View Full Version : Life can go F itself right now

05-30-2009, 05:07 PM
So I'm in a ranting mood... Therefore I am going to rant about how life is pissing me off a little bit.

So my little baby Olivia passed away this morning. At only a year and a half. Which is short for a rat (3 years is a normal lifespan)... Yes she's a rat. I love my rats like a dog lover, loves their dogs.
She died in my arms this morning at 4:15am... It was quite heart breaking to feel her little heart beat slowly fade into a lifeless still...

Also found out this week my father has cancer... WTF?
My dad is 53 in a month and with a FULL head of hair, it's just starting to sprout grey hairs. He's NEVER touched a cig or done ANY kind of drug. He rarely ever drinks. A 2-4 would last him a month. Last time he was drunk was on his 40th birthday. He get plenty of excercise and eats relatively healthy. He's definitely in above shpe for his age. The man doesn't even look a day over 40... So WTF is this cancer bullshit???

Ontop of that, I left one job for a much closer (20 mins away compared to 1.5 hours away) and higher paying job (almost double my last job)... Only to get fucking laid off....

And I'm at a high risk for Diabebtes... F that.... It runs in the family and skips a generation... Gramps has it, dad doesn't, guess I'm next in line.

Life can go fuck itself right now....

So anyone have any highly inspirational vids that they want to share? lol
If this isn't appropriate, someone can just delete it.

Vision Garage
05-30-2009, 05:19 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes bro. Hopefully things will turn around for you. Sorry to hear bout your pet rat and hopefully your dad comes out okay in the end.

05-30-2009, 05:29 PM
holy shit i first thought it was your daughter that died.

LimeLite Racing
05-30-2009, 05:39 PM
That's a bummer brother. Hang in there, keep your head up.

05-30-2009, 05:39 PM
Was you dad ever sent overseas in the armed forces?

05-30-2009, 05:42 PM
What kind of cancer does your dad have? Do you guys know what stage it's at yet? Just keep looking at the positive siiiiiide.

05-30-2009, 05:49 PM

I'm with you.

05-30-2009, 05:56 PM
holy shit i first thought it was your daughter that died.

Lol no. If I had a daughter, and this happened. I'd be extremely pissed if I had to bury my own daughter.

Was you dad ever sent overseas in the armed forces?

No, my family are not so keen on the military. Ontop of that, my dad hasn't left the province in about 10 years.

What kind of cancer does your dad have? Do you guys know what stage it's at yet? Just keep looking at the positive siiiiiide.

I'm not 100% sure on the name but I believe it's Lymphomia. Or something like that. We're not sure what stage it's at. but we know it's far enough along that it's around a 50/50 state. Meaning, we're not sure if it's too late or just in time. He's going in for chemo soon and a biopsy. If it's more of a "just in time", scenario, the surgery and chemo should wipe it out 100%. According to the Doc.
It just boggle my mind how a man this healthy get shit like this. Where as, my grandmother got lung cancer only after 50+ years of smoking... :S
Kinda pisses me off actually.


I'm with you.

I can't see anything but white, lol

05-30-2009, 06:22 PM

I'm with you.

Fixed it for you just close the code and it will work

Wow that is a lot to bear in such a small time. Cancer is a tricky devil, it seems to strike healthy people at random. Thing is though, heathly people have a good chance of surviving it.

I feel you on the diabetes, that runs in my fam, plus high blood pressure, and I am suspect for glaucoma.

05-30-2009, 06:30 PM
fuk man, sorry to hear that.. hope everything gets better...

05-30-2009, 08:14 PM
i seriously thought you were talking about a human child

not a rat

and then i thought you compared your child to a rat


05-30-2009, 08:18 PM
keep your head up
YouTube - 2pac-gotta keep ya head up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlQcJAjYxaI)

05-30-2009, 08:20 PM
^ and the code you are looking for is [yt]JlQcJAjYxaI[/ ]<<just close that gap

05-30-2009, 08:30 PM
Sorry about your misfortunes man. Just found out my grandfathers cancer came back. Guess it was too far along when they spotted it. Hope thats not the case with your dad.

05-31-2009, 12:38 AM
grab some good mexican food, watch a good movie, and go for a long drive. It wont fix everything but it helps.... Just my 2 cents...

05-31-2009, 01:24 AM

05-31-2009, 02:02 AM
stop eating so much crap, your gonna get diabetes because of your diet. it's true.

Omarius Maximus
05-31-2009, 07:26 AM
get some exercise. I find that when I'm feeling down, the endorphins post-workout keep me from slitting my wrists. It would probably help with diabetes prevention too.

05-31-2009, 09:07 AM
It doesnt matter what you do these days. People randomly get cancer all the time....

Some of us are just more likely to get it due to genetics and stuff.
This earth is just getting dirtier from emissions, toxins and from the synthetic products people produce... the air we breath and the water we drink have a lot of different chemicals in it that we put through our body which ends up doing damage in the long run. It is inevitable.

I feel ya on the job thing and sorry about your rat.

05-31-2009, 09:24 AM
I'm not 100% sure on the name but I believe it's Lymphomia. Or something like that. We're not sure what stage it's at. but we know it's far enough along that it's around a 50/50 state. Meaning, we're not sure if it's too late or just in time. He's going in for chemo soon and a biopsy. If it's more of a "just in time", scenario, the surgery and chemo should wipe it out 100%. According to the Doc.
It just boggle my mind how a man this healthy get shit like this. Where as, my grandmother got lung cancer only after 50+ years of smoking... :S
Kinda pisses me off actually.

My dad was diagnosed with lymphoma about 3 years ago now, he has gone through chemo and all that crap for the past few years on and off, but you would never guess it from his positive attitude and that he doesn't let it affect his daily life if he can help it. He is now 64... never smoked or drank more than a glass of wine once a week, infact he is even a doctor himself.
anyways, its shitty to think about your parents as mortal, but you just have to stay positive. I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you to worry about him.

ps: you're in Barrie? Growing up I had a cottage near there on the lake

05-31-2009, 09:16 PM
The Last Lecture | Randy Pausch (http://www.thelastlecture.com/) that should pick u up...u cant have a day bad as his

05-31-2009, 10:34 PM
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. At least one of them you can do SOMETHING about.

Research diabetes and how to avoid it if you haven't already. Its not a "for sure" thing but you can at LEAST decrease your chances greatly.

Diet and exercise are HUGE but do some serious reading on it.

05-31-2009, 10:44 PM
i seriously thought you were talking about a human child

not a rat

and then i thought you compared your child to a rat


weird, that is exactly what my thought process was when i read it.

lance armstrong had cancer and hes like, the healthiest dude ever. good luck regardless

05-31-2009, 10:59 PM
sorry to hear.

Id consider attending a church mass if you dont mind, might take a load off your mind and put you at ease.

touge monster
05-31-2009, 11:28 PM
The Last Lecture | Randy Pausch (http://www.thelastlecture.com/) that should pick u up...u cant have a day bad as his

his lecture is on youtube.

YouTube - Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo)

drift freaq
05-31-2009, 11:55 PM
Wow, sorry to hear that man. I lost my mom to Cancer. Someone very close to me who is female and only 34 years old was diagnosed with Breast cancer stage IV almost 3 years ago . She went through a lot of chemo, radiation and hormone treatments. Luckily today she is healthy. She does only have a 16% chance of living but she is living her life to the fullest.

If surgery will wipe it 100% I would say your dad has better odds than the Women close to me. Take that for whats its worth.

Oh and make your father proud of you. Its the least you can do for him. Giving up on life is not the way. As far a diabetes goes, that is a totally treatable disease. Hell Mary Tyler Moore has had it for years and she is still plugging along.

06-01-2009, 12:08 AM
thats a good point driftfreaq made, just live your life for them. Be Happy, they will be a part of you. so Enjoy life for them. Thats how i usually think of bad situations, lost loved ones, friends who aint here or locked up, just consider that I am living for them.

06-01-2009, 12:25 AM
Yea dude i agree with everyone man, its sad to hear all this shit man. Idk your religious status but i say just pray to whoever you do man. Stay focused and be you, be optimistic and 'member dude there's no point of being sad stay on your grind bro and you'll be in my prayers....God bless/Jah bless/Buddha bless/ etc....

06-01-2009, 08:11 AM
Be positive, thinking negative will do nothing but make you feel like shit.

I tell this to all my patients, and for the most part it works.


06-03-2009, 07:11 PM

Thanks, I spit pop everywhere, lol...

My dad was diagnosed with lymphoma about 3 years ago now, he has gone through chemo and all that crap for the past few years on and off, but you would never guess it from his positive attitude and that he doesn't let it affect his daily life if he can help it. He is now 64... never smoked or drank more than a glass of wine once a week, infact he is even a doctor himself.
anyways, its shitty to think about your parents as mortal, but you just have to stay positive. I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you to worry about him.

ps: you're in Barrie? Growing up I had a cottage near there on the lakeSmall world, lol.

I know my pops doesn't want me to worry... He is a very proud person. Also a bit stubborn.

I believe tomorrow is his first chemo session.

sorry to hear.

Id consider attending a church mass if you dont mind, might take a load off your mind and put you at ease.

Religion always puts me in a bad mood, lol.

Be positive, thinking negative will do nothing but make you feel like shit.

I tell this to all my patients, and for the most part it works.



I do the best I can. I know it's not the end of the world. I'm just frustrated because it doesn't make any sense to me.

For the record. I don't want this to seem like I'm giving up on life or something like that. I'm just angry at it.

Also, I mean't to say that IF I had a daughter who died in my arms.... Not that I have one.
I know most people wouldn't understand why I'm upset about a rat but it's cool.
It's the same way a dog lover would be upset after their dog died. But rather a rat for me.

Yes, I do eat like crap for the most part. I don't know the first thing about eating proper. Or excercising... Don't know shit all about that either, lol.