View Full Version : Need help with traffic ticket

06-15-2009, 11:41 PM
okay so before i bought my s14, i used to drive a celica under my moms registration...
after work i dont come to a full stop at an intersection as i see the ones on my left making a left turn...didnt know there was a traffic camera
and i get a ticket for not stopping....
It is my pic and it got sent to my address but to MY mom because it is under her name....
so of course even if we fight it we should win because it wasnt my mom and she has no obligation to snitch on a family member....
so we then plead not guily through MAIL.
we then get a paper to write out an explanation...I totally forgot about this with work and school...and then in the next mail they say we confirmed we were guilty and took the money we put as bail....
Also on the paper it says if u dont reply within 21days u cant do a trial de novo....

I want to fight this ticket, because IT WASNT MY MOM WHO was driving the CAR at the time of citation.....IT WAS ME but its sent out to my mom...
Now they think shes guilty and prob gave her 1pt on record and now shes gonna be pissed...

what do i do?

06-16-2009, 07:59 PM
theres a few ways u might be able to fight this.

1. you have the constitutional right to face your accuser, your accuser is a camera and cannot face you in court.

2. calibration records on the camera, if the camera has not been calibrated as per the records then the ticket has to be thrown out so ask for them

3. is the picture clearly showing the driver? if no the ticket must be thrown out. if the driver is clearly not your mom, she should not be convicted.

those would be the angles i play on it. trial through the mail is also probably your best bet. you should include a picture of your mom that shows it is not her.

good luck, traffic cameras are lame

06-16-2009, 08:08 PM
don't pay it
move to another state
don't go back

06-16-2009, 08:13 PM
no the thing is when u first contest through mail...for not guilty u have to deposit a bail.....
They then sent a form in which I had to write my information...in which i procrastinated.....
They then just assumed since i didnt respond im or my mom is guilty and took the deposit........
They said I can only do a trial de novo after 21days since the mail....and Im about 58 days in since mail.....
what do i do?

06-16-2009, 08:16 PM
Pay the ticket, learn from your mistakes

06-16-2009, 08:31 PM
I know in arizona the best way to fight the speed cameras and light cameras is to just ignore the ticket completely. They have to PERSONALLY serve you with the ticket within 120 days, or the ticket gets dropped. Which means don't answer your door for 120 days! I have done it several times....

Google it

06-16-2009, 08:38 PM
I know in arizona the best way to fight the speed cameras and light cameras is to just ignore the ticket completely. They have to PERSONALLY serve you with the ticket within 120 days, or the ticket gets dropped. Which means don't answer your door for 120 days! I have done it several times....

Google it
wow are u serious????? why didnt i ask zilvia before.....

only thing good for me is that its not on my record.......but my moms....
I love my mom but sorry mom....

so theres nothing else i can do anymore right?
IT WASNT MY MOM WHO WAS DRIVING THE CAR AT THE TIME OF TICKET, WTF JUSTICE SHOULD BE SERVED< another INNOCENT person convicted guilty in this justice system. f that

06-17-2009, 04:33 AM
I know in arizona the best way to fight the speed cameras and light cameras is to just ignore the ticket completely. They have to PERSONALLY serve you with the ticket within 120 days, or the ticket gets dropped. Which means don't answer your door for 120 days! I have done it several times....

Google it

That might work in Arizona, but in most states that a good way to have a warrant put out for your arrest. Thats like saying if they stick a parking ticket on your windshield and you just ignore it your scott free.

To the OP, by forgetting to respond you pretty much screwed yourself. TBH at this point I doubt there is a whole lot you can actually do other than pay the rest of the ticket.

IT WASNT MY MOM WHO WAS DRIVING THE CAR AT THE TIME OF TICKET, WTF JUSTICE SHOULD BE SERVED< another INNOCENT person convicted guilty in this justice system. f that

Justice was served, they did what they could do. They gave YOU a chance to explain and solve the situation. YOU are the one who didn't respond with the mail in. YOUR the one who pretty much convicted your own mother congratulations.

06-17-2009, 05:00 AM
I was caught in a similar situation.

This applies to all SoCal traffic cameras.

If the picture they send you is Color, you're fucked. Pay the fuck up.

if the picture they send you is black and white, ignore that shit.

by you sending in any form of payment/bail or anything, you admit you are guilty, unless stated otherwise in written form. I was rolling thru upland when this shit happened. They get you man. Hard.

My buddy's dad, and now himself, is the Chief/head guy of upland and is in charge of issuing those tickets, so i asked him to review it and give me details about the infraction.

40 MPH turning the corner. So rad.

Since you fucked up and didn't respond, you deserve to get fucked.

06-17-2009, 10:35 AM
You have to contact the court to get the abstract removed from you mothers driving record. They then have to move the point onto your record.

A correction will be sent electronically to DMV (may take up to like 3-4 weeks sometimes more) to correct the driving records.

You were pretty dumb not replying to the trial by written declaration...and even more for thinking just cause your mom wasnt driving the car that it was magically going to dissapear. You have to PROVE that it wasnt you, directions which will be explained BY the court when you call them.

You basically have to admit that you got the ticket so that i can be transfered on to the correct Driving record...

Its either going on your moms record or yours...

EDIT : Sorry, i thought the paperword to fight the ticket came with the request for bail...

06-17-2009, 12:39 PM
try Fight Traffic Tickets / Contest Traffic Tickets with the Ticket Assassin: Your Guide to Fighting California Traffic Tickets & Contesting Traffic Citations in California (http://www.ticketassassin.com/) they usually have something there to help u out. i've gotten out of 4 speeding tickets so it might work for you hope it helps.

06-19-2009, 01:30 AM
That might work in Arizona, but in most states that a good way to have a warrant put out for your arrest. Thats like saying if they stick a parking ticket on your windshield and you just ignore it your scott free.

Thats why i said i'm not sure about cali.

Source: Photo Radar - Red Light Camera (http://phoenix.about.com/od/car/a/photoradar.htm)
"It's pretty intimidating stuff and most people will send in the fine and accept the notation on their driving records and possible increase in their insurance. But what would Ben do? Imagining that we could talk to him, the conversation might go something like this:

Mr. Franklin: I've checked your law books on this subject. Arizona law requires that all complaints, including traffic tickets, be personally served. Your appellate court has thrown out cases where a photo radar ticket was mailed. Your courts have no power to assess fines or sanctions unless the complaint was served or service was waived. In other words, a ticket is just like a lawsuit. It has to be served the same as if it were a personal injury suit, breach of contract suit, or any other lawsuit.

So, looking again at that ticket that came in the mail, if the driver signs and returns it, the driver is waiving the legal requirement that the city serve the complaint personally. What about that duty to cooperate? "