View Full Version : Anyone using Sprint ?

06-16-2009, 03:56 PM
My contract for VZW is about to be up this month and I'm free to move to other carriers with my number or renew my contract.

I'm looking to get the BB Tour that is coming soon to VZW, but I have to go with a plan that's $100 month if I want to enjoy the full experience.

Sprint has a similar plan that is priced at $70. On top of that, the BB Tour will come to Sprint the following month.

So now I'm wondering if the switch it worth the $360/year I would be saving.

Does anyone on here use Sprint for their cellphone service? If so, what do you like or dislike about it ?

06-16-2009, 04:08 PM
i love sprint. i can't think of one thing that i don't like about it.

id say any money that you can save will be worth it.

Vision Garage
06-16-2009, 05:29 PM
All i gotta say is SERO plan. 37 bucks after tax. No insurance on my phone tho. 500 anytime. Free nights and weekends after 7. Unlimited text and Unlimited net. Currently rocking HTC Diamond with custom ROM. Allows me to use phone as modem. F that Phone as modem plan!

06-16-2009, 05:51 PM
I have ZERO complaints about sprint, i have an HTC touch pro and thinking about getting the Pre.

06-16-2009, 06:15 PM
I had a lot of problems with Sprint. Mainly in me paying for unlimited txt/picture/video messaging and being charged for each txt/picture/video message i sent every month. Also, it would take 5hrs for me to get each txt/picture/video message.

Then i get no reception at my house. A lot, of people can't believe it when i say it but... IDK. I'm switching to T-Mobile this month.

06-16-2009, 11:20 PM
I'm a SERO specialist.

I THINK it is still able to get onto the SERO plan, I do have the plan codes for the 30 dollar plan and 50 dollar plan.

Pretty much unlimited everything.

And mention you work at _______ or ______ and get stackable discounts. I've got Chase, Railroad, and Loyalty discounts on my account. Wooot.

06-16-2009, 11:21 PM
PS. I tether my shit ALL the time. Unlimited EVERYTHING. Untraceable too!

ReUp my premiehood, and i'll give you all the sweeet lowdown!

Or just PM me. haha

06-17-2009, 07:15 AM
My contract for VZW is about to be up this month and I'm free to move to other carriers with my number or renew my contract.

I'm looking to get the BB Tour that is coming soon to VZW, but I have to go with a plan that's $100 month if I want to enjoy the full experience.

Sprint has a similar plan that is priced at $70. On top of that, the BB Tour will come to Sprint the following month.

So now I'm wondering if the switch it worth the $360/year I would be saving.

Does anyone on here use Sprint for their cellphone service? If so, what do you like or dislike about it ?

Not all networks are created equal. Sprint is cheaper for a reason.

06-17-2009, 07:37 AM
Not all networks are created equal. Sprint is cheaper for a reason.

I thought it was because of their constant appearance on this list (http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/Advice/TheCustomerServiceHallOfShame.aspx).
I know that is why I left them in 2000 and never looked back.

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
06-17-2009, 08:35 AM
I've had Sprint since 2000 and never had a problem with 'em. Customer service was always prompt anytime I had to call *2.

Plus, I <3 my SERO plan.

06-17-2009, 08:57 AM
I was always iffy about Sprint because of customer service. As for as network, I don't think I will have issues because I'm in the D.C. Metropolitan area and Sprint has some offices miles away from me. :keke:

If I can get on this SERO plan , I will strongly consider the switch.

06-17-2009, 09:12 AM
I thought it was because of their constant appearance on this list (http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/Advice/TheCustomerServiceHallOfShame.aspx).
I know that is why I left them in 2000 and never looked back.

I think that a lot of wireless companies are on that list because customers don't understand how contracts and subsidy works and never buy insurance. The sense of entitlement among customers is worthy of a facepalm.

S-Nation S13
06-17-2009, 09:31 AM
im using my instinct right now to reply on this post my plan is the 100 unlimited everyting so i love it no complaints in service either !!! all the hype on iphone lol no expandable memory hm.....

06-17-2009, 09:32 AM
I thought it was because of their constant appearance on this list (http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/Advice/TheCustomerServiceHallOfShame.aspx).
I know that is why I left them in 2000 and never looked back.

Pretty much. The customer service is why my pops left them. And we are talking about a man who barely sends food back in a restaurant.

06-17-2009, 11:43 AM
To tell you the truth, I can think of only three times I've ever called customer service...all three times were to activate a new phone.
If you set up an automatic withdrawl from your account it should be no prob. I have the Simply Everything plan so I don't need to worry about texts and data since they're unlimited... Minutes are not on the plan I have but I never go over... For 100 a month you can get unlimited everthing...

Bottom line, I like Sprint and I have no complaints about their customer service since I've never needed them as far as problems...

06-17-2009, 11:57 AM
am i able to get the SERO plan with the palm pre??

06-17-2009, 12:31 PM
Don't think so.

PS. Existing Sprint Customers, ASK FOR DISCOUNTS.

"The store clerk mentioned I was eligible for the 15% Loyalty discount..."


"My credit union/job told us that we actually get a discount for banking/working for them. I work for..."

Alliant Credit Union discount = 25%
Chase Credit = 20%
Railroad Company = 20%

06-17-2009, 12:42 PM
sprint had the worst customer service ever. there was always something wrong with my bill or they'd randomly put me on the wrong plan, and then trying to fix this shit they'd make things worse and i'd have to be on the phone for hours arguing charges. i had the 30/mo SERO plan.
then i switched to att and it's stupid expensive by comparison (can anybody hook me up with discounts) but at least they have their shit together.

06-17-2009, 12:59 PM
You can encounter horrible customer service with anyone. I get it from my barber sometimes. My local grocery store, AT&T when I had it, Spring now. I have had phenomenal service also. Just matters who you get on the phone.

06-17-2009, 01:02 PM
i have sprint thru a family business plan and ive been with them for about 5-6 years and it is HORRIBLE. Each month they try to charge me small shit or hide certain fees so i dont notice. When i say this, i am not lying and can provide proof with my phone bills but every 2 months i have to call them in to complain about hidden fees and charges that were charged. Sometimes its text messages (I have unlimited text), data/internet usage (I have a data plan = unlimited data usage), roaming fees (I turn off roamin completely on all phones and strictly use sprint only signals), or other fees they will not tell what its for. So far i have complained enough (2-3 hours minimum) and saved my ass from 1200+ in charges over the years.

One time during last summer, i went to china for a month so i called them to put a hold on my account or cancel it altogether since i wouldnt be using the phone. They told me they cant hold it or cancel since i still have a contract so i ask the rep what is the best way to go about this. He told me to go on a seasonal plan and be charged only 30 dollars or some low price instead of my 100/month. Before i make the switches, i ask specifically, "will this affect my contract or cause any problems for me when i get back? I will be saving money and only spending 30 instead of the 100 altogether correct?" He said yes and i went about switching to the seasonal thing. I get back to the states and call them to tell them im back so i can switch back to my normal plan, they tell me i cant get it anymore since i switched out and it was an extremely old plan. so theres nothing i can do and i just switch to a different plan similar to the old one. In a week i get the bill and instead of 30 dollars the bill ends up being 350+. Apparently switching to a seasonal terminates the contract, everything is jacked uip in prices, and taxes/fees are ridiculous. I call them, bitch them out for 4 hours telling them it was there fault because i specifically asked if something like this would happen and they told me not to worry. In the end they dropped all the charges and gave extra credit for their mistake.

-switched plan because of being out of states for 1 month
-was told everything would be fine
-come back and charge 350+ instead of the 30 i was told
-bitched them out for 4 hours and got money back + credit
-Have to complain to them once every 2 months because of hidden fees and charges/services


06-17-2009, 01:06 PM

Retentions is the BEST at making up for their mistakes. Free add-ons!

06-17-2009, 01:37 PM
seems like sprint is only popular in the south east.

06-17-2009, 03:48 PM
I thought it was because of their constant appearance on this list (http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/Advice/TheCustomerServiceHallOfShame.aspx).
I know that is why I left them in 2000 and never looked back.

I've never had a problem with customer service for Sprint. Rarely I've needed to call and they've always resolve the issue and are friendly. Have gotten refunds on charges and things no problem. Same goes for Citibank which is also on that list.

With the exception of Bank of America, I don't trust these kinds of lists. Go off your own personal experience. I have a friend that has T-Mobile and Wachovia, both which are ranked #1 in customer service and he's had waaay more problems with customer service for both.

Also, you can go to SprintUsers.com (http://www.sprintusers.com/) if you have any problems, a few higher ups post on there and they can take care of you real quick if your having any weird problems like Sil-Abc or BustedS13. I've never had to do that, sounds like you guys got screwed by the Sprint store you got your service activated at or got some rookie customer sevice rep. It happens.

06-17-2009, 09:46 PM
Sprint SERO user here, nothing wrong with 500 anytime minutes and unlimited everything for $35/month.
Never really had to deal with Customer service so can't say how good/bad it is.

06-17-2009, 09:56 PM
I too use Sprint with the SERO plan. $39/month on a Palm Centro with insurance. 500 minutes, unlimited everything else.

I thought SERO plans were no longer available. I thought the "Employee Referral Plans" took the place with the $50/70/90 plans.

I've never had a problem with Sprint. My bills are never overcharged, in fact, I got a credit on my bill because of something that happened. I didn't even look into it as it was only $1.xx and it was a credit and not an additional charge.

MY issue is, I want to upgrade my phone but I want to keep my SERO plan. That automatically rules out any Blackberry phones and the Palm Pre since you have to upgrade your plan for these phones. What else is out there? (I do like the HTC Touch Pro but I hate windows mobile)

06-17-2009, 10:13 PM
I like my sprint service. I just don't like the customer service much.

Vision Garage
06-17-2009, 10:17 PM
do not upgrade. They will try to force you out of your contract. Just buy it via ebay or Craigslist and swap the ESN.

06-17-2009, 10:19 PM
SERO people, when did you sign up and what phone do you have? my roommate is on SERO and he has a q9c, and he was told he can't upgrade to a newer phone without losing the SERO plan.

06-18-2009, 12:23 AM
You can do it. Its BS.

I got Palm Centro for my SERO, before this, it was a Sanyo MM9000. That flip phone was so damn leet. Untraceable tethering out the box!

06-18-2009, 07:55 AM
customer service is 100% garbage. If I wanted to go into the ghetto and chit chat with someone to no end I would.

When I got my first cell it was with Sprint. I signed up and they never sent a bill. A month later I called and they said it takes awhile for the first one to come out. So I waited. The next month I called and they said it usually takes 2-3 months for the bill to come and reassured me it WAS coming. So I waited. Next thing you know they shut my f'ing service off saying I didn't pay.

Coverage was garbage at the time, and I later received a notice about a class-action lawsuit they had about how they lied on coverage areas.

I think their phones are decent, but that's the bait at the end of the hook.

06-18-2009, 02:27 PM
I still don't understand why you guys need to call customer service so much...

06-19-2009, 08:47 AM
I have Sprint and the only reason I call *2 is to occasionally get free money by saying "dropped call" and to activate a phone.

I have SERO as well and have ZERO issues with the services and I love my phone (HTC touch and it rocks). Sprint rocks. Around the Pittsburgh area, ATT is not very good as I know people with Iphones that have reception issues.

06-19-2009, 11:47 PM
I still don't understand why you guys need to call customer service so much...

well, if you don't like reading, that may be one reason you've never had to call customer service.

06-20-2009, 11:13 AM
well, if you don't like reading, that may be one reason you've never had to call customer service.

wtf does that mean?

I've never had to call customer service. Never any mistakes on my bill. Never any problems with Sprint at all.

I guess to put it simply, Sprint customer service is hit or miss.

I haven't had to call *2 but whenever I do go into my local Sprint store, I'm always taken care of...

06-20-2009, 01:18 PM
I haven't had to call *2 but whenever I do go into my local Sprint store, I'm always taken care of...

I think the Sprint store you go to has a lot to do with it. Sounds to me like the people who've had problems went to some idiot who set up their accounts incorrectly and from then on continued to have problems. I think if you have a problem from the initial setup you need to go back to the Sprint store you got activated at or go to a more capable one.