View Full Version : PowerFC vs Nistune?

06-09-2009, 11:02 PM
What are you guys opinions on both of these and which do you prefer?
It's that time for me to get a tune and i can't decide which setup I'd rather go for.

Spending around $1000 seems like a lot of money for a ecu.

My Specs:

s14 SR
Tomei Metal HeadGasket
n62 MAF
HKS 555cc Injectros
HKS actuator @ 14psi
3" from turbo back
Megan FPR

Thanks for the feedback guys.

06-09-2009, 11:08 PM
If you are limited at $1000, then You should get a PFC, and tuned by Steve Shadows @ Shadowerks, since you are in the OC.

He is the premier SR20DET tuner for So-Cal.

Here are some links to his work, he is in Mission Viejo.

Shadowerks (http://www.shadowerks.com)

If you have about $1600 to spend, I would blow all of that off and just go for the haltech Platinum 1000 Ecu, thing is AMAZING, more powerful than a motech, makes the aem look like a 90's afc. Def haltech is top notch!

06-09-2009, 11:13 PM
If you are limited at $1000, then You should get a PFC, and tuned by Steve Shadows @ Shadowerks, since you are in the OC.

He is the premier SR20DET tuner for So-Cal.

Here are some links to his work, he is in Mission Viejo.

Shadowerks (http://www.shadowerks.com)

If you have about $1600 to spend, I would blow all of that off and just go for the haltech Platinum 1000 Ecu, thing is AMAZING, more powerful than a motech, makes the aem look like a 90's afc. Def haltech is top notch!

I'm not limited to $1000, I'm saying i think $1000 is outrageous to pay for an ECU. If there are enough cons about it than I'll consider getting a PowerFC.

06-09-2009, 11:16 PM
Get an Apexi Power FC. You can find Certifed Apexi Power Excel Dealer on Apexi's website. Good Luck with your Project.


What are you guys opinions on both of these and which do you prefer?
It's that time for me to get a tune and i can't decide which setup I'd rather go for.

Spending around $1000 seems like a lot of money for a ecu.

My Specs:

s14 SR
Tomei Metal HeadGasket
n62 MAF
HKS 555cc Injectros
HKS actuator @ 14psi
3" from turbo back
Megan FPR

Thanks for the feedback guys.

06-09-2009, 11:35 PM
I'm not limited to $1000, I'm saying i think $1000 is outrageous to pay for an ECU. If there are enough cons about it than I'll consider getting a PowerFC.

In an engine management system, there are three BIG things that stick out in my mind, that I would use to make my final choice.

Is it reliable?
Is this EMS reliable? Does it have good timing algorithms for the Nissan CAS signal, do I need to use a new / different cas sensor?

Power FC

Is it accessible?
If I needed to access the fuel and ignition maps in the ECU, how easily can I interface with them? Do I have to be a dealer to modify or read them? Spending that much money only to be locked out is kind of a slap in the face


Is the software Easy to use?
It seems like a simple enough question, but just tuning on bad, poorly written or hacked together software can be such a pain in the ass that a project never gets off the ground. Make sure you test the software you are going to be using, before spending that much money on it.

FC Loggit

I have been selling and tuning EMS's for years now, and that is my 100% absolute professional opinion.

And if I can chime in on dyno's.

Eddy Current Brakes!!!!!

I don't know how much louder, or how many more times I have to say this but, dynojets are a thing of the past and a complete and total joke. Inertia dyno's are so 1980's, and at best can only get close to scratching the surface of a correct tune on just the WOT portion of a Fuel/Ign map.

Eddy Brakes let the tuner load the car down, at any choice of speed, then take the engine to all throttle ranges, simulating all load point possibilities. A car tuned on a Eddy Brake Dyno, like the DYNO DYNAMICS will perform better, be more drivable, more reliable, and have better throttle response and output at ALL Engine Speeds, gears and throttle positions than the same car tuned on a inertia dyno like the dynojet.

Just DON'T DO IT. Its 2009, about to be 2010, BETTER TECHNOLOGY HAS LONG SINCE ARRIVED, time to get with it.

06-10-2009, 07:09 AM
NISTUNE is tremendously easy to use and set up. and the software is stable and solid.

its a lot like ectune for hondas. If ur a badass get haltech, if no... dont get it.

you're in socal - u can find shops to tune any ems u choose.

06-10-2009, 07:12 AM
if you think 1000 is too much to spend on engine management, your car will never be fast AND reliable.

06-10-2009, 07:34 AM
bump, suscribed for more info.

06-10-2009, 08:00 AM
If I had $$$ to burn I'd look at Haltech
but for the money Nistune is the better choice
friend has been running it for years on his SR and it's badass

I plan to do a mild tune on a KA for the street, na or maybe turbo
Nistune wont' mess with smog stuff.

06-10-2009, 08:37 AM
Personal opinion,

if ur going for some crazy number in HP, above the 500 mark, i suggest APC, even better haltech unit,

if ur looking just to tune ur upgraded turbo/inj/maf set up, NIStune

its all about what ur tryin to achieve,Nistune is Easy as hell to use, sure if u dont own it u dont have access to software, but that doesnt mean its not a great product...I was in the market for Haltech or even Megasquirt for my CA, but i came to my senses, those set ups are for higher HP cars that need it, my car just needs a basic stronger tune for an upgraded turbo/maf/inj set up...

its all about what u need...not what it cost

06-10-2009, 08:44 AM
if you think 1000 is too much to spend on engine management, your car will never be fast AND reliable.


That is not true at all. I have a Nistune system and love it. I'm actually going to the dyno Friday; looking for around 400whp. I am sure that my $500 Nistune system can handling the setup reliably and accurately.

06-10-2009, 09:00 AM
400 isnt high horsepower.

if u were going for over 500 - i'd tell u to opt for haltech.

for 500 and below - nistune will be fine. It gives u dwell control (big deal if ur running higher boost).

06-10-2009, 09:31 AM
For my setup it seems as if nistune is the way to go!
I'm not making big numbers, somewhere around 300hp i would assume.

06-10-2009, 10:47 AM
I love my power fc... .you guys are also missing a big point, which is the Commander hand unit. Come on now, gives you so much information for your car, I use it a lot.... You see nothing in Nistune except the steel box ahhaha. But yeah the hand controller for PFC is very very good information. I wish I went PFC sooner. Just this single fact makes a huge difference...

+10982742340720 for steve's tuning. Awesome tuner! I wanna bring it back to him, but damn it lack of funds.... but soon !!!!

06-10-2009, 11:20 AM
Someone PM or Email me a link or copy of Nistune.

I would really like to work through the software.

You could never sell me an ems with a software I have never tested.

So please someone link me to it. If its the real deal holyfield, hell I will become a Nistune dealer.

[email protected]

06-10-2009, 11:26 AM
I love my power fc... .you guys are also missing a big point, which is the Commander hand unit. Come on now, gives you so much information for your car, I use it a lot.... You see nothing in Nistune except the steel box ahhaha. But yeah the hand controller for PFC is very very good information. I wish I went PFC sooner. Just this single fact makes a huge difference...

+10982742340720 for steve's tuning. Awesome tuner! I wanna bring it back to him, but damn it lack of funds.... but soon !!!!

nistune plus laptop makes pfc commander look like a gamboy.

06-10-2009, 11:27 AM
If you download the software off of Nistune's site there is a trial period included. Basically you can open the software once to check it out then it locks. All you have to do is uninstall it, reinstall, and you can use it again. I did this for months before I decided to purchase the software license. Of course the software won't help you if you do not have a tunable ecu from nistune or one of the other daughterboard makers (calum, moates, etc)

06-10-2009, 11:34 AM
Im using a AEM EMS at the moment . reason i bought it= cause one of the best tuner down here only tunes AEM EMS. hes awesome. AEM EMS have more option than PFC and one of them is when u do a dual pump setup the AEM turn on the secondary pump when u go (for example) over 10 pound of boost . PFC cant do that . out puts on AEM are programables , had a PFC for a while but ended up selling cause there is no a good PFC tuner down here ...
if u only looking to make 350 or so PFC if u looking to make over 500 AEM EMS

06-10-2009, 11:56 AM
I love my power fc... .you guys are also missing a big point, which is the Commander hand unit. Come on now, gives you so much information for your car, I use it a lot.... You see nothing in Nistune except the steel box ahhaha. But yeah the hand controller for PFC is very very good information. I wish I went PFC sooner. Just this single fact makes a huge difference...

+10982742340720 for steve's tuning. Awesome tuner! I wanna bring it back to him, but damn it lack of funds.... but soon !!!!

with nistune you have every single sensor displayed right on ur computer...

or u can get the viewer from plms. shows everything the commander does.

fc commander is weak.

The powerFC isnt weak... but the stupid commander... pff.

06-10-2009, 12:20 PM
You see nothing in Nistune except the steel box ahhaha. But yeah the hand controller for PFC is very very good information. I wish I went PFC sooner. Just this single fact makes a huge difference...

dont judge what u dont know

You could never sell me an ems with a software I have never tested.

ill do you one better...come down to my house over the weekend...my Nistune ECU is installed, i have my wide band hooked up aswell...if u want first hand exposure ur welcome to it... if u have any questions i cant answer i can send said questions to

Chris Jensen DC Performance
3370 South Livonia Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90034
310.841.6996 ask for chris

if ur down let me know, ur welcom to it, pretty much callign you out, not in a dick move, simply in a opportunistic way for u to get first hand exp

nistune plus laptop makes pfc commander look like a gamboy.

im not downing the PFC at all, deffinetly worth the money, if ur going for high HP... the upside to the APC is if u decid to go above 500hp for us, we cant use the Z32 maf anylonger, u have to go fuel map,and if im not mistaken that s the L jetro model which means even more that 1k other than that i dont see a point to spend that big of cash...

06-10-2009, 12:23 PM
Im using a AEM EMS at the moment . reason i bought it= cause one of the best tuner down here only tunes AEM EMS. hes awesome. AEM EMS have more option than PFC and one of them is when u do a dual pump setup the AEM turn on the secondary pump when u go (for example) over 10 pound of boost . PFC cant do that . out puts on AEM are programables , had a PFC for a while but ended up selling cause there is no a good PFC tuner down here ...
if u only looking to make 350 or so PFC if u looking to make over 500 AEM EMS

That is the single worst idea I have ever heard of for so many reasons.

06-10-2009, 12:23 PM
had a PFC for a while but ended up selling cause there is no a good PFC tuner down here ...
if u only looking to make 350 or so PFC if u looking to make over 500 AEM EMS

you shouldn't be allowed to talk sometimes. ANYONE can tune a Power FC. If a tuner tells you they can't tune a PFC, they're retarded, run. B/c it doesn't get any easier than MAF tuning.

If you're even considering an l-jetro, ignore the pfc.

PFC's are great for easy tuning if you want to keep a MAF. Those of you arguing nistune vs pfc - well the PFC has the potential to be more accurately tuned with better power delivery since it works w/ a 20x20 map instead of 16x16.

Forget HP numbers - if you are staying MAF, you already know you're limited. Choosing between a PFC or a Nistune comes down to personal preference. W/ a datalogit, you can unlock a multitude of parameters (not normally accessible with the commander only) and have aux ins/outs. The cost factor is what really matters here. Brand new vs brand new, id go nistune. But I got a PFC used off yahoo auctions japan and got a datalogit new all for under $550 total so you can do a PFC on the cheap. And don't listen to anyone that says they can't tune a PFC. That's called a bad tuner. Also, consider a ROM tune if you're sticking with a MAF unless YOU WANT TO be involved with your ECU. ROM tunes are the bees knees for most people and for very good reason. If you think you need tunes with every mod you do to your car or that you can only get an accurate tune on a dyno, you don't understand MAF tuning.

06-10-2009, 12:35 PM
Is it accessible?
If I needed to access the fuel and ignition maps in the ECU, how easily can I interface with them? Do I have to be a dealer to modify or read them? Spending that much money only to be locked out is kind of a slap in the face


Assuming the PFC has a commander and/or datalogit, the fuel and ignition maps are readily accessible. I think its misleading to not add them to the list if that's the criteria. However, i would agree if you mentioned that the commander, while allowing access, is severely limited and a complete and total pain in the ass to use. The PFC, sans datalogit, would definitely reside at the bottom of this list!

06-10-2009, 12:37 PM
Yeah the MAF vs. MAP deal too.... DJetro versions for sure....

Well good if Nistune has something for PC Commanderish stuff.... But that is an added cost as well....

06-10-2009, 12:43 PM
400 isnt high horsepower.

if u were going for over 500 - i'd tell u to opt for haltech.

for 500 and below - nistune will be fine. It gives u dwell control (big deal if ur running higher boost).

I never claimed it to be, but if you read the comment I quoted then you'll agree; unless you're retarded. BTW another great thing about Nistune is that they are constantly releasing new updates with more peramiters of adjustability. The Nistune system now has adjust ability for dwell.

everybody ignore slider2828, he'll argue about that PFC commander until everyone's blue in the face....:blah:

06-10-2009, 12:46 PM
Assuming the PFC has a commander and/or datalogit, the fuel and ignition maps are readily accessible. I think its misleading to not add them to the list if that's the criteria. However, i would agree if you mentioned that the commander, while allowing access, is severely limited and a complete and total pain in the ass to use. The PFC, sans datalogit, would definitely reside at the bottom of this list!

You've got it.

I mean, really. Again. Its 2009. Don't make me have to deal with a 2x2" screen. Fast, intuitive, windows based over a USB port please.

Thank you.

And in a sense I am leaving FC loggit out for some of this equation because it is not an "official" release so to speak. Again, its just more hokey pokey grey market in a sense. It does work. I have seen steve shadows rip through that software and do some really incredible things.

But thats steve.

So the commander just because of its size and interface makes it inaccessible.

06-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Well good if Nistune has something for PC Commanderish stuff.... But that is an added cost as well....

so is the APC commander, last i remember it was sold seperatly...

johngriff : like i said, im ''calling you out'' in a sense, if u want first hand experience you more than welcome to come to my pad and tinker wiht my Nistune ECU...

all i know is id prefer my 17'' screen for tuning than a 2''x2'' green screen

not to mention, Nistune is and has been working on going Mafless for a while... i havent yet gotten to hit up Matt( i believe is his name) in a while, but thats somethign to look foward to

06-10-2009, 01:43 PM
you shouldn't be allowed to talk sometimes. ANYONE can tune a Power FC. If a tuner tells you they can't tune a PFC, they're retarded, run. B/c it doesn't get any easier than MAF tuning.

If you're even considering an l-jetro, ignore the pfc.

PFC's are great for easy tuning if you want to keep a MAF. Those of you arguing nistune vs pfc - well the PFC has the potential to be more accurately tuned with better power delivery since it works w/ a 20x20 map instead of 16x16.

Forget HP numbers - if you are staying MAF, you already know you're limited. Choosing between a PFC or a Nistune comes down to personal preference. W/ a datalogit, you can unlock a multitude of parameters (not normally accessible with the commander only) and have aux ins/outs. The cost factor is what really matters here. Brand new vs brand new, id go nistune. But I got a PFC used off yahoo auctions japan and got a datalogit new all for under $550 total so you can do a PFC on the cheap. And don't listen to anyone that says they can't tune a PFC. That's called a bad tuner. Also, consider a ROM tune if you're sticking with a MAF unless YOU WANT TO be involved with your ECU. ROM tunes are the bees knees for most people and for very good reason. If you think you need tunes with every mod you do to your car or that you can only get an accurate tune on a dyno, you don't understand MAF tuning.
WTF!!! LOL where in fl are u first able ?
i heard i heard there is a guy in orlando that does PFC well. i heard!!!
cause a tuner doesnt like to tune PFC(offcourse they know how to britney) doesn't make him a retard LOL its cause they think it SUCK yes they do.. if u from down here broward FTL im sure u heard the name Lance ., hes one of the best tuners down here. so dont talk shit ..

06-10-2009, 01:48 PM
we shouldnt be comparing maf and map setups that cost a difference of around a grand with one another.

The nistune software is fantastic - and the hardware is very similar to dsmlink and neptuneRTP or Moates Demon. It isnt aimed toward a guy with a racecar - its aimed toward streetcars.

Calums RT board is a little easier to work with for some people and its fully supported by nistune, as is the dual moates ostrich and std daughterboards.

the only reason i prefer calums and moates stuff over nistunes - is that i can use completely different code on them - while on the nistune board the base image is set on the board and you edit from there - any new features u want to add (launch control, elec fans, and additional 5v sensors) must be part of that base image.

Matt @ nistune is quite prompt if a bug occurs - and he is very good with his customers.

It isnt what haltech is - but its not aimed toward people that would be interested in going haltech. It is very user friendly and simple.

Haltech is however the bomb, but is out of most peoples league. Power FC cant touch it. Datalogit kinda made powerfc proper... shoulda been there from the beginning and FROM APEXI.

Will you make more powerwith nistune than with haltech? NO

Will you spend less? YES

Do you gotta pay to play? YES

Do s chassis broke mofos have money? NO

people get what they can afford or what is available to them.


06-10-2009, 01:54 PM
with nistune you have every single sensor displayed right on ur computer...

or u can get the viewer from plms. shows everything the commander does.

fc commander is weak.

The powerFC isnt weak... but the stupid commander... pff.

What viewer do you speak of? Hell if I am going to be carrying a laptop in my computer while on the track...

06-10-2009, 02:03 PM
so is the APC commander, last i remember it was sold seperatly...

johngriff : like i said, im ''calling you out'' in a sense, if u want first hand experience you more than welcome to come to my pad and tinker wiht my Nistune ECU...

all i know is id prefer my 17'' screen for tuning than a 2''x2'' green screen

not to mention, Nistune is and has been working on going Mafless for a while... i havent yet gotten to hit up Matt( i believe is his name) in a while, but thats somethign to look foward to

Haha ok.

I called your shop. You weren't there. I left a message and my cell.

WTF!!! LOL where in fl are u first able ?
i heard i heard there is a guy in orlando that does PFC well. i heard!!!
cause a tuner doesnt like to tune PFC(offcourse they know how to britney) doesn't make him a retard LOL its cause they think it SUCK yes they do.. if u from down here broward FTL im sure u heard the name Lance ., hes one of the best tuners down here. so dont talk shit ..

No, really, if a "tuner" can't tune a PFC they are a retard.

The AEM software is an absolute cluster F*&%.

He said he would not tune it b/c AEM pressures their dealers big time to sell and tune only AEM's once they have become a dealer, and that is probably why he sold it to you.

Obviously I have been a big supporter of Haltech for years, but that is because of the hands on work our two companies have had in developing products.

In the years I have sold haltech's, I have NEVER had a defect haltech product. Every time there has been an issue it has been user error...a hacked up engine harness, not knowing how to use windows... on and on.

On the other hand. I have seen a ton of cooked chipped ecu's and pfc's over the years.

And replace my CAS wheel just to get an INACCURATE timing signal, no thanks AEM, I'll stick with my haltech that has better cas resolution than the stock ecu.

All this and I don't even have the site configured to sell haltech right now.

Map conversion ecu's (like pfc) are a nightmare. Just stay away. If the delivery is still based on VE and you are using a lookup Voltage table to convert to VE, you are asking for nothing but trouble. If I was Nistune, I would stick with the MAF setups, instead of releasing unreliable MAP setups.

06-10-2009, 02:03 PM
Matt @ nistune is quite prompt if a bug occurs - and he is very good with his customers.

thats one of the main reason i swung my penis towards NIStune, costumer service is epic

What viewer do you speak of? Hell if I am going to be carrying a laptop in my computer while on the track...
thats, um, why to take the laptop out of the car...be4 u go to the track :Ownedd:

06-10-2009, 02:05 PM
Haha ok.

I called your shop. You weren't there. I left a message and my cell.

that not my shop...Chris Jensen is the local Nistune Tuner, he's one of the phew who is giving this system a try...Steve Shadows also wants to give it a swing with my car...pretty much i have 2 options already of were to take my car...

06-10-2009, 02:22 PM
that not my shop...Chris Jensen is the local Nistune Tuner, he's one of the phew who is giving this system a try...Steve Shadows also wants to give it a swing with my car...pretty much i have 2 options already of were to take my car...

Hahaha... ok. They are probably confused as hell now.

I just got off the phone with Chris, really nice guy.

Like I said, I am not against nistune, I just have no hands on experience.

What puts me off is paying for a soft license, wide distribution of software sells hardware. Hands down.

Take it to steve, he will tell me all about it..

06-10-2009, 02:23 PM
What viewer do you speak of? Hell if I am going to be carrying a laptop in my computer while on the track...

this things been around a while.



06-10-2009, 02:48 PM
That is still around $180 and add shipping.... Its a very small screen and is nearly unreadable or changeable in what I want to display... but whatever to each their own.

06-10-2009, 02:49 PM
Id love to go aem or haltech but money wasnt there when i did my build check out calum rt its growing fast and just in the few months ive had mine you can see how its growing to something bigger and very good and easy to use.

06-10-2009, 02:53 PM
Like I said, I am not against nistune, I just have no hands on experience.

offer stands as long as ur intrested...mind you itll be on a CA18...im telling yah im in a league of my own...running a CA on Nistune...lol :cool:

06-10-2009, 03:28 PM
You obviously didn't know I am an underground CA master.

06-10-2009, 03:31 PM
You obviously didn't know I am an underground CA master.

then ull be familliar with what ur working with then...even better...

06-10-2009, 05:19 PM
i like this thread. lots of useful information from lots of different viewpoints

06-10-2009, 06:40 PM
me too.

no ones has brought up mega squirt II, but im so out of touch with engine tuning that mentioning it might offend someone.

06-10-2009, 08:24 PM
i like the pfc
super easyto get tuned by many shops
good support
and works great
im sure nistune is ok but pfc is proven so many times over as being a good setup, i wouldnt waste time otherwise

always comes down to budget

06-10-2009, 09:17 PM
discounting data logit is stupid. who cares that it wasnt released by apex. they missed the boat!

fc edit is just as good as aem, and easier to use!

06-10-2009, 09:20 PM
me too.

no ones has brought up mega squirt II, but im so out of touch with engine tuning that mentioning it might offend someone.

actually i did, and what about it?

its a great system if u have the resources to know how to build the box, have patience to find all the ford parts needed and also pay for the crank wheel to be mad and a mount for the sensor...all in all u still end up paying roughly 600+ for it all

06-10-2009, 10:01 PM
Haha ok.

I called your shop. You weren't there. I left a message and my cell.

No, really, if a "tuner" can't tune a PFC they are a retard.

The AEM software is an absolute cluster F*&%.

He said he would not tune it b/c AEM pressures their dealers big time to sell and tune only AEM's once they have become a dealer, and that is probably why he sold it to you.

Obviously I have been a big supporter of Haltech for years, but that is because of the hands on work our two companies have had in developing products.

In the years I have sold haltech's, I have NEVER had a defect haltech product. Every time there has been an issue it has been user error...a hacked up engine harness, not knowing how to use windows... on and on.

On the other hand. I have seen a ton of cooked chipped ecu's and pfc's over the years.

And replace my CAS wheel just to get an INACCURATE timing signal, no thanks AEM, I'll stick with my haltech that has better cas resolution than the stock ecu.

All this and I don't even have the site configured to sell haltech right now.

Map conversion ecu's (like pfc) are a nightmare. Just stay away. If the delivery is still based on VE and you are using a lookup Voltage table to convert to VE, you are asking for nothing but trouble. If I was Nistune, I would stick with the MAF setups, instead of releasing unreliable MAP setups.
Oh god.... who that Fuck said the guy sold it to me? LOL u talking to much crap bro... again he doesn't like to tune PFC ... leave the PFC for CA .. FL likes AEM EMS and haltech and some other european brand i forgot....

06-10-2009, 10:56 PM
actually i did, and what about it?

its a great system if u have the resources to know how to build the box, have patience to find all the ford parts needed and also pay for the crank wheel to be made and a mount for the sensor...all in all u still end up paying roughly 600+ for it all

thank you

i didnt know about the crank wheel...? and price of it.

what do you mean by crank wheel, is it related to the CAS?

06-11-2009, 07:26 AM
you guys know megasquirt can read the sr cas (and any other nissan cas) natively - right?

and it supports COP with msextra -

so no you dont need a crank wheel, and no you dont need to source ford eids parts.

if u want any info on this - please ask me - i have experience with ms2.

06-11-2009, 08:44 AM
Oh god.... who that Fuck said the guy sold it to me? LOL u talking to much crap bro... again he doesn't like to tune PFC ... leave the PFC for CA .. FL likes AEM EMS and haltech and some other european brand i forgot....

stop cryin, ur making FL look like a bitch...:dead: i have to agree with what he says though, AEM does try to push there products harder on legit shops

thank you

i didnt know about the crank wheel...? and price of it.

what do you mean by crank wheel, is it related to the CAS?

i honestly have no clue how much it would cost, i was gonna get charged 25 bucks by a coworkers cuzin who CNC's all day long, but that was about a year or so ago.

you guys know megasquirt can read the sr cas (and any other nissan cas) natively - right?

and it supports COP with msextra -

so no you dont need a crank wheel, and no you dont need to source ford eids parts.

if u want any info on this - please ask me - i have experience with ms2.

i have no clue about SR's, as far as CA's go, last i checked (which again was about a year or so ago) MS2 required a tooth'ed out crank wheel and sensor...

06-11-2009, 09:19 AM
If the ca cas is of the same type as the ka and sr ones - you can use it with mse.

06-11-2009, 09:27 AM
If the ca cas is of the same type as the ka and sr ones - you can use it with mse.
Fuck if i know, like i said its been a year since ive looked into it...

but my answer would be yes its different since the CA is pre KA and Pre SR...but im unsure

06-11-2009, 09:28 AM
So let me ask this about a PowerFC.

Say i purchase the PowerFC and receive the ECU, will i be able to slap it on and still drive my car normally, or is it a must to get it put it on and have it tuned right away?

With Nistune, i can send my ECU out and the only thing that will change with my ECU is that it will now have a daughter board in it. I'll still be able to hook it back up in my car just like normal and it will still have the normal base map on there....

06-11-2009, 09:57 AM
basically, if you want to save money get the nistune unless you want to make 700hp+ than go with the power fc. Nistune can do pretty much anything you can throw at it based on my experience with it. Its fairly easy to use for a beginner tuner. I mean think about the cost of tuning, nistune plus professional tune 800 where as power fc 1300. Both can achieve the kinda hp you realistically need out of an sr20

06-11-2009, 06:57 PM
basically, if you want to save money get the nistune unless you want to make 700hp+ than go with the power fc. Nistune can do pretty much anything you can throw at it based on my experience with it. Its fairly easy to use for a beginner tuner. I mean think about the cost of tuning, nistune plus professional tune 800 where as power fc 1300. Both can achieve the kinda hp you realistically need out of an sr20

Couldn't have said it any better.

06-11-2009, 08:43 PM
basically, if you want to save money get the nistune unless you want to make 700hp+ than go with the power fc. Nistune can do pretty much anything you can throw at it based on my experience with it. Its fairly easy to use for a beginner tuner. I mean think about the cost of tuning, nistune plus professional tune 800 where as power fc 1300. Both can achieve the kinda hp you realistically need out of an sr20

Couldn't have said it more wrong.

I have to run, but I will tear this discussion apart tomorrow.

steve shadows
06-12-2009, 01:27 AM
I'm not limited to $1000, I'm saying i think $1000 is outrageous to pay for an ECU. If there are enough cons about it than I'll consider getting a PowerFC.

Power FC can be had new for as little at 825 bucks from most site now

and D Jetro can be had for about 915 bucks

both units are great

and the only apexi ever did right IMO (lol)

Tomei Rytehc is also a good unit which does not get enough creidt

but the new Haltech is indeed amazing, I will surely be using them on my next project car (probably slated for 2011) after I pick up another Nissan.

steve shadows
06-12-2009, 01:33 AM
you guys know megasquirt can read the sr cas (and any other nissan cas) natively - right?

and it supports COP with msextra -

so no you dont need a crank wheel, and no you dont need to source ford eids parts.

if u want any info on this - please ask me - i have experience with ms2.

This is also true of Haltech (and has always been true of haltechs forever)

THe AEM is the only unit that was rushed to market and mass produced and then had issues with the Nissan CAS. it's really kind of grating as a tuner.

Kind of tells you that in the end you are buying your EMS from an AIR intake company who took one ECM and multi-produced and rushed to market for one thing: to make money , because all the kids who wre buying intakes back in the day had finally gotten older and serious and were in the market for a ECU so they wanted to have one ready to roll...

This market branding crap has got to stop, although the AEM sort of fixed the issue, I think their unit is overly done and over the top with the layout and 50,000 keys and buttons in the tuning screens also all the exploding screens when you open stuff to tune the car just makes thing more complicated and seems like the ECU is trying to make you (the tuner) look more badass than you really are (with all the thousands of little hash marks and guages and readouts) even when I don't need them when I am tuning a car.

It gets the job done, but in a sort of overdone SVT Crown Victoria sort of way.

The Haltec is more of an EVO 8 with slicks , you know what it is and you know what it can do and you take it step by step

The power FC is a BMW 135I on treadwear 200 tires. Refined, clean and efficient and straight forward as long as you have ownership of one of the crazy interfaces to unlock the crazy coding/japanese or german that everything is written in...

06-12-2009, 06:18 AM
WTF!!! LOL where in fl are u first able ?
i heard i heard there is a guy in orlando that does PFC well. i heard!!!
cause a tuner doesnt like to tune PFC(offcourse they know how to britney) doesn't make him a retard LOL its cause they think it SUCK yes they do.. if u from down here broward FTL im sure u heard the name Lance ., hes one of the best tuners down here. so dont talk shit ..

Im not talking shit. You and whatever tuner found difficulty in tuning a PFC obviously have problems. Anyone who's owned one or worked with one can vouch that there is no mystery to them. Maybe they were too lazy to figure out the menus on the commander. Wouldn't surprise me b/c it can be a PITA but its NOT hard AT ALL.

06-12-2009, 07:33 AM
Couldn't have said it more wrong.

I have to run, but I will tear this discussion apart tomorrow.


06-12-2009, 08:46 AM
Throw that megan Fpr in the trash.

06-12-2009, 09:31 AM
Throw that megan Fpr in the trash.

I'll sell it to a little ignorant kid such as yourself.

06-12-2009, 11:03 AM
i dont know but i cant recall of a member here making over 500 using a PFC ! anyone ? with a sr20

06-12-2009, 11:51 AM
i cant thnk of anyone too
but most people making over 500 hp wont cheap out on parts/tuning either, which is why they (imo) arent going pfc as well

imo pfc is entry level shit
but it works great for id say 90% of people's setups
shit i am about 370wheel and thats a lot for what i do.

06-12-2009, 01:52 PM
PFC is definitely the tinker toy of the EMS world. You can't really knock it too hard IMO since it is old as dirt, plug and play, and still pretty damn effective when the application makes sense (not shooting for the stars). As far as the context of this thread should be concerned, PFC has more potential than the NISTUNE, is tried and tested, and a lot more money if purchased new. I still think ROM tunes are the way most people should be going but if you can find a nice deal on a PFC or if you're just into playing with shit, the PFC and NISTUNE are both good options.

06-24-2009, 11:37 AM
Steve, what store sells a power fc for 825? And even if you get a djetro for 900 like I did, you still have to get the map sensor, and intake temp sensor, harnesses and good luck finding them apexi's been backordered since I bought mine.
So for a d jetro you are looking at about 1200 out the door, then we have to spend another 600 to have it tuned.

I'm getting nistune tuned by Chris Jensen of dc performance.
He's really good tuning 100k+ viper porsche and Mercedes, good guy, great prices, best price I have seen compared to some other tuners on here,
His nistune prices will take your business

Power FC can be had new for as little at 825 bucks from most site now

and D Jetro can be had for about 915 bucks

Npth units are great

and the only apexi ever did right IMO (lol)

Tomei Rytehc is also a good unit which does not get enough creidt

but the new Haltech is indeed amazing, I will surely be using them on my next project car (probably slated for 2011) after I pick up another Nissan.

11-03-2009, 10:12 AM
dam sooo much info, super helpful

11-03-2009, 10:59 AM
dam sooo much info, super helpful

yep yep

i got my self PFC my self last week.. just need to finish my car and
take it to get tuned !!

11-03-2009, 11:21 AM
Kind of old thread.

What I was going to add, was someone's comment about "If you are going over 700+hp get a pfc".

That in itself is wrong.

The PFC is limited by the AFM it can accept, which is think is the Z32. So I think you are limited at a little less than 500hp. Steve or someone else more familiar with AFM tuning can probably correct me on that.

As far as the megasquirt goes:
I do NOT like the way it reads the Nissan CAS. It is a really cheap way of getting a low res ecu to read a high accuracy device.

Basically, any nissan cas puts out two signals, Home and Trigger

Home only pulses 4 times per full engine rotation, these 4 pulses are in time with the TDC positions of the 4 cylinders (4cyl example)

Trigger pulses for every degree of cam timing.

Native Nissan Optical reading (stock ecu and other) read the home window (verify cylinder) then count off the trigger teeth to know when to fire ignition and when to open injectors.

This process is a little too complicated for the AEM / Autronic / Motec so they all use a low-res replacement wheel in Nissan/Toyota/Mitsu optical cas (they are all the same 55mm wheel).

The Megasquirt really takes the sorry way out and only reads the home window signal, 4 tdc positions, with NO data inbetween. This WILL produce Fule/IGN delivery errors! The Timing Algo probably is something like (h# x {rate of accel} \ delivery) basically reading the home signal, determining the velocity of acceleration of the engine, then dividing back time to deliver off the map.

No no no, I would rather use the low res wheel than the way megasquirt is set up to read.

CA18/16 cas is "essentially" the same as the RB. So any problems you see with other ecu compatibility with RB, you will run into with the CA. (there are lots).

11-03-2009, 08:31 PM
the pfc d jetro use a 3 bar map sensor so that would eliminate the use of the z32 afm correct

11-03-2009, 08:58 PM
djetro is just a pita though, if you read through reviews earlier in the thread.