View Full Version : Captain America..... Not dead? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa......................

06-16-2009, 05:03 PM
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Captain America alter-ego returns (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8102532.stm)

Captain America alter-ego returns

Superhero alter-ego Steve Rogers - the original Captain America - is to come back from the dead in a new five-part Marvel Comic series.

The first part of Captain America Reborn will be out in the US on 1 July, but its makers will not say how Rogers will come back to life.
Rogers was apparently shot and killed in 2007 on the steps of a courthouse.

Since then, the 68-year-old series has continued with Rogers' sidekick Bucky Barnes taking on the superhero mantle.

The superhero was first thought up to help encourage patriotic feeling during World War II.

Executive editor Tom Brevoort said: "He hasn't just been lying in a cold grave for these many months."

He revealed that there are some fans who are not keen to see the return of Rogers.

"Right this second, it's kind of a split," he said.

"When Steve was first killed, there was great outcry. But then as Bucky has taken over as Cap - and has sort of struggled to fill those big shoes - a lot of our readers have really taken to him as a character."

The Captain America magazine is sold in 75 countries.

I hate Marvel so much these days. Discuss.

06-16-2009, 06:15 PM
It was bound to happen. EVERY character that dies gets reborn somehow...

sad but true.

06-16-2009, 07:07 PM
Anyone remember the live action Captain America movies?

06-16-2009, 07:10 PM
you know, i've pretty much switched to DC at this point. i still read Punisher but it sucks now. but other than that, fuck marvel. and nobody cares about cap anyway, it's a lame character
DC pulled the same shit in the early 90's (death of superman and batman knightfall), but they did it well. and i always thought DC was more of a pussy imprint, but that was just because i never checked out Vertigo, which is stuffed with gold.

the only Marvel books i read anymore are Punisher: Frank Castle (aka Punisher MAX) and Kick-Ass (Icon imprint), and frankly, Kick-Ass is bullshit because it had a movie deal before issue #1 even rolled fucking out. it's just a hype machine.
it is entertaining, though.

06-16-2009, 07:11 PM
But captain America already came back in Secret Invasion didn't he? He just disappeared when the war was finished

06-16-2009, 07:45 PM
Movie comes out soon. Got to cash in. Trade paperbacks only sell so much.

06-16-2009, 09:21 PM
I wish that Marvel will come out with a "civil war" movie. That would be fucking epic

06-16-2009, 09:24 PM
I thought the Civil War / Registration act thing was pretty cool in the Marvel Universe.
All of their movies are horrible though. Hollywood Money Making junk junk junk.

06-16-2009, 11:19 PM


Marvel has lost its flair IMHO.

Cap should remain dead, as a MOTHER FUCKING ICON. Reviving the physical embodiment of the USA is fucking blastphemous.

I bet Civil Wars Dead-Cap was some kinda body double. Or the CosmicCube did some shit. Or RedSkull revives him to actually have a 'challenge.'

DC > Marvel.

Well, the Battle for the Cowl could be better, but fuck it. you win some, you lose some.

06-17-2009, 01:20 AM
thread fail.

06-17-2009, 08:56 PM
thread fail.


whoever the fuck is still reading comic books needs to go out and get laid:drama:

06-18-2009, 06:00 AM
Bucky was supposed to have died in World War Two...no one cares that he's back? As long as they can make money off the series no character will stay dead. Gotta love alternate universes and story arcs.

06-18-2009, 10:20 AM

whoever the fuck is still reading comic books needs to go out and get laid:drama:

really? :duh:

I knew I was doing something wrong!

Thank you SO much for that incredible gem of advice!

06-18-2009, 11:56 AM
Fuck that.

I hate that they killed him off but let the man die for a good cause. They built such a great character out of the ashes of Buckey, to bring back Rogers would destroy all that. He can't go back to being a sidekick and to let him fade away would be even worse.

Marvel needs to adopt the Jean Grey\Phoenix policy for all their characters. You get one maybe two comebacks but when you're dead your gone for good.

I would suspend that rule for Sabertooth though, that was some bull shit.

06-18-2009, 02:35 PM

whoever the fuck is still reading comic books needs to go out and get laid:drama:

sorry brah. not all of us have repressed childhood memories, so we can still be nostalgic sometimes.

06-18-2009, 09:37 PM

whoever the fuck is still reading comic books needs to go out and get laid:drama:

:down: :down:

Man, I haven't gotten laid in what, 2hrs?

06-19-2009, 12:35 AM
Marc, its been 4 years.

Did you ever fuckign register?!?!

06-19-2009, 01:18 AM
Marc, its been 4 years.

Did you ever fuckign register?!?!


You know what, man. I did register for school. Got all jazzed up and ready to kick some edumacation's ass. Then someone at work quits/retires. Marc has to cover that man's now empty shift. Eventually had to drop out of classes. Life is shitty. UGH.


We try for Fall again.

How youuuu doin?

06-19-2009, 01:52 AM

whoever the fuck is still reading comic books needs to go out and get laid:drama:

Idk What the hell your talking about because of working at a comic shop. I now have 2 kids:doh: Plus silver and golden age are always a good investment. Hell by the time my kids are old enough my amazing spiderman #1 might be able to pay for their college fund lol

06-19-2009, 07:36 AM
this is why dark horse comics were/are the best. the shit they showed only made epic movies. i used to have nightmares about being eaten by aliens n shit. captian america aint got shit on aliens comics.


06-19-2009, 07:44 AM

06-19-2009, 08:26 AM

09-22-2009, 04:15 AM
I have read 1-3 of the reborn series.So far the reborn shit is pretty good. Anyone else read the reborn stuff? It is pretty interesting.