View Full Version : YES! A true sequel to Predator!

06-04-2009, 11:53 AM
Not a remake, but an actual sequel!

Take a look at this article:

IGN: Arnie Back for Predators? (http://movies.ign.com/articles/991/991584p1.html)

Arnie Back for Predators?
Schwarzenegger rumoured to be back for a cameo.
by Orlando Parfitt, IGN UK

UK, June 4, 2009 - Robert Rodriguez wants Arnold Schwarzenegger back for the new Predators film.

The director has apparently (according to a scooper at Moviehole) asked the governor to reprise his role as Major "Dutch" Schaefer for his sci-fi sequel.

"They've written a role for him", a source tells the site.

In a move that bucks recent industry trends, the movie will be a also be conventional sequel according to the site.

"Rodriguez is as against the idea of a straight-up remake as much as anyone - which is why they're considering this as an official sequel to John McTiernan's film. Like Terminator, they know Schwarzenegger's a vital ingredient of the franchise. Ideally, Arnold will see it that way too. Ball is in his court now".

Anyone excited about seeing a predator that isn't fighting an alien yet?

06-04-2009, 12:19 PM
Ah good, Robert Rodriguez is directing.
thankful this isn't another remake.

06-04-2009, 12:21 PM
wooooooooo hopefully its as good as the OG ones, rodriguez has a lot on his shoulders with this

06-04-2009, 12:34 PM
I'll only see it if Arnold says either:

1) GET DOWN!!!



06-04-2009, 12:38 PM
^ hahahaha

06-04-2009, 01:58 PM
hahah this is gonna be dope

06-04-2009, 04:23 PM
This can either be reeeeeeeeeal good or real bad. Lets hope this movie comes out looking badass.

06-04-2009, 04:29 PM
I would watch a Rodriguez film called "Bob Shovels Dog Shit" and I could rest assured that in some way it would entertain me.

With a franchise like Predator to work with... I'm excited.

06-04-2009, 06:52 PM
dammm Arnold will need LOTS of training/working out if he does this lol. Too bad no more "Dillon! you son of a bitch" lol

06-04-2009, 06:56 PM
Lol, a shame Arnold will only be in for a cameo.
Just to watch him chew ppl out, is worth the price of admission imo.

06-04-2009, 07:10 PM
would be pissed if they put christian bale in it lol

imotion s14
06-04-2009, 07:12 PM

No other movie has ever gathered together in one movie such an elite squad of WHOOP ASS.

06-04-2009, 07:41 PM
arnold had like fucking open bypass surgury a while back didn't he? I doubt it will be an action role.

06-04-2009, 09:22 PM
This can either be reeeeeeeeeal good or real bad. Lets hope this movie comes out looking badass.

Exactly what I am thinking. I don't want to get my hopes up.

06-04-2009, 09:40 PM
Hahaha was the 2nd predator directed from the same person as the 1st?

06-04-2009, 10:06 PM
No. Predator 1 was dir by John McTeirnan.
he also did Die Hard and some other good 80's high strung machismo action flicks.
enjoyable stuff from the good old days imo.
John McTiernan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McTiernan)

Predator 2 was done by some other guy who wasn't used to doing action flicks.
didn't care for it myself (and probably neither did the OP considering the title)

Someone should make Predator vs. Conan The Barbarian (with Arnold of course).
I'd pay to see that.

06-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Hawkins: Billy. Billy! The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy." She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't."
[Billy stares blankly]

Hawkins: See, cuz of the echo.


06-04-2009, 11:27 PM
Damn you can barely see Carl Weathers in that pic. lol

06-05-2009, 07:26 AM
Hawkins: Billy. Billy! The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy." She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't."
[Billy stares blankly]

Hawkins: See, cuz of the echo.


Love that joke.

No. Predator 1 was dir by John McTeirnan.
he also did Die Hard and some other good 80's high strung machismo action flicks.
enjoyable stuff from the good old days imo.
John McTiernan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McTiernan)

Predator 2 was done by some other guy who wasn't used to doing action flicks.
didn't care for it myself (and probably neither did the OP considering the title)

I kinda liked part two. It was weird that they took it to a completely different location but it was still good I thought. I loved the Jamaicans in the movie. Damn movies were awesome back then!

arnold had like fucking open bypass surgury a while back didn't he? I doubt it will be an action role.

Yeah he did but that was actually before he did the 6th Day in 2000.


No other movie has ever gathered together in one movie such an elite squad of WHOOP ASS.

Indeed. they just don't make'em like they used to.

would be pissed if they put christian bale in it lol

Me too.

06-05-2009, 07:50 AM
Nice. I'm a huge Predator fan.

Predator VS Aliens 1&2 was such a let down, I hope this one kicks ass like the others. And the predators better not make cow noises like in PVA2.

06-05-2009, 10:02 AM
i liked the second movie. It just didn't have anything to do with the first. I am wondering what new weapons they are going to give the predator. I think that shoulder cannon from AVP didn't fit in with the predator feel.

06-05-2009, 10:33 AM
I liked Predator 2 also. It focused on the Predator and what he did more instead of making it this mysterious creature. You actually learn a lot more about the Predators from the second movie. The first was kick ass too though.

Does anyone read the Predator or Aliens books?

06-05-2009, 10:40 AM
I liked Predator 2 also. It focused on the Predator and what he did more instead of making it this mysterious creature. You actually learn a lot more about the Predators from the second movie. The first was kick ass too though.

Does anyone read the Predator or Aliens books?

That is why I liked it. The predator healing himself scene was my favorite in the movie. I didn't know they had books.

06-05-2009, 12:24 PM
There's a quite a few Predator books.

The Aliens VS Predator trilogy is actually really good. It's nothing like the movie.

Aliens Vs Predator: Prey (http://www.amazon.com/Prey-Aliens-Vs-Predator-Book/dp/0553565559/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244226052&sr=1-4)
Machiko Noguchi accepted the assignment of supervising the ranching colony on Ryushi as a challenge. Little did she know that not onl would she have run the colony, she'd have to defend it with her life!First the carcass of a spiderlike alien is discovered. Then a rancher's family is massacred. Finally a creature unlike any ever seen before is brought to the colony medical center, near death. It soon becomes clear thtat not one but two strains of alien life have landed near the settlement of Prosperity Wells. One kind -- beetle black with shells hard as steel -- have been spawned as the prey in a deadly hunt. The other kind -- upright like humans but infinitely stronger and just as smart -- are the Predators. Between them are the human colonists, unarmed and vulnerable. With the entire colony at risk, Machiko Noguchi must choose between death and survival -- and may find her greatest ally in a Predator ready to kill her...

06-05-2009, 01:36 PM
There's a quite a few Predator books.

The Aliens VS Predator trilogy is actually really good. It's nothing like the movie.

Aliens Vs Predator: Prey (http://www.amazon.com/Prey-Aliens-Vs-Predator-Book/dp/0553565559/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244226052&sr=1-4)

ah so they turned a great book into a shitty movie. Fuck you hollywood

06-06-2009, 12:03 AM
I think that shoulder cannon from AVP didn't fit in with the predator feel.

but predators always had shoulder cannons since predator 1

06-06-2009, 08:29 AM
but predators always had shoulder cannons since predator 1

Oh really? Guess my age is showing.