View Full Version : GM's Apology Commercial

06-12-2009, 04:13 PM
Is anyone completely sick of seeing this commercial on TV? They have taken multiple payouts from the government and are now spending even more money airing this commercial during prime time TV AND the NBA Finals, neither of which are cheap or necessary. I would love to see this company fold completely.

Here is the commercial is anyone is curious.
YouTube - GM Reinvention Commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-oEudd6AYM&seo=goo_|_2009_GM_Project_Blue_Branding_|_Project_ Blue_YouTube_|_General_Motors_3_|_commercial_gm)

06-12-2009, 04:21 PM
absolutely, i think whoever in marketing thought they need to look even more like america's red-headed stepchild after chap 11 should be fired on the spot.

06-12-2009, 04:33 PM
It doesn't urk me and I don't look at it as an apology at all. I think everyone has a different interpretation on the commercial. It wouldn't surprise me if people have a preconditioned mindset towards GM to automatically hate them...thus getting real urked by such ads.

06-12-2009, 04:54 PM
I understand what they're trying to say.

"Don't focus on us fucking up so hard. Focus on us getting reamed by the government and making shit cheaper. Shitty, but still cheaper."

06-12-2009, 05:21 PM
It is pretty tasteless to air an ad like that.
As the OP said, I agree is just further misuse of taxpayer $.
Just further goes to confirm how cluess & inept their management is.

I also don't see how it would in any way aid the sales of their cars or stocks.

There is a time & place for expressing apology.
This is far from the best way of effectively doing that.

It's just sad.

06-12-2009, 07:48 PM
dude support the US economy!!!! its just gettin shittier and shittier cuz a big majority are turning to foreign trades..

06-12-2009, 07:57 PM
Personally, I dislike car commercials, period.

06-12-2009, 08:06 PM
New GM Chairman Whitacre admits: "I don't know anything about cars." (http://www.autoblog.com/2009/06/10/new-gm-chairman-whitacre-admits-i-dont-know-anything-about-ca/)

06-12-2009, 08:06 PM
GM: because someone has to make rental cars. and i grew up on chevy. but im over it. especially since they closed pontiac. but gm has been f*ccin up since they cancelled the fbody in 2002 im not really a fan anymore, and the new camaro looks wack.

06-12-2009, 08:11 PM
Haha, from the get-go I said GM needed to file Chapter 11 to get the UAW back to the negotiating table, and they've finally done it, along with ditching the lame brands. Don't know why they kept Buick, but whatever.

I'm excited for the future of GM - I might be buying a Volt when they come out later this year :)

06-12-2009, 10:34 PM
Saw the commercial and thought it was pretty stupid and worthless.

Did anyone else get the letter from Chrysler explaining that they're merging with Fiat?

06-13-2009, 11:47 AM
Poorly worded if you ask me, they say "fewer stronger models." Not exactly thought through in many ways.

imotion s14
06-13-2009, 11:56 AM
Haha, from the get-go I said GM needed to file Chapter 11 to get the UAW back to the negotiating table, and they've finally done it, along with ditching the lame brands. Don't know why they kept Buick, but whatever.

I'm excited for the future of GM - I might be buying a Volt when they come out later this year :)

Buick is the number 1 brand in China.

06-13-2009, 12:02 PM
They should have sold Buick to China, and kept Pontiac or something.

I thought this was supposed to be about American cars being desirable to Americans.

06-13-2009, 12:34 PM
To bad American cars aren't made in America anymore and Foreign cars are.

06-13-2009, 02:21 PM
Is there anyone on here who does not know that yet?

Just funny how they kill off a brand that a lot of Americans actually like, yet keep another brand that barely anyone here buys, only so they make profit off it in China. All while they keep saying how much they care about what Americans want. Money money money. Big companies do not 'care.' Yet people still keep getting suckered into believing they do.

imotion s14
06-13-2009, 05:22 PM
Is there anyone on here who does not know that yet?

Just funny how they kill off a brand that a lot of Americans actually like, yet keep another brand that barely anyone here buys, only so they make profit off it in China. All while they keep saying how much they care about what Americans want. Money money money. Big companies do not 'care.' Yet people still keep getting suckered into believing they do.

Yeah dude, we need to increase our already lopsided trade deficits. I mean who cares about exporting manufactured goods to emerging markets?

06-13-2009, 05:50 PM
sorry dealerships but we fucked you good.....

06-13-2009, 06:00 PM
back when 8 brands made sense LOL.

when 4 of them had the same car with different names.

06-13-2009, 06:06 PM
The hell is wrong with you people? Do you not think automakers need to advertise? One way or another, regardless of content, GM is going to advertise. If it wasn't that "apology," it would have been some other form of advertising. Do you get mad when you see a Corolla advertisement? How about a 370Z advertisement?

GM is finally doing some things right. "Fewer, stronger models" is exactly what GM needed.

06-13-2009, 06:17 PM
Well, regardless of the financial situation, the zr1 is still cool. lol

06-13-2009, 06:19 PM
they should hang the CEO and those useless executives... maybe they have connection from china

imotion s14
06-13-2009, 07:28 PM
The hell is wrong with you people? Do you not think automakers need to advertise? One way or another, regardless of content, GM is going to advertise. If it wasn't that "apology," it would have been some other form of advertising. Do you get mad when you see a Corolla advertisement? How about a 370Z advertisement?

GM is finally doing some things right. "Fewer, stronger models" is exactly what GM needed.

Because those other commercials weren't made with tax payer money?

06-13-2009, 07:50 PM
why the running one leg guy and building a house? that shit has nothing to do with cars.
commercial is clownish. and i'm getting really tired of everything being green. this is a car commercial and car guys know a geo metro could run slow gas sipping circles around the hybrids they put out now.
fuck hybrids. build an electric car. build a car that is light and tiny and shitty for all the eco douchebags. and build a monster of a camaro. pussies
where was the 'vette

06-13-2009, 07:53 PM
Because those other commercials weren't made with tax payer money?

even if you have to make ads (which is reasonable, it's still a company trying to sell stuff & relies on ads),
make ads that help you sell stuff.
advertise the camaro, even the tentative volt, anything you have.
tell ppl you will be THE #1 car maker (if it's complete bullshit).
Purpose of ads is instill confidence, not take it away.

there are some not so well though out ads, and some that are just offensive.
this shows GM is just squandering away $$$ no differently.
They make a pretty expensive ad (technically it is well shot & can't be cheap).
Then they air on prime time slots (again, very expensive).
Then they feel the need to advertise that they screwed up?
All it's going to accomplish is to piss ppl off and turn off would be customers

If you feel the need to apologize to the ppl,
at least have the courtesy to do it in a way where it won't cost us.

It's worse than flushing taxpayer $$$ down the shitter.
Something is very wrong with this company.

06-13-2009, 07:58 PM
why the running one leg guy and building a house? that shit has nothing to do with cars.
commercial is clownish.

it's a corny metaphor for a company going out to compete,
despite it's being hurt/handicapped, or something lame like that.
or at least that's how i interpret it.

About the green thing, personally I share your sentiments for the most part
But that's what's marketable.
I think hybrids are a gimmick too, but i prefer diesels.
You know which state to thank for that (j/k :w00t: )

06-13-2009, 08:03 PM
it's an incredibly expensive gimmick. leave that shit in development for another decade. put it back, it's not ready yet. there are 20 year old econoboxes doing it better.
and fucking oreilly and all those douche nozzles are bitching about the safety of lighter more efficient new cars that "obama is forcing them to make" or some shit. worry about the fucking smart car or something.
chevy seriously needs to pull the old molds and start producing the metro again. call it the chevy green machine or some shit, who cares.

06-13-2009, 08:15 PM
it's difficult to just remake old models.
they probably wouldn't pass new emission, crash test, & who knows what other regulations.

also buyers are looking for more than utility.
they want something looks new & trendy.
in the case of a hybrid, the appeal (i'm guessing) is the image that you are green and therefore hip.
there is a huge demographic for this market.

manufacturers are just giving ppl what they want & what passes gov't regulations.
but, that's ok with me b/c manufacturers are also making cars i like.
i am also happy the germans have finally made the effort to push diesels autos.

06-13-2009, 08:30 PM
i am also happy the germans have finally made the effort to push diesels autos.

now that we have low sulfur diesel available :P

06-13-2009, 08:41 PM
Do you get mad when you see a Corolla advertisement? How about a 370Z advertisement?
Yes. Yes I do.

06-13-2009, 10:11 PM
it's kind of a mixed bag on that chairman. on one hand it's difficult to get the 'celebrity' CEO's in from somewhere else and make them work. but to his point, a business is a business and I would think at this point they should be focusing more on the financials and organizational structure and seeing where things fell through.

06-13-2009, 10:16 PM
REINVENTION of gov stealing your money using the car industry or vice versa!

06-14-2009, 08:59 PM
They have to advertise. Fuck. Advertise that shit. Get them bleeding hearts to go out and buy a car.
But, do not take my money to fix your company so you can save jobs in America... Say thanks then move the fucking factories to China. Fuck those fucking fuckers.

I'm not even kidding.
GM go out of business and sell your old plants to companies that have a smart enough business plan to last thru this shit hole of a economy.

06-14-2009, 11:42 PM
GM go out of business and sell your old plants to companies that have a smart enough business plan to last thru this shit hole of a economy.

Step one, ban unions.
Step two.......
Step three, Profit.

It's that easy.