View Full Version : Your Silvia Badged 240SX must be TURBO!

04-07-2003, 04:01 PM
or not....

Why is that when one put Japanese market Silvia badging on a US market 240SX people think you have to "earn" your badge by having a SR20DET or KAT or something to "back it up."

Sure some people think it's nice to have the badge some people think it's retarded but that'all up to you. Some say you bought a 240SX and no matter what you do to it it will always be a 240SX. But that is not the point.

The Silvia Badge is just a car name. Having your car badged as one doesn't mean anything. It is not a Trim model like "Type R" that claims to have high performance behind it. The Silvia being offered in 3 trims J's, Q's and K's. The first two being NA SR20DE. 140HP around I believe. Simular number like the KA but of course it' doesn't act the same. The NA motor wasn't exactly a speed demon either. But what do you know...*GASP it was a Silvia too.

Silvia is just a name...not a over hyped trim model of "Super Turbo Hi-Power Type R edition"

04-07-2003, 04:08 PM
Spoken like a true KA 240 owner with a silvia badge on his car ;)

04-07-2003, 04:11 PM
Like it or not that wasn't my point. Try reading my post harder. Remember Silvia name does NOT denote "high performance car"

04-07-2003, 04:20 PM
so.......?? who cares? everyone is rice. admit it.

04-07-2003, 04:25 PM
In the land of Rice....NiteKids is king

All bow down and praise him! I said praise dam_nit

04-07-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
Like it or not that wasn't my point. Try reading my post harder. Remember Silvia name does NOT denote "high performance car"

well, I was joking around, hence the ;) face
but if you wanna wax intellectual about it... it's deeper than you explained, or even implied.

What about the variation from s13, s14 and s15?

Based entirely on looks:
s13 240 hatch with silvia emblem? misplaced.
s13 240 sedan with silvia emblem? onevia. passable...
s14 240 looks like a silvia, smells like a silvia.. hmm... sez 240 on the back
s14a 240 same as above.

So you're saying what's wrong with putting a silvia emblem on your car if there were not so fast silvia's? Well on an s13 w/o a front conversion, it just doesn't look right going by looks does it? On an s14, I can see it, sure, why not? same body...

The main reason people expect a 240, regardless of generation, to be fast if they have a silvia emblem is the fact that this implies an owner knows what a Silvia is in the first place. Average joe schmoe doesn't know what a silvia is, and doesn't care. If I saw a guy with a s13 silvia conversion on his 240 sedan and silvia emblems on it, I would think to myself, "hmm... this guy knows what a Silvia is, bet he's got an SR or CA under there..."

Why would I think that?

Because only enthusiasts care about such things, and you'd hope that an enthusiast would do the ricer thing, cuz they know better. Most enthusiasts have gotten past the looks alone, and want the complete package.

Regardless of whether all trim levels of Silvia of all generations were "fast", they still all had a CA or SR in them. And lets be realistic, you're point that it's reasonable to put a silvia badge on a stock 240 becuase there were NA versions of CAs and SRs, has holes in that I could drive a car carrier thru. Why would someone aspire to make their car look like a slower Silvia rather than a faster one?

People don't think to themselves, "hey I wanna get a mustang, I'll go for the V6 one, it's a mustang right? I' mean, sure a saleen or cobra would be better, but a mustang is a mustang isnt it?"

No, if someone is dreaming of a mustang, they're thinking of a Saleen, not a base model v6.

If you were gonna go thru the trouble of making your car look "JDM", you'd go for the highest end of the spectrum, not the lowest, common sense.

So what's worse?
Putting the emblem on your basically stock car and looking like a poser? or "justifying" it by arguing that there's slow Silvia's too?

No one brags about having an unmodded J's Silvia... but by your arguement, that's what you're going for.. .or so it would seem.

In closing, it's all semantics isn't it?
u said to read your post "harder"... so there ya go, FWIW :P

edit: HA! you thought i was done! I just remembered a very important (to me) point that I made in a post a while back.

What's so bad about have a 240sx?

I'm DAM/\/ED proud to own 2 of them. My SR powered 240 will eventually have a strawberry face, will I call it a s15? no. A silvia even? Hell no. It's my 240sx, always will be... no matter what I do, it was born a 240 and will be long after I'm dead and buried (I hope). What's with people calling their car something their not? People wonder why there are so many relationship issues with people trying to make their significant others into something they're not, well no F*cking wonder! We can't even keep our cars taht WE BUY and accept them for what they are! Per usually I'm off on a tangent rant, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the correlation. :rolleyes:

04-07-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
Why is that when one put Japanese market Silvia badging on a US market 240SX people think you have to "earn" your badge by having a SR20DET or KAT or something to "back it up."

The answer is in your own post.

Originally posted by NiteKids
Sure some people think it's nice to have the badge some people think it's retarded but {that's} up to you.

And you're right, having a Silvia badge on your car doesn't mean anything. So why would I pry off my stock badge to put one on?

IMHO, if you didn't buy it in Japan it ain't a Silvia but to each his own. It's your car so do what you like. We shouldn't take people's comments on our cars as personal insults. :)

04-07-2003, 04:48 PM
hey alphaintegra, you have a K badge on your car, suggesting that it is a turbo model. :fawk:

04-07-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Cam
The answer is in your own post.

I do not agree. you do NOT have to earn a Silvia badge. But you DO have to earn maybe like a K's trim badge (SR20DET Powered Silvia) which I have yet to do. :( Yeah I have in essence Type Red my 240.

04-07-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Yoshi
We can't even keep our cars taht WE BUY and accept them for what they are!

umm, haha, we're enthusiasts, we never accept our cars for what they are! thats why we're constantly modding our cars. :)

whats the difference between calling your 240sx a silvia, and putting a silvia conversion on your 240sx?

I really don't see the the big deal about any of this ****. Its all a name. Silvia, 200sx, 240sx, 180sx. The chassis is the same.

we do body conversions and rebadging to make our cars look the way we want it to.

Kouki tails, s14 kouki bumpers, s14 aero wing, s13 chouki lights, s13 silvia face, s15 strawberry face. They all came on NON 240sx cars, yet people don't see a problem with putting those on a 240 but still bash people for having silvia badges on a 240.

I don't see people saying "hey ricer! you got a japanese front bumper! where the f*** is your SR?" or "180sx tailights eh? thats NOT a 180sx, its a 240!!"

eh, whatever, to each his own right? why are we arguing about this anyway?

04-07-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by pruto
umm, haha, we're enthusiasts, we never accept our cars for what they are! thats why we're constantly modding our cars. :)

whats the difference between calling your 240sx a silvia, and putting a silvia conversion on your 240sx?

I really don't see the the big deal about any of this ****. Its all a name. Silvia, 200sx, 240sx, 180sx. The chassis is the same.

we do body conversions and rebadging to make our cars look the way we want it to.

Kouki tails, s14 kouki bumpers, s14 aero wing, s13 chouki lights, s13 silvia face, s15 strawberry face. They all came on NON 240sx cars, yet people don't see a problem with putting those on a 240 but still bash people for having silvia badges on a 240.

I don't see people saying "hey ricer! you got a japanese front bumper! where the f*** is your SR?" or "180sx tailights eh? thats NOT a 180sx, its a 240!!"

eh, whatever, to each his own right? why are we arguing about this anyway?

hehee, all valid points :)
Silly topic, like I said before, it's all semantics.
I just went nuts with my reply cuz NiteKids seemed to think I was dissing him, speaking of... the reason we're arguing about such a silly thing?
It's a NiteKids thread ;)

04-07-2003, 06:10 PM
I just simply refer to my car an S14. My point was not what diffrence does badging do but how the badge does not make any False performance claims.

04-07-2003, 06:24 PM
basically......when you pay for my car, or buy it, then you can tell me what i can and cant do with my car. and if putting silvia badges on a USDM car is "rice" so is putting an SR into a USDM car:)

i dont mean that in an asshole kinda way, but i think we can all agree about the first half of the top of the post:)

BTW: i was trying to say what pruto said

04-07-2003, 06:45 PM
No matter how much you want your car to be right hand drive, it's not. It will not be a Silvia until then. Ever.

Also: All of your posts are uninformed and unintelligable.

04-07-2003, 06:58 PM

So the LHD S14 200SX offer in some obsure european country I can't remember which one. Sure it's a detunded SR20DET, LHD, and got the US bumper with the lip as standard equipment but you wouldn't consider this car either qualify as a Silvia?

04-07-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
so.......?? who cares? everyone is rice. admit it.

your damn right, from the girls with color cordinated wind sheild wipers, to hondas with 20 foot tall wings, we are all a bit rice. From those who have muscle cars, my car was rice stock, and just as rice now, not matter what you do, you will be rice, period

04-07-2003, 07:04 PM

Nitekids is a troll (http://members.aol.com/intwg/trolls.htm)

04-07-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by DSC

Nitekids is a troll (http://members.aol.com/intwg/trolls.htm)

I'll agree with that. Nitekids, will you stop making threads that I have to lock?!?