View Full Version : Strait Pipings

04-04-2003, 10:30 PM
Hey, I was wondering if a Strait Piping would pass a Cali Emmision test at all? I was htinkign about doign one But before I do it I wanted to know if it would pass Cali emmison test.. and Would a Strait pipe pass on fro ma Ka24De to a Sr20 at all?

04-04-2003, 10:46 PM
Uh, NO.

That's one of the first things they look for.

It's a dumbass idea anyway.

04-04-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
Uh, NO.

That's one of the first things they look for.

It's a dumbass idea anyway. My muff. fell off and i had to cut the pipe, wow it sounded like ****, backfriing left and right, just acting like a pile, so i got exhaust, and it rocks