View Full Version : Wheel Fitment Tshirts

05-26-2009, 04:45 AM
I'm working on some designs for wheel fitment tshirts right now, and I was just looking to see what kind of interest there would be for them.

Cost wise I'm looking at about $20 - $25 US depending on the color/shipping costs.

I would be willing to ship all across canada and the US.

General design would be a vector of a wheel, maybe some credit card gap action.... I have a few designs in mind. Let me know if anyone is interested so I know how many to make up.

05-26-2009, 06:01 AM
without having seen the design, i can say definitely put me down for 10!

05-26-2009, 06:08 AM
Sounds like a really fucking gay idea. DorkiDori and Jimmy Up pretty much have the car shirts market handled.

Post a design pic and prove me wrong!

05-26-2009, 02:16 PM
Sounds like a really fucking gay idea. DorkiDori and Jimmy Up pretty much have the car shirts market handled.

Post a design pic and prove me wrong!

Understandable, but I've never seen a really awesome shirt for wheel fitment. I've seen JimmyUp stuff and I'll check out the DorkiDori tees and see if they have anything in that area, if not, you can never have too many tshirt designs.

Im just grasping to see if it'll be worth my while to make em, I'm gonna work on a design this week.

05-26-2009, 02:21 PM
No more shirt companies.

General Nao!

05-26-2009, 02:25 PM

05-26-2009, 02:28 PM
without having seen the design, i can say definitely put me down for 10!


i'll rawk the hell ouda them

05-26-2009, 03:01 PM
Lol i'm not trying to open up a tshirt store here. I've been doing graphic design for almost 10 years now and I just thought it would be cool to make a tshirt in appreciation of epic wheel fitment. I've been doing vectors for years so I know what I'm doing in terms of design, it won't be some basic handdrawn crap. Here's my most recent piece that I'm working on:


05-26-2009, 03:20 PM
/\/\/\ needs moar low.

05-26-2009, 03:37 PM


05-26-2009, 03:51 PM
how come you're bouncing this off an american site arminder? show some canadian love!

05-26-2009, 03:53 PM
how come you're bouncing this off an american site arminder? show some canadian love!

This is gonna be sold in canada too dontcha worry, just hitting the bigger forums for a bigger market lol.

05-26-2009, 08:58 PM
i say make a t-shirt of just the rim and streched tire......then put me down for 6

05-26-2009, 09:50 PM
i say make a t-shirt of just the rim and streched tire......then put me down for 6

The idea I had was a rim with a stretched tire, tucking tire under a pulled fender with a credit car sticking into the gap. and some text that I haven't quite determined yet.

05-26-2009, 09:54 PM
avoid internet sayings please.

that shit is so lame.

05-26-2009, 10:15 PM

05-26-2009, 10:19 PM
Do I smell commercial sale and not having a vendor account on the same thread? I smell a thread lock too.

05-26-2009, 10:19 PM
Awaiting product before bashing.

You guys are like fucking rabid lemmings, if one person clowns you guys just try to follow what they're doing without thinking a rational post.

Do I smell commercial sale and not having a vendor account on the same thread? I smell a thread lock too.

He's not selling anything as of yet, so he's really just gauging interest, nothing wrong with that.

05-27-2009, 05:27 AM
avoid internet sayings please.

that shit is so lame.

I don't get it....

And I'm not doing anything yet, when it comes time for me to actually produce and sell these, IF i make them I will make sure everything is legit.

05-27-2009, 07:24 AM
the only words you need on the shirt is.... GET SOME!!!

05-27-2009, 09:32 AM
I don't get it....

And I'm not doing anything yet, when it comes time for me to actually produce and sell these, IF i make them I will make sure everything is legit.

avoid gay forum-popular phrases and abbreviations

such as the SNIP omgwtfbbq

putting shit like that on shirts and walking around with = douchebag

Dirty Habit
05-27-2009, 11:16 AM
Can we close this now?


05-27-2009, 02:09 PM
avoid internet sayings please.

That shit is so lame.


