View Full Version : JDM Cars Importation Gig - Shit hitting the Fan
06-07-2009, 07:17 AM
Relaying the Info we're being told. RBMotoring and Kaizo are being questioned and investigated by the Gov:
"This week shit hit the fan in Kaizo, it's getting worse. A reliable source is filtering info down the channels that a certain turd that got caught has been spilling the beans and cooperating with agents, giving them the entire who what when where why of the deal. This goes for not only Kaizo but every other method and car, even the grandfathered Motorex cars are being inspected at RB motoring and all over. Those of you that have shipped in the past, hide it. Those of you thinking or trying to ship, don't. This shit storm is ranging from not only the sources of bringing them in but also various forums. I'd recommend people to not disclose any information regarding their vehicle or themselves, for those who have shipped before. For those who have registered their stuff in the U.S. using the JDM vins... good luck, if you havn't then I wouldn't attempt it at the moment."
"The man who owns the company "Kaizo" is Daryl, this stuff is not like the little he said she said petty shit from previous years and months. Cars at Kaizo have been seized this week as well as inventory computers, RB Motoring was paid a visit as well. Next step will be the DMV's to track the Kaizo VIN's as well as JDM VIN's for cars that didn't go through Motorex or Kaizo which is why I'm hoping to warn people ahead of time.
Put it this way, when Sean Morris starts getting phone calls about it then it's no joke, and this is that time. "
When Sean Morris (aka Tyndago/RBmotoring/Motorex) says,
"I had a call earlier today that ICE , DOT, and CARB had been at RB today doing some investigating. The investigators looked at a couple of the ex-Motorex cars, called the DOT and ended up leaving from RB. I called over to Kaizo to see what was happening over there, and I was informed that they were in the middle of it...Three cars got seized, along with records, and computers. Included in the three cars seized was the actual hero car from Fast and Furious 4. We will have to see how this plays out over the coming weeks and months."
This is the convo we're hearing from this side of the pond...just spreading the word if anybody has something that might have anything to do with this...
06-07-2009, 07:58 AM
dont worry guys
i hid my gtr under my bed, surely no one will find it there.
06-07-2009, 08:16 AM
dont worry guys
i hid my gtr under my bed, surely no one will find it there.
Hey now Mike, desperate folks will do desperate shit...somebody will probably bury their fucking Skyline in their own backyard. Well, atleast I wouldnt be surprised if somebody actually does something retarded like that...:rofl:
06-07-2009, 08:18 AM
Where is the Gov't getting the money to waste time on this?
06-07-2009, 08:46 AM
^ agreed, there are bigger problems in our country then finding cars that are perfectly fine and safe and seizing them, our government has some issues, for real we need to be worried about getting the economy off the ground and shit like that, not tuner import cars and such...
06-07-2009, 08:55 AM
Just another example of people in our country not keeping up with the times and its own government changes. No one gets involved anymore, we just sit around and complain and let it happen to us. Like all the new BS laws and regulations on modified cars. These laws are voted on by people just like us.
06-07-2009, 09:02 AM
Where is the Gov't getting the money to waste time on this?
Your paycheck and mine..... :mad:
06-07-2009, 09:41 AM
^ agreed, there are bigger problems in our country then finding cars that are perfectly fine and safe and seizing them, our government has some issues, for real we need to be worried about getting the economy off the ground and shit like that, not tuner import cars and such...
Maybe we should all start writing to OUT state REPRESENATIVES. they represent us.
see what could it could do?
06-07-2009, 12:37 PM
fuck are gov they are the fucking crooks :fawk:
06-07-2009, 12:40 PM
Sucks... but, oh well.
That's life.
Stick with a 100% legal car and you shouldn't have problems.
Mess around with illegal mods (or whole cars) and you will eventually get burned.
06-07-2009, 12:42 PM
If you think US gov is bad, try living in Canada. 40% income tax and they use that to feed the druggies.
06-07-2009, 12:45 PM
i still dont understand why people dont just get their cars from canada?
06-07-2009, 12:45 PM
is this whole shit due to emission problems or whats going on? govt. seizing imported cars...
for what reason exactly.. im no where to be found when it comes to this.
06-07-2009, 12:47 PM
Normally I'd say who cares, but the truth of the matter is I was contemplating getting an R33 in the next yr-yr1/2. This kinds puts a damper on that idea. With that being said, I would have to agree there are more pressing needs, that the govt should be focusing on.
06-07-2009, 12:50 PM
fuck that sucks, i guess getting my s15 will have to wait till all this heat dies down!!! if it does!!!
06-07-2009, 12:51 PM
This discussion always makes me laugh.
Yes of course the government and police have more "important" things to take care of.
They are choosing to bust people for doing illegal things with cars.
Oh well.... Don't BITCH when you break the law.
At the same time a guy is getting busted for bringing in a GTR, another guy is robbing a bank and getting away with it. Too bad. That's life. Deal with it.
06-07-2009, 12:57 PM
At the same time a guy is getting busted for bringing in a GTR, another guy is robbing a bank and getting away with it. Too bad. That's life. Deal with it.
i do have to agree with that, you just gotta deal with it... there aint shit that we can chabge...
06-07-2009, 01:00 PM
Wonder when they will start seizing containers with SR's and RB's.
06-07-2009, 01:34 PM
Wonder when they will start seizing containers with SR's and RB's.
damn, I better get my SR soon then....
06-07-2009, 01:57 PM
i would kind of like to see where this goes.
06-07-2009, 02:00 PM
The thing with Kaizo doesn't surprise me. You can't make a kit car from a production model. No matter how many mods you do to it. If the base stock was a production car in ANY country you can't make it into a kit car.
This is why you always want to check that the car is Bond Released from the NHTSA/DOT and EPA before you buy someones grey market import. Good chance they know they have been flagged for seizure or you will get flagged when you register it.
As for why they have the time to do this. It's easy work. Importers don't have guns and don't shoot back. It's all paper work, no dangerous footwork.
06-07-2009, 02:06 PM
In some states, you *can*, speaking from experience, still legalize an imported car as a kit car. I found out how to from a mail lady driving an australian imported Subie wagon, good stuff eh? I know, that us southern guys who dont even have to worry about emissions have it easy compared to you cali guys. Condolences.
06-07-2009, 02:16 PM
I agree stupid bootches need to stop and leave us and our cool cars alone
06-07-2009, 02:22 PM
As far as someone 'spilling the beans', there shouldn't have been any 'beans' to spill. If everythign had been done above-board, there would not be any issue right now.
06-07-2009, 02:25 PM
The thing with Kaizo doesn't surprise me. You can't make a kit car from a production model. No matter how many mods you do to it. If the base stock was a production car in ANY country you can't make it into a kit car.
This is why you always want to check that the car is Bond Released from the NHTSA/DOT and EPA before you buy someones grey market import. Good chance they know they have been flagged for seizure or you will get flagged when you register it.
As for why they have the time to do this. It's easy work. Importers don't have guns and don't shoot back. It's all paper work, no dangerous footwork.
it's like this you live in a place that sucks and you can drive whatever car you want. theres a trade off
06-07-2009, 02:31 PM
its like family guy, you ban gay marriage to distract people from a 20 foot tall gold dig 'ems frog. its the same, thing, the economy is shit, so lets dump money into finding illegal jdm cars to distract people from whats really going on.
this is all just fucking smopke and mirrors to take our eyes off of shit that is important..
when shit hits the fan im moving to canada
06-07-2009, 03:03 PM
i wonder about all those euro grey market cars.
06-07-2009, 03:08 PM
^ lol. right, because this shit is making headlines right?
06-07-2009, 03:19 PM
This is another example of going after people who can afford to pay for the tickets. The government is even going after steroid users which I also find to be funny. Think about it, the average car guy, steroid user ect has a decent paying job to pay for their hobby and can obviously afford to pay for the tickets. Unlike the crack head/tweaker who is living off of welfare allready and cant pay a ticket or court fees. But unfortunately we can.
06-07-2009, 03:30 PM
People saying we can't do anything about it etc... that is the mentality the govt wants. We will just sit here and take it. I am not only talking about cars, but everything the govt is doing right now is so fucked up and beyond. I am almost 100% sure there needs to be a revolution somehow to start with something new. Washington is walking all over the constitution and we aren't doing anything about it. /rant
06-07-2009, 03:39 PM
In some states, you *can*, speaking from experience, still legalize an imported car as a kit car. I found out how to from a mail lady driving an australian imported Subie wagon, good stuff eh? I know, that us southern guys who dont even have to worry about emissions have it easy compared to you cali guys. Condolences.
You are talking about registering a kit car. Still Federally illegal to do. Probably illegal in the state too but easier to get around in certain states. Fed>State.
i wonder about all those euro grey market cars.
Cars that are similar to a model that was sold here are much easier to legalize then a model that was never offered. If the crash bars are the same you just have to run a US approved ECU and emissions. Crash stuff usually comes down to swapping the bumpers with Euro's.
Vehicle without a similar US model is much harder to Certify.
06-07-2009, 05:17 PM
Honestly, it sucks for people who are at least trying to bring in their cars by means that are advertised as being legal.
Otherwise, it serves all of these people right for bringing in cars through questionable means. They know the consequences so they should be prepared to pay the price. It's like people who drive around without front plates (in states that require front plates like NJ) and then complain when they get a $50 ticket. Man up, and deal with the law or stop complaining and change it.
I hear at least 3 times a month about some guy who's bringing in or has brought in a Skyline or S15 and went to DMV and got it registered. People don't realize that the Federal Gov't is the Ruling power in this instance. Just because some chick who hates her job gave you a valid registration for your car saying it's a Skyline doesn't mean the Feds won't come knocking on your door to confiscate it.
Sorry for the rant.
06-07-2009, 05:30 PM
I don't see why they would waste their time, if everything is on the up and up then there really should be no issues.
06-07-2009, 05:50 PM
The thing with Kaizo doesn't surprise me. You can't make a kit car from a production model. No matter how many mods you do to it. If the base stock was a production car in ANY country you can't make it into a kit car.
This is why you always want to check that the car is Bond Released from the NHTSA/DOT and EPA before you buy someones grey market import. Good chance they know they have been flagged for seizure or you will get flagged when you register it.
As for why they have the time to do this. It's easy work. Importers don't have guns and don't shoot back. It's all paper work, no dangerous footwork.
Shelby Cobra Kit Cars? How are those legal? Honest question.
06-07-2009, 06:01 PM
Imported cars are causing US automakers to go bankrupt!
Ford and GM lobbied to crush Skylines so they could sell more Mustangs and Camaros!
06-07-2009, 06:02 PM
Or any muscle car that in no way comes close to new safety and emissions laws how can they grandfather those in and not allow a few jap cars in.
We waste our time and money forcing freedom on other countrys when we are not free ourselves.
06-07-2009, 06:30 PM
Shelby Cobra Kit Cars? How are those legal? Honest question.
Cause they are built from scratch. Not from a chassis of a production car. Kit Cars based on US production cars in some states are easier to register than original design ones. In some cases you can register it as the model year of the production model and get vintage plates.
Theoretically you could make a GTR kit from scratch parts and ship the parts and have people weld them together. But the problem with Kazio is that they are using production chassis for their kit.
06-07-2009, 06:34 PM
So many car laws are such bureaucratic nonsense.
06-07-2009, 06:42 PM
Its not the government has nothing better to do than bust people for this
Its the principle, if they laid down the law that something is illegal they have to enforce it
You know damn well what you're doing is illegal and do nothing but complain when you get busted
06-07-2009, 07:03 PM
So many car laws are such bureaucratic nonsense.
I don't see keeping this shit out of the country as nonsense.
just wait till they decide to wanna go after import companies because their american cars comp arent selling
06-07-2009, 07:15 PM
As long as the car comes from a civilized country, and on top of that is made by an automaker that sells plenty of vehicles in the US, I do not see why it is assumed that the imported car will spontaneously explode in a preschool playground as soon as it hits US soil. Maybe look at the fatality rate for the specific model in the country it is coming from. Make it pass a regular state safety inspection, just like any other car. High school girls get killed in convertibles every day, which ironically are perfectly legal. And what about motorcycles?
If someone is willing to die in an 'unsafe' car, let them.
And if it is about the government not making money off these cars, I do not see how it would be any different from buying a used car, as long as it was possible to register and insure them in a perfectly legal manner. Perhaps they could even charge the owners extra taxes. I am sure someone who is willing to waste all that money just to import a car would be willing to pay an extra hundred dollars a year to be able to keep it legally.
It is not that I am against the government enforcing laws, that is their job. I just think some of the laws are counterproductive in the first place. I believe there could be a much better way to go about this, which would be a lot more beneficial for both sides. Same goes for ticketing people for car mods, and many other things.
06-07-2009, 07:57 PM
I still don't understand why the government cares about importing cars, you should be able to import anything you want as long as you can meet the emissions standards why do they care so much about crash standards its not their life it should be the risk that the owner takes. The should be focusing on more important things like this shitty economy. Impose a heavy tax on the cars if people want to import them and make them more to register and insure at least they can make some money off this.
06-07-2009, 08:12 PM
As long as the car comes from a civilized country, and on top of that is made by an automaker that sells plenty of vehicles in the US, I do not see why it is assumed that the imported car will spontaneously explode in a preschool playground as soon as it hits US soil. Maybe look at the fatality rate for the specific model in the country it is coming from. Make it pass a regular state safety inspection, just like any other car. High school girls get killed in convertibles every day, which ironically are perfectly legal. And what about motorcycles?
If someone is willing to die in an 'unsafe' car, let them.
And if it is about the government not making money off these cars, I do not see how it would be any different from buying a used car, as long as it was possible to register and insure them in a perfectly legal manner. Perhaps they could even charge the owners extra taxes. I am sure someone who is willing to waste all that money just to import a car would be willing to pay an extra hundred dollars a year to be able to keep it legally.
It is not that I am against the government enforcing laws, that is their job. I just think some of the laws are counterproductive in the first place. I believe there could be a much better way to go about this, which would be a lot more beneficial for both sides. Same goes for ticketing people for car mods, and many other things.
I completely agree.
Wait until 2018 when it will be legal to import any car that is older than '93.
Is that how it works?
06-07-2009, 08:31 PM
I still don't understand why the government cares about importing cars, you should be able to import anything you want as long as you can meet the emissions standards why do they care so much about crash standards its not their life it should be the risk that the owner takes.
Actually it is their life at risk, they drive cars as well. If it was like that, auto manufactures could save more money by not investing as much into crash safety equipment and precautions. In your case, you might as well eliminate air bags. Crashes can affect anyone that drives a vehicle
I completely agree.
Wait until 2018 when it will be legal to import any car that is older than '93.
Is that how it works?
Actually the exempt emissions laws in california are for 1975 iirc and older. NOT the 25 year law that alot of people claim.
Project "Rojo" s13
06-07-2009, 09:18 PM
I see why gtr's wont get golden stars on all safety criteria and emissions and what ever, but can some body possibly explain to me how much greener a 9 mpg lamborgini is or a 2 mpg viper is vs. a gtr? also you cant tell me a mid engine porsche is safer in a head on collision than a front engine awd gtr. im am not RI or work for the dmv but i can think of alot more cars than the gtr that shouldnt even have set foot on the street. Dose any one remember the Pymoth Prowler?
06-07-2009, 10:46 PM
because when trends blow up, i.e. import street racing, movies influencing *cant say laws have gotten worse cuz we got more dumbass ricers out there* laws have to kick in since they see profits from it lmao.
im just messin.. but forreal. If the cars can be modded to meet smog emissions ratings *not visual, fuck visual*, and papers check out they aint stolen, i say let them be.
06-07-2009, 11:11 PM
They "should" be legal.... but they aren't.
Where is the problem?
Accept the fact. Move on with life.
06-07-2009, 11:21 PM
They "should" be legal.... but they aren't.
Where is the problem?
Accept the fact. Move on with life.
When Obama tries to put his socialist weewee in your bumbum, will you lay there and accept it?
I know I would not be able to move on with life.
06-07-2009, 11:27 PM
This is the reason why we dont have 80 MPG plus cars that they have in Britain. Why wont they let us import cars? Its so stupid, they dont endanger anyone in any way, in fact it will help this economy out a lot.
06-08-2009, 09:52 AM
This is the reason why we dont have 80 MPG plus cars that they have in Britain. Why wont they let us import cars? Its so stupid, they dont endanger anyone in any way, in fact it will help this economy out a lot.
Up until 2006 we didn't have the low sulfur diesel fuel they needed. Now they are slowing bringing them over. The are slowly testing the waters to not get burned. We can't have nice things because most car owners are clueless.
But, the US market wants horsepower. They are scared to bring the 1L cars over cause we would brand them as too week. Look how the Scions went from 1.3 to 2.4L.
Maybe Fiat will bring the 500 diesel over. They are bringing the 500, I can't see why it wouldn't.
You can bring 3 of what you want over. Have them crash tested and emissions approved. Then lease the RI information to other company's.
06-08-2009, 10:06 AM
In some states, you *can*, speaking from experience, still legalize an imported car as a kit car. I found out how to from a mail lady driving an australian imported Subie wagon, good stuff eh? I know, that us southern guys who dont even have to worry about emissions have it easy compared to you cali guys. Condolences.yupp thats what i plan to do in ct register mine as a "custom" and makes my sr swap completly ligit
06-08-2009, 10:07 AM
When Obama tries to put his socialist weewee in your bumbum, will you lay there and accept it?
I know I would not be able to move on with life.
Easy on the FOX there buddy...
Yes it does suck though...I think they will try and take as far as they can until they meet strong resistance as with almost all other B/S policies...
06-08-2009, 10:17 AM
so...again...why is there shit hitting the fan in the first place...i thoughr rbmotoring was legit?
06-08-2009, 10:18 AM
Uh oh.
All the GTR owners on zilvia better be careful.... lol
06-08-2009, 10:43 AM
You know I was just thinking... Does anyone know the reason why they, the government, enacted this law in the first place? Was there some sort of Joe vs. Bob staple court case?
I can't imagine an instance where its a big deal?
And Brian, I don't agree with you; not that you'll mind. I don't think we should look at situations like this, like that. Its important for "the people" to speak their voice, even if you think its not heard. I guaranty you what won't be heard; your silence, and the effortless support you'll continue to give to the ever increasing strictness of the laws, rules, and boundaries surrounding us.
06-08-2009, 10:45 AM
Some things are important.
Some things aren't.
FIGHTING to drive around a skyline GTR isn't really important. (in my opinion)
The world has MANY more paramount topics.
Fight for something useful. :)
f**k ... tax paying dollars down the drain for dumb shit .. we got better things to worry about, i dont see why the f**k its such a big deal, especially if your military, i serve my country and all i want is to bring a f****ing car back with the money i earned form over sea and deployments and i cant because why .. there is no reason its a F***ing car, shit japan is more strict on emission laws and other things regaurding cars than the US any ways there is no reason for this to be a muthaF***ing homeland security issue , there doing a better job a seizeing cars then keeping illegal drugs from entering the country.. :2c:
06-08-2009, 01:21 PM
I donno, grey market imports mess it up for legit people (Canadian example). I know of a few S15 and R34's running around in Montreal. Now it's nice to see them, but the people who imported them illegally are messing it up for the people who are paciently waiting (15 year rule).
06-08-2009, 02:12 PM
that's the case for all things allowed. Its the FEW that ruin it for the rest of us.
06-08-2009, 02:30 PM
Actually the exempt emissions laws in california are for 1975 iirc and older. NOT the 25 year law that alot of people claim.
He isnt talking about emission laws.
06-08-2009, 03:16 PM
Some things are important.
Some things aren't.
FIGHTING to drive around a skyline GTR isn't really important. (in my opinion)
The world has MANY more paramount topics.
Fight for something useful. :)
agreed if you want a skyline that bad move somewere else, problem solved
06-08-2009, 03:33 PM
Canada 15 years? damn...
I'm not talking about emissions shit, but is there a law in the US that states, cars 25 years or older can be imported without all the bs?
06-08-2009, 03:39 PM
Some things are important.
Some things aren't.
pretty much...
all in all the only ones worried are the ones who know they fucked up and thought they wouldnt get caught...ohhwell...:Owned:
06-08-2009, 03:54 PM
Wonder when they will start seizing containers with SR's and RB's.
They already are. Seriously. Local importer Jarco stopped importing clips ans such for japan due to the EPA laws being passed. You still can illegally but if you get caught in the random port checks by customs on the containers your stuff gets seized, heavy fines, possible jail time. What's funny is the Gov't then auctions the parts off usually. LoL.
06-08-2009, 09:23 PM
You can have any car you want you just cant drive it in CAlI unless it has different state plates!! OR its track only!
06-09-2009, 09:09 AM
that's the case for all things allowed. Its the FEW that ruin it for the rest of us.
This is true...It sucks but that's usually how it is...
Canada 15 years? damn...
Yeah, it used to be 10 years but they tacked on an additional 5 years because of the influx of RHD cars coming in...
agreed if you want a skyline that bad move somewere else, problem solved
well i have my skyline .. and im overseas. guess what i want to bring it back an hmm guess moving didn't solve shit did it, and WA has a 25 yr rule that seems like its going to get fucking changed because of stuipd ass reasoning like move if you want a skyline dont bring that import shit here , were's i have been waiting a long time now to bring my car back... so for those of us who did move for a car that really doesnt help does it? i dont think our country should be wasting time on fucking imported cars and go after shit that really matters....
news headline
Bill: in today's top story 25 skyline were seized in the local area for being illegally imported. aparrently skyline emmisions are the cause of global warming.
Jhon: thank god bill, if those cars were still on the street who knows what kind of global economic crisis would break out next. can you image if we had 40 skylines driving around, the polar ice caps would melt in days instead of yrs, not to mention america just isnt ready..
ya i can just see it now.. it doesnt matter if there here or there the emmision go to the same fucking ozone ... there's no more and no less skylines it effects the world the same, in iraq , japan , germany.
bottom line is we shouldnt have to move this is the land of the free .. which by the way is becoming more and more less free and im paying for the freedoms that aparentlly i cannot have which is a smiple god damn car from another country.. i can make a viper just as fast and put out horrible emmsion's but threre not stopping that are they, no some stupid fucking cop would say nice car , and BS with you then let you go.. so fuck that whole reasoning because there is NONE .. all were doin is taking a car from one location and moving it to the next.. its not like were manufacturing them thus adding to a already fucked up world.. theres more that i want to say but im drunk and want to go to sleep now .. :2c: for the night
06-09-2009, 10:06 AM
sure... it doesn't make sense.
I think most people agree.
06-09-2009, 10:13 AM
you guys think too hard on doing this.
shit the car as a kit car, motor out. register as a kit car. (texas)
want the easier way? buy a 240. pillage the vin, junk the car. now, your r34 is a 240sx full r34 conversion. oh snap.
who gives a fuck about jdm vins or california
06-09-2009, 10:15 AM
Yeah.... illegally putting American VIN plates on a Japanese car is "the right way" to do it.
Come on....
06-09-2009, 10:21 AM
Their just trying to ruffel as many feathers as possible. They can't stand when companies test them. All just a bunch of nonsence.
p.s They orginally went to RB motoring to find Sean Morris, next stop was Kaizo where they found nothing as well.
Kaizo car's aren't kit cars btw. =)
S14 Wannabe
06-09-2009, 10:35 AM
06-09-2009, 10:49 AM
fuck da po-leece
06-09-2009, 11:03 AM
Where is the Gov't getting the money to waste time on this?
haha california government is ass backward retarded. while their poison control hotline is being shut down via budget cuts they still have some stupid elliott ness-style agents snooping around looking for ghastly illegal cars
fail ftw
06-09-2009, 11:11 AM
haha california government is ass backward retarded. while their poison control hotline is being shut down via budget cuts they still have some stupid elliott ness-style agents snooping around looking for ghastly illegal cars
fail ftw
effin classic...
06-09-2009, 11:13 AM
you guys think too hard on doing this.
shit the car as a kit car, motor out. register as a kit car. (texas)
want the easier way? buy a 240. pillage the vin, junk the car. now, your r34 is a 240sx full r34 conversion. oh snap.
who gives a fuck about jdm vins or california
How am i gonna "Shit a kit car" im lucky if my shit even resembles shit let alone a car...
06-09-2009, 12:00 PM
I have been importing for the last 10 years, I am a bonded trader, and I can bring over, video games, clothing, engines, cars whatever---but I do not registered them for street driving, strickly race and promotion. I get calls all of the time on registration questions and have scene the following 2 issues.
One of the biggest reasons the gov is cracking down is many people have been registering skylines as maxima's. (I do not know if this applies to this case.) It is very easy to obtain a maxima title/salvage car and switch over the VIN's. This however is a felony.
Second reason is insurance. You cannot call your agent and get a policy for a Nissan Skyline. You have to get a kit car policy. The problem is if you are in an accident, and its not a "kit car" the insurance company will not pay and they will report you to the authorities.
06-09-2009, 12:02 PM
So, why don't you guys apply to become federal agents or police officers?
All you guys who seem to be so mad at this..... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Become an officer and "fix it" .
06-09-2009, 12:18 PM
The government should allow any car to be imported, but charge tax.
Japan does the same thing with the American cars that are brought over there, they charge a hefty tax.
It works out for everyone. We get the cars we want, the government gets the money they want.
06-09-2009, 12:19 PM
The government should allow any car to be imported, but charge tax.
Japan does the same thing with the American cars that are brought over there, they charge a hefty tax.
It works out for everyone. We get the cars we want, the government gets the money they want.
I agree, "Freedom of Trade"
06-09-2009, 12:24 PM
do the Skylines meet federal safety regualtions?
do the Skylines meet federal safety regualtions?
only the r33's imported and modified by motorex, I THINK. Not sure
06-09-2009, 12:32 PM
I just had a thought... some of these cars are going on 20yrs old; "classic car" territory. Could they classify, b/c of their age, for some sort of exemption? The reason why I ask is b/c I previously owned a 1962 Mercedes Benz Unimog, hence the screen name, and had zero problems getting it registered and insured. A matter of fact, if you call State Farm here in GA and request a policy for one, they now have it. For the first 6 months of owning it, my insurance card read "Vehicle: Mercedes Benz Other". They were never sold to the U.S.
I could be totally off on this since my 62' was much older than a 1989 R32.
06-09-2009, 12:32 PM
thats probably the reason they are illegal. none of these cars have been crash tested here. they are not compliant with our safety regulations.
06-09-2009, 12:36 PM
do the Skylines meet federal safety regualtions?
No they do not. I have been told the biggest reason is due to the glass. Here in the US we use safety laminated glass. (have you ever scene a broken windshield that is cracked in a million pieces but still held together by a thin laminate, similar to window tint) well in Japan they do not use this. If you hit the windshield it shatters.
06-09-2009, 12:45 PM
thats probably the reason they are illegal. none of these cars have been crash tested here. they are not compliant with our safety regulations.
Most of Nissan's crash tests are done in Japan. We buy vehicles from them without testing here. The new skyline was not tested on US soil. I have heard that before, but that is unfair.
06-09-2009, 12:48 PM
Glass, sidemarkers, headlights, bumper reinforcement, etc.....
06-09-2009, 12:53 PM
Kaizo car's aren't kit cars btw. =)
Then why do they mention kit cars so many times?
Kaizo Unibodies - The Process (
Kaizo Unibodies - FAQ (
Funny how on Uni-Body cars the Chassis and the Body are the same...
Kit Car Policy | Importing Vehicles and Engines | US EPA (
06-09-2009, 12:58 PM
blah, i agree that this is stupid and a waste of time. However, we are only mad about this because it has to do with us...we are a small community...
we COULD try to organize something and protest some how but the things that are going on are concidered to be illegal then...uhm...why complain?
i just wish the government would spend the money on better things like improving our economy, fighting against drugs, and a whole list of things i would rather not say on-line.
I had more freedom in Japan then i do here...hell i feel like i had more freedom in Iraq then i do here! i fight for something we dont have. oh well at least i get a paycheck :)
06-09-2009, 01:11 PM
Lol.... this is just like those online petitions that California people try to do every couple years.
Yeah... that's working out pretty well. lol.
06-09-2009, 01:16 PM
Lol.... this is just like those online petitions that California people try to do every couple years.
Yeah... that's working out pretty well. lol.
I checked into this before and it comes down to contacting your local representative, filing a petition (--questioning the freedom of trade law) and getting an active bill (which requires a sponsor 30,000+), then you go federal.
06-09-2009, 01:20 PM
I'm just going to wait until r32's hit the 25 year mark, and get one stateside (and legit) as a historical vehicle. Or just move to canada/guam. lol
06-09-2009, 01:22 PM
I checked into this before and it comes down to contacting your local representative, filing a petition (--questioning the freedom of trade law) and getting an active bill (which requires a sponsor 30,000+), then you go federal.
and this never happens, so why do people bitch about skylines?
06-09-2009, 01:26 PM
I'm just going to wait until r32's hit the 25 year mark, and get one stateside (and legit) as a historical vehicle. Or just move to canada/guam. lol
i thought it was 20 years an its a historical.??
i thought it was 20 years an its a historical.??
It is for insurance/registration/tagging, but not for import. US has a rolling 25 year exemption, i think canada is 15 or something.
06-09-2009, 02:28 PM
I checked into this before and it comes down to contacting your local representative, filing a petition (--questioning the freedom of trade law) and getting an active bill (which requires a sponsor 30,000+), then you go federal.
Zilvia has over 64,000 members...
But, in the end it would probably just be easier to wait until the 25 year mark.
06-09-2009, 02:32 PM
I'm planning on getting a residence/ apt. / rental properity in Canada. Register the car there drive it across the border w/ canadian plates.
Find relatives or close friends who would let you use their address. Have the car put in their name. They "let you drive it" ito the US.
Possibly eaiser than trying to get a "legal" JDM car here.
06-09-2009, 02:32 PM
question, wouldnt you be able to geta s15 swap s14 guts into it get it legal then swap it back? huge waste of time but if you want one that bad wouldnt it be possible?! just wondering
06-09-2009, 02:34 PM
I'm just going to wait until r32's hit the 25 year mark, and get one stateside (and legit) as a historical vehicle. Or just move to canada/guam. lol
haha. Go around guam 10 times on full tank.
06-09-2009, 02:39 PM
I'm planning on getting a residence/ apt. / rental properity in Canada. Register the car there drive it across the border w/ canadian plates.
Find relatives or close friends who would let you use their address. Have the car put in their name. They "let you drive it" ito the US.
Possibly eaiser than trying to get a "legal" JDM car here.
What about insurance?
06-09-2009, 03:06 PM
instead of trying to figure a way to bring a GTR here illegally. why not just buy a Sti or Evo X. they are faster, handle better, and in the long run probably will be cheaper. and you dont have to worry about the govt taking your car.
06-09-2009, 03:22 PM
instead of trying to figure a way to bring a GTR here illegally. why not just buy a Sti or Evo X. they are faster, handle better, and in the long run probably will be cheaper. and you dont have to worry about the govt taking your car.
That's an exact definition of admiting
question, wouldnt you be able to geta s15 swap s14 guts into it get it legal then swap it back? huge waste of time but if you want one that bad wouldnt it be possible?! just wondering why would that be possible?
it still has an s15 vin, and the s15 body, which is not legal here. Why did you think that would be legal?
06-09-2009, 03:42 PM
question, wouldnt you be able to geta s15 swap s14 guts into it get it legal then swap it back? huge waste of time but if you want one that bad wouldnt it be possible?! just wondering
What the fuck? I want what you are smoking!
06-09-2009, 04:32 PM
want the easier way? buy a 240. pillage the vin, junk the car. now, your r34 is a 240sx full r34 conversion. oh snap.
who gives a fuck about jdm vins or california
Swapping VINs is a federal crime, just FYI.
No they do not. I have been told the biggest reason is due to the glass. Here in the US we use safety laminated glass. (have you ever scene a broken windshield that is cracked in a million pieces but still held together by a thin laminate, similar to window tint) well in Japan they do not use this. If you hit the windshield it shatters.
They're laminated, just not tempered. In other words, it'll stick together, but where it tears, it'll be large shards instead of tiny fragments. If you don't believe they're not laminated, go find a clip that's cut across the windshield - the glass stays mostly in a single piece.
haha. Go around guam 10 times on full tank.
No doubt. Too bad it'll cost you twice as much to fill up as it would in mainland. OK probably not THAT bad - it's been awhile since I went there.
06-09-2009, 04:55 PM
really. you guys are being dumb.
want a GTR? Buy a Mustang Cobra. same fucking thing.
06-09-2009, 07:19 PM
Most people get there information from the net. There ideas on the matter are BS. Unless you ever had, owned a RHD car then you dont know.
You can have it here. You can insure it. You can have a JDM VIN. You can do everything you want but drive it on the street. Unless you have a dealers license your shit out of luck today. You will go to jail for vin swaping if you go that way. Stick with the track and your fine. The cars i am sure there looking for are MotorX cars. That guy fkd it up for the rest of us.... There are a few people who are importing anything you want and are not fking it up still! And they say "FOR OFF ROAD ONLY"!
I'm amused by the number 'we' and 'us' comments in this thread. :hahano:
I'm wondering how many of the people who seem to be up in arms and throwing fits over this actually own a Skyline or any other gray market vehicle(s).
06-09-2009, 07:57 PM
Yes, the pure volume of hundreds of thousands of skylines are single handedly
destroying the oem auto market.
Foreign cars have over run this country because US oem's FAIL.
Imported cars are causing US automakers to go bankrupt!
Ford and GM lobbied to crush Skylines so they could sell more Mustangs and Camaros!
06-09-2009, 08:00 PM
It's a good thing i never bothered to try and register my "kit car". :bow:
CARB and the DMV are useless wastes of tax payer dollars.
06-09-2009, 09:05 PM
It's a good thing i never bothered to try and register my "kit car". :bow:
CARB and the DMV are useless wastes of tax payer dollars.
this man has the right idea.
seriously, it's because of money you guys. uncle sam isn't getting his precious dollars, so he's putting his foot down. bullshit, yes, but they can do it. why? it's the fucking USA! since when has our government not done what it wanted?
06-09-2009, 10:02 PM
Who cares. Register it out of sate...
06-09-2009, 11:40 PM
Yeah.... illegally putting American VIN plates on a Japanese car is "the right way" to do it.
Come on....
you are already doing it, so why the fuck not to do it to where you can have it cheaper and be legit, inspection and registration?? i know many people who done this. perfectly fine if you keep you mouth shut and people in DOT still dont give a damn.
06-09-2009, 11:42 PM
How am i gonna "Shit a kit car" im lucky if my shit even resembles shit let alone a car...
ship. its just spelling. and if you have to ask, you cant afford it. import what you like, register as kit car. people in texas done it quite a few times
i suggested a) swapping vin and b) kit car
oh and "FMI" yes, swapping VINs is illegal.
its an offense.
smoking weed is also illegal. and certain sexual acts in some states.
having unregistered guns is a big crime too.
oh yea. WORST of all. Cheating on your taxes.
let me say this,who cares?
its obvious what i suggested is questionably best described as illegal. i also said you can go the KIT car route which is legal.
the question is, how far will you go to get the car you want? i would never suggest running a business selling cars like that but individuals do it all the time. wanna pay more and be more legit? got the kit car route
btw registering out of state is fine too, just need is a po box there
Yes, the pure volume of hundreds of thousands of skylines are single handedly
destroying the oem auto market.
Foreign cars have over run this country because US oem's FAIL.
numbers game. if its legal maybe a lot of people will do it. less taxes, less income from domestic sales.
oh yes, its the land of the free with freedom trade, speech and action; "democratizing" every aspect of life.
instead of trying to figure a way to bring a GTR here illegally. why not just buy a Sti or Evo X. they are faster, handle better, and in the long run probably will be cheaper. and you dont have to worry about the govt taking your car.
people always obsess with what they cant have. best example, is this hunt for the GTR or hunt for anything JDM.
oh yea, and driving RHD in LHD car gets annoying. its inconvenience of a car in and inconvenient driving position.
I'm just going to wait until r32's hit the 25 year mark, and get one stateside (and legit) as a historical vehicle. Or just move to canada/guam. lol
true, its like buying and old school z. moving to guam/canada just to drive different cars is hilarious.
06-09-2009, 11:59 PM
Yes, the pure volume of hundreds of thousands of skylines are single handedly
destroying the oem auto market.
Foreign cars have over run this country because US oem's FAIL.
Yes! You are 'in the know.'
R32's are the coolest car Nissan ever made.
Not GT-R though. GTS only.
06-10-2009, 12:17 AM
first off yes its all bullshit and the gov is not getting there cut thatd why you cant get them.done
but all bullshitting aside it fucking sucks to drive rhd in the us and is very sketchy trust me i know.
and last but not least it has nothing to do with crash tests thats just a fucking excuse. because let me tell you my old 68 mini cooper is really safe ya i might not die if i hit a guy on a bike. they dont give a fuck about you
06-10-2009, 12:27 AM
first off yes its all bullshit and the gov is not getting there cut thatd why you cant get them.done
they dont give a fuck about you
GOLD words. seriously. excellent. that pretty much can close the thread.:ughug:
06-10-2009, 06:34 AM
thread full of fail
please continue
06-10-2009, 06:44 AM
ummmm didnt that F&F 4 car get stolen a few weeks back? how did it get seized then?
I wonder when people will realize that registering "out of state" wont really do anything since the car is federally illegal
06-10-2009, 07:53 AM
If you think US gov is bad, try living in Canada. 40% income tax and they use that to feed the druggies.
Universal healthcare ftl :hide:
06-10-2009, 09:04 AM
Having one isn't an issue if you just make the decision to track the car only.
Having one isn't an issue if you just make the decision to track the car only.
yeah, but then you cant show it off to anyone at a fast food restaurant meet.
06-10-2009, 09:16 AM
first off yes its all bullshit and the gov is not getting there cut thatd why you cant get them.done
but all bullshitting aside it fucking sucks to drive rhd in the us and is very sketchy trust me i know.
and last but not least it has nothing to do with crash tests thats just a fucking excuse. because let me tell you my old 68 mini cooper is really safe ya i might not die if i hit a guy on a bike. they dont give a fuck about you
your Mini is also condsidered a classic and considering its age there were no safety regulations when they were built so it slides by. just like my dads 47 Chevy. it has only lap belts but its perfectly legal because of the age of the car. i bet you could bring a 68 Skyline here legally.
06-10-2009, 09:16 AM
ummmm didnt that F&F 4 car get stolen a few weeks back? how did it get seized then?
There are multiples of that car.
06-10-2009, 11:32 AM
i know its because its a classic but its still the point if they were really unsafe and cared they would just say fuck you no mini coopers. but like i said all ready they don't give i shit about you they ether you or your car locked up thats how they make $$$$$
06-10-2009, 12:49 PM
well, ive been doin this research since back in 02 for sometime now. there is more complicated stuff to the gtr than just the side impact beams that need to be placed and the glass.. you also got seat belt buckles, 5mph front and rear braces, srs, and little minor things that can be done but with some work. im located here in texas and i know theres skylines running around here and one here in my city. every time they want to bring in a grey market vehicle into the US, there has to be a petition made. the R33 gtst model is the only model that has been accepted for importing from what i recall. back in 03 there was alot of information given about someone from motorex releasing all the crash test data information on the gTR. showing pictures of the crash testing data and all the info on what needed to be modified for the car to meet US regulations. me and a friend found the link that was put out on the Automotive forum and spend about 6hrs DL all the zip files. i still have the printouts of hundreds of pages that motorex paid jkt for the crash testing. in Texas, there is ways to have a skyline brought legaly but takes some work but cost about 2g's to legalize and get the paper work done. ill look for nor info on that later. i also read that people in florida are also able to legalize these cars for street use and also a company in canada that imports cars to new york for legalization. also theres another company in cali bringing the cars with motors out and reassembling them and bring them to other states for registering. to me for a skyline, its alot of work... i personaly dont think its worth it but hey, each to there own..
06-10-2009, 06:51 PM
its a nice day today
i think i am going to dig my gtr out of the backyard and take it for a spin guys
06-10-2009, 07:00 PM
i personaly dont think its worth it but hey, each to there own..
If it can be done legally... Its still cheaper then a new gtr.
especially if you have a garage , welding torch , and the knowledge.
06-11-2009, 01:09 AM
true true, i mean, hell, even id love to have a skyline. my buddy's r33 is awsome. and theyre realy not that exspensive if you know where to look and how to get things done. just takes time and research.... i got a buddy that has a 32 that he might sell so im thinking about getting it.
06-11-2009, 09:36 PM
The cars are not federally illegal were if the fk did you get that? Its bringing them over stolen or the wrong way or driving them on the street that is federally illegal.
06-13-2009, 02:14 PM
Yes! You are 'in the know.'
R32's are the coolest car Nissan ever made.
Not GT-R though. GTS only.
and 4 door only.
06-13-2009, 05:01 PM
curious how this will affect people in the military driving their rhd around.. one of my buddies always tells me how he gets pulled over. they come up to the wrong window. say, "oh". and let him go. NQA... wonder what they'll put him through now..
this has been coming. its should have been obvious since... id say the first F&F movie.
06-13-2009, 07:44 PM
Please i have never been pulled over for any RHD cars.... Just because it is RHD. RHD has nothing to do with it.
There are tons who have US cars and make them RHD.
06-13-2009, 08:18 PM
and 4 door only.
you guys gotta be kidding me
it's a $500 car in japan which no one wants.
rb20 in a heavy chasis=worthless
there's even ca18 version.
it's cool because you don't see it here,
the s13/s14 actually perform better and more parts are avaialble.
06-13-2009, 08:27 PM
0h and at/na
06-13-2009, 08:39 PM
you guys gotta be kidding me
it's a $500 car in japan which no one wants.
rb20 in a heavy chasis=worthless
there's even ca18 version.
it's cool because you don't see it here,
the s13/s14 actually perform better and more parts are avaialble.
i think they were kidding...
at least i hope...
for the record though a 4 dr r32 is a baller ass daily
06-13-2009, 08:49 PM
Not kidding. I think R32's are pretty. Whether it be a 2 or a 4-door. And GTS because I like RWD. Other than that I do not care about performance.
Yum yum yum.
06-13-2009, 10:24 PM
you guys gotta be kidding me
it's a $500 car in japan which no one wants.
rb20 in a heavy chasis=worthless
there's even ca18 version.
it's cool because you don't see it here,
the s13/s14 actually perform better and more parts are avaialble.
uhhhhh engine swaps? I have some dirft vid that shows an HCR32 with an S14 SR20 sliding around some touge uphill; keeping up with Minowa's Hey-Man AE86.
HCR32's would be a better drift car because you have more room to carry extra wheels or tires. Plus they look badass.
06-14-2009, 10:05 AM
... not to mention a longer wheelbase.
06-14-2009, 10:34 AM
uhhhhh engine swaps? I have some dirft vid that shows an HCR32 with an S14 SR20 sliding around some touge uphill; keeping up with Minowa's Hey-Man AE86.
HCR32's would be a better drift car because you have more room to carry extra wheels or tires. Plus they look badass.
dude.. you're 16.
sam is not 16, hes like 30+ and owns jspec
thats pretty much translates to: never disagree with sam
he is all-knowing. ide be very careful what to disagree with him on. its almost as bad as disagreeing with driftfreaq (dave).
06-14-2009, 01:23 PM
dude.. you're 16.
sam is not 16, hes like 30+ and owns jspec
thats pretty much translates to: never disagree with sam
he is all-knowing. ide be very careful what to disagree with him on. its almost as bad as disagreeing with driftfreaq (dave).
lol funny shit
06-14-2009, 01:34 PM
mmm 500 dollar 4 door skyrineeeee.
06-14-2009, 01:39 PM
Not kidding. I think R32's are pretty. Whether it be a 2 or a 4-door. And GTS because I like RWD. Other than that I do not care about performance.
Yum yum yum.
when im bored im going to call various insurance companies and see what they say about the r32. I want to hear it from their mouths.
06-14-2009, 03:31 PM
Dug and Stumbled
Everyone should write a letter to their state representatives telling them how much of a mockery this is. Wait, you all won't because you hate the government and prefer to sit on your ass in front of the computer and bitch. Do you know what Google is? Use it and write one simple e-mail, it could be 4 sentences or 4 words, "Get the fuck out!" The time it took for you to read through this thread and think of a response could have been better spent towards taking action.
06-14-2009, 10:10 PM
A 4 door that has a RB20DET is not worthless! Please! If you didnt like the engine just bolt right in a 25 or 26. You cant just bolt those engines in any US car. So "NO" a 4 door with just a RB20DET is not worthless. You better double check the TOMEI engines that are RB20DET'S as well. 380HP! And the chasis are 2800lbs dry give or take. HELLO!!!
06-14-2009, 11:49 PM
A 4 door that has a RB20DET is not worthless! Please! If you didnt like the engine just bolt right in a 25 or 26. You cant just bolt those engines in any US car. So "NO" a 4 door with just a RB20DET is not worthless. You better double check the TOMEI engines that are RB20DET'S as well. 380HP! And the chasis are 2800lbs dry give or take. HELLO!!!
wow so many dreamers.
380HP Tomei RB20DET wonder how much does that cost?
2800LBS car with 380hp is slow compare to a s13 with 350hp sr.
please grow up and do a reality check before you bring argument to the table.
please post a photos of a STOCK R32 2 door or 4 door, it's a ugly car compare to the cars you see in jdm site/mag.
just talk to people IN japan and they will tell you RB20/25 is junk, so we are buying their "junk" at a high price and putting into our cars.
RB26 swap? get real most people here can't even afford to buy a $1,000 part let alone RB26 swap.
I'm just stating facts and if you don't like it too bad.
06-15-2009, 12:08 AM
please post a photos of a STOCK R32 2 door or 4 door, it's a ugly car compare to the cars you see in jdm site/mag.
Stock S-chassis is not much to look at either.
06-15-2009, 12:40 AM
Stock S-chassis is not much to look at either.
Most cars in Japan like S-chassis', JZX's, skyline's, ae86's, etc. are all pretty ugly when stock. But, that is the whole point of this industry. It's the whole point of customizing any car; to make it perform better and look better. Hell, that's why this site was created.
06-15-2009, 07:07 PM
Actually you have a bias opinion.
All the cars are junk from Japan that are bought and sold out here, but we go crazy out here for them. People are buying used VLSDs, used Coilovers, High mileages engines sr, rb jz etc, etc, etc, and people go nuts over them. I have owned a few RHD cars and they all have rust. So grow up?? Nice! I cant stand hatchs but they look sick fixed up over my love for coupes. Skylines are sick 2 door 32, 33, 34, 4 door etc. If i brought out a 4 door r32 and driffted it against other cars you talk about i bet the skyline would get more looks then a same o same o silvia. Even though i love the car just stating you dont see them here. So you can beat on a rb20 or 25 all day long. I love SR and thought id never go RB. Ive seen diffrent issues with both. One goes pop the other overheats! This isnt Japan! Its the US. If i was in Japan i would be riding something it would be US with a LS7 Twin Turbo! So we all have are opions and several on here already are loving the 4 door skyline. So i guess youll have to come out and see one at local spots!!! Let me know what your driving you could bring that out and see on the course.
OH i forgot you want a pic of a stock 4 door 32 here you go!
06-15-2009, 07:20 PM
I love 4 door R32's....went built like a drift car, with a sweet engine.
xpl2007, is that your R32?
06-15-2009, 08:33 PM
A mile away from my house there is fizz autosports in arlington hts, IL. the owner ming has a fully JDM RHD SILVIA S15 with full JDM SR20DET! i tried asking him how he got the car and he refused to tell me. his friend said its like an rc car you place the body on top basically. So i'm assuming he got it from kaizo. heres a link to pics of the car- Pictures by joeystel23 - Photobucket (
06-15-2009, 08:39 PM
A mile away from my house there is fizz autosports in arlington hts, IL. the owner ming has a fully JDM RHD SILVIA S15 with full JDM SR20DET! i tried asking him how he got the car and he refused to tell me. his friend said its like an rc car you place the body on top basically. So i'm assuming he got it from kaizo. heres a link to pics of the car- Pictures by joeystel23 - Photobucket (
Getting the car, motor and what not is easy (realistically speaking) the problem which this thread is about has to do with registration and laws.
Also, they are NOT like R/C cars and how you can top whatever body you want on the chassis.
Nissans are unibody so there is no, "chassis". All Kaizo does is slap their own vin over Nissans and call it their own kit car; which is what a majority of this discussion is about.
The newest Skyline you will be able to have which is 100% legit would be the R31 (correct me if I'm wrong).
06-15-2009, 08:58 PM
fuck all that 4 door noise.
sam just get me one of these..
but really though....their is nothing wrong with going crazy over certain cars.
steve shadows
06-15-2009, 10:08 PM
This is part of the reason I sold my race car.
The CHP / CARB profiling is getting out of control in California,
I am hoping the budget mess makes them close a lot of this BS down
All the agents are trying to look busy and needed so they dont lose their jobs so they are going on rampages trying to find all kinds of random shit to do
Hence BMW + Turbo (or so Im planning) they just dont hassle as much
But I will surely buy a GTR one day...that was my next goal, but what do you know they are going after those too
06-15-2009, 11:31 PM
Yeah what i dont understand is the BS with the car if its a kit car cant look like the same car already made by IE "NISSAN". Has to be original. Which is BS because you know how many Cobra, Porsche speedster replicas there are out there? There are kit cars but nobody including the DOT, NHSTA, bla bla bla gives a crap about. Rediculous. I would stick with track only so who cares... Its not the old days anymore. I love it all so!!!
Somone should lock this thread if we are to support our endevors....!!!
drift freaq
06-16-2009, 12:57 AM
Yeah what i dont understand is the BS with the car if its a kit car cant look like the same car already made by IE "NISSAN". Has to be original. Which is BS because you know how many Cobra, Porsche speedster replicas there are out there? There are kit cars but nobody including the DOT, NHSTA, bla bla bla gives a crap about. Rediculous. I would stick with track only so who cares... Its not the old days anymore. I love it all so!!!
Somone should lock this thread if we are to support our endevors....!!!
No what you don't understand is the fact that most kit cars are based off another chassis or a specialty built chassis. A Cobra has a separate chassis from the body. A Porsche Speedster replica kit car is based off usually a Volkswagen beetle chassis. What Kaizo does is take a unibody that was already made by Nissan and slap their vins on it. Technically its really not a kit car. From a true kit car perspective. Neither is any RHD that has been brought in incomplete and put back together or re vin'd.
It has nothing to do with it not looking the same or like the original its the fact that Nissan's are semi unibody construction and therefor really do not qualify for kit car status.
Now if someone took a chassis and then made a body to put on top of it to look like say a S15 that would be a bonafide kit car.
Its the following the rules of the definition. Thats all.
As far as legalities go for a RHD car? You really want a RHD car legal get one thats over 25 years old or just drop it. If you want a S15 bad enough to buy one? Go ahead and buy one and drive it on the track only. Same with a Skyline.
Otherwise the whole point of this thread and how long its gone on for has turned into one big waste of bandwidth.
Nothings going to change this subject has been covered upside down, sideways ,backwards and forwards. I
n other words we are beating a dead horse people! This has turned into another one those every 6 months someone posts nearly the same damn thread all over again. I.E. get over it.
06-16-2009, 01:15 AM
It just seems like they're splitting hairs here. From what I remember, most of the cobra kits are based off Fox body mustang chassis and the Ferrari/Lambo style kits are based off fiero's. Aren't those unibody cars? How are they able to slap Ferrari body parts to a car that is already in production (fiero) and then register it as a kit car?
I understand that they don't want people importing these cars to be driven on the road as they are, but I don't understand how they can differentiate between buying a GTR unibody and one of those Attack kits or a Caterham. It seems like a lot of BS to me.
06-16-2009, 06:50 AM
It just seems like they're splitting hairs here. From what I remember, most of the cobra kits are based off Fox body mustang chassis and the Ferrari/Lambo style kits are based off fiero's. Aren't those unibody cars? How are they able to slap Ferrari body parts to a car that is already in production (fiero) and then register it as a kit car?
I understand that they don't want people importing these cars to be driven on the road as they are, but I don't understand how they can differentiate between buying a GTR unibody and one of those Attack kits or a Caterham. It seems like a lot of BS to me.
Both the Mustang and the Fierro are legal chassis in the US. The Skyline is not.
They sell you the parts to bolt onto or to use the Mustang or Fierro chassis/engine package. They do not sell you a production chassis. You ether use the USDM chassis you buy and bolt their parts to it(body kit) or You put your USDM engine package into their built chassis.
Ferrari's are just body kits. Now largely banned cause they were within 90% tolerance of a real 355.
The cobra kits you bolt the Mustangs Driveline(engine/trans, rear end, suspension) into their chassis and body.
Catteram's are shipped as a chassis kit that you put your own driveline in. Their kit cars are different from their production models. The kit chassis are not intended and never sold as a production model.
What is not legal is to take a production chassis and modify it into a kit. Kazio is not making a chassis from scratch and then having you swap in a USDM engine package. They are taking a production chassis from Japan and creating a kit from it. It doesn't matter if the chassis was sold outside of the US as a production model you can't turn that chassis into a kit.
Sure, Kazio could make a raw skyline chassis and sell it as a kit. But, they would be instantly sued by Nissan.
06-16-2009, 07:47 AM
I have seen a lot of VW dune buggys with plates around here.. And i mean a cage with wheels not a Beetle with the tub on it. Some dont even have windshields.. And to top it off i have seen a load of tube chassis street machines that some guy welded up in his garage and they are legal.. Some are prolly stronger than when the car was stock, but some are not done right and should NOT be on the road. Apperently you can jack a pickup six foot in the air and that safe too...? Then again this is MO, but still not cool.
They need to leave the JDM cars alone, there are more dangerouse pieces of shit on the roads everywhere.
06-16-2009, 09:23 AM
you guys ever seen a superperformance cobra? Well, i am not 100% sure its superperformance, but there is a company in south africa that makes full chassis, which are not DOT legal or crash tested or anything, import them into the US as rolling chassis, which the new owner would put their own motors into them, and then register them as 67 cobras.
My next door neighbor has one, titled up and everything, got the chassis rolling from out of the country and registered and insured as a kit car.
I do not see any difference from taking one non-conforming chassis (cobra) and replacing it with (insert your fav rhd car here), which is a non conforming chassis, and bringing it in sans motor, purchasing a motor and showing recipts for it. Atleast here in the great state of fla.
I mean there are a shit ton of people who bring in cars, and even some of them in FL get raided (drag international), but if you want the car there are ways to get em, drive em and own them, all it takes is $$$
06-16-2009, 09:54 AM
wow so many dreamers.
380HP Tomei RB20DET wonder how much does that cost?
2800LBS car with 380hp is slow compare to a s13 with 350hp sr.
please grow up and do a reality check before you bring argument to the table.
please post a photos of a STOCK R32 2 door or 4 door, it's a ugly car compare to the cars you see in jdm site/mag.
just talk to people IN japan and they will tell you RB20/25 is junk, so we are buying their "junk" at a high price and putting into our cars.
RB26 swap? get real most people here can't even afford to buy a $1,000 part let alone RB26 swap.
I'm just stating facts and if you don't like it too bad.
Stock 4 door 32s are UGLY.
I agree with Sam.
They are trash cars in Japan. I can't believe suckers over here pay over $10 grand for 32 GTS-ts.
06-16-2009, 10:01 AM
Sucks... but, oh well.
That's life.
Stick with a 100% legal car and you shouldn't have problems.
Mess around with illegal mods (or whole cars) and you will eventually get burned.
This doesn't mean you have to g o around and snitching. Remember, snitches always end up getting stitches.
06-16-2009, 10:11 AM
Did somebody "snitch" on the cars?
I didn't really read the story.
I just knew people would bitch about the same stuff that they always do.
06-16-2009, 10:15 AM
you guys ever seen a superperformance cobra? Well, i am not 100% sure its superperformance, but there is a company in south africa that makes full chassis, which are not DOT legal or crash tested or anything, import them into the US as rolling chassis, which the new owner would put their own motors into them, and then register them as 67 cobras.
My next door neighbor has one, titled up and everything, got the chassis rolling from out of the country and registered and insured as a kit car.
I do not see any difference from taking one non-conforming chassis (cobra) and replacing it with (insert your fav rhd car here), which is a non conforming chassis, and bringing it in sans motor, purchasing a motor and showing recipts for it. Atleast here in the great state of fla.
I mean there are a shit ton of people who bring in cars, and even some of them in FL get raided (drag international), but if you want the car there are ways to get em, drive em and own them, all it takes is $$$
Edit: A Cobra. Duh. Not a Mustang Cobra, but a Cobra. :hammer: self
06-16-2009, 10:53 AM
^ they make gt40s too, but i think they build their own chassis.
drift freaq
06-16-2009, 11:29 AM
^ they make gt40s too, but i think they build their own chassis.
Superformance is an American company with tube frame chassis manufacturing oversea's. TUBE FRAME CHASSIS both for the Cobra and the GT40.
GT40's and Cobra's are finished in Orange county and they build their own tube frame to improved specifications of the original.
They use actual original GT40 and Cobra body stamp molds etc.. They are so accurate, Carroll Shelby actually put is stamp of approval on numbering them and labeling them GT40's and Cobra's. In fact they are so unique they should not even be brought up in this discussion of kit cars. They are pretty much scale reproductions of the Originals even more so than Fords GT.
Now back to the subject of kit Cars. What most of you failed to catch and what AJ pointed is almost all kit cars are based off production cars SOLD HERE! IN the U.S. Or based off tube frames like stated above.
Read those letters in caps carefully repeat them to yourself over and over.
Skylines, S15's? Never sold here, not a tube frame. In fact that's the whole reason you can actually buy a Noble GT in the U.S. because Noble imports the Tube frame chassis with the body into the U.S. without an engine or trans. It does qualify as a kit car.
Now this is the exact loophole in the law that Kaizo is trying to exploit with S15's and Skylines. Problem is they are not building the chassis and its not based off a production chassis made here.
Now they are trying to skate this by saying what they do below qualifies but its a very thin line and is pretty much bending the letter of the law.
They are just buying Nissan Unibody's stripping them cleaning them up and re numbering the vin's to 17 digit vin number. Plus they are leaving them RHD.
If they made the effort to convert them to left hand drive they might stand a better chance with the government on their claims.
I am not saying the government is going to shut them down but they are dancing the line of the law here. Its fully within the DOT laws to shut them down.
Whether any of you like this or not its the cold hard truth of this argument.
I can only recall the whole Grey Market scene of the late 80's again a loophole in the law that allowed people to import non production U.S. cars. At that time it was primarily cool European stuff . RSR Porsches, European spec E30 M3's(actually helped a friend bring one in) etc...
Guess what happened? Automobile manufacturers like Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari got pissed. Why? Well at that time most of them were still niche market car companies. They were not about to let anything upset their sales. End result federal government tightened up the laws and it was over.
In the end Kaizo is going to be hard pressed to prove their chassis's actually qualify as real kit cars. That's the whole argument in a nutshell.
Oh and I would love to have a Kaizo S15. At the same time, whatever happens is because they did not or were not able to do it right.
That is the whole reason behind Motorex going down as well. Motorex actually tried to do it right but got lazy and started bending the rules. They got caught bending the rules.
Its plain and simple the rules are there, you either play by them, or you break them and suffer possible consequences. Or you don't like them and try to change them through the system. Some people are successful at that, a lot are not.
Honestly there are not enough Japanese performance car fans out there to change these rules at the federal level. That is the DOT, a federal entity.
06-16-2009, 06:54 PM
Nope let me quote some things from EPA so you can see what its saying. Everyone reads and thinks they understand the law!
Ive been there done that so this is how i know.
This is what the DMV, CHP told me when i asked about them many times.
Let me say you have to have NHSTA DOT EPA and a good Lawyer to read these to understand!!!
July 8, 1994 -
Previous versions are obsolete
The following represents a clarification of EPA's policy concerning the regulation of imported and domestically produced kit cars and kit car packages. Kit vehicles are understood by EPA to typically involve new bodies, used drivetrains and new or used chassis. Used components may or may not be refurbished. This policy applies to kits or assembled kit cars only. This policy does not apply to regular production vehicles offered for importation into or produced in the United States.
Fully-assembled kit cars are "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. Complete kit car packages are also "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. These are packages which contain all of the major components needed for assembly (i.e., body, chassis, engine and transmission). As "motor vehicles" they are subject to all applicable emission regulations. If an assembled kit car or complete kit car package is offered for importation and the kit is not covered by an EPA certificate of conformity issued to an original equipment manufacturer, an EPA Form No. 3520-1 must be filed at the port of entry and the vehicle must be imported by an Independent Commercial Importer (ICI) eligible to import such vehicles or kits. The ICI then must ensure that the vehicle or kit complies with all applicable emission requirements.
An assembled kit car or complete kit car package which meets the following guidelines will be considered to be a rebuilt vehicle of a previously certified configuration and will be considered to be covered by that configuration's original EPA certificate of conformity.
The components of the drivetrain (engine, transmission, differential) must be exclusively or substantially used and/or rebuilt. Regardless of the combination of new and used components, the engine must be used or used and rebuilt. The engine block and cylinder head(s) must be used, other components of the engine may be new. "Used" means the component has been in a vehicle that has been titled to an ultimate purchaser. A rebuilt component is defined as a used component which has been refurbished with new or other used parts.
All emission-related components and settings must conform in all material respects to those of one previously certified configuration. Therefore, all part numbers for the emission-related components of a fully assembled kit vehicle or complete kit car package must match or be traceable to the numbers specified in the application for certification of a previously certified configuration.
Consistent with EPA Advisory Circular (AC) 64, which deals with modifications performed before sale to the ultimate purchaser, the vehicle weight of the kit configuration can be no more than 500 pounds greater than the weight of the originally certified configuration.
All catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and charcoal canisters must be new, original equipment parts.
Kit vehicles must: (1) have the same transmission configuration (i.e., manual, automatic, semi-automatic, number of forward gears, and shift calibration) as the originally certified configuration; and (2) consistent with AC 17F, have an N/V ratio (speed of vehicle in miles per hour/speed of engine in revolutions per minute) which matches the N/V ratio of the originally certified configuration within three (3) percent in every gear.*
*The Agency would consider minor variations to these limitations upon an appropriate demonstration that the altered configuration will meet Federal emission requirements.
Each vehicle and its accompanying documentation must be clearly labeled as to the make, model year, engine family, subfamily, and tune-up specifications represented by the originally certified vehicle.
If the originally certified configuration required unleaded fuel, then the vehicles must have fuel filler neck restrictors and unleaded fuel labels which meet the requirements of 40 CFR 80.24.
The production, sale and importation of automotive bodies alone (i.e., no chassis, engine or transmission) are not regulated by EPA since such units are not considered "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. EPA form 3520-1 is not required for imported automotive bodies. A motor vehicle from which the engine has been removed is still a motor vehicle and is not considered a body.
The production, sale and importation of vehicle parts (engines, transmissions, chassis, vehicle bodies, etc.) are not regulated by EPA because parts are not considered motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act. However if the parts constitute a disassembled vehicle or an approximate disassembled vehicle, the combination is considered a motor vehicle under the Clean Air Act. Any attempt to use this policy to circumvent the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations will be considered a violation of the Clean Air Act and will be strictly enforced. An example of such circumvention is:
A kit car maker who also provides the engine and transmission before or after production/importation of the body/chassis.
"Motor vehicles" must comply with the Clean Air Act and may not be disassembled nor purchased in a disassembled form for the purposes of evading the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations. In these situations the kit car body/chassis combination must be certified by the manufacturer, must be in a configuration which was previously certified by EPA subject to the guidelines discussed at "2" above or, in the case of an importation, an EPA form 3520-1 must be filed at the port of entry and the vehicle imported by an eligible ICI who must ensure that the kit car body/chassis complies with all applicable emission requirements. At the present time, there are no ICIs eligible to import kit cars.
Except with regard to kit vehicles meeting the guidelines at "2" above; an individual or firm that assembles kits for hire or resale, that produces assembled kit cars for resale or that produces complete kit car packages for resale will be considered to be a manufacturer of new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act. Such manufacturers and their vehicles are subject to all applicable regulations under the Act including civil penalties of up to $25,000 per vehicle for each new motor vehicle distributed in commerce, sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or delivered for introduction, into commerce, unless such vehicle is covered by a certificate of conformity issued by EPA.
The supplement contains definitions from the Clean Air Act and justification used to derive the position of the Kit car Policy.
Section 216 (1) defines a "manufacturer" as."any person engaged in the manufacturing or assembling of new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines, or importing such vehicle or engines for resale."
Section 216 (2) defines a "motor vehicle" as ."any self-propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons or property on a street or highway."
Section 216 (3) defines a "new motor vehicle" as..."a motor vehicle the equitable or legal title to which has never been transferred to the ultimate purchaser."
Section 216 (5) defines a "ultimate purchaser" as."the first person who in good faith purchases such new motor vehicle or new engine for purposes other than resale".
Section 203(a)(1) prohibits:."in the case of a manufacturer of new motor vehicles...the sale, or offering for sale, or the introduction,.into commerce..any new motor vehicle...unless such covered by a certificate of conformity.."
Section 205 states.."any person who violates Section 203(a)(1)..shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000...Any such violation...shall constitute a separate offense.."
06-17-2009, 12:12 AM
Nope let me quote some things from EPA so you can see what its saying. Everyone reads and thinks they understand the law!
Ive been there done that so this is how i know.
This is what the DMV, CHP told me when i asked about them many times.
Let me say you have to have NHSTA DOT EPA and a good Lawyer to read these to understand!!!
July 8, 1994 -
Previous versions are obsolete
The following represents a clarification of EPA's policy concerning the regulation of imported and domestically produced kit cars and kit car packages. Kit vehicles are understood by EPA to typically involve new bodies, used drivetrains and new or used chassis. Used components may or may not be refurbished. This policy applies to kits or assembled kit cars only. This policy does not apply to regular production vehicles offered for importation into or produced in the United States.
Fully-assembled kit cars are "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. Complete kit car packages are also "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. These are packages which contain all of the major components needed for assembly (i.e., body, chassis, engine and transmission). As "motor vehicles" they are subject to all applicable emission regulations. If an assembled kit car or complete kit car package is offered for importation and the kit is not covered by an EPA certificate of conformity issued to an original equipment manufacturer, an EPA Form No. 3520-1 must be filed at the port of entry and the vehicle must be imported by an Independent Commercial Importer (ICI) eligible to import such vehicles or kits. The ICI then must ensure that the vehicle or kit complies with all applicable emission requirements.
An assembled kit car or complete kit car package which meets the following guidelines will be considered to be a rebuilt vehicle of a previously certified configuration and will be considered to be covered by that configuration's original EPA certificate of conformity.
The components of the drivetrain (engine, transmission, differential) must be exclusively or substantially used and/or rebuilt. Regardless of the combination of new and used components, the engine must be used or used and rebuilt. The engine block and cylinder head(s) must be used, other components of the engine may be new. "Used" means the component has been in a vehicle that has been titled to an ultimate purchaser. A rebuilt component is defined as a used component which has been refurbished with new or other used parts.
All emission-related components and settings must conform in all material respects to those of one previously certified configuration. Therefore, all part numbers for the emission-related components of a fully assembled kit vehicle or complete kit car package must match or be traceable to the numbers specified in the application for certification of a previously certified configuration.
Consistent with EPA Advisory Circular (AC) 64, which deals with modifications performed before sale to the ultimate purchaser, the vehicle weight of the kit configuration can be no more than 500 pounds greater than the weight of the originally certified configuration.
All catalytic converters, oxygen sensors, and charcoal canisters must be new, original equipment parts.
Kit vehicles must: (1) have the same transmission configuration (i.e., manual, automatic, semi-automatic, number of forward gears, and shift calibration) as the originally certified configuration; and (2) consistent with AC 17F, have an N/V ratio (speed of vehicle in miles per hour/speed of engine in revolutions per minute) which matches the N/V ratio of the originally certified configuration within three (3) percent in every gear.*
*The Agency would consider minor variations to these limitations upon an appropriate demonstration that the altered configuration will meet Federal emission requirements.
Each vehicle and its accompanying documentation must be clearly labeled as to the make, model year, engine family, subfamily, and tune-up specifications represented by the originally certified vehicle.
If the originally certified configuration required unleaded fuel, then the vehicles must have fuel filler neck restrictors and unleaded fuel labels which meet the requirements of 40 CFR 80.24.
The production, sale and importation of automotive bodies alone (i.e., no chassis, engine or transmission) are not regulated by EPA since such units are not considered "motor vehicles" under the Clean Air Act. EPA form 3520-1 is not required for imported automotive bodies. A motor vehicle from which the engine has been removed is still a motor vehicle and is not considered a body.
The production, sale and importation of vehicle parts (engines, transmissions, chassis, vehicle bodies, etc.) are not regulated by EPA because parts are not considered motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act. However if the parts constitute a disassembled vehicle or an approximate disassembled vehicle, the combination is considered a motor vehicle under the Clean Air Act. Any attempt to use this policy to circumvent the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations will be considered a violation of the Clean Air Act and will be strictly enforced. An example of such circumvention is:
A kit car maker who also provides the engine and transmission before or after production/importation of the body/chassis.
"Motor vehicles" must comply with the Clean Air Act and may not be disassembled nor purchased in a disassembled form for the purposes of evading the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations. In these situations the kit car body/chassis combination must be certified by the manufacturer, must be in a configuration which was previously certified by EPA subject to the guidelines discussed at "2" above or, in the case of an importation, an EPA form 3520-1 must be filed at the port of entry and the vehicle imported by an eligible ICI who must ensure that the kit car body/chassis complies with all applicable emission requirements. At the present time, there are no ICIs eligible to import kit cars.
Except with regard to kit vehicles meeting the guidelines at "2" above; an individual or firm that assembles kits for hire or resale, that produces assembled kit cars for resale or that produces complete kit car packages for resale will be considered to be a manufacturer of new motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act. Such manufacturers and their vehicles are subject to all applicable regulations under the Act including civil penalties of up to $25,000 per vehicle for each new motor vehicle distributed in commerce, sold, offered for sale, or introduced, or delivered for introduction, into commerce, unless such vehicle is covered by a certificate of conformity issued by EPA.
The supplement contains definitions from the Clean Air Act and justification used to derive the position of the Kit car Policy.
Section 216 (1) defines a "manufacturer" as."any person engaged in the manufacturing or assembling of new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines, or importing such vehicle or engines for resale."
Section 216 (2) defines a "motor vehicle" as ."any self-propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons or property on a street or highway."
Section 216 (3) defines a "new motor vehicle" as..."a motor vehicle the equitable or legal title to which has never been transferred to the ultimate purchaser."
Section 216 (5) defines a "ultimate purchaser" as."the first person who in good faith purchases such new motor vehicle or new engine for purposes other than resale".
Section 203(a)(1) prohibits:."in the case of a manufacturer of new motor vehicles...the sale, or offering for sale, or the introduction,.into commerce..any new motor vehicle...unless such covered by a certificate of conformity.."
Section 205 states.."any person who violates Section 203(a)(1)..shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000...Any such violation...shall constitute a separate offense.."
Plain English Please.. lol
06-17-2009, 01:15 AM
Plain English Please.. lol
No skyline.
No jdmbullshit.
06-17-2009, 04:11 AM
you don't believe in happiness
06-17-2009, 07:25 AM
Some things are important.
Some things aren't.
FIGHTING to drive around a skyline GTR isn't really important. (in my opinion)
The world has MANY more paramount topics.
Fight for something useful. :)
It's not about how important it is. It's about checking the govt. Gun laws, WhyTF does anyone need an M4 carbine for? Gotta check the govt. so they don't push too far.
06-17-2009, 08:15 AM
It's not about how important it is. It's about checking the govt. Gun laws, WhyTF does anyone need an M4 carbine for? Gotta check the govt. so they don't push too far.
OMG why does anyone need fast food? We should al be driving the same econobox car and eating soilent green...
Your random offshoot into gun laws does nothing for this thread.
06-17-2009, 08:27 AM
It was a response, an example of laws and why citizens should speak out. He said fight for something useful. I agree but I also think you can fight for something that isn't necessarily useful. If you can't see the similarities with gun regulation (random example) and this topic then...
06-17-2009, 08:50 AM
Ok you're right.
You should dedicate your life to the FIGHT to bring in Japanese cars and legally drive and register them here in the USA.
Please start today.
06-17-2009, 08:52 AM
Ok you're right.
You should dedicate your life to the FIGHT to bring in Japanese cars and legally drive and register them here in the USA.
Please start today.
yes! YES!
we need jdm cars here because our cars are no good!!!
start today! PLEASE.
06-17-2009, 01:33 PM
What is everyone still bitching about.
Acting like you all JUST found out skylines and oversea only cars weren't allowed over here.
Shit isn't new.
Only thing different is that KAIZO thought they could 1-up the law and got caught.
rwd skyline?
Buy a 240.
Even if DOT and EPA legalized skylines, most all the people bitching couldn't afford one anyways.
So annoying.
People just bitching to bitch.
If you all want to drive a fucking s15 or some shit, buy one and take it to the track or only drive it on private property.
Better yet, fucking move out the US since all you have to do is bitch about how you can't drive a handful of cars.
Is that really what people have been reduced to?
You can have the whole world and a dollar, yet still cry and complain about how you don't have some other ninjas ice cream cone or some shit.
drift freaq
06-17-2009, 01:39 PM
Plain English Please.. lol In other words Kaizo fails. As there certain sections of that, they do not follow at all.
What is everyone still bitching about.
Acting like you all JUST found out skylines and oversea only cars weren't allowed over here.
Shit isn't new.
Only thing different is that KAIZO thought they could 1-up the law and got caught.
rwd skyline?
Buy a 240.
Even if DOT and EPA legalized skylines, most all the people bitching couldn't afford one anyways.
So annoying.
People just bitching to bitch.
If you all want to drive a fucking s15 or some shit, buy one and take it to the track or only drive it on private property.
Better yet, fucking move out the US since all you have to do is bitch about how you can't drive a handful of cars.
Is that really what people have been reduced to?
You can have the whole world and a dollar, yet still cry and complain about how you don't have some other ninjas ice cream cone or some shit.
pretty much that is it. Mods please come and lock this useless thread its gone on way to long.
06-17-2009, 03:11 PM
Thanks for posting up the EPA Kit Car Policy, there is a section that is critical to this discussion which I will repeat.
Plain English Please.. lol
Let me translate and anyone can feel free to correct me where I may be wrong as there is some open area for interpretation to the law (where it uses somewhat antiquated terms such as body and chassis) otherwise the statements are completely obvious:
The production, sale and importation of automotive bodies alone (i.e., no chassis, engine or transmission) are not regulated by EPA since such units are not considered “motor vehicles” under the Clean Air Act. EPA form 3520-1 is not required for imported automotive bodies. A motor vehicle from which the engine has been removed is still a motor vehicle and is not considered a body.
It is legal to import and sell a vehicle body without the subframe, drivetrain, and engine because the body alone is not regulated by the EPA and therefore does not require any EPA forms. However a car with only the engine removed is not considered a body.
The production, sale and importation of vehicle parts (engines, transmissions, chassis, vehicle bodies, etc.) are not regulated by EPA because parts are not considered motor vehicles under the Clean Air Act.
However if the parts constitute a disassembled vehicle or an approximate disassembled vehicle, the combination is considered a motor vehicle under the Clean Air Act. Any attempt to use this policy to circumvent the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations will be considered a violation of the Clean Air Act and will be strictly enforced. An example of such circumvention is:
A kit car maker who also provides the engine and transmission before or after production/importation of the body/chassis.
“Motor vehicles” must comply with the Clean Air Act and may not be disassembled nor purchased in a disassembled form for the purposes of evading the Clean Air Act or the Imports regulations.
Importing and selling car parts like engines, transmissions, subframes, bodies, etc. is legal. However it is illegal to take a car apart, and ship it in pieces (weather parts are shipped together or separately) with the intention of putting it back together in the USA in order to get around the law.
06-17-2009, 05:13 PM
Love JDM shit!
So duz 90%of the people on here.
Anyone have an SR or RB in there car>?
You cant!
This thread is BS!
06-17-2009, 05:20 PM
Thanks for posting up the EPA Kit Car Policy, there is a section that is critical to this discussion which I will repeat.
Let me translate and anyone can feel free to correct me where I may be wrong as there is some open area for interpretation to the law (where it uses somewhat antiquated terms such as body and chassis) otherwise the statements are completely obvious:
It is legal to import and sell a vehicle body without the subframe, drivetrain, and engine because the body alone is not regulated by the EPA and therefore does not require any EPA forms. However a car with only the engine removed is not considered a body.
Importing and selling car parts like engines, transmissions, subframes, bodies, etc. is legal. However it is illegal to take a car apart, and ship it in pieces (weather parts are shipped together or separately) with the intention of putting it back together in the USA in order to get around the law.
haha... all that for a few lines huh..
so if parts are from different cars yet still the same manufacturer and model it would still be considered an offense being that you are still trying to piece a car together that has not been tested nor has it been approved for use in US roads correct.. = bullshit bullshit bullshit... hahaha... o well.. i wonder how hard is it to legalize one of these in mexico... i seen cars here with mexican plates all the time.. and some even have border plates.. sure it would kinda be a hassle to get permits for the car every 6months or so... but hey.. sounds like its do able..
drift freaq
06-17-2009, 05:38 PM
Thanks for posting up the EPA Kit Car Policy, there is a section that is critical to this discussion which I will repeat.
Let me translate and anyone can feel free to correct me where I may be wrong as there is some open area for interpretation to the law (where it uses somewhat antiquated terms such as body and chassis) otherwise the statements are completely obvious:
It is legal to import and sell a vehicle body without the subframe, drivetrain, and engine because the body alone is not regulated by the EPA and therefore does not require any EPA forms. However a car with only the engine removed is not considered a body.
Importing and selling car parts like engines, transmissions, subframes, bodies, etc. is legal. However it is illegal to take a car apart, and ship it in pieces (weather parts are shipped together or separately) with the intention of putting it back together in the USA in order to get around the law.
Well I applaud you for spelling it completely for them, it just reiterates what I had previously said. Kaizo, is not following the letter of the law and just about anyone who does bring in a car not approved for use here? Unless 25 years or older is making the same mistake regardless of what they think.
Now can a MOD close this thread? At this point we are rehashing points that have been made several times in this thread alone. if not numerous ones in the past.
06-17-2009, 07:21 PM
haha... all that for a few lines huh..
so if parts are from different cars yet still the same manufacturer and model it would still be considered an offense being that you are still trying to piece a car together that has not been tested nor has it been approved for use in US roads correct.. = bullshit bullshit bullshit... hahaha... o well.. i wonder how hard is it to legalize one of these in mexico... i seen cars here with mexican plates all the time.. and some even have border plates.. sure it would kinda be a hassle to get permits for the car every 6months or so... but hey.. sounds like its do able..
It says you cant take it apart and ship it in pieces, however you can buy a body in Japan from source A, a USA sourced EPA certified powertrain from source B, and other components from source C, and you can build it on your own as a home-made, specially constructed, or kit vehicle.
In California the requirements for registering a vehicle built for private use, not for resale, built by someone other than a licensed manufacturer or remanufacturer are:
A completed Application for Title or Registration (REG 343).
A vehicle verification by an authorized DMV employee. Bring your vehicle to a DMV office for verification.
A completed Statement of Construction (REG 5036).
Bills of sale and/or receipts for major component parts (the engine, frame, transmission, and body).
If the vehicle is a trailer constructed from a purchased kit, the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin or a receipt or invoice identifying the kit purchased.
Official Brake and Light Adjustment Certificates.
A weight certificate from a California Certified Public Weighmaster, if the vehicle is a pickup or truck.
A Smog Certification.
Registration fees.
You may register a vehicle in mexico and drive it here if you have a mexican drivers license, residence address & utilities bills in your name. However mexican vehicle importers will only have standard USA spec vehicles in the computer, and sports cars in general are not allowed unless of course you know someone that can remedy those situations for you.
Well I applaud you for spelling it completely for them, it just reiterates what I had previously said. Kaizo, is not following the letter of the law and just about anyone who does bring in a car not approved for use here? Unless 25 years or older is making the same mistake regardless of what they think.
Now can a MOD close this thread? At this point we are rehashing points that have been made several times in this thread alone. if not numerous ones in the past.
The fundamentals of the Kaizo method appear perfectly legal as long as they do not cross the line by doing things that explicitly forbidden such as reuniting a car with its motor, or shipping an assemblage of parts that equals a motor vehicle when they say they are just shipping bodies.
06-17-2009, 08:48 PM
The fundamentals of the Kaizo method appear perfectly legal as long as they do not cross the line by doing things that explicitly forbidden such as reuniting a car with its motor, or shipping an assemblage of parts that equals a motor vehicle when they say they are just shipping bodies.
It's not because they are not Manufacturing a chassis they are modifying an existing production chassis.
06-17-2009, 11:36 PM
You may register a vehicle in mexico and drive it here if you have a mexican drivers license, residence address & utilities bills in your name. However mexican vehicle importers will only have standard USA spec vehicles in the computer, and sports cars in general are not allowed unless of course you know someone that can remedy those situations for you.
ok.. it can be registered in mexico and it can be driven here... but from what i know all you need is a mexican pasport or a mexican drivers license..
as far as pulling strings.. im sure that can be arranged.. i know people who know people that bribe people.. lmao :bigok:
06-18-2009, 12:27 AM
It says you cant take it apart and ship it in pieces, however you can buy a body in Japan from source A, a USA sourced EPA certified powertrain from source B, and other components from source C, and you can build it on your own as a home-made, specially constructed, or kit vehicle.
If this is true... its worth investigating.
thank you DC DAN
06-18-2009, 08:32 AM
Did somebody "snitch" on the cars?
I didn't really read the story.
I just knew people would bitch about the same stuff that they always do.
Do something about it?
Talks about this always end up the same as they have for years. These threads have gotten boring and plus who cares anyways.
06-18-2009, 05:41 PM
It's not because they are not Manufacturing a chassis they are modifying an existing production chassis.
It may be misleading if it was said to be manufacturing and it is obviously not but its kind of irrelevant what term is assigned "remanufactured" or whatever anyone prefers to call it, the fact is that importation of a vehicle body by itself regardless of modifications is not regulated. However I believe it is good karma to reinforce the thing in case someone T-bones it.
If this is true... its worth investigating.
thank you DC DAN
Im on it as we speak & blogging about the progress.
06-19-2009, 02:39 PM
Are there any lawyers that post on this site?
Or am I going to have to start a petition of some sort, and raise money to go lobby it in dc on my own?
Stop whining, this is old news,
We all knew that sooner or later they would crack down on kaizo.
We also know that california is in a huge budget deficit.
What I don't understand is why people keep whining like a broken wheel bearing, and don't take the initiative to get educated on the EPA's rulings regarding our motors, cars, and other legislative decisions.
Until you understand what really goes on with these decisions, and unjustifiable rulings, we will stay where we are now.
As far as complaining about our president, we elected him.
I'm tired of being part of the problem, and I am tired of blaming other people for all he bad stuff that happens to us.
You gotta see your part in the situation, and do something different.
I know I will
06-20-2009, 07:46 PM
About this whole raid thing, you don't need to worry if you have a legit kaizo or motorex car, They were looking for cars brought in as "kit cars".*
well i got worried about the legally imoported skylines i have, that are on motorex's grand fathered list.
he told me that statement above....
so all you cool guys with your skyline kit cars watch out..... you can play hookey from school for soo many times, sooner or later you'll end up in detention.
06-20-2009, 08:17 PM
I would worry if I had a Kaizo "kit" car.
06-20-2009, 08:21 PM
legit and motorex in the same sentence. hahah
06-20-2009, 08:37 PM
Whay cant everyone just be patient and wait until the car that they want passes the 25 year mark?
06-20-2009, 08:50 PM
you're 16, why wait until youre 30 to get something if you can get it sooner?
drift freaq
06-20-2009, 09:19 PM
Whay cant everyone just be patient and wait until the car that they want passes the 25 year mark?
Truthfully because there is strong likely hood the 25 year mark for importation will be frozen.
Just like the 25 year mark for smog exemption got frozen at 1975 in 2000. Until that happened, it would have been a situation, where in another 5 years 89 240sx's would be smog exempt. Its not that way anymore.
People don't expect the importation laws for old or outdated vehicles that were never sold here to begin with to get simpler or easier. Given the current climate of change its just not going to happen.
Especially with the Government talking about encouraging people to buy new cars, instead of older cars to stimulate the economy and whatnot.
You forget the basic fact that you are a small minority among larger majority. Granted there are lots of people into tuning cars and whatnot. Though the fact is, the amount of them interested in cars that were never brought here? It is miniscule in the tuning world.
Minority does not usually get the sway or the ear of the Governance, sadly to say.
This is not crying or anything this is cold hard facts.
Its like when Joe tried to get SR's legal. In the end it would have cost so much, it was not worth and his former boss gave up.
Its the same thing here, even if you were to get what you want by the time you might get to achieve? The price you would have to pay, completely negates the logic involved in doing it.
Oh and like S14DB said, if I owned a Motorex car or a Kaizo car I would be careful and cautious. Fact is if you read the fine print the DOT or the CHP at anytime could deem these cars a danger and remove them.
Why? Well the only Motorex cars that really ever fell into true DOT legal terms per the testing regs and whatnot were R33 GTST's. Everything else was untested. Though they managed to slip R32 GTRs and R34 GTRs and R33 GTR's by in the end they still are not technically legal and they have the ultimate power to crack down on them if they so choose.
On the Kaizo side it remains to be seen but like S14DB said Kaizo did not actually manufacture the S15 chassis and in fact bought used S15's. Its a grey area that is a loop hole at best and like I previously said it will probably get closed. If not is closed already.
I applaud DC Dan for looking into it, more power to him. While I am an optimist this is one of those times were I don't see it happening. Sorry.
06-20-2009, 09:56 PM
drift freaq
you know the only thing i noticed is, that skylines are for some odd reason not obdII, and Ruf, and Gemballa are.... the importation rules apply to those remanufacturers who do provide engines and transmissions on their 500+ hp porsche recreations.
06-20-2009, 10:13 PM
The laws regarding imports are stupid.
And all of you hung up on obeying the law: Just because something is law, doesn't make it right. Yes, you will have to face consequences if you violate the law, but these laws were clearly created in order to keep car buying within the country and has a bias towards domestic cars produced here.
06-21-2009, 01:28 AM
The laws regarding imports are stupid.
And all of you hung up on obeying the law: Just because something is law, doesn't make it right. Yes, you will have to face consequences if you violate the law, but these laws were clearly created in order to keep car buying within the country and has a bias towards domestic cars produced here.
This MAY be true..... but so what?
What are you going to do about it.
people bitch so much about this and pretend to be authorities on it...... so DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
drift freaq
06-21-2009, 01:33 AM
The laws regarding imports are stupid.
And all of you hung up on obeying the law: Just because something is law, doesn't make it right. Yes, you will have to face consequences if you violate the law, but these laws were clearly created in order to keep car buying within the country and has a bias towards domestic cars produced here.
You sir are an idiot, if you think what wrote above is true. Seriously you are a 19 year old who obviously does not know much about the automotive industry. Nor importation laws and the history of importing non U.S. Market vehicles.
Until you have knowledge of it? Until you can speak with intelligence about it? I suggest you stay out of this discussion.
Oh and it seems reading comprehension fails you, because you would have learned some of this, in this very thread.
06-21-2009, 12:26 PM
You sir are an idiot, if you think what wrote above is true. Seriously you are a 19 year old who obviously does not know much about the automotive industry. Nor importation laws and the history of importing non U.S. Market vehicles.
Until you have knowledge of it? Until you can speak with intelligence about it? I suggest you stay out of this discussion.
Oh and it seems reading comprehension fails you, because you would have learned some of this, in this very thread.
What part of what I said is stupid?
You don't agree that the laws are stupid?
06-21-2009, 12:28 PM
This MAY be true..... but so what?
What are you going to do about it.
people bitch so much about this and pretend to be authorities on it...... so DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I don't claim to know everything about importing but, I recognize that the laws are dumb. If I want a Skyline or a Silvia or whatever, I'll find a way to do it.
06-21-2009, 01:01 PM
I wasn't pointing you out in specific. there are many other people who have the same point of view that you do (it seems).
Some people think front license plate laws are dumb, so they "find a way to get around it".
Then they get busted. Same thing seems to happen with GTRs.
06-21-2009, 02:03 PM
Hey zorak, you should become a drug dealler, cause you sound like a rebel,
06-21-2009, 02:40 PM
First amendment of the constitution people.
Read it. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or exclusion of GTR skylines, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
It's our given RIGHT to own GTR's.
It's true.
06-21-2009, 03:15 PM
You don't agree that the laws are stupid?
Yeah I can't wait for people to start importing Chinese tin cans of death and my insurance rates to go up.
06-21-2009, 03:47 PM
JDM prophet Moses Halem Jahabeth quotes from the hebrew false idolatry/Etymology handbook - In Deut. 4:15, they see no shape or form when god approached, however a GTR34 which cought the womans eye, thus biting into the apple of RBism, and there was DOT.
drift freaq
06-21-2009, 04:13 PM
I don't claim to know everything about importing but, I recognize that the laws are dumb. If I want a Skyline or a Silvia or whatever, I'll find a way to do it.
laws are dumb eh? hmmm So you think people should have the right to kill people? You think that people should be allowed to steal from each other?
I suppose you;re an Anarchist? Ya I want to live in chaos. Sounds like fun to me because laws are dumb. Ah not.
I swear your honor, it was my God given right to drive a GTR. I only hit them because they were in my blind spot. You can't hold me at fault for that its a GTR.
Gods gift to earth in the form of cars, your honor. Even though driving them on left hand drive roads makes no fucking sense at all. Though your honor my name is Zorak and I make no sense at all either.
06-21-2009, 05:59 PM
Zorak, if we had no laws in this country, you could import Skyline's and Silvia's like there was no tomorrow. Also, people could approach your car when you're at an intersection, shoot you in the face, and steal your car. And you know what? They could get away with it.
Yea, laws are dumb...
Seriously folks, I maybe only sixteen, but god damn; if you think this country's laws are dumb and want to be able to drive skylines for the rest of your life, then GTFO your lazy whiney asses, and move to Japan.
Just to clear things up, I dont have anything agaisnt Japan. Just sayin.
06-22-2009, 12:52 AM
guys... victimless crimes ARE different then crimes that actually hurt people.
that distinction can be drawn right down the middle.
06-22-2009, 04:52 AM
guys... victimless crimes ARE different then crimes that actually hurt people.
that distinction can be drawn right down the middle.
true, however america's crash standards and other countries are different. so when you kill your passenger in a collision because of an imported car....not so victim less i would say.
06-22-2009, 10:05 AM
Soon people will start importing the korean knockoff bmw's and mercedes.
With arguments like, "It was built from the same mold. Why cant I drive this here?"
06-22-2009, 10:37 AM
My statement was regarding import laws.
If you couldn't understand that, then you're retarded.
drift freaq
06-22-2009, 10:49 AM
true, however america's crash standards and other countries are different. so when you kill your passenger in a collision because of an imported car....not so victim less i would say.
a Very true statement and Kaylapso in this case their would be victims so its not victimless.
Oh and Zorak your an idiot for not realizing that my post was in sarcasm and abstracted to make a point. That seems to have gone right over your head.
You are the retarded one in the first place, for making a blanket statement that laws are dumb.
It opened you up to ridicule. On top of that of course we new you might be referring to the automotive laws. Though I had already pointed out you were ignorant in that department.
You are digging yourself a deep hole here.
If you had made a statement, that you feel certain automotive laws are dumb? Then you might not have come off as so stupid and ignorant.
You did not, you made a blanket statement and trying to defend that with clarification after the fact does not change that fact.
you have failed miserably here. Give it up, you are making yourself into a idiot, you may not be.
06-22-2009, 11:16 AM
Great thread, I skipped the idiot's posts but everything else was fine. It seems to always boil down to if you really want something, you'll do what you have to to have it; that's just getting tougher and tougher. A little more black and white now isn't it?
The first thing that came to mind? Last mind Gray Davis spoke at a graduation I was at in New York. I shook his hand. Ha.
06-22-2009, 02:44 PM
It seems to always boil down to if you really want something, you'll do what you have to to have it; that's just getting tougher and tougher. A little more black and white now isn't it?
Yes, I think the law is fairly consistant from my experience in all categories be it patents, gun control, importation, etc.
I have a California legal AR-15, and I have it because of what some people refer to as a "loop hole" but really it just has specs that are designed within or around the verbage of the year 2000 assault weapons ban. Several companies have supplied guns with specifications within the new laws restrictions and therefore it is legal to own. Yes, the law could possibly change, however by acting now you will get grandfathered in.
Building a California-legal AR-15 rifle (
Thats just another example of how the law works, the letters of the law are in black and white for you to read, interpret and take action where and when there is still some room.
We can use the examples of the past and present to decide how to do things differently, and correctly today, and if that changes later oh well. We are not going to effect change in our favor as a minority however there is some advantage in being a minority. If the activity is small enough to fly under the radar of the automakers who lobied for these laws in the first place, then they have no reason to loby for additional restrictions.
06-22-2009, 06:25 PM
Well, newest update, looks like ICE are starting to visit folks who went thru Kaizo. A military member in TX was given the option to export his skyline or get it crushed.
06-22-2009, 09:39 PM
Im guessing these skylines getting heat have been reunited with the RB (which is explicitly illegal)
I understand they did not nab the VW bug powered kaizo unibody.
06-23-2009, 08:20 AM
Well, newest update, looks like ICE are starting to visit folks who went thru Kaizo. A military member in TX was given the option to export his skyline or get it crushed.
Damn...That's some cold shit right there...
06-23-2009, 11:33 AM
People have been given that ultimatum more often than you think.
06-24-2009, 12:25 AM
WTF? what happened to keeping it as a track car...
I'd drive it up to canada, or south to mexico and pay to store it.
these people are animals
06-24-2009, 06:20 PM
WTF? what happened to keeping it as a track car...
I'd drive it up to canada, or south to mexico and pay to store it.
these people are animals
The car isn't supposed to be in this country.
And if he used less than legal ways to get the car on the roads, then maybe that's why the gov is being so harsh?
06-24-2009, 07:16 PM
I agree, the people I know with Kaizo cars are not being idiots and wasting their money just to have a grey market kinda legal vehicle.
It is not like a certain person with a r33 regestered and an s14.
And the American government trying to help the American car companies by smashing skylines? So dumb.
That is like we can not comete lets just illiminate the competition.
This is all bs, but thanks for posting a heads up.
06-26-2009, 01:41 AM
I thought Kaizo cars came over as DOT approved vehicles with all the added support to meet DOT standards and such?
06-26-2009, 01:49 AM
Kaizo cars as I understand it are to be registered as kit cars. Not legal when it comes to doing it with production cars.
06-26-2009, 02:34 AM
i would crush my nut before a skyline :/
06-26-2009, 02:39 AM
^ really? that's pretty pathetic considering how many rusted ones there are in Japan.
I don't see the big deal about this though. If someone truly wants one of these cars just go through the very long and costly road of legalizing it. It can be done. It's not easy and you will waste more money than you ever thought you would needed too.
Or you could do what all the Honda guys are doing and converting their accords to skylines :keke:
drift freaq
06-26-2009, 11:32 AM
^ really? that's pretty pathetic considering how many rusted ones there are in Japan.
I don't see the big deal about this though. If someone truly wants one of these cars just go through the very long and costly road of legalizing it. It can be done. It's not easy and you will waste more money than you ever thought you would needed too.
Or you could do what all the Honda guys are doing and converting their accords to skylines :keke:
Actually Jimmy the only way to have one legally is to not drive it on the streets and only take it to the track. In other words? Not really worth the hassle.
06-26-2009, 01:16 PM
Crush one of my nuts for a skyline.
Fuck that.
Why not buy a mkIV supra.
Same shit, different tune.
10-04-2009, 03:38 PM
I gotta get in on this, lol...
I have been a Nissan enthusiast for as long as I can remember and have only owned Nissan cars and have always dreamed of owning a S15 or R34 as much as the next guy but the reality of it is that I cant and just enjoy my S14 SR20 thats illegal enough already, at least I can insure it and find parts somewhat easily...
I mean they have always been illegal its nothing new! Now all our problems are answered anyway, just by a R35! We finally got a damn legit legal Skyline, save your pennies and make me jealous. I want a new car anyway all I have ever owned is 240s, im done with the old cars why would I go though all the trouble and pay out my ass for another old car? I already have one...
The way I deal with the shitty domestic cars are bikes! There the same here or in Japan so you cant cry about wanting a JDM bike! and of course driving SR powered 240's same shit different side of the pond, ENJOY WHAT WE HAVE instead of crying about what you cant...
10-04-2009, 03:45 PM
There the same here or in Japan so you cant cry about wanting a JDM bike! and of course driving SR powered 240's same shit different side of the pond, ENJOY WHAT WE HAVE instead of crying about what you cant...Not very true at all, we actually get better (more power) bikes than Japan for the most part... but they also got some cool shit we never got here but it's mostly related to shit that we would own just to say we have (ie. 400cc super sports, 2 strokes, etc)
10-04-2009, 06:55 PM
I gotta get in on this, lol...
I have been a Nissan enthusiast for as long as I can remember and have only owned Nissan cars and have always dreamed of owning a S15 or R34 as much as the next guy but the reality of it is that I cant and just enjoy my S14 SR20 thats illegal enough already, at least I can insure it and find parts somewhat easily...
I mean they have always been illegal its nothing new! Now all our problems are answered anyway, just by a R35! We finally got a damn legit legal Skyline, save your pennies and make me jealous. I want a new car anyway all I have ever owned is 240s, im done with the old cars why would I go though all the trouble and pay out my ass for another old car? I already have one...
The way I deal with the shitty domestic cars are bikes! There the same here or in Japan so you cant cry about wanting a JDM bike! and of course driving SR powered 240's same shit different side of the pond, ENJOY WHAT WE HAVE instead of crying about what you cant...
You live in Florida. How is owning a SR powered 240 illegal? We have no SMOG/emissions control. I don't get it.
10-04-2009, 08:11 PM
cops, goverment, systems. they all suck its pointless its useless it just sucks!
but would we rather have no sort of control and let every retard be out and about killing people and ripping people off?
it was bound to happened.
we complain but we cant at the same time
10-04-2009, 10:13 PM
You live in Florida. How is owning a SR powered 240 illegal? We have no SMOG/emissions control. I don't get it.
It's federal law you're violating.
10-05-2009, 06:46 AM
Ya its still illegal we just dont get caught, haha. And I know the JDM bikes are restricted when it comes to comparison power wise but then again they get all those badass special editions that we dont. But I wasnt going to go into it I was mainly talking about the hole rdh/lhd and completely different motor like our cars major differences, but you get where im coming from I think...
10-05-2009, 07:03 AM
I guess you're missing the biggest point here...its not that we really care about they going after Skylines since we dont have one. The part that most of us are bitching about is how much Tax Money and Resources they're putting into this whole shinanigun. Really now, you wanna waste your man power on going after Car Owners when we have bigger issues like fucking illegal immigrants and fucking terrorists?!?! Its absolutely fucking retarded...
10-05-2009, 10:03 AM
Then you feel the same about legalizing things like weed? Government wasting money locking up some potheads, victimless crime, etc.
The point is that we are a minority, and as a minority we will be fucked with, there is no way around it. America really isn't that bad - go to Japan and get a GTR... and pay huge taxes, go to Europe and get a GTR... and have to stick to TÜV/MOT/etc that almost every country has that actually checks for mods and safety, go to Mexico and get a GTR... and have it stolen, etc. America does let us have GTRs, we just have to use them on the track - where they fucking belong... or you could wait until the GTRs are legally eligible for importation - 2014 for the R32, 2020 for the R33, or 2024 for the R34. I'd imagine that the government can show studies that correlate modded vehicles being involved or causing accidents is much more common than the average car, bam - legitimate reason.
All the shit that has been going on with the GTR for the past 10 years is what pissed the government off, now they are watching it closely.
We really don't have it that bad here guys, America is lax as fuck.
10-05-2009, 12:02 PM
All the shit that has been going on with the GTR for the past 10 years is what pissed the government off, now they are watching it closely.
Never thought of it that way, I'm sure the Motorex fiasco put a bad taste in their mouth too.
10-05-2009, 12:05 PM
cops, goverment, systems. they all suck its pointless its useless it just sucks!
but would we rather have no sort of control and let every retard be out and about killing people and ripping people off?
it was bound to happened.
we complain but we cant at the same time
I hope you aren't trying to speak for everyone...
10-05-2009, 01:38 PM
I'm going to bust a BH and simply state.
I tried to out smart the law, and the law came and fucked me because I tried to fuck them.
Boo hoo, I'm the victim.
I feel sorry for CursedGTR... that car is going to be the next "track whore" build that is sold because he couldn't keep it when returning to the US.
10-05-2009, 01:44 PM
I feel sorry for CursedGTR... that car is going to be the next "track whore" build that is sold because he couldn't keep it when returning to the US.
I called it a LONG time ago.
The car will never get completed and eventually just get parted out.
It's a shame, really. That thing was turning out to be so cool.
10-05-2009, 02:47 PM
My skyrine didnt get seized.
But seriously, for the owners that were clueless i feel somewhat sympathy for, but for people that did it anyways, got letters and still did nothing, don't feel bad at all. Although i agree this is a big waste of tax dollars, and is hitting a minority that is a fraction of any population in the U.S. Its hard to argue, when they have guidelines for everyone to see, and even sent out warning letters.
I know a guy locally who owns a R33, i'm going to have to give him a call and see whats up.
10-06-2009, 05:57 AM
Why would you feel bad about CursedGTR? He's still gonna bring that chassis one way or another. If you import it yourself, who the fuck is gonna stop you from doing it? Its not like theyre not letting you import chassis from Japan.
10-06-2009, 10:29 AM
Customs will still seize the car until they have DOT release paperwork.
10-08-2009, 05:45 AM
This is very interesting. I heard about a container being seized this week that was a 6 figure container iteslf :( Sucks for the owner. The one thing I cant stop thinking about is.. where does this end? they started with 'Cash for Clunkers' and are making a much bigger impact on direct importers. Yes, I can understand that we're not necessarily helping the ozone, but shit... who is!?
I'm kind of curious as to how far this will really reach... sadly only time will tell that. One things for sure... start watching your shit. One things for sure, once everythings said and done.. theres going to be some less old cars on the streets.
Haha who knows, maybe we're trying to adopt the ways of other countries... Free health care like Canada, and super duper strict smog laws like Japan. (lol jk)
I believe it is time to change with the changing times
10-08-2009, 06:05 AM
Customs will still seize the car until they have DOT release paperwork.
Why if its coming in as a parts car...they still havent shut down that loop hole last i checked.
10-08-2009, 08:03 AM
This is very interesting. I heard about a container being seized this week that was a 6 figure container iteslf :( Sucks for the owner. The one thing I cant stop thinking about is.. where does this end? they started with 'Cash for Clunkers' and are making a much bigger impact on direct importers. Yes, I can understand that we're not necessarily helping the ozone, but shit... who is!?
I'm kind of curious as to how far this will really reach... sadly only time will tell that. One things for sure... start watching your shit. One things for sure, once everythings said and done.. theres going to be some less old cars on the streets.
Haha who knows, maybe we're trying to adopt the ways of other countries... Free health care like Canada, and super duper strict smog laws like Japan. (lol jk)
I believe it is time to change with the changing times
A friend of mine had a container seized recently. He mentioned other importer having their container(s) seized as well. He mentioned that it was the EPA that seized it.
10-08-2009, 01:41 PM
^ Yep, thats what I'm hearing. its a big mess... but long story short. For now their focus seems to be on cars that are being driven on the street but "illegaly imported" I dont know if its whole cars is their focus or not. But its just freaky because it always starts with something super big like cash for clunkers, EPA is like "Ohhh look at us, we're being awesome and GIVING you money to get rid of your old car and drive with a cleaner fuel burning car" (even though we all know its never that simple) and their next target I guess are the illegally imported cars or cars that are being driven on the streets that shouldnt be.
But after that, lets just hope they dont start going after containers with front clips (not sure if they already have started that), then after front clips it'd probly be the motorsets, and after the motorsets theres just the people who's driving with an illegal motor already in their cars. Its not like they havent been targeting cars with JDM motors, but I just think the consequences of getting caught with an illegal motor is going to be MUCH worse than a simple Ref ticket when they do feel like they've got everything else on check.
I REALLY dont know, I'm just speaking out of my own opinions and thoughts, and I dont know half of the story with the whole EPA seizures and whatnot. So dont quote me as hard facts by all means.
10-08-2009, 02:28 PM
cliffs notes:
1. kaizo tried to exploit what they thought was a loophole
2. gov't is doing its JOB
3. people are getting butt hurt about a topic that doesn't even include them
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