View Full Version : So. Cal Water restriction laws.

06-01-2009, 11:31 PM
San Diego laws came into effect today, Details here
Mandatory San Diego Water Restrictions Now In Effect - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego (http://www.10news.com/news/19605635/detail.html)

Homes with odd-numbered addresses will be permitted to water on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Homes with even-numbered addresses can water on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Apartments, condos and businesses can water only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Cars may only be washed at residences between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m., and only a bucket and a hose with a shut-off nozzle can be used.

I hear that LA is/will be going through something similar to this as well.

I guess you can put this on the list of why california sucks.

06-01-2009, 11:35 PM
DAAAMN that does suck!

06-01-2009, 11:36 PM
Eh, they can eat my ass.

When we run out of water, I'll move.

06-01-2009, 11:38 PM
well i really should not be saying anything however my mother is Director of the ICU in simi valley hospital. she met with the mayor and supposedly our water will be going up in price by 30%!!!!!!!! apparently for us there is no water plan, save for, the fact that we will now have to govern ourselves with outrages prices. this will go into affect next month for the simi valley area

so you guys have it easy

06-01-2009, 11:44 PM
wait til they restrict baths to 2 times a week.. lmao

06-01-2009, 11:57 PM
shit is crazy...definitely wouldnt be surprised if/wen it hits LA...those are shitty laws tho..i like showerin everyday haha

06-02-2009, 01:01 AM
Been like that up here in Stanislaus County for awhile.

06-02-2009, 03:46 AM

Most def.

I've always disliked the fact in certain cities you couldn't wash your car on your lawn. You're watering it, and recycling water. 2 birds 1 stone bitches.

06-02-2009, 08:15 AM
no law for O.C. yet?????:w00t: At least I hope not.

06-02-2009, 09:35 AM
Wow. As nazi-like CA is with restrictions, I'm suprised you are just now getting this. They've been doing this to us in FL for years. They mandate all the new homes in S FL and the Keys use low flow shower heads. I hate those too. I need water pressure!

06-02-2009, 09:57 AM
its not like this is a new thing, they have done this before.

06-02-2009, 10:19 AM
its not like this is a new thing, they have done this before.

Oh... well poop on CA anyway for it. hah

06-02-2009, 10:31 AM
well i really should not be saying anything however my mother is Director of the ICU in simi valley hospital. she met with the mayor and supposedly our water will be going up in price by 30%!!!!!!!! apparently for us there is no water plan, save for, the fact that we will now have to govern ourselves with outrages prices. this will go into affect next month for the simi valley area

so you guys have it easy

The water in Simi has a damn REM count higher than a radiologist, who wants it anyways?

06-02-2009, 10:49 AM
my roommate's dad waters his roof with a sprinkler system for about 16 hours a day. he claims it helps cool the house. i think when he wears through his shingles in 5 years he'll rethink his plan, but yeah.

drift freaq
06-02-2009, 10:50 AM
Wow. As nazi-like CA is with restrictions, I'm suprised you are just now getting this. They've been doing this to us in FL for years. They mandate all the new homes in S FL and the Keys use low flow shower heads. I hate those too. I need water pressure!

Its called a water shortage people. Florida has been going through a drought for several years. California goes through drought cycles.

WE ARE IN A DROUGHT NOW! Any of you fucks that got a problem with it? Fucking move.

Its a fact we have more people than water when we don't get enough rain. When that happens water rationing is the only way. Oh boo hoo you can't water your fucking lawn.

Like Hypertek said wait till they start restricting your showers. Wah I can't take a shower everyday. Ah I don't think that is going to kill you.

I have lived through these conditions in California in the past. If you can't suck it up and deal with it? Shut the fuck up and leave the fucking state, fucking babies.

06-02-2009, 10:51 AM
The laws pertains to watering lawns.
It's not that unreasonable, given CA really does have drought problems.
We RARELY have any rain at all here.

not like you can 'conjure' up water from thin air to fill the dams.
we're (CA) also broke which limits our options.

06-02-2009, 10:59 AM
Recycle your grey water?

Tap into water wells on your property?

Use low water systems for your vegetation?

A drought has never brought my standard of living down in the entire time I lived in CA, maybe those who are so worried need to rethink how they live?

06-02-2009, 11:09 AM
you guys can't take showers every day? la is going to smell way worse than it already does :(

06-02-2009, 11:14 AM
you guys can't take showers every day? la is going to smell way worse than it already does :(

No it's got nothing to do with taking showers or baths (who takes baths anymore, besides hypertek?).
It's restrictions on watering your lawn, water fountains, and washing your car at selected times.
It's also only restricted to San Diego.

I enjoy poking fun at CA, but unfortunately there's just nothing worthwhile here.
Or at least not quite yet.

Taken from article;

The most significant impact will be when and how often residents can water their lawns and landscaping -- only before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m., three days a week from June through October, and for no more than 10 minutes at a time.

Homes with odd-numbered addresses will be permitted to water on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Homes with even-numbered addresses can water on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Apartments, condos and businesses can water only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Cars may only be washed at residences between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m., and only a bucket and a hose with a shut-off nozzle can be used.

Residents cannot use a hose to wash down sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts or patios.

There are also restrictions on ornamental fountains and construction site watering. Restaurants are required to serve water on request only and hotels must give guests the option of not laundering towels and linens daily.

Scofflaws could face a fine of $100 to $1,000.

drift freaq
06-02-2009, 11:18 AM
No it's got nothing to do with taking showers or baths (who takes baths anymore?).
It's restrictions on watering your lawn, water fountains, and washing your car at selected times.
It's also only restricted to San Diego.

Actually they are talking about doing it in LA as well. Its currently under consideration and I hope they do. Fuck first thing I saw when I moved here from the Bay area is how the fucks water the sidewalk like its going out of style. I.E. they wash the sidewalks down constantly like we have water beyond belief.

Also shower rationing has happened in the past and could happen. Don't dismiss it as not happening. We are at the very beginning of the summer. It could happen.

Seriously Socal has like a degree in wasting water. They are experts at it.

06-02-2009, 11:26 AM
Agreed, CA as a whole isn't being aggressive enough with the water rationing.
things could get a lot worse if we don't prepare early.

I thought the Bay Area had enacted some sort of shower rationing recently.
I visited some family up there for a couple of days, and really it wasn't so bad.
Only sucks for the select strangle ppl taking 45 min showers.

06-02-2009, 11:28 AM
here is a link to the water restrictions in Long Beach


06-02-2009, 01:55 PM
who cares? weve had this shit in canada forever

oh noes i can only water my grass 3 times a week oh noes

06-02-2009, 02:17 PM
who cares? weve had this shit in canada forever

oh noes i can only water my grass 3 times a week oh noes

yeah but this time we're not talking about a third world country

06-02-2009, 02:55 PM
just remember. if its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down.

06-02-2009, 03:00 PM
So is there going to be a new division in the police department "WATER POLICE"
how are they going to check up on everyone and make sure they are following the rules <----there goes the money there trying to save

drift freaq
06-02-2009, 04:32 PM
So is there going to be a new division in the police department "WATER POLICE"
how are they going to check up on everyone and make sure they are following the rules <----there goes the money there trying to save

LOL . Seriously dude, you must still live with your parents.

There is a meter on every house,apartment and business. Its owned by the water department.
It measures how much water you use so they can bill you accordingly.

Go over your allotment? Get fined, no police, just meter readers and a system thats been in place for somewhere around almost a 100 years.

06-02-2009, 04:39 PM
they do have "water police"

Fifteen officers now prowl neighborhoods and respond to thousands of tips in their search for those who use sprinklers between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., clean driveways with water instead of a broom or otherwise waste the precious commodity.

L.A. water police hunt wasteful faucets, sprinklers : North County Times - Californian 01-06-2009 (http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2009/01/06/news/state/z17cc357b20b1be89882575370005027e.txt)

drift freaq
06-02-2009, 04:42 PM
they do have "water police"

Fifteen officers now prowl neighborhoods and respond to thousands of tips in their search for those who use sprinklers between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., clean driveways with water instead of a broom or otherwise waste the precious commodity.

L.A. water police hunt wasteful faucets, sprinklers : North County Times - Californian 01-06-2009 (http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2009/01/06/news/state/z17cc357b20b1be89882575370005027e.txt)

LOL I spoke too soon hahahha but seriously they will also follow your water use by the meter as well.

06-02-2009, 04:54 PM
my roommate's dad waters his roof with a sprinkler system for about 16 hours a day. he claims it helps cool the house. i think when he wears through his shingles in 5 years he'll rethink his plan, but yeah.

That's fucking moronic. Seriously. It's people like that who just blatantly WASTE a fucking TON of water a day that you have rules and laws like this. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people waste a lot of water in North America... Hell most people on here probably still brush their teeth with the water running the entire time. Little shit. It's only costing YOU money. lol

yeah but this time we're not talking about a third world country

????... I hope that's a joke cause Canada is actually, per person, richer than America and living conditions are generally considered better. It's just fucking cold.

And guess were America imports A LOT of its fresh water from?

who cares? weve had this shit in canada forever

oh noes i can only water my grass 3 times a week oh noes

Not everywhere in Canada has it. Only a few select places and larger centers.

06-02-2009, 05:05 PM
Save Water 49 Ways (http://www.americanwater.com/49ways.htm)

it's only natural since socal is mostly a desert, i don't know if the education system teaches that.

06-02-2009, 05:06 PM
That's fucking moronic. Seriously. It's people like that who just blatantly WASTE a fucking TON of water a day that you have rules and laws like this. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people waste a lot of water in North America... Hell most people on here probably still brush their teeth with the water running the entire time. Little shit. It's only costing YOU money. lol

????... I hope that's a joke cause Canada is actually, per person, richer than America and living conditions are generally considered better. It's just fucking cold.

And guess were America imports A LOT of its fresh water from?

Not everywhere in Canada has it. Only a few select places and larger centers.

yes, it was a lol. edit: but you're wrong


100% of STL's water comes from the mississippi river, and is considered the best tasting water in the nation by national taste test
and the guy watering the roof, he gets his water from a private well, so it's hard to say he's really wasting anything other than the power required to draw water constantly 16 hours a day

06-02-2009, 06:03 PM
yes, it was a lol. edit: but you're wrong

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita)

100% of STL's water comes from the mississippi river, and is considered the best tasting water in the nation by national taste test
and the guy watering the roof, he gets his water from a private well, so it's hard to say he's really wasting anything other than the power required to draw water constantly 16 hours a day

The data I remember seeing back this last year in school was older. Like 2005 or something and it wasn't GDP, it was comparisons of disposable income etc. among households.

I don't care where STL's water comes from. I know for a fact that America DOES import a lot of fresh water from Canada. It's mostly smaller scale for now, small containers and bottled water etc... But plans are in the works for much larger scale. Especially into the US southwest.

I don't care if he gets his water from a well, a lake, a public line or recycles and purifies his own fucking pee into fresh water... It's still a waste. Turn on a fan or buy an AC unit. Or just not be such a baby about it being hot outside and enjoy the nice weather. haha.

It's just a fact that in North America we waste a lot of resources we don't need to. I'm not a believer of global warming etc. or a big environmentally concerned person. I just like the idea of being responsible and clean with resources and the environment. For example... I'd LOVE a completely electric car for day to day stuff. I'll save the gas for the toy.

I know of someone who waters there lawn 2-3 times a day and "rinses" their car everyday with the hose. Waste like that just annoys me. Especially when a lot of places have very little clean water.

06-02-2009, 06:12 PM
yeah but this time we're not talking about a third world country

average house in st. louishttp://graphs.trulia.com/real_estate/Saint_Louis-Missouri/graph.png?version=153&width=600&height=250&type=average_listing_price&city=Saint+Louis&state=MO

average house in vancouver


i never knew houses in a 3rd world country cost almost 3 times more

06-02-2009, 06:18 PM
haha...I saw what you had before your ninja edit.

And he was just making jokes. It's just hard to tell on the interweb now and then.

I'm both Canadian and American. I make fun of both all the time. It's all in good fun.

06-02-2009, 07:53 PM
ahhh he graph'd me. :(

06-02-2009, 09:44 PM
its such nonsense that we have to pay for the 1 substince that we have the most.