View Full Version : to sign or not to sign

05-28-2009, 08:30 PM
I got a stupid ticket, for answering a phone while at a red light which I don"t see as being any different than pulling over to talk on the phone.
The ticket did not have the price of the offense. So I wait for a ticket to come in the mail, but it never shows, since I was driving my girlfriends car the ticket was sent to where her car is registered which is her parents house, so I never got it and was obviously late in paying it. So they tack on 300 charge, for not showing up for court or paying. The judge informed me that if you sign the bottom of the ticket, than you HAVE to appear in court so do you have the option of not signing it and not having to appear in court?

05-28-2009, 09:24 PM
lol. yeah right.
just get it fixed.

Andrew Bohan
05-28-2009, 09:29 PM
if you don't sign the ticket they can take you to jail or something.

i wonder if they were supposed to send the ticket to the address on your driver's license though, instead of where the car was registered.

05-28-2009, 09:29 PM
don't sign the ticket you get to go to the police station

05-28-2009, 09:38 PM
wtf for answering your phone!!! thats mad gay!!! i though Florida was bad with cops.... i have gotten 2 tint tickets in the past 4 months on my daily and i thought that was bad...

05-28-2009, 09:47 PM
lol don't sign it, i dare you!

05-28-2009, 09:52 PM
i wont sign it next time ill let you know how it went from the pen

05-28-2009, 09:58 PM
next time pull over or ignore its. not hard...i do it all the time...u fucked up ...ur on the road...moving or not, ur key is in the ignition and the car is on at a stop sign...ur driving...period...

as far as the ticket...it should have gone to you...but it probably went to the registered owners addy

drift freaq
05-28-2009, 10:14 PM
wtf for answering your phone!!! thats mad gay!!! i though Florida was bad with cops.... i have gotten 2 tint tickets in the past 4 months on my daily and i thought that was bad...

California has hands free law. In other words if your not using a hands free device with your cell then you can get a ticket.

Now why do you ask, and why do you think its not right? Well sir you are dumb fuck. Driving and talking on a cell phone is like driving drunk. No fucking joke, it distracts the fuck out of your driving and disrupts your ability to drive your car.

Oh and California is not the only state with this law. New York has and I would not be Surprised if Florida does not have it they enact.

Driving will talking on a cell phone without a hands free device is dangerous to other drivers.

Shall I tell you about the girl I saw plow into the back of BMW on the Sunset Strip while talking on her cell phone? There have been way to many accidents from dumb fucks talking on their cell phones while they drive. Don't have a hands free headset? Don't use the phone.

The OP got his ticket because he put the phone to his ear while operating his car regardless of it being at a stop light. Its illegal.

The OP should pay go to see the Judge admit he is guilty and let the Judge reduce the fine and pay it.

Its that simple.

05-28-2009, 10:20 PM
California has hands free law. In other words if your not using a hands free device with your cell then you can get a ticket.

Now why do you ask, and why do you think its not right? Well sir you are dumb fuck. Driving and talking on a cell phone is like driving drunk. No fucking joke, it distracts the fuck out of your driving and disrupts your ability to drive your car.

Oh and California is not the only state with this law. New York has and I would not be Surprised if Florida does not have it they enact.

Driving will talking on a cell phone without a hands free device is dangerous to other drivers.

Shall I tell you about the girl I saw plow into the back of BMW on the Sunset Strip while talking on her cell phone? There have been way to many accidents from dumb fucks talking on their cell phones while they drive. Don't have a hands free headset? Don't use the phone.

The OP got his ticket because he put the phone to his ear while operating his car regardless of it being at a stop light. Its illegal.

The OP should pay go to see the Judge admit he is guilty and let the Judge reduce the fine and pay it.

Its that simple.

it's a stupid law. now, it should be illegal to not stay in your lane, or rear end somebody. those should be things you get a ticket for.
oh wait, you do.
if you can talk on your phone and drive, you shouldn't be punished just because some 16 year old girl can't.

05-28-2009, 10:24 PM
i wont sign it next time ill let you know how it went from the pen

It's not like you are going to end up in state prison, they will send you to county jail if anything. Plus you can always do community service if you don't feel like paying 300 dollars.

05-28-2009, 10:38 PM
it's a stupid law. now, it should be illegal to not stay in your lane, or rear end somebody. those should be things you get a ticket for.
oh wait, you do.
if you can talk on your phone and drive, you shouldn't be punished just because some 16 year old girl can't.

Have you seen California drivers? Most of the people on the road can't drive when they are sober, facing no distractions. . . much less when holding and talking on the phone.

Heck, I think even mythbusters proved that a cell phone can impair driving ability. Take away one hand while they hold the phone? I don't want them on the road.

Not like a hands-free device is expensive. Don't newer phones even come with them?

05-28-2009, 10:47 PM
It's not like you are going to end up in state prison, they will send you to county jail if anything. Plus you can always do community service if you don't feel like paying 300 dollars.

i'm pretty sure you'd just wind up in the precinct holding cell until you agree to sign.

Have you seen California drivers? Most of the people on the road can't drive when they are sober, facing no distractions. . . much less when holding and talking on the phone.

Heck, I think even mythbusters proved that a cell phone can impair driving ability. Take away one hand while they hold the phone? I don't want them on the road.

Not like a hands-free device is expensive. Don't newer phones even come with them?

yeah, i saw the episode. but didn't they have kari driving? cmon.
plus the results are biased because they're all californians

05-28-2009, 11:51 PM
Honestly? Yes, most people in LA drive like morons without distractions.

Me? I still openly use my phone while I drive without a headset. Hell, I even text with the full qwerty keyboard while I'm driving.

Why? Because the actual ticket is like $36, which comes out to $64 or something when you pay. For a $64 ticket, I'll take my chances. I just put the phone down if I see a cop anyway. You have no idea how many cops i've seen on their phones while driving AFTER the law went into affect. It's not any safer for them to do it, why the fuck can't I?

05-29-2009, 12:00 AM
Isn't this a secondary offense? Meaning they cant pull you over just on the basis of operating a cell phone while driving? I thought you had to be speeding or something and then if they can prove you were on the cell, that's when you got the cell ticket. That's how it is in Washington at least.

05-29-2009, 12:26 AM
Talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is a violation of the California vehicle code (VC 23123 (a), to be exact . . .)

Violating the vehicle code is a crime. It's a minor crime, but a crime.

Cops can stop you when they see you committing a crime.

I would advise everyone not to commit a crime . . .

I also strongly suspect that ^your^ interpretation of "how it works" in Washington is incorrect, but I don't really feel like digging through your vehicle code to check.

05-29-2009, 12:33 AM
I strongly suspect that your interpretation of "how it works" in Washington is incorrect, but I don't really feel like digging through your vehicle code to check.Took all of 2 seconds.

Hands-Free: The Washington State Cell-Phone Law & Text Messaging Ban (http://www.drivinglaws.org/washington.php)

Washington State has two cell-phone related driving laws going into effect in 2008. The first one is EHB 1214 and takes effect on January 1st, 2008. EHB 1214 bans text messaging and makes it a traffic infraction; this is not a hands-free ordinance, but a complete ban on text messaging.

Like many of the other driving laws across the United States there are exceptions during emergency situations or for on-duty public safety personnel. This is a secondary enforcement law, which means that you will only receive a ticket if you have been pulled over for another driving violation. Like the hands-free violation, this infraction is not placed on your driving record or reportable to employers or insurance companies.

The other new Washington State driving law going into effect in 2008 is the hands-free law (ESSB 5037). This new hands-free cell-phone law prohibits the use of a wireless device such as a cell-phone being held to your ear while you are driving. Unlike the text messaging ban, you are allowed to use your cell-phone if the communication is made using hands-free device such as a bluetooth headset or wired headset.

You can use your cell-phone without a hands-free device if it is a emergency situation or if you are reporting illegal activity. ESSB 5037 does not apply to a person with a hearing aid. Like the text messaging ban above, the Washington State hands-free driving law is a secondary enforcement law. You will only receive a ticket for this if you are pulled over for the usual type of traffic violation such as speeding or running a stop sign. This violation will not go on your driving record and employers and insurance companies will receive no information regarding the violation.

Go from there.

05-29-2009, 12:35 AM
There are consequences beyond it being it an infraction or "secondary offense" that I was thinking about.

05-29-2009, 06:27 AM
Honestly? Yes, most people in LA drive like morons without distractions.

Me? I still openly use my phone while I drive without a headset. Hell, I even text with the full qwerty keyboard while I'm driving.

Why? Because the actual ticket is like $36, which comes out to $64 or something when you pay. For a $64 ticket, I'll take my chances. I just put the phone down if I see a cop anyway. You have no idea how many cops i've seen on their phones while driving AFTER the law went into affect. It's not any safer for them to do it, why the fuck can't I?

i take the same risk by not putting a front plate on my cars. i find them ugly, and the ticket is about $80. i've had one front plate ticket since 2000.
but mine isn't a moving violation, so there are no points, and i don't need to pay extra to have the ticket fixed. do you get points for a cellphone ticket?

05-29-2009, 10:04 AM
wtf for answering your phone!!! thats mad gay!!! i though Florida was bad with cops.... i have gotten 2 tint tickets in the past 4 months on my daily and i thought that was bad...
heres a solution...take off your tint...

05-29-2009, 10:16 AM
hope the phone call was worth $300.

05-29-2009, 10:21 AM
California has hands free law. In other words if your not using a hands free device with your cell then you can get a ticket.

Now why do you ask, and why do you think its not right? Well sir you are dumb fuck. Driving and talking on a cell phone is like driving drunk. No fucking joke, it distracts the fuck out of your driving and disrupts your ability to drive your car.

Oh and California is not the only state with this law. New York has and I would not be Surprised if Florida does not have it they enact.

Driving will talking on a cell phone without a hands free device is dangerous to other drivers.

Shall I tell you about the girl I saw plow into the back of BMW on the Sunset Strip while talking on her cell phone? There have been way to many accidents from dumb fucks talking on their cell phones while they drive. Don't have a hands free headset? Don't use the phone.

The OP got his ticket because he put the phone to his ear while operating his car regardless of it being at a stop light. Its illegal.

The OP should pay go to see the Judge admit he is guilty and let the Judge reduce the fine and pay it.

Its that simple.

I agree with you on this, but only to a certain extent.

Guns don't kill people... stupid people with guns kill people.
Yes, accidents sometimes do occur because people are talking on the phone... but it's not the phone's fault. It's that dumb idiot who cant drive his/her damn car. I can talk on the phone while driving my 5-speed, it's not that hard. I dont see it being any different from having one hand out the window and talking to the person in the passenger seat.
But I do think that law serves it's purpose though. I see it as a law to keep idiots from crashing into me. So I'm ok with it.

As far as the texting law though. I think it's pretty lame. What's to say I wasnt just looking at the time? How is the cop supposed to prove that you were texting? I want to get a ticket for that just to see how that process goes about...

05-29-2009, 10:30 AM
I want to get a ticket for that just to see how that process goes about...

awesome good luck wiht that...

seriously wtf is wrong with my generation, all i hear lately is bickering about stupid shit that really shouldnt affect you if u just follow the god damn fucking rules...

my coworker was right...95% of the worlds population deserves to die

05-29-2009, 10:33 AM
My GF is doing her thesis for her masters on this very subject. 1 more year to go. I'll post her findings when they're done...

From her initial studies so far though, it's pretty evident that texting/talking on the phone regardless of whether or not you are using any sort of handsfree detracts significantly from anyone's ability to operate a motor vehicle.

Again, I'll post the stats on her findings as soon as they're available.

05-29-2009, 11:06 AM
awesome good luck wiht that...

seriously wtf is wrong with my generation, all i hear lately is bickering about stupid shit that really shouldnt affect you if u just follow the god damn fucking rules...

my coworker was right...95% of the worlds population deserves to die
Sorry, I know sarcasm is hard to pick up sometimes...

05-29-2009, 11:06 AM
So, you broke the law.

deal with it.

Usually (probably always) they ask something like "is this your current address"?

It's "fun" to bitch and moan about it and how "stupid" it might be, but....
it's going nowhere. Gotta pay up now.

drift freaq
05-29-2009, 11:06 AM
it's a stupid law. now, it should be illegal to not stay in your lane, or rear end somebody. those should be things you get a ticket for.
oh wait, you do.
if you can talk on your phone and drive, you shouldn't be punished just because some 16 year old girl can't.

I suggest you read Daniels post above this. Or I can copy it and paste it for. I am sure you feel driving drunk does not affect your driving ability either.

Your statement tells me your just as ignorant as the rest of them.

Sure I can drive while talking on my cell phone, without a hands free device.

Does it mean it does not possibly impair my driving ability? No.
It just means, I am a good enough driver to take the chance and get away with it.

I can bet, if they tested it though it would show lowered attention skills. Quite possibly to the point where it could be considered dangerous.

The law does its job.

Oh and here is Daniels post just for you

My GF is doing her thesis for her masters on this very subject. 1 more year to go. I'll post her findings when they're done...

From her initial studies so far though, it's pretty evident that texting/talking on the phone regardless of whether or not you are using any sort of handsfree detracts significantly from anyone's ability to operate a motor vehicle.

Again, I'll post the stats on her findings as soon as they're available.

P.S. For not being a California citizen you seem to have way to much concern about what happens here. Kinda strange for being such a anti west coast person.

I suggest you either move here or shut the fuck up, because we are tired of your dumb ass always sticking your nose in threads about California.

05-29-2009, 11:07 AM
A majority of the people in California suck at driving.

I can't drive a mile without spotting a moron on the streets.

Sad thing is, most people can't drive while giving 100% of their concentration to it.

Add a cell phone, passenger, music, other random shit and you have one of the crappiest drivers imaginable.

Sure, many of you think it's a dumb law, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that most of the people on here are above average drivers. Maybe you all can talk and drive at the same time, but 90% of the people around here can't.

I've lost count of how many times I've seen people driving the wrong way down a one way street in SF paying full attention.

Add a cell phone and the numbers go up.

05-29-2009, 11:09 AM
I LOVE ..... fucking LOVE
GLARING at people in cars who are on the phone. Sometimes I make it a point to take a picture of them too.
Their reactions are the best.

05-29-2009, 11:19 AM
People cannot drive while talking on cell phones, its been scientifically proven

Whatnot At Work: Cell Phone Drivers Worse Than Drunk Drivers (http://blog.hrwhatnot.com/2006/06/cell_phone_driv.html)

05-29-2009, 11:29 AM
You have no idea how many cops i've seen on their phones while driving AFTER the law went into affect. It's not any safer for them to do it, why the fuck can't I?

I'm sure we have all seen quite a few on the phone without a hands-free device while operating their patrol unit.

Talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is a violation of the California vehicle code (VC 23123 (a), to be exact . . .)

Violating the vehicle code is a crime. It's a minor crime, but a crime.

Cops can stop you when they see you committing a crime.

I would advise everyone not to commit a crime . . .

I also strongly suspect that ^your^ interpretation of "how it works" in Washington is incorrect, but I don't really feel like digging through your vehicle code to check.

Talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is a violation of the California vehicle code (VC 23123 (a), to be exact . . .)

Violating the vehicle code is a crime. It's a minor crime, but a crime.

We as civilians cannot stop cops when we see them committing a crime.
We can file a "Complaint of Employee Misconduct" form 01.81.06 which initiates a 01.28.00 from any Los Angeles Police station, the Police Commission, or any City Council field office. GL

I would advise everyone not to commit a crime . . .

A LAPD Police and Officers duty is "To Protect and to Serve" and at times, must be reminded to live by the laws they were sworn in to uphold and enforce.

05-29-2009, 11:37 AM
i asked a cop at a meet once about that. she said cops/ambulance/fire and all emergency vehicles are able to use a cell phone while driving

05-29-2009, 11:50 AM
So annoying when people compare the unimportant place they live in to California. Can't stand common human nature. Wish it was a prerequisite to be familiar with California laws and customs when joining Zilvia.

05-29-2009, 11:55 AM
A Glendale PD friend and I always have this argument...

NOTE: The preceding section is repealed January 1, 2011, at which time the following section becomes operative.

23123 (a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.

(b) A violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a base fine of twenty dollars ($20) for a first offense and fifty dollars ($50) for each subsequent offense.

(c) This section does not apply to a person using a wireless telephone for emergency purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to a law enforcement agency, health care provider, fire department, or other emergency services agency or entity.

(d) This section does not apply to an emergency services professional using a wireless telephone while operating an authorized emergency vehicle, as defined in Section 165, in the course and scope of his or her duties. FINE LINE IS HERE

(e) This section does not apply to a person driving a schoolbus or transit vehicle that is subject to Section 23125.

(f) This section does not apply to a person while driving a motor vehicle on private property.

(g) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2011.

i asked a cop at a meet once about that. she said cops/ambulance/fire and all emergency vehicles are able to use a cell phone while driving

05-29-2009, 12:13 PM
You have no idea how many cops i've seen on their phones while driving AFTER the law went into affect. It's not any safer for them to do it, why the fuck can't I?

Cops can also speed.

So I don't really see the difference.

05-29-2009, 12:14 PM
cops can also shoot people.

05-29-2009, 12:20 PM
Cops can also speed.

So I don't really see the difference.

cops have also taken driving classes unlike most of the public.

05-29-2009, 12:22 PM
Woop there it is.

05-29-2009, 12:49 PM
haha funny ass thread.

dont drink and drive

dont talk on your cell phone while driving. (or get a bluetooth you cheap asses)

end of story. thank you for your time

05-29-2009, 01:02 PM
Scientists say that an average human only uses 10% of their brain function. So its not hard to see why people cant drive, especially old people.

05-29-2009, 01:03 PM
wow. this is retarded. i talk on my cellphone about everyday while i drive. i have never been close to wrecking while texting or talking. its not that hard.

05-29-2009, 01:16 PM
wow. this is retarded. i talk on my cellphone about everyday while i drive. i have never been close to wrecking while texting or talking. its not that hard.

You don't really like reading much do you?

05-29-2009, 01:17 PM
You don't really like reading much do you?

too busy talking on his phone.

05-29-2009, 01:54 PM
I used to be a cop. We are dicks.

05-29-2009, 01:57 PM
Wish Missouri would ban smoking while driving. I do not like when people throw cigarettes out of their window and it hits my car.

05-29-2009, 02:08 PM
Cops can also speed.

So I don't really see the difference.

I understand that, and I knew that someone would take what I said out of context. I've been passed by cops when I was doing over 90mph on a highway (5 north through central california, it's a dead straightaway for like 200+ miles) without even a second look, they just went on their way. The idea of the law is to prevent mistakes/accidents because of driver distraction. I'm not like most females who sit on the phone for an hour and make unnecessary phone calls to friends because they need attention. If I am on the phone while I am driving there is a good reason, such as trying to meet up with someone/discussing location, calling work letting them know that I'm stuck in traffic, whatever. The point is, is that I'm not on my phone for an exuberant amount of time. I do not personally feel that I am endangering anyone, I'm not swerving in my lane, not going a different speed than the rest of the traffic, etc. I can safely operate my cell phone and my car at the same time because I have the ability to multitask. I have been driving my s13 for 10 years (that can be depressing depending on how you look at it, personally I love my car) in the same way. I have always used my phone while I drove for the same purpose and I have yet, to this day, to ever cause or even be in an accident in my s13.

When you refer this to speeding, yes, speeding is more dangerous and I try to control it as often as possible. But if I have an open road on a highway I'm not gonna be driving less than 80. Yes I've been pulled over for it, yes I've gotten tickets, but that's the risk I took speeding and I paid the fine and went on with my life. Same deal with the cell phone law. I consider it 'optional' if you are willing to accept the fine that is given to you should you be cited for doing so.

Besides, California has bigger things to worry about that people driving on their phones. I didn't notice any difference in the frequency of accidents, after the law went into effect, on my commute to work over the hill, south on the 405, which is by far the busiest freeway during rush hour in probably all of california. There is bumper to bumper traffic 9 times out of 10 during rush hour.

05-29-2009, 02:11 PM
Well, it's a law.

follow it and never get a ticket.
talk on the phone and risk getting a ticket.

The choice is yours.

It's easy money for the state.

05-29-2009, 02:22 PM
I LOVE ..... fucking LOVE
GLARING at people in cars who are on the phone. Sometimes I make it a point to take a picture of them too.
Their reactions are the best.

so u get mad when u see people on the phone yet ur taking pix of them?

05-29-2009, 02:28 PM
so u get mad when u see people on the phone yet ur taking pix of them?

Show me where I said I was DRIVING...
I've got 3 and a half more hours here to wait.

05-29-2009, 02:48 PM
why did we start talking about whether cops can speed or not, or whether they can talk on the phone?

My response was to the other guy from Washington (agememnon), whose post was directly above mine.

Of course cops can get away with it, their cars have frickin radios in them.

To clarify for neverrain and let5l1de who totally took my response in the wrong context:

Isn't this a secondary offense? Meaning they cant pull you over just on the basis of operating a cell phone while driving? I thought you had to be speeding or something and then if they can prove you were on the cell, that's when you got the cell ticket. That's how it is in Washington at least.

Talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is a violation of the California vehicle code (VC 23123 (a), to be exact . . .)

Violating the vehicle code is a crime. It's a minor crime, but a crime.

Cops can stop you when they see you committing a crime.

I would advise everyone not to commit a crime . . .

I also strongly suspect that ^your^ interpretation of "how it works" in Washington is incorrect, but I don't really feel like digging through your vehicle code to check.

For anyone that cares enough to keep reading:

Infractions are crimes where the punishment is a fine, rather than jail - they are "minor" crimes. Agamemnon mentioned that because talking on the cell phone is a "secondary offense" or whatever, it's not something you can get pulled over for.

California has or used to have a "cite or release" law where cops are not to arrest you for infractions (generally). I would not be surprised if Washington has an equivalent statute.

Under US Constitutional law, however, probable cause of any crime, minor or not, is valid grounds for not only a stop, but an outright arrest.

This distinction is relevant when there are other concerns, such as a search after the arrest which reveals other contraband or evidence of a crime, such as illegally possessed weapons or narcotics. If you were arrested and such items were found, you could not exclude them as the fruit of an illegal search because the underlying arrest would be constitutionally valid, even if statutorily invalid.

For a full illustration of the above situation, you can google Virginia v. Moore, 2008 SCOTUS case. Guy pulled over driving w/o license. VA had a law prohibiting arrest for such an offense. Guy was arrested anyways. Drugs discovered in subsequent search. Guy convicted of drug offenses b/c arrest was constitutionally valid. Remedy for the statutory violation was only civil, not evidentiary exclusion.

Talking on your cell phone alone might be just a small ticket, but it opens the door for the cops to do much more.

The above is a broad summary and not to be taken as legal advice on how to act, except as a general warning not to break the law.

05-29-2009, 04:11 PM
So annoying when people compare the unimportant place they live in to California. Can't stand common human nature. Wish it was a prerequisite to be familiar with California laws and customs when joining Zilvia.

i really hate when these yokels from the middle of america think they can talk about talking on the cell phone while driving like it happens in their backwater state. they don't even have american apparel stores in some of their cities.

05-29-2009, 08:12 PM
i understand that, and i knew that someone would take what i said out of context. I've been passed by cops when i was doing over 90mph on a highway (5 north through central california, it's a dead straightaway for like 200+ miles) without even a second look, they just went on their way. The idea of the law is to prevent mistakes/accidents because of driver distraction. I'm not like most females who sit on the phone for an hour and make unnecessary phone calls to friends because they need attention. If i am on the phone while i am driving there is a good reason, such as trying to meet up with someone/discussing location, calling work letting them know that i'm stuck in traffic, whatever. The point is, is that i'm not on my phone for an exuberant amount of time. I do not personally feel that i am endangering anyone, i'm not swerving in my lane, not going a different speed than the rest of the traffic, etc. I can safely operate my cell phone and my car at the same time because i have the ability to multitask. I have been driving my s13 for 10 years (that can be depressing depending on how you look at it, personally i love my car) in the same way. I have always used my phone while i drove for the same purpose and i have yet, to this day, to ever cause or even be in an accident in my s13.

When you refer this to speeding, yes, speeding is more dangerous and i try to control it as often as possible. But if i have an open road on a highway i'm not gonna be driving less than 80. Yes i've been pulled over for it, yes i've gotten tickets, but that's the risk i took speeding and i paid the fine and went on with my life. Same deal with the cell phone law. I consider it 'optional' if you are willing to accept the fine that is given to you should you be cited for doing so.

Besides, california has bigger things to worry about that people driving on their phones. I didn't notice any difference in the frequency of accidents, after the law went into effect, on my commute to work over the hill, south on the 405, which is by far the busiest freeway during rush hour in probably all of california. There is bumper to bumper traffic 9 times out of 10 during rush hour.


I said in my post, that a majority of the people on this forum might very well be able to do such without any problems.

But a mass majority of the public can't.

So we suffer because of such.

05-29-2009, 08:59 PM
BustedBro, were you aware that it is illegal to text while driving in Missouri? I had no idea until my BrotherBro told me today.

This afternoon I saw some lady hit a curb while she was on the phone.

So unfair that women have cheaper insurance. Society is so sexist.

06-01-2009, 01:36 AM
Honestly? Yes, most people in LA drive like morons without distractions.

Me? I still openly use my phone while I drive without a headset. Hell, I even text with the full qwerty keyboard while I'm driving.

Why? Because the actual ticket is like $36, which comes out to $64 or something when you pay. For a $64 ticket, I'll take my chances. I just put the phone down if I see a cop anyway. You have no idea how many cops i've seen on their phones while driving AFTER the law went into affect. It's not any safer for them to do it, why the fuck can't I?

because they are the law they fuckus with thier long dicks havent you seen superbad

"im am the law the maker of all law"

"you boys ready to get fucked by the long dick of the law"

It's not like you are going to end up in state prison, they will send you to county jail if anything. Plus you can always do community service if you don't feel like paying 300 dollars.

hope the phone call was worth $300.
for the 3 guys above me the ticket is only 96 dollars firsst offense how do i know cause i had my dead cell phone in my hand when fuckin a metro sherrif pulled me oer the toal came out to 106 cause i didnt feel like a stupid was wroth lossing a day at work and i did learn my lesson i bougth a fyckin bluetooth for fuckin 20 buck so 20 bucks can save you about 70 in bull shit
awesome good luck wiht that...

seriously wtf is wrong with my generation, all i hear lately is bickering about stupid shit that really shouldnt affect you if u just follow the god damn fucking rules...

my coworker was right...95% of the worlds population deserves to die

06-01-2009, 09:06 AM
Why were you holding a dead cell phone while driving?

06-01-2009, 09:23 AM
for the 3 guys above me the ticket is only 96 dollars firsst offense how do i know cause i had my dead cell phone in my hand when fuckin a metro sherrif pulled me oer the toal came out to 106 cause i didnt feel like a stupid was wroth lossing a day at work and i did learn my lesson i bougth a fyckin bluetooth for fuckin 20 buck so 20 bucks can save you about 70 in bull shit

read the first post, then maybe you will understand the where the $300 came from.