View Full Version : annoying vibrating noise under my vehicle

06-16-2009, 08:19 AM
So I just finished installing my header last night and after I bolted everything down... well when I accelerate or hit a turn i hear a loud vibrating clanking noise. I can literally feel it hitting.. What did you guys do with this situation? Was it a bad cat or is it the cat thats moving hitting the chassis? Did you guys get a bracket done? Also.. I noticed after yesterday now my car jerks to the right a lot.. is it perhaps blown shock? Please help me out guys. Thanks

06-16-2009, 11:19 AM
Dude, I think the header is contacting your steering column... which is why the car is jerking to the right and making the noise.

Did you install it yourself? Did you have any clearance issues with the column and the header?

You could always "dent" in the header to allow clearance or switch to another header.

Just start the car with the hood open and look for the two touching.

Good luck.

06-16-2009, 02:00 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'll check that out!

06-16-2009, 02:06 PM
I'm pretty sure it's your exhaust that shifted a bit and it's contacting the chassis somewhere. my car does that alot and it's fucking annoying.

06-16-2009, 05:07 PM
What do you mean about the exhaust? I feel the vibration very strong near where the cat is. Could my cat be dead? Anyways the jerking to the right stopped.. I was just on the side of the road lol. It's a ebay header btw if anybody needs to know. It's really driving me nuts and shakes my car.

oni jake
06-16-2009, 05:48 PM
could my cat be dead?
could my cat be dead?
could my cat be dead?
could my cat be dead?
could my cat be dead?
could my cat be dead?

yes, the answer is yes.

06-16-2009, 07:47 PM
What do you mean about the exhaust? I feel the vibration very strong near where the cat is. Could my cat be dead? Anyways the jerking to the right stopped.. I was just on the side of the road lol. It's a ebay header btw if anybody needs to know. It's really driving me nuts and shakes my car.

You would be able to see if the new header is contacting the steering column plain as day, so if thats not the problem then its one of the two issues mentioned.

Its either that the new header is making the exhaust system hit the bottom of your car, or that the "walls" in the cat have rattled loose and are flopping around inside it.

Just look under your car for the exhaust hitting the chassis, and if you dont see it hitting anywhere then take off your cat and literally shake it. If you hear the same rattle, then you need a new cat.

06-16-2009, 08:30 PM
lol. Thanks guys. I'll check that out this weekend.

06-17-2009, 02:53 PM
I installed the megan 3 inch exhaust on my car and the muffler was rattling against the body seam weld under the bumper. I just trimmed it and primed it and the rattle is gone until I hit a bump or pothole.

In your case, headers may cause extra vibration (more than what you were used to) and makes the exhaust hit somewhere.

06-22-2009, 12:37 PM
So things have sounded better with fixing my leak and also putting the bracket on that holds the cat and header together from hitting the wall.. but in the end it still vibrates.. its a bit lighter now but its just as annoying. oh remind you it's automatic.. i know. but it only vibrates on drive when im at a light. When I give gas its gone... Could it be the motor mounts?