View Full Version : 5 Lug Swap - Alternatives to PDM Prices for s14 Ball Joints?

04-08-2003, 10:49 AM
I'm finally going to do my 5 Lug swap soon and want to do it right. I also don't want to pay $135/$175 per new s13 lower control arm with moog s14 ball joints installed (with or without the LCA Bushing).

I know some of you run with your s13 ball joints but I don't want to do that, I need to stay alive. :) What is our alternative to PDM? I love PDM but I'm not paying $135/$175 for EACH arm, for both sure...

There aren't any s14's in junk yards in Colorado so the option of finding those locally is almost eliminated. I've never seen anyone selling them in the FS sections anywhere either.

Dealers wont sell me the s14 Ball Joints without the whole Control Arm assembly...

What am I to do?

04-08-2003, 10:54 AM
Where you just going to buy the whole s14 lower control arm from the Junkyard? or just press out the ball joints?

I am doing this VERY soon as well, so this is excellent timing!

04-08-2003, 10:55 AM
Mark, walk in to Napa Auto Parts and buy two Moog/Beck-Arnley/whatever brand they sell S14 ball joints. They sell nice, OEM replacement REGREASABLE ball joints. Be sure you have grease and a grease gun to fill them after installation.

Then, get a c-clip tool to start taking the old ball joint out. Slip that off, then rest the arm on a vise, and bang the ball joint out with a hammer. Seat the new one by using a large socket as a "drift". Install c-clip. Install arm in car. Reconnect suspension. Done.


04-08-2003, 11:18 AM
Is there any alternative to getting the Knuckle, and spindle?

I'd rather not drill out the bolt holes on my strut mount...

I know about the aftermarket s13 hubs, but was wondering if there is any other solution?

04-08-2003, 11:25 AM
what's wrong with drilling out the bolt holes?

mine are slotted.....


04-08-2003, 11:28 AM
If I ever wanted to sell my suspension, it wouldn't work on a regular s13... (at least I would think not..)

How much bigger are the s14 bolts?

why did you slot yours instead of just enlarging it?

04-08-2003, 11:49 AM
S13 bolts = 12mm
S14 bolts = 14mm

I slotted mine so I could have some free camber adjustment when I put my Konis in.

I wouldn't worry so much about selling your suspension. First off, are you really going to? The market for used suspension equipment isn't so good... Second, I'm sure there would be SOMEONE out there with a 5-lug S13 swap that would need it. Third, couldn't you sell it to someone with an S14? I mean, the strut towers and suspension geometry are the same otherwise, right (except for the LCAs)? And finally, if the S13 person wants them and doesn't have a 5 lug swap, they could still drill out the spindle holes and use 14mm bolts...it just takes a lot of drilling ;)

I say just go for it and don't worry about it.


04-08-2003, 11:57 AM
you have JIC FTL-A2, im sure you can get another strut mount if you need to resell/f up when drilling the hole larger. anohter advantage of double height adjustable setups. :)

04-08-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
you have JIC FTL-A2, im sure you can get another strut mount if you need to resell/f up when drilling the hole larger. anohter advantage of double height adjustable setups. :)

this is a VERY good point. No idea why I didn't think about that. I'm going to be getting the 300zx lower mounts so I can use the 300zx uprights for the rear, It should've dawned on me at some point I could just replace that peice on the front as well if needed.. DOH.

DRILLING IT IS!! muhahaha

04-08-2003, 01:17 PM
Mark, my answer is to DIY.
buy the S14 moog ball joints and either have a shop press them in or DIY. If you can't afford downtime, buy a used LCA.

the head
04-08-2003, 02:28 PM
napa balkamp p/n

autozone Perfect circle p/n