View Full Version : How to install aftermarket intakes??

10-15-2001, 02:08 PM
I just bought a generic aftermarket SS intake off ebay.  Its just the cone filter with a rubber o ring attached to it.  I checked out my air box and it looks like there's a mass air sensor right before the airbox that I assume needs to kept on.  Is there an adapter I need to buy or can I make one?

10-15-2001, 03:27 PM
cant remember where, but i've seen em on the web for about $10-20

10-15-2001, 03:33 PM
Yeah.  Youi can buy a mafs adaptor from a lot of places, and they're like $15.  And the airbox comes off, so does the y-pipe, the resonator (gotta take the wheel off for that one) and that stupid hood scoop.

10-15-2001, 04:11 PM
I don't know about S14's, but you don't have to take the wheel off an S13 to take out the resonator.  Just jack the car up so you can see under there, undo the clips and bolts that hold all that black plastic guard stuff on underneath the car and kinda bend it back.  Reach up in there and unbolt it...one bolt is kinda tricky to get to.  Then again, taking the wheel off will probably give you a little more room to work...but if you don't want to go through that trouble it's not necessary.

10-15-2001, 05:22 PM
you don't have to in the s14