View Full Version : Over heating problem- help asap

05-28-2009, 09:26 PM
So yesterday im sitting in my driveway at idle, and i notice my temp gauge shoot towards the heavens. So i quickly open the hood, only to see a crack in my radiator, and it shooting coolant all over the place. Today i replaced the radiator,and just now filled it with 50 50 coolant and water. turned it on, let it idle, and once the thermostat opend i filled it up more, just like normal. I let it idle some more and the second i get on the gas the temp gauge shoots up again. Im completely stumped. I would say thermostat, but it opened and functioned fine. any input is greatly appreciated.

05-28-2009, 09:33 PM
you need to bleed the cooling system, it still has a lot of air trapped in there.
let the car idle with the bleeder screw removed until most air bubble escaped.

the bleeder screw is on top of your thermostat housing.

If thermostat is dead, your upper hose will be hot but lower hose will be cold

05-28-2009, 10:35 PM
Also I would open the radiator cap when the car isn't hot. I just flushed my coolant and had mad bubbles in it. What you do is you open the radiator cap and turn the heater on all the way open in the car. Then rock the car a little up and down (like rock the front end) and you'll see a bunch of air bubbles come out and wait for them to stop. Keep rocking til they stop coming out and that should solve your problem.

05-28-2009, 10:58 PM
Okay cool. I removed the bleeder screw and let the car idle until i saw the water boiling, so i put it back on. after another few minutes of idle, and then a few revs, it over heated again. im stumped.

05-28-2009, 11:14 PM
Did you try my radiator cap method? I got a lot of air out of the system that way. And make sure the heater is all the way open while you're doing it. It took me ten minutes to bleed mine especially with a new radiator it'll probably be longer LoL.

05-28-2009, 11:34 PM
if its sr, there is a drain screw, facing your motor from the front of the car, its on the right side, kinda hard to describe with out pictures.
you can drain it there, for a maxi flush.