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View Full Version : Wrong resistor to bypass egr temp sensor??

06-13-2009, 03:10 PM
I thought the resistor to use was 100k ohm 1/4 watt. So I un plugged the connectors for the exhaust temp sensor harness (aka egr temp sensor?). Then I took the resistor and plugged it in the connector on the ecu side I think it was. It's not the connector coming off the wire from the sensor itself..it's the other one. So I had already reset the ecu..start the car and rev'd it real quick...code 35 came back for the sensor. Now when I just left it unplugged with no resistor in it, so far so good. With the resistor the code comes back quick.

Should I just ride with the temp sensor unplugged, or try to find the right resistor, because i read on another forum you might get lucky and not have to use one at all. This was concerning removing the egr all together. I want to keep mine since it's working, I'm just trying to prevent the reoccurring code for the sensor itself (35).

Thanks for any help

06-13-2009, 06:57 PM
Forget about the sensor.

I dont believe it will affect engine operation at all like the KS will, thus requiring a resistor properly installed.

I pretty much removed all sensors that dont adjust engine operation, yes I have a cell, but the car drives perfection

06-13-2009, 09:10 PM
Not everyone can just drive around with a code on... come people need to pass emissions and even a 95 needs to pass the CEL test

06-14-2009, 01:09 AM
Well the light finally came on..whether or not for the egr temp sensor I dunno..was out with friends so didn't go through the hassle to check. No for sure tommorow..could be the AICV code 25 I've been getting to, but my money is on it being egr temp sensor.

Anyone know if I have the right resistor..really like to get rid of the CEL. As small as it is, it's distracting still lol, and no I wouldn't want to just take the bulb out for it lol.

06-14-2009, 07:35 PM
Well I just tried 1/2 watt version of the 100k..exhachange the 1/4's I had earlier at radioshack. Needless to say didn't do the trick? I don't know why this is working. I did the resistor trick for my knock sensor and worked perfect so far..I didn't even have to wire it in..all I had to to was bend the ends and plug it in the connector for the ecu side. Tried the same with this dumb egr sensor, and never works. Bad thing is I will probably never be able to tell because it goes away as soon as you reset the ecu, and takes a while to comeback. With the knock sensor I knew the resistor fixed things, because the code would come back right after resetting the ecu. Soon as I put the resistor in, the code for the knock sensor never came back..almost a month now.

06-15-2009, 09:46 PM
bumping and checking back

06-19-2009, 11:07 PM
Is there anything I can do. like even getting another ecu off car that wasn't based off CA emissions. I've read only cali cars come with egr temp sensor. Just to make sure I'm looking at the right sensor..its a bolt looking thing with a wire coming out of it..similar to a o2 sensor..but on the intake manifold b/w the middle runners? Just wondering if its something I'm not doing right or what, cause seems this resistor trick has been working for everyone else.


06-20-2009, 12:08 AM
Oh yeah anything else that can cause the exhaust temperature sensor code..cause as far as i cant tell my egr lifts when I rev it so, it should be working. Also it will almost die out if I push up on the diaphragm underneath..which I've read is another sign of it working.