small issue, and it will go away if you keep putting it on the backburner. Things like this dont ever come to a head, back when I was young(er) and stupid(er) my parents caught me with a couple of Vicodins. They demanded to know who I bought it from, and threatened to call the cops when I wouldn't tell them. Long story short, I never narc'd and they never called the cops, though I did have a good long grounding.

They won't call the cops on you, and they won't kick you out, unless there are serious underlying issues. Just point out how petty this issue is compared to the trouble you could get into, and hopefully you have been good enough that they would give you leeway. It's not hurting anybody.

06-17-2009, 09:23 PM
Fuck 'em.

They should be more concerned about you going to school instead of what's on your car.

As long as you're trying to better yourself (which is what most parents would like of their children) I don't see why the fuck they should care about your hobby.

Uh... Before I start to sound like an ass... Is the car in your name? Do you pay for your own car insurance?

06-17-2009, 09:30 PM
you know its tow hook right?

06-17-2009, 09:31 PM
stop putting stupid shit on your car.. once you mature out, you will realize how stupid it looks.

jus cuz some drifters put "im killin it" doesnt mean u have to do it.
jus because some fruitcakes like to put things on their tow hooks, doesnt mean you ahve to do it.

I applaud your parents for trying to set you straight. Seriously, my folks where into cars so it influences me to go towards simple clean looks and things that are pleasing to the eye rather than trend following "me against the world" crap that you see now a days on the forum.

One guy does something, and 50 million dudes will say its cool...doesnt make it cool, just means those 50 million dudes are horribly influenced ..

I wont hate a dude who has mismatched panels, cuz ive been there, and currently goin thru that with my rx7, but ill hate a dude whos puttin stupid tasteless non-performance related shit on their car like crazy exhaust tips sticking way out, and other american 240 trend shit like that.

06-17-2009, 09:54 PM
stop putting stupid shit on your car.. once you mature out, you will realize how stupid it looks.

jus cuz some drifters put "im killin it" doesnt mean u have to do it.
jus because some fruitcakes like to put things on their tow hooks, doesnt mean you ahve to do it.

I applaud your parents for trying to set you straight. Seriously, my folks where into cars so it influences me to go towards simple clean looks and things that are pleasing to the eye rather than trend following "me against the world" crap that you see now a days on the forum.

One guy does something, and 50 million dudes will say its cool...doesnt make it cool, just means those 50 million dudes are horribly influenced ..

I wont hate a dude who has mismatched panels, cuz ive been there, and currently goin thru that with my rx7, but ill hate a dude whos puttin stupid tasteless non-performance related shit on their car like crazy exhaust tips sticking way out, and other american 240 trend shit like that.

So it's only cool if you say it is?

Cool. I think...

Koopa Troopa
06-17-2009, 10:01 PM
Seriously though, I don't see the nagging ending. Their plan is to just nag you out of the house. Fix the problems and they'll find something else to bitch about until eventually they're just straight up telling you to move out.

06-17-2009, 10:07 PM
Seriously though, I don't see the nagging ending. Their plan is to just nag you out of the house. Fix the problems and they'll find something else to bitch about until eventually they're just straight up telling you to move out.
I rarely agreed with Koopa, but.... QFT.

Sure, that sticker is stupid, and has no place being on a stock(ish) car, and the traction rod is dumb, but the way his parents handled it by threatening to call the cops over a sticker or a piece of trash shows a huge lack of maturity, and possibly intelligence, on their behalf.

Usually, I'd stick with the "parent's house, parent's rules" thing, but in this case, they seem like they're going a bit overboard.

Koopa Troopa
06-17-2009, 10:13 PM
I rarely agreed with Koopa, but.... QFT.

I find it amusing how I can dig up multiple posts of you agreeing with me all starting with, "I rarely agreed with Koopa, but":D

06-17-2009, 10:17 PM
let's be honest. he's 19. he overreacted and blew what they said out of proportion. they were probably like "hey don't park that piece of fuck in our driveway, it sucks", and he took it as they were going to call the cops and kick him out.

Vision Garage
06-17-2009, 10:20 PM
TAKE THAT SHIT OFF DUMBASS! Be glad your parents are supporting you!

06-17-2009, 10:20 PM
metal kills people, stuffed cute toys dont. :)

if i saw a piece of death metal (no pun intended) hanging from that high ass car.. i would lol :)
and think less of you, as opposed to it being left along.

just dont do it.

clean is the new cool :)

06-17-2009, 10:22 PM
I find it amusing how I can dig up multiple posts of you agreeing with me all starting with, "I rarely agreed with Koopa, but":D
I can only think of two, but I'm not about to dig through and find more. :ddog:

06-17-2009, 10:22 PM
your protected under the first amendment so don't trip

06-17-2009, 11:50 PM
Dis thread is great soo far...

I have to say Im on ur parents side...Even tho I hate it whe my parents do that...They think my cars too low..and I just lower it some more..HAHA! (its not that low)

But the sticker is gettin trendy...and the thing hangin off the tow hook..IDK what to say about that..HAHA! I did something similar once too...

06-17-2009, 11:56 PM
Dis thread is great soo far...

I have to say Im on ur parents side...Even tho I hate it whe my parents do that...They think my cars too low..and I just lower it some more..HAHA! (its not that low)

But the sticker is gettin trendy...and the thing hangin off the tow hook..IDK what to say about that..HAHA! I did something similar once too...

I have to say Im on your parents side...Even though I hate it when my parents do that.They think my cars too low, and I just lowered it some more..HAHA! (its not that low).

But the sticker is getting trendy...and the thing hangin off the tow hook..IDK what to say about that..HAHA! I did something similar once too...

Stop trying to dumb us all down.


EDz s14
06-18-2009, 02:26 AM
^^^Tako, your car IS too low.....

JK.... :rofl:

06-18-2009, 02:36 AM
I have to say Im on your parents side...Even though I hate it when my parents do that.They think my cars too low, and I just lowered it some more..HAHA! (its not that low).

But the sticker is getting trendy...and the thing hangin off the tow hook..IDK what to say about that..HAHA! I did something similar once too...

Stop trying to dumb us all down.


i like the cut of your jib. p.s.

I have to say, I'm on your parents' side, even though I hate it when my parents do that. They think my car's too low; I just lowered it some more. Ha! Ha! (It's not that low.)
But, the sticker is getting trendy, and the thing hanging off the tow hook- I don't know what to say about that. Ha! Ha! I did something similar once, too.
:l101: :l101:

06-18-2009, 02:57 AM
Busteds13 killed it.

06-18-2009, 04:18 AM
This thread is epic.

I'm a grown up, and have grown up disputes with my parents. We disagree, and that's that - there's no "well I'm going to try and pull some crap to make you agree with me" from either side.

Then again, I've been out of both parents' houses for like 8 years, and in and out of the military. Brian hit the nail on the head - "Act like an adult, get treated like an adult" - it doesn't happen right away, but if you start acting/thinking further ahead and putting everything in perspective (small nags should just roll off your back, don't let it get to you!), they'll respect you more.

... and respect is the name of the game.

I got kicked out at the end of high school, and it wasn't until we all realized that I didn't "need" my parents that I started to have the great relationship I have with them now.

For the record, your sticker/amazing number of zip ties/tow hook crap make an already beat car look worse, and your parents sound annoying and irrational.

06-18-2009, 04:42 AM
Ok, it's really getting me mad that everyone is saying my parents are "supporting" me. I had to pay rent all of last year because I didn't go to school, I buy food for my parents sometimes, I payed for my school dances and my cross country and track fees, as well as my clothes (still wear my clothes from freshman year of high school, plus some handmedowns from the brothers). A lot of posts popped up over today and I have an update. After taking off the traction rod (the sticker has been off for awhile now), my dad mentioned how I shouldn't even park in front of our house anymore because of my tires! I have 3 excellent tires, and one running on steel baldness.

A lot of shit happened today with cerfew and my parents and all that. All I could do was not say shit and just walk away.

And whomever posted the comment about the term "tuner cars", "tuner cars" refers to any cars that are most commonly tuned and modified.

Personally, I like the phrase "I'm killing it" and it's also in support of Shift-lock.net for those of you who don't know Colin Frost. Yes it is my daily, and yes it does look stockish. Being broke all the time does that to you. It is my daily/track/beater car.

But nonetheless I took the shit off my car, now I'm getting complaints about my tire, and my cerfew is just after midnight which I broke by a small amount today. Right now I'm following the best advice I've recieved from this thread and that was, get out of debt fast and move out.

I just wanna make it clear I don't wanna move out just because those two incidents but much more.

06-18-2009, 05:06 AM

oh wait, you did.

Abide by their rules, live life, be happy (to an extent).

06-18-2009, 05:28 AM
I guess my problem is that I always exaggerate things a lot, and that doesn't really come across as obvious on the interwebs. I have a great relationship with my parents, and have nothing but love for them, just for the record. Don't think I'm a dick to them.

By tell them to fuck off, I didnt mean that literally. Tell them it's your car, you paid for it, you pay to drive it, and its not hurting anybody nor will it hurt anybody. You don't tell them what color to paint their house. It's a small issue, and it will go away if you keep putting it on the backburner. Things like this dont ever come to a head, back when I was young(er) and stupid(er) my parents caught me with a couple of Vicodins. They demanded to know who I bought it from, and threatened to call the cops when I wouldn't tell them. Long story short, I never narc'd and they never called the cops, though I did have a good long grounding.

They won't call the cops on you, and they won't kick you out, unless there are serious underlying issues. Just point out how petty this issue is compared to the trouble you could get into, and hopefully you have been good enough that they would give you leeway. It's not hurting anybody.

perfect in everyway

06-18-2009, 07:01 AM
This now seems like you and your folks have always had a dysfunctional relationship and you should have been long gone.
It seems that now you're either being frozen out because it is time to cut the strings, or they're trying to preserve what property value they have left, assuming that they own and do not rent the house. Having a car that looks to be broke to shit, even if it runs, in front of a house is as damning to the property value as things like unkempt lawns and broken shudders and such, that is why some apartment complexes are so funny about those things.

The way you make it sound, though, they need your money (which is weird, considering your claims of debt) and your moving out would be as financially crippling to them as it would be you.

If your situation is as bad as you make it out to be, I strongly suggest a second or better-paying first job and get the fuck out of there. Perhaps you will find that you not being under their thumbs and their rules and purported bullshit will strengthen your relationship with your folks. You're young yet, and still don't seem to want to concede that you might be at all culpable in this situation though, so expect the estrangement to last some months, maybe years.

Koopa Troopa
06-18-2009, 07:09 AM
But nonetheless I took the shit off my car, now I'm getting complaints about my tire

Oh man, did I not call it?

06-18-2009, 09:13 AM
This now seems like you and your folks have always had a dysfunctional relationship and you should have been long gone.
It seems that now you're either being frozen out because it is time to cut the strings, or they're trying to preserve what property value they have left, assuming that they own and do not rent the house. Having a car that looks to be broke to shit, even if it runs, in front of a house is as damning to the property value as things like unkempt lawns and broken shudders and such, that is why some apartment complexes are so funny about those things.

The way you make it sound, though, they need your money (which is weird, considering your claims of debt) and your moving out would be as financially crippling to them as it would be you.

If your situation is as bad as you make it out to be, I strongly suggest a second or better-paying first job and get the fuck out of there. Perhaps you will find that you not being under their thumbs and their rules and purported bullshit will strengthen your relationship with your folks. You're young yet, and still don't seem to want to concede that you might be at all culpable in this situation though, so expect the estrangement to last some months, maybe years.

May I add to this, if the option to go to school is available please take it.

Vision Garage
06-18-2009, 12:10 PM
You guys seriously need to have a family conversation. Put all the cards on the table and then figure out what needs to be done after that. I doubt you are ready to move out.

06-18-2009, 12:16 PM
Just come straight out and ask them what their real problem with you is.

06-18-2009, 12:17 PM
Take your one sticker off and get one that say "GOT FUCT". That is whatI did when my neighbors were all pissed at me for working on cars. I had it on my rear window and parked my car right in front of there house so they had to see it. It was pretty funny but then again my parents were cool with it.

06-18-2009, 01:27 PM
No my parents and I have been on decent terms with each other just like most familys. They just made this mistake of buying a decent size house in a nice area that they couldn't really afford too well (now trying to sell). So once I got a job (freshman year of high school) they pretty much said I have a job now so I should start paying for my things. I didn't climb into debt until I bought this damn 240 like a lot of us haha. It's not crazy debt like some people would think, just under $2k. They are simply just "really strict parents".

Another job, here I come. Again thanks for a lot of the good feedback.

06-18-2009, 01:47 PM
I beat if his parents spanked him, this thread would not have existed.

06-18-2009, 02:07 PM
Is your name Chad?

06-18-2009, 02:19 PM
Chad Vader?

06-18-2009, 03:26 PM
Take your one sticker off and get one that say "GOT FUCT". That is whatI did when my neighbors were all pissed at me for working on cars. I had it on my rear window and parked my car right in front of there house so they had to see it. It was pretty funny but then again my parents were cool with it.

how old are you

06-18-2009, 03:34 PM
how old are you


06-18-2009, 05:26 PM

I used to love those kinds of songs.

learning/random visual songs.

06-18-2009, 06:24 PM
heres my take. your sticker is kinda stupid. the thing hanging off the back is even more stupid.

on the other hand, your parents sound like looney toons. best of luck with your situation.

06-18-2009, 06:54 PM
your parents sound like looney toons.

At least they have better taste than he does.


06-18-2009, 07:27 PM

06-18-2009, 07:29 PM
ok how about this, just let them know that right now your car shouldnt be of any concern, your on a budget so making your car pretty or getting a new car isnt really what your looking at doing, and that you will take care of the tire eventually, and that you feel more comfortable parking in the driveway since these cars are becoming popular with theft *hopefully that doesnt backfire and they tell you to get rid of it lol*.

im working full time, still at home right now, and im still gettin hassled for my messy room at the moment, you would think they would understand that upkeeping your room all the time is one of the last concerns u got while your trying to better yourself. etc. I tonight imma get bitched at, cuz my door was open when i got home from work..

Your out working, contributing, trying to live and build yourself up, last of anyones concerns should be your belongings, be it room or car etc..

06-18-2009, 08:10 PM
Just take the sticker off. Move the fuck out, then put the sticker back on after you move out but get a smaller size decal tho..


06-18-2009, 08:13 PM
Is your name Chad?

I think he said it was Brad.

06-18-2009, 08:20 PM
i see flames
seriously, the responsible thing to do (unfortunately in your case) is to just listen to your parents for now, because paying bills is a bitch dude, not trying to bag on you but you will definitely save yourself a LOT of money if you dont move out...
your parents sound pretty annoying IMO (politically correct liberals?) but its just one of those things you have to bear for a while. we all go through it.
in my case, my parents were poor as hell so i was paying for everything i had at the age of 13 ish...and i ended up getting a job at a summer camp and have been working my ass off for a living ever since - which was good, because it taught me to be fiscally aware (thats right suckas)

06-18-2009, 08:40 PM
Yeah bro.

Fuck those Liberals.

Be takin your guns and bbq's away.

06-18-2009, 08:44 PM
Yeah bro.

Fuck those Liberals.

Be takin your guns and bbq's away.

lol. i know right

06-18-2009, 09:44 PM
how old are you

31 like it says

06-18-2009, 10:23 PM
31 like it says

Wow, you're still alive? hahaha.

Haven't heard/seen you in hella days.

06-18-2009, 10:52 PM
sound like asian parents hehe... but yeah, take 'em off. Don't rebel.
i get the same crap and im 20+....my dad got mad at me because i drive a 93 hatch, he said its not safe to drive an old car especially on the freeway. i still have my car though cause i don't live with him. hehe my house my rules. lololol

06-18-2009, 11:18 PM
Those damn parents and their tuner cars.

06-18-2009, 11:22 PM
just take it off, milk your parents while you still have their pity as "their kid."

Koopa Troopa
06-18-2009, 11:27 PM
my dad got mad at me because i drive a 93 hatch, he said its not safe to drive an old car especially on the freeway. l

You dad sounds pretty uneducated.

06-18-2009, 11:36 PM
1. the "IM KILLING IT" sticker is retarded (sorry.. but it is) pull it off for that reason alone.

2. hanging a traction rod from a tow hook is retarded. pull it off for that reason alone.

3. your parents are retarded. if i were a cop and was called to a house because some parents dont like a sticker on their kids car id shoot them.

this thread sucks.

06-18-2009, 11:38 PM
I cant believe you are even contemplating on this subject.. let me weight the options here, hmmm, option one, I take off the dangling crap on the tow hook(which is potientially dangerious no matter how often you check you zip ties), and remove my sticker and stay at yo momma's house.. or option two, screw parents, leave the house so i can enjoy the lil things..

hmm, analyzing. yeah, you can enjoy the lil things in life when you move out, but then you gotta worry about the big things, like rent, job, etc. you think you can still enjoy the lil things when you got the real things to worry about? you should be thankful that your parents still allow you to stay at their place. you have any idea how many years your parents had to sacrifice their time, money, sleepless nights, and hard work to get you to where you are right now, and you just say screw them they dont let you have fun??? you crazy?? if you parents said to each other, screw it. im tired of working im just gonna give this kid up coz i want to enjoy the little things in life!! where would you be! damn!

If you problem is just you want to keep your sticker and your tow hook have something dangling on it.. you should try living in a 3rd world country where you actually worry about if you will go another day with out food. let's see if you can still think about what you are thinking now..

06-19-2009, 09:20 AM
I would bet a million dollars that I do not have against a bucket of shit that NEITHER of the following posters read this thread beyond the first post before responding.

1. the "IM KILLING IT" sticker is retarded (sorry.. but it is) pull it off for that reason alone.

2. hanging a traction rod from a tow hook is retarded. pull it off for that reason alone.

3. your parents are retarded. if i were a cop and was called to a house because some parents dont like a sticker on their kids car id shoot them.

this thread sucks.

I cant believe you are even contemplating on this subject.. let me weight the options here, hmmm, option one, I take off the dangling crap on the tow hook(which is potientially dangerious no matter how often you check you zip ties), and remove my sticker and stay at yo momma's house.. or option two, screw parents, leave the house so i can enjoy the lil things..

hmm, analyzing. yeah, you can enjoy the lil things in life when you move out, but then you gotta worry about the big things, like rent, job, etc. you think you can still enjoy the lil things when you got the real things to worry about? you should be thankful that your parents still allow you to stay at their place. you have any idea how many years your parents had to sacrifice their time, money, sleepless nights, and hard work to get you to where you are right now, and you just say screw them they dont let you have fun??? you crazy?? if you parents said to each other, screw it. im tired of working im just gonna give this kid up coz i want to enjoy the little things in life!! where would you be! damn!

If you problem is just you want to keep your sticker and your tow hook have something dangling on it.. you should try living in a 3rd world country where you actually worry about if you will go another day with out food. let's see if you can still think about what you are thinking now..

06-19-2009, 09:03 PM
I would bet a million dollars that I do not have against a bucket of shit that NEITHER of the following posters read this thread beyond the first post before responding.

You could safely bet that about half of the people who posted after me last page as well.

06-20-2009, 01:46 AM
You could safely bet that about half of the people who posted after me last page as well.

12 of 26 posts to be exact, but some people who HAD caught it posted more than twice, so we're both right, I guess

06-20-2009, 08:08 AM
12 of 26 posts to be exact, but some people who HAD caught it posted more than twice, so we're both right, I guess

Sad part is more likely than not it will continue despite our previous posts.

06-20-2009, 11:35 AM
take off broken suspension crap

keep sticker

give em a hug

06-20-2009, 05:16 PM
Sad part is more likely than not it will continue despite our previous posts.

Sad is that you and I can continue to volley this and posts like the one above this one will continue to pop up until I finally lose it and lock the thread.
Perhaps the OP will, being a premium member and all.

06-20-2009, 05:18 PM
Sad is that you and I can continue to volley this and posts like the one above this one will continue to pop up until I finally lose it and lock the thread.
Perhaps the OP will, being a premium member and all.
Don't hold your breath on that

06-21-2009, 05:43 PM
your parents suck. so do mine. but its their house, their rules. if you want to make life for yourself harder, then by all means move out but in your situation, just do what they say. its not like they're telling you to sell the 240 and get a corolla or something

06-21-2009, 06:49 PM
Don't hold your breath on that

Damn, predicting these things is getting SIMPLE, isn't it?

06-21-2009, 07:27 PM
Damn, predicting these things is getting SIMPLE, isn't it?

You two are making this shit hilarious.

06-21-2009, 07:30 PM
You two are making this shit hilarious.

5 bucks says that someone else posts in this thread after obviously ignoring all the posts in it before it is all closed.
Me and you, nobody else...
You in?

06-21-2009, 07:36 PM
YouTube - DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Parents Just Don't Understand (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O4sSZc2WCU)

06-21-2009, 07:52 PM
Hahaha I wouldn't even take that bet. I know all too well.

06-22-2009, 08:43 AM
Haha ok ok, I honestly just wanted to see if there would be anymore interesting flaming. It twaz a great thread and I grew more mature because of it. Made up with the parents and told them I'll stop the ghetto shit and respect their house and the neighborhood.