View Full Version : S14 5 Speed into an S13, flame on

Clark W. Griswald
06-04-2009, 06:46 PM
Before anyone here pisses on this thread based on the fact that it has supposedly been discussed many MANY times I would like you all to know that I just got done searching for a half an hour looking for my answer before I decided to open up this can of worms. Hear that? I just opened a can.

Theres a guy near me selling "everything" to convert an S14 auto to a manual. I have an S13.

Does it matter what gen 240SX ths parts came out of? Can I use his S14 stuff in my S13 as if it were out of another S13?

Please let me know what I need to know before flaming me for asking this. Thanks.

Clark W. Griswald
06-05-2009, 10:32 AM
Not one reply? Wow. cmon guys I really need to know what will and will not fit from an S14 on my S13. Clutch master cylinder, slave cylinder, hard and soft lines, etc.

06-05-2009, 07:14 PM
yes {msg length}

Clark W. Griswald
06-05-2009, 08:04 PM
Okay great...yes what?

06-05-2009, 08:11 PM
Yes, you can use his stuff, I drive my car every day with S14 clutch hydraulics.

Jonnie Fraz
06-05-2009, 08:15 PM
Yes they are the same. On the S14 they have a CAS on the top of the bell housing that you do not need. You will need an S13 speed sensor. 14 and 13 are different. You will need to remove the big dust cover on the tail shaft, it hits the guebo. The only other thing you need to hook up is the reverse lights, and they are the same.
Now since you do not need the S14 speed sensor you should sell it to me because my brother needs one.
Hope this helped