View Full Version : S13Hitman -Avoid buying from this guy

05-27-2009, 11:30 AM
Adam Schanne
Zilvia id: s13hitman
Nico id: schanne

I paid this guy for an S13 SR20DET head and he never sent it to me nor gave me my refund. It's been a month! He gave me stories about his kid in the hospitol. I gave him the benefit of doubt and he scammed me. I asked for the item I paid for or my refund and he promises to send it to me with tracking info in a day or two. A week and a half later and he hasn't gave me anything. I have our messages to prove all of what I've stated. Do not buy from this guy. Adam Schanne is a theif that should not be allowed to post any "For Sale" threads and if it was up to me, his IP banned from this forum. :mrmeph: Reported to paypal but I don't know if I'll get any good news from them.

05-27-2009, 05:21 PM
That sucks man,I would report it to your credit card or bank as well to try to get money back from them. They are usually pretty good about it.

94 Sentra_XE
05-27-2009, 08:10 PM
jspeedm said the same exact thing to me, with the same story (different parts) once i told him i was going to call my lawyer and take it to the next level, iu had a box on my porch that was next dayed with my money in it hope everything works out ok for you man

05-28-2009, 10:55 AM
I contacted him about the head but when he said the head was "HONED AND DECKED" - i knew something was up.

05-28-2009, 12:44 PM
jspeedm said the same exact thing to me, with the same story (different parts) once i told him i was going to call my lawyer and take it to the next level, iu had a box on my porch that was next dayed with my money in it hope everything works out ok for you man

don't forget to tell them that you got a full refund, appology, and free parts. and when i got that message about your lawyer, i had already shipped it. and i did not send it next day, i sent it ups ground. it was shipped a week earlier. so if you are going to talk shit, at least tell the truth.

05-28-2009, 01:50 PM
Ok, let's clear a few things up.

1) This is a reviews thread and last time I checked the person being reviewed is not allowed to post in the topic. If the issue gets resolved the OP is to post up in this thread stating so.
2) 94SentraXE and JspeedM try and stay to topic. Take it to PM if you have to.

05-29-2009, 04:58 PM
dunno wat happen with this deal, but i dealt with him before on nico and didnt have a problem

05-29-2009, 09:20 PM
Don't any of you watch the news? People were findin cat fish in their yards after the flood started to drain. That place got wrecked bad. I'd feel bad for the guy, family comes before business.
I'd communicate with my buyer too if something like that happened to me.

05-30-2009, 04:58 PM
I haven't watched the news lately. First time now hearing about a flood from him or anyone. Like I said, I gave him the benefit of the doubt when he told me his kid was in the hospitol. Also like I told the guy, more than once, sorry to hear about his situation but I need to get my car running. I'll take the head or a refund, which ever works. I'd still take the head over a refund if he'll send it to me. I wasn't getting anything from him besides excuses, truth or not, and the "I'll send it" but he never does, so I didn't know what else to think. Until I get tracking info or a refund I'm going to have to let paypal do what it can, let the thread show him as a scam, and if needed, talk to my bank for real results. I'm holding off on that for now because I'm hoping that he's telling the truth and will send my sr head. I hope he can prove me wrong and do so.

05-30-2009, 05:15 PM
good luck hope everything works out.

05-30-2009, 08:30 PM
Sucks man glws

05-30-2009, 09:20 PM
jspeedm said the same exact thing to me, with the same story (different parts) once i told him i was going to call my lawyer and take it to the next level, iu had a box on my porch that was next dayed with my money in it hope everything works out ok for you man

u like those zenki headlights? =] hehe just rubbing it in lol
yeah fuck scammers and people AND BUSINESSES that do this stupid shit.
Legit people are real people, fuck the rest

06-03-2009, 10:32 AM
I'm not a scammer. My town has been flooded and my lil girl was in the hospital. I am shipping it out tomorrow. I know it has been a few weeks, but bad things have happened to me. Not an excuse, just the truth. I have sold many other things with no problems on here and nico. Just had a few problems. Head is being shipped out
Tried to pm you but you have that blocked. Got the tracking info for me? ...or have you even shipped it yet? ?Maybe? I could get the mods to unban you from the marketplace if we can get this resolved. Let me know.

06-12-2009, 12:27 PM
Seller is claiming that the item has been shipped and received, can you or not confirm this?

06-13-2009, 09:35 AM
Seller is claiming that the item has been shipped and received, can you or not confirm this?
He has showed me the shipping confirmation. I have yet to receive it though. I will post that I've received the head when I get it. Hopefully that'll clear him as a scam, just slow:bigok:. Also, I'll message you then and maybe you can unban him from the marketplace.

06-26-2009, 09:26 AM
update: I got the head but it's missing cam caps. We agreed that the cam caps be included before initial payment. We agreed if I paid for shipping that he would ship the cam caps. Paid ...waiting.

07-31-2009, 07:13 AM
update: Still no cam caps. Yes, this f.cking long and nothing! So I didn't receive what I paid for. Paypal is f.cking ghey and said they can't help me. This is what they said:
Our investigation into your claim is complete. As stated in our User
Agreement, the claims process only applies to the shipment of goods. It
does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods
received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a

In other words, bluntly, as long as I was sent something, Paypal does not care if it's what I paid for. Let's see what my bank can do. Keep this mf banned from the marketplace.

07-31-2009, 02:53 PM
update: Still no cam caps. Yes, this f.cking long and nothing! So I didn't receive what I paid for. Paypal is f.cking ghey and said they can't help me. This is what they said:

In other words, bluntly, as long as I was sent something, Paypal does not care if it's what I paid for. Let's see what my bank can do. Keep this mf banned from the marketplace.
Bank couldn't help me. Said I only have 60 days to dispute the transaction or some crap. No wonder you were giving me soo many excuses. So guys, don't be a soo nice like I was. If the guy gives you numerous excuses, then talk to your bank, paypal(as little as they can do), etc... ASAP. ...f.cking bull. Dude, stay away from selling because you fail at it. f.cking conartist.