View Full Version : So What IS legal in CA and not in any other state?

06-01-2009, 09:35 AM
Everytime i think of something new to get (an exotic/rare pet, a gokart, import something over, electronics (scanners, jammers, etc)) i always find out that its illegal in california and its really pissing me off. (sorry i havent slept in a while). The only thing I can really think of thats legal here and not legal in SOME states is a radar detector but other than that, it seems like CA restricts EVERYTHING. Figure this could be in OT or Regional but i think OT would yield more options.

whats something unique and legal here in this lockdown state?

06-01-2009, 09:38 AM
Medical marijuana

06-01-2009, 10:01 AM
yup, thats about it as far as im aware. I would LOVE to live in Cali, but honestly the BS govt regulation on EVERY aspect of your life is something i am NOT willing to put up with.

06-01-2009, 10:14 AM
The ONLY places radar detectors are illegal are DC and I believe West Virginia. And california is not the only state in which medical marijuana is legal.
You guys have a lot of in-n-outs, that's your upswing

06-01-2009, 10:24 AM
IIRC assault weapons. I want to own a regular AK-47 that people outside of CA can get without having to mod it to have a fixed magazine or get rid of the pistol grip. May be someone could enlighten me on this.

06-01-2009, 10:44 AM
I'd be interested to know as well.
Afaik we do have some of the most socially& busimess restrictive regulations.
San Francisco is had some law promoting prostitution,
But that's all I can think of.

Who cares about medical marijuana?
Not like it's an over the counter drug,
Nor is it like you can get a prescription for easy.
I'd rather have something like the bars closing later.

06-01-2009, 10:48 AM
IIRC assault weapons. I want to own a regular AK-47 that people outside of CA can get without having to mod it to have a fixed magazine or get rid of the pistol grip. May be someone could enlighten me on this.

you guys can't just pick up a $250 surplus AK at a gun show? and pay cash? and take it home in a big shopping bag? or wear it on your back strapped to a bandolier of banana clips? :(

I'd rather have something like the bars closing later.

what time do bars close in CA?

what about open container laws in your car?

what about strip clubs? full nude?

06-01-2009, 10:56 AM
The ONLY places radar detectors are illegal are DC and I believe West Virginia.
Regular VA, not West VA.
you guys can't just pick up a $250 surplus AK at a gun show? and pay cash? and take it home in a big shopping bag? or wear it on your back strapped to a bandolier of banana clips? :(
C'mon, you know YOU can't do that shit either.

what time do bars close in CA?

what about open container laws in your car?

what about strip clubs? full nude?
Stop serving here in NC at 2am.

No open containers in the car within the reach of the driver if the driver is in the car alone, no where in cabin if anyone is in there with them... Put that bitch in the trunk.

Full nude - BYOB at best, but they pull this bullshit where they charge you to serve it to you.
Topless - full bar.

That's how it works down here.

06-01-2009, 10:56 AM
you guys can't just pick up a $250 surplus AK at a gun show? and pay cash? and take it home in a big shopping bag? or wear it on your back strapped to a bandolier of banana clips? :(

Not that I know of. I think I can get an AK-47, but I would have to modify it to either get rid of the pistol grip and keep the detachable magazine (IIRC only 10 rounds and not the banana clip). The other option is have a FIXED 10 rounds magazine and keep the pistol grip, to me this is a slightly better option but still lame.

Disclaimer: I'm not some violent gun freak extremist, I just think that the AK is an icon.

06-01-2009, 11:04 AM
In Cali medical marijuana is totally legal and in Oaksterdam (thats what they call Oakland now) they have like weed college, and in Hollywood they have a weed church (Temple 4:20), and Cali has dispenseries everywhere

06-01-2009, 11:51 AM
Regular VA, not West VA.

C'mon, you know YOU can't do that shit either.

Stop serving here in NC at 2am.

No open containers in the car within the reach of the driver if the driver is in the car alone, no where in cabin if anyone is in there with them... Put that bitch in the trunk.

Full nude - BYOB at best, but they pull this bullshit where they charge you to serve it to you.
Topless - full bar.

That's how it works down here.

well, okay. you can't wear your gun home. but the rest is legit.
3am bars, topless/full bar on STL side, full nude/6am liquor five minutes away in illinois. NO SMOKING IN BARS OVER THERE THOUGH. WTF.

Not that I know of. I think I can get an AK-47, but I would have to modify it to either get rid of the pistol grip and keep the detachable magazine (IIRC only 10 rounds and not the banana clip). The other option is have a FIXED 10 rounds magazine and keep the pistol grip, to me this is a slightly better option but still lame.

that's just ridiculous.

06-01-2009, 12:00 PM
Edit: wrong info.

06-01-2009, 12:02 PM

Try a smoking ban in public places like in PA (restaurants, alot of bar/clubs, public buildings, state and institutional buildings).

And WTF us on the east coast get no love from In and Out, and decent fast food chains =(

06-01-2009, 12:03 PM
IIRC assault weapons. I want to own a regular AK-47 that people outside of CA can get without having to mod it to have a fixed magazine or get rid of the pistol grip. May be someone could enlighten me on this.

my friend went to a gun show and
bought his Russian not china AK-47 lol
for 300 and its registered in CALI,
but it's still illegal lol

06-01-2009, 12:07 PM
just get everything carb legal

06-01-2009, 12:15 PM
you guys can't just pick up a $250 surplus AK at a gun show? and pay cash? and take it home in a big shopping bag? or wear it on your back strapped to a bandolier of banana clips? :(

That is one bonus for us living in the "Bible-Belt."

Except AKs (and pretty much any other rifle) costs way more then $250 anymore. Unless you want some rusty shit.

06-01-2009, 12:35 PM
Gokarts aren't illegal.

Rare pet? What are you trying to get, a lion?

Jammers can be hidden.

Pretty much, just buy/obtain whatever you want and be smart about it.

what time do bars close in CA?

what about open container laws in your car?

what about strip clubs? full nude?

Most all close at 2am. Some close at 3. But most of the time fights break out so 2am is best.

Needs to be in the trunk out of reach.

Psch, our strip clubs do more than strip.

If you're trying to see a naked woman, you can find the right club/massage parlor around damn near every corner in the city.

06-01-2009, 12:45 PM
We get Cactus Cooler. Not illegal in other places, but it's really damn good.

06-01-2009, 01:24 PM
Who cares about medical marijuana?
Not like it's an over the counter drug,
Nor is it like you can get a prescription for easy.
I'd rather have something like the bars closing later.

HA. There are ads in tons of newspapers and other stuff (including Yellow Pages) for Drs that specialize in medical marijuana treatments.

There's a comic/filmmaker that is/was making a film about the subject, and in the part where he goes in for the Dr. visit, the Dr. asks what he's here for. "About a weak back." The Dr. asks when it first started. "About a week back."

He got the prescription.

Not that I know of. I think I can get an AK-47, but I would have to modify it to either get rid of the pistol grip and keep the detachable magazine (IIRC only 10 rounds and not the banana clip). The other option is have a FIXED 10 rounds magazine and keep the pistol grip, to me this is a slightly better option but still lame.

Disclaimer: I'm not some violent gun freak extremist, I just think that the AK is an icon.

I'm with you on this. The AK *is* an icon. It's a well-built rifle that has endured for decades (and will continue to do so, long after we've perished, I imagine).

06-01-2009, 01:37 PM
pets? no one really cares once you get away with it, unless it's a distraction to the peace.

medical marijuana? are you kidding me? you get that shit easy

strip clubs? your in for a good surprise.. depending on where your located at

bars? depends on the city and day

guns? we have a republican as governor.

06-01-2009, 01:48 PM
pets? no one really cares once you get away with it, unless it's a distraction to the peace.

that doesn't change the law

bars? depends on the city and day
what are the latest, though? i know here it's 3am, 7 nights a week.

guns? we have a republican as governor.
so why is there someone posting in this thread about having a fixed 10 round clip or no pistol grip on an ak-47?

06-01-2009, 08:34 PM
We get Cactus Cooler. Not illegal in other places, but it's really damn good.

haha, this man knows what up.

06-01-2009, 09:01 PM
HA. There are ads in tons of newspapers and other stuff (including Yellow Pages) for Drs that specialize in medical marijuana treatments.

There's a comic/filmmaker that is/was making a film about the subject, and in the part where he goes in for the Dr. visit, the Dr. asks what he's here for. "About a weak back." The Dr. asks when it first started. "About a week back."

He got the prescription.

I had tried to pull off something similar a yr ago so.
rationale was that I had chronic head-aches and other stuff that was causing me chronic discomfort.
unfortunately, I didn't come across as persuasive as i'd like to be.
maybe it's a matter of finding the right person, with the right means of rhetoric, idk.

Googling about, I also ran into this thread.
seems legit (my apologies if it isn't),

WeBeHigh.com - Articles (http://www.webehigh.com/news/detail.php?choose_subject=1&newsId=331&CITYID=0)


How to obtain a medical Marijuana perscription
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By: Rick Dane

As a resident of California I have heard a lot of different things about medical marijuana such as who is eligible and how to go about obtaining medical marijuana if you are eligible.

The laws that pertain to the medical use of marijuana in California were passed as part of proposition 215 and later amended as a result of state law SB-420.

Check out the cities and states in the city guide section for medical Marijuana legal status.

I’ll begin with a common misconception among people that you need a medical marijuana "license" to get medical marijuana.

One thing that a medical marijuana prescription definitely is not is a license. A license is something issued by the government authorizing you to partake in an activity which they regulate. The most common example of this is a driver’s license. Whether or not you get a driver’s license is determined by the state. They can and do withhold giving out driver’s licenses for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with your proficiency in driving a motor vehicle (If a minor is convicted of certain non-driving related crimes they can lose their eligibility to drive).

The difference with a medical marijuana prescription is that there is no need for the state to approve of your individual use of medical marijuana. Rather, the medical marijuana laws allow doctors to prescribe the use of medical marijuana for certain illnesses. This is, in fact, much better news for marijuana users than if the state issued licenses.

The government can’t take away your right to use a medicine that a doctor determines you would benefit from (As long as the medication is approved by the government).

Medical marijuana is basically just like any other prescription medication as far as the law is concerned with regards to its intended use.

The only thing that differs is the method of obtaining the medication. You can’t, after all, just go down to your local pharmacy and get a prescription filled for an ounce of the best hydroponically grown buds available.

What you can do, however, is go to any one of the increasing number of medical marijuana co-ops and cannabis clubs around the state and buy the best marijuana, hash, cookies, brownies and anything else they have that contains marijuana.

While these dispensaries remain illegal under archaic state and federal laws they are increasingly being approved at the local level and, due to their rising numbers and acceptance by citizens, are being allowed to continue to operate and thrive.

In addition to using dispensaries to obtain marijuana you can also cultivate it for your personal use.

In California you are currently allowed to have 12 immature plants or 6 mature plants. In addition, you are allowed to possess up to 8 ounces of dried buds. Different cities and counties in California have passed laws allowing patients to possess more plants than the minimum allowed by California law as well as allowing possession of more than 8 ounces at a time.

Since you’re allowed to possess up to 8 ounces you can basically buy the marijuana wherever you want because, as long as you aren’t caught in the act of buying the marijuana, there is nothing the authorities can do to you. Even if you are caught in the act of buying it is unlikely you would be convicted because you could plead that it was your only source to obtain reliable medicine.

So now that you know all about what it means to be a medical marijuana patient you are probably wondering how one would go about obtaining a medical marijuana prescription.


Many people are under the misconception that medical marijuana is available only to patients who are dying of an illness. However, since marijuana is a proven pain reliever it can be prescribed for any type of chronic pain.
All a patient needs is to have had the problem documented at some point by a physician.

While any doctor licensed by the state is allowed to prescribe medical marijuana you will probably find that a lot of them aren’t willing to for various reasons.
This is fine, however as they shouldn’t prescribe marijuana as medicine if they don’t feel comfortable doing this.

All you have to do is go to your regular doctor and have him or her document any medical condition that you have that qualifies for medical marijuana.
You do not need to tell your regular doctor that you will be going to get a medical marijuana prescription; you can just tell them that you need the diagnosis for your personal records.
After you have this document, (It can be as simple as a small piece of paper with a few words saying what your condition is and what medication you are currently using to treat the problem) then you need to find a doctor to go to who will give you a medical marijuana recommendation.

Check out the medical marijuana section on the links page, for a list of websites with doctors in California or your state.

You might have to travel a bit to see the doctor but rest assured as long as you have a note from your doctor describing your condition you will be able to get your marijuana prescription.

When you do go the see the doctor, you will most likely end up paying somewhere around $200 for the appointment. He will ask you a few questions about your condition. All you have to do is tell him that the problem is chronic and the current medication that you are using is not working.

To be safe, do some research to find out the possible side effects of any medication that you are currently taking for your medical condition. Almost any medication is going to have a list of possible negative side effects. Simply tell the doctor that you have been experiencing one or more of these side effects. The doctor will then most likely ask if you currently use medical marijuana to treat the condition. You should tell him that you are currently a marijuana user. Say that it relieves the symptoms of your condition and you do not experience any negative side effects from using marijuana.

This is pretty much all you need to do and you will be given your prescription for medical marijuana.

It might seem like a bit of a hassle but considering that it puts the law on your side, at least to a degree, I would say, it is worth every bit of the money and your time."

06-01-2009, 09:46 PM
you guys can't just pick up a $250 surplus AK at a gun show? and pay cash? and take it home in a big shopping bag? or wear it on your back strapped to a bandolier of banana clips? :(

what time do bars close in CA?

what about open container laws in your car?

what about strip clubs? full nude?

Strip clubs, full nude. I thought for the longest that we couldn't touch them. Until I went to crazy horse one time with a few friends, threw a couple of dollars on the stage and they start to grind on you while you're on your seat. While they're doing that you get to grab on their ass & tits. WOOT.

06-01-2009, 11:36 PM
Cars that are 1974 and older are legal(no smag inspection), Any performance part with a EO number, and anything that is "green".

06-02-2009, 12:37 AM
I'll give you the cliff's notes for the weed thing because I know first hand:

Get phone number (go to any medical marijuana dispensary and they will provide you one), pay up to $150 (i've seen it range from $75-$150), go to the 'doctor', make bullshit excuse for why you need it (I said I get bad migraines [i don't]), spend 15 minutes in the office answering miscellaneous questions about your health, receive prescription slip, go to your preferred club, provide prescription, they call doctor, 5 minutes later you are provided entry to the actual store, once you enter you see glass display cases of many different kinds of weed, you pick what you want, they bag it up, you go home and then get munchies.

California is not the only state to do this, but you cannot leave Cali with your weed even if you are traveling to another state that does. Your prescription does not apply in other states. You can legally carry weed, but cannot smoke anywhere outside of a residence. The prescription does not allow you to walk around on the street and smoke, nor does it allow you to smoke in your car, which will net you a DUI should you be caught. Carrying around a dirty piece can still get you in trouble as well.

I quit last week though. It got old.
Strip Clubs

Full Nude - No bar. You are not allowed to bring booze in either. If you are noticably drunk, they will likely boot you or not even allow you in. I have successfully snuck booze in though.

Topless - Full bar.

Lap dances are technically supposed to be illegal now too, but I haven't been to a spot that doesn't have them even after the law.

You can probably also pay enough money to get pussy at any strip club. You can probably do the same at any sub-par massage parlor.

Last I heard it was 1972, but I could be wrong.
They also have In-n-Outs in Vegas and Arizona. We aren't special for that anymore either.
All bars are supposed to cut off at 2am. I'm sure there are some that will be lenient to well known customers, but I haven't been to a bar in the last 5 years that hasn't started last call after 1:45a. Purchasing alcohol at a store is also cut off at 2am. BUT, we can buy booze on Sundays, which I know is illegal in some places (Indiannapolis did this when I was there, or something like this). No open containers on the street either, but peeps seem to get away with the paper bag trick. I think it was the Simpsons or Family where the cop was stopping someone for drinking in public then the person dropped it into a paper bag and the cop was like "Where did it go?" lol.

You CANNOT have open containers in any car, not sure where people are getting this from. If you get caught, the driver and everyone in the car will be searched, etc.
I don't know much about the gun laws as I do not own any guns. I know the waiting period is longer for a hand gun and you need to be 21 (18 for rifles and shotties, shorter waiting period).
Cali is pretty whack for unique, fun shit. All we got is kick ass weather (in SoCal), no rust on your frame, and from LA, you get the beach and snowboarding within 2 hours.

06-02-2009, 01:17 AM
I think speed trap is illegal in CA? i might be wrong

06-02-2009, 02:56 AM
As for pets i wanted to get a pet wallaby but its illegal and that would be HIGHLY noticeable lol.
With go-karts, i heard u cant register it so yea

06-02-2009, 03:10 AM
california sux. end of story. soon as i finish college imma outta here!

06-02-2009, 06:50 AM
Ferrets are still illegal in California

06-02-2009, 07:10 AM
In CT you can have one open container per 21+ passenger obviously excluding the driver. I've asked cops about the law so I suppose you can say that's verified... other than that our state laws are as shitty as Cali except you can have full nude/full bar

06-02-2009, 08:38 AM
Strip clubs, full nude. I thought for the longest that we couldn't touch them. Until I went to crazy horse one time with a few friends, threw a couple of dollars on the stage and they start to grind on you while you're on your seat. While they're doing that you get to grab on their ass & tits. WOOT.

What? You're just figuring this out?

Man you gotta touch until they tell you to stop. That's how I do it. Just make sure you stop lol.

06-02-2009, 01:12 PM
California law permits strippers to get completely nude... and a few extra dollars gives them incentive

06-02-2009, 01:26 PM
this thread went from intriguing to creepy as fuck quickly.

06-02-2009, 01:34 PM
lol, you asked for it with questions like that.

06-02-2009, 02:30 PM
I love strippers. I dont care. I'm young and can afford them... so I'm going to.

06-02-2009, 02:43 PM
california sux. end of story. soon as i finish college imma outta here!
I find it funny how ppl on the east coast WANT to move to cali....and some ppl in cali want to leave cali lol

Ferrets are still illegal in California

06-02-2009, 03:36 PM
California Fish and Game Code Section 2118:
"animals of the families Viverridae and Mustelidae in the order Carnivora are restricted because such animals are undesirable and a menace to native wildlife, the agricultural interests of the state, or to the public health or safety."

California Code Of Regulations, Title 14: Natural Resources, Division 1: "Fish And Game Commission — Department Of Fish And Game", Subdivision 3: "General Regulations", Chapter 3: "Miscellaneous",Section 671;
"Importation, Transportation and Possession of Live Restricted Animals". Ferrets are not among the exceptions to the classification "Those species listed because they pose a threat to native wildlife, the agriculture interests of the state or to public health or safety are termed "detrimental animals" and are designated by the letter "D".

06-02-2009, 04:21 PM
they may be illegal but they are everywhere. they even sell Ferret food and stuff at pet stores here.

06-02-2009, 04:24 PM
Honestly, people who have issues with California must have a screw or two loose.

As a whole state, it's so diverse that there is a place for anyone to fit in.

The only fails people could really have, I just consider nitpicking.

06-02-2009, 04:29 PM
^ yeah cali is cool and all but i need to find out where milf valley is:coolugh:

*oh yeah salvia is still legal here.... but i don't really know where its not legal

06-02-2009, 04:31 PM
Honestly, people who have issues with California must have a screw or two loose.

As a whole state, it's so diverse that there is a place for anyone to fit in.

The only fails people could really have, I just consider nitpicking.

its jealousy. You and i know that.

06-02-2009, 04:32 PM
I think there are legit reasons for dislike of CA

maybe it's not the best state to do business.
cost of living is higher, especially housing (my biggest concern).
politics & social views here are generally inclined to the far left.
bars close at 2AM

plus I really think it eventually gets old living in places like Los Angeles, SF, & the Bay Area.
I've lived in all of them.
They all have good qualities.
I just can't see myself staying in either place for the rest of my life.

06-02-2009, 04:40 PM
I think there are legit reasons for dislike of CA

maybe it's not the best state to do business.
cost of living is higher, especially housing (my biggest concern).
politics & social views here are generally inclined to the far left.
bars close at 2AM

plus I really think it eventually gets old living in places like Los Angeles, SF, & the Bay Area.
I've lived in all of them.
They all have good qualities.
I just can't see myself staying in either place for the rest of my life.

Doing business can be debatable and is really up to ones profession.

Cost of living is higher yes. But also the average that one makes for salary tends to be higher also. Not to mention there are places in the area that can be had for a reasonable price.

Political views. I'm cool with it.

Bars closing at 2am. Fights tend to break out around here anything later than that. I've gotten use to it. Personally, I don't see a huge need be at a bar past 2am.

Just between San Jose and San Francisco, there is such a huge variety of areas to live in that I find it hard to dislike anything really.

What's so great about where you are/plan to go?

06-02-2009, 06:25 PM
Medical Marijuana is in plenty of states. Washington has dispencaries, classes, etc... just like CA but not on as large a scale.

06-02-2009, 07:30 PM
Doing business can be debatable and is really up to ones profession.

Cost of living is higher yes. But also the average that one makes for salary tends to be higher also. Not to mention there are places in the area that can be had for a reasonable price.

Political views. I'm cool with it.

Bars closing at 2am. Fights tend to break out around here anything later than that. I've gotten use to it. Personally, I don't see a huge need be at a bar past 2am.

Just between San Jose and San Francisco, there is such a huge variety of areas to live in that I find it hard to dislike anything really.

What's so great about where you are/plan to go?

Areas I'm thinking about aren't so much great overall, as they're compatible with my preferences.
I'd like to think that every city offers it's set of compromises, and it's just a matter of how much the individual matches up.
Just the differences in opinion between you & I, with regards to bars & politics alone exemplify that.
For instance, closing the bars after 2 is just something I find highly offensive.
I enjoy spending the evening doing stuff with friends, then hitting the bars from 12ish-5 or 6.
It's one of those things I find difficult to live without.

Places I'm currently considering moving to are to Hong Kong, and Vegas.
Not all 3 are perfect and necessarily are better than say SF and LA.

I've actually lived in Hong Kong for a number of years prior,
I have decent job offer right now.
some of bars that I've been close much later than 2 (no bar-fights either).
I usually leave the bars around 5-6 when I'm there.
Taxes are a lot lower.
Cost of living is more affordable.
Politically, I get the impression most ppl are politically are ambivalent, which is ok with me.
I can also speak the local dialect on a conversational level, so it's easy to adapt culturally.
Thing that sucks is that I've already lived there for a while.
There might be more to discover, but not much.

Vegas is cheaper to live in compared LA.
Nightlife would be optimal.
Taxes would prob be more lax.
It's also close enough to LA, that I could drive back and forth conveniently.

I also considered living in Tijuana.
I really don't mind the place at all (like I said, it's a matter of preference).
Went there all the time when I lived in San Diego.
However, between all the be-headings in & my bad luck with finding work in San Diego, it's not worthwhile anytime in the near future.

I'm sure there are a lot of cool cities in Europe & Northern Africa as well.
Should look more into Barcelona and Marrakesh some time.

Ultimately, CA might be the best place in the world, but it's still interesting to try and live in other places.

06-02-2009, 10:29 PM
*oh yeah salvia is still legal here.... but i don't really know where its not legal

its illegal in oklahoma :naw: gotta love the bible belt.

06-02-2009, 11:07 PM
Honestly, people who have issues with California must have a screw or two loose.
It is just fun to get the Californiaphiles all worked up. Especially when it is so easy. :)

06-03-2009, 02:34 AM
so the other day i was in San Fransisco.

i pulled into a chevron to clean my windows.

older caucasian man pulls up to to the little booth where you pay for gas/buy cigarettes and soda etc. and asks the attendant a question, apparently there was a bit of miscommunication (possibly caused by the attendant's broken english) after a quick exchange rising in volume, the man yells "ARE THERE NO AMERICANS IN THIS FUCKING TOWN!?" and drove off all crazy.

i enjoy this kind of shit in california all the time.

06-03-2009, 03:04 AM
CALi's the shit dont see myself leaving here...the bay area weather is great in the summer i remember goin 2 SF one HOT ass AUGUST summer night from hot ass central cali (FRESNO) i went from sweatin my ass off to freezing my ass off arriving in da bay..and the beaches in socal's great...im in da middle of both 2.5/3 hrs from both socal/norcal

Andrew Bohan
06-03-2009, 03:40 AM
i enjoy lanesplitting in california.

06-03-2009, 04:22 AM
IIRC assault weapons. I want to own a regular AK-47 that people outside of CA can get without having to mod it to have a fixed magazine or get rid of the pistol grip. May be someone could enlighten me on this.

fixed mag on an AK? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I like all my removable 30 rd mags

06-03-2009, 04:02 PM
fixed mag on an AK? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I like all my removable 30 rd mags

It's to help mitigate the chances of people going on rampages.