View Full Version : North Korea's tests

05-25-2009, 10:08 PM
So yesterday North Korea tested nuclear weapons that were as strong as hiroshima.
N. Korea Conducts Powerful Nuclear Test, Reportedly Fires Short-Range Missiles - North Korea | Map | Government - FOXNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,521617,00.html)

I think the US should have stopped them, even though its not our place to do so. North Korea's government is F*cking nutz, so naturally this is a little scary. By launching these weapons, they are testing the security of all nations.

Personally, I'm a little shaken. What do you guys make of this?

05-25-2009, 10:43 PM
Don't worry, you live in the US.

And Hiroshima-strength bombs are weak compared to what's out there.

05-25-2009, 10:56 PM
Tzar !!!


beeracing s14
05-25-2009, 10:58 PM
you can watch the tzar bomb on youtube and tell me that you can be scarier.

05-25-2009, 11:04 PM

NO! to the new world order!

Jimmy Up
05-25-2009, 11:06 PM
I personally think I am going to move to Italy, I never hear shit about the home land, save for that earthquake not to long ago. There are beautiful women that know how to cook and I still have family over there.

05-25-2009, 11:06 PM
lol, fuck North Korea.
"Oooohhh noooo, they're finally on par with technology the US had over over 60 years ago!!!! LET'S ALL BE AFRAID!!!!!"


05-25-2009, 11:07 PM
im sure its just a great big "look at me!" tactic with the attempt to gain more influence in the world, they may be crazy but they also know that by firing it at any country, it is pretty much suicide

05-25-2009, 11:09 PM
boo shit boo shit boo shit
they just testin shit out if we test shit out we would take a country out.

ans plus we got rambo and terminator .

Jimmy Up
05-25-2009, 11:09 PM
im sure its just a great big "look at me!" tactic with the attempt to gain more influence in the world, they may be crazy but they also know that by firing it at any country, it is pretty much suicide

Shit, I hope so. I dont keep myself too educated on the topic but I dig my life, and dont really feel like getting blown up...

05-25-2009, 11:10 PM
Holy Shit. Don't fuck with Russia.

50mt in 1961. I can only imagine what they have today. Maybe they can blow up all of Europe now.

05-25-2009, 11:23 PM
you can watch the tzar bomb on youtube and tell me that you can be scarier.

how big the bomb is isn't so much an issue, as how far it can travel and how accurate it can hit it's target.
even a bomb that size can cause horrific casualties in heavily pop city like nearby seoul or tokyo.

was kinda ironic back in the day with bush was invading iraq for WMD.
meanwhile there was Kim flaunting & hurling his nukes left and right.

If there is to be any action taken, I hope it won't be at the U.S's expense.
this is mostly asia's (and maybe russia's) problem imo.
the US already has it's share of crap to deal with in iraq, afghan, paki, and maybe the soviets.
seoul/tokyo is bitching to the UN so they can have someone else come in to clean up.

oh and i really doubt Kim Jong can instigate a 'World War 3'.
China doesn't like him too much, and Russia prob doesn't take him seriously.
I can see China trying to annex Pyongyang more than the south trying to take over.

05-25-2009, 11:30 PM
the tsar bomb caused 3rd degree burn from 100kx away wtf !!!!

05-25-2009, 11:36 PM
was kinda ironic back in the day with bush was invading iraq for WMD.
meanwhile there was Kim flaunting & hurling his nukes left and right.

Oh yeah, because the invasion of Iraq was really about WMDs, right? :rolleyes:

The thought of a US invasion of North Korea really cracks me up. It would NOT end well, at all.

oh and i really doubt Kim Jong can instigate a 'World War 3'.
China doesn't like him too much, and Russia prob doesn't take him seriously.

In a "WW3" situation, Russia would be likely to side with China. In that case, the US and its allies would be FUCKED. Seriously.

05-25-2009, 11:41 PM
Good for them.


05-25-2009, 11:47 PM
^Ew. Babies are gross.

05-25-2009, 11:49 PM
I say "who are we to say who can have nukes" and leave it at that.

05-26-2009, 12:04 AM
Oh yeah, because the invasion of Iraq was really about WMDs, right? :rolleyes:

The thought of a US invasion of North Korea really cracks me up. It would NOT end well, at all.

In a "WW3" situation, Russia would be likely to side with China. In that case, the US and its allies would be FUCKED. Seriously.

i was just pointing out how terrible of an excuse WMD was back in the day.
If WMD really was such a big deal, it made no sense to go after Saddam and not Kim Jong Il.

how do you see this leading to World War 3 (if that's what you're predicting)?

05-26-2009, 12:04 AM
bring that shit on

<< runs to Canada

05-26-2009, 12:24 AM
how do you see this leading to World War 3 (if that's what you're predicting)?Not predicting that at all. Though, I'm sure it'll happen sometime in the next five to ten years, but I'm not saying THIS news will cause it.

Really though, if WWIII happens, China, North Korea, and Russia are likely to posse up, and we in the US will be absolutely fucked. :dead:

Even if China and North Korea don't necessarily "get along", neither of those countries has particularly healthy relations with the US as of late, so they sure as hell aren't gonna fight each other!

05-26-2009, 01:17 AM
i completely disagree. nk just wants more leverage on international stage. they wouldn't actually deploy it. if they did, china certainly would NOT support them.

nk exists only because china feeds it. china does not feed nk because of some stupid ideological alignment. nobody cares about communism anymore; it's all about economic growth and trade with the west.

china feeds nk because it likes having a little bulwark on its northern border to counter the massive US military presence in sk. china also doesn't want a shitload of stinking nk refugees flooding into china. they are already building a fence to keep them out, as they have a illegal north korean immigrant problem. (kind of funny, eh).

if nk starts lobbing nukes around like footballs, nk would no longer have any reason to exist, in the eyes of china. there's no way in hell china would go to war with the US over nk. (just like there's no way in hell the us would go to war with china over taiwan.)

that's not to say this is not significant. it destabilizes the whole region. japan is considering going nuclear in response. a mini arms race between nk and japan makes all neighbors, including china, nervous.

05-26-2009, 01:39 AM

that's a good analysis.

honestly I don't see China and the U.S. going at some war anytime soon.
there's too much economic leverage between the two to have anything drastic to occur.

personally I can see China intervening first.
throw out Kim, install someone more cooperative, and keep your buffer state.
if someone else intervenes, China may loose that buffer.

kinda reminds me of the corean war in a sense.

exchanging nukes is bad for everyone's pockets.

05-26-2009, 01:49 AM
North Korea........North Korea...........hmmmmmm...........is that the new restaurant that just opened.

Come on.

You think I drive an SUV for the gas mileage, the thing's a tank.

05-26-2009, 01:52 AM
they wouldnt fuck with us....we'll blow them all up wit 1 button

05-26-2009, 02:12 AM
come on its a korean bomb lol how far will it actully make it. I bet the shit wont make it out of base and they will just blow them selfs up. lol!

05-26-2009, 02:19 AM
they wouldnt fuck with us....we'll blow them all up wit 1 button
You'd be surprised. Kim isn't all "there" in the head.

05-26-2009, 02:31 AM
america isn't threatened in the homeland. n korea doesn't have ICBM capabilities. the main issues are that now north korea can nuke the south and japan, which would force the US into a war, as protectorates of both mentioned countries. world war three and the end of the world. coming soon, december 2012.

05-26-2009, 02:32 AM
Things are inevitabrey going to change.

Kim Jong-il has Arec Barrwin.

05-26-2009, 02:47 AM
america isn't threatened in the homeland. n korea doesn't have ICBM capabilities. the main issues are that now north korea can nuke the south and japan, which would force the US into a war, as protectorates of both mentioned countries. world war three and the end of the world. coming soon, december 2012.

this guys got a point

05-26-2009, 03:36 AM

Read up on the MAD Theory (mutually assured destruction). Basically its a detterent from using nuclear weapons because your enemies also have nukes and if you fire at them then that would most certainly spell your doom also. Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction)

05-26-2009, 03:39 AM
Read up on the MAD Theory (mutually assured destruction). Basically its a detterent from using nuclear weapons because your enemies also have nukes and if you fire at them then that would most certainly spell your doom also. Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction)[/quote]

thats the point i was tryin to make..why attack us when we can wipe em out in minutes

05-26-2009, 03:48 AM
bunch of pussies

05-26-2009, 09:19 AM
You'd be surprised. Kim isn't all "there" in the head.

A little while back Kim ordered a launch of a nuclear missle over Japan just to show them that they have it. WTF!?

hopefully nk is not working towards this:
YouTube - Tsar Bomb - The biggest bomb ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfoQsZa8F1c)

05-26-2009, 09:55 AM
wtf its gonna end up like fuckin fallout us vs china then the us is gonna take over canada because china starts invading fuckin alaska hahahahah some trippy ass shit

05-26-2009, 09:59 AM
i completely disagree. nk just wants more leverage on international stage. they wouldn't actually deploy it. if they did, china certainly would NOT support them.

nk exists only because china feeds it. china does not feed nk because of some stupid ideological alignment. nobody cares about communism anymore; it's all about economic growth and trade with the west.

china feeds nk because it likes having a little bulwark on its northern border to counter the massive US military presence in sk. china also doesn't want a shitload of stinking nk refugees flooding into china. they are already building a fence to keep them out, as they have a illegal north korean immigrant problem. (kind of funny, eh).

if nk starts lobbing nukes around like footballs, nk would no longer have any reason to exist, in the eyes of china. there's no way in hell china would go to war with the US over nk. (just like there's no way in hell the us would go to war with china over taiwan.)

that's not to say this is not significant. it destabilizes the whole region. japan is considering going nuclear in response. a mini arms race between nk and japan makes all neighbors, including china, nervous.

This is pretty spot on (except I don't think Japan will start up with nukes). China and Russia are NOT in agreement with NK's actions AT ALL. They will definitely intervene before we do. The US is actually on much better terms with China and Russia than with NK.

Report: North Korea test-fires 2 more missiles - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090526/ap_on_re_as/as_koreas_nuclear;_ylt=AoXw7rD960xXZjG9GaX6ZDlvaA8 F;_ylu=X3oDMTMxaWlzcGhtBGFzc2V0Ay9hcC8yMDA5MDUyNi9 hcF9vbl9yZV9hcy9hc19rb3JlYXNfbnVjbGVhcgRjcG9zAzIEc G9zAzIEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNyZXBvcnRub3J 0aGs-)

This kind of crap creeps me out and pisses me off at the same time. The outlook for the future is none too bright. I spent a good portion of last semester studying the world's nuclear history. After having watched Trinity and Beyond (1995) (V) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114728/) and The Day After (1983) (TV) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085404/) you truly realize the magnitude of what we're talking about. North Korea already put us at 5 minutes to Midnight.

Doomsday Clock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_Clock)

05-26-2009, 10:42 AM
A lot of the posts in this thread are example of why I don't come around here much anymore. haha... This will not auto start WW3 and is not related to 2012 (Which is a bunch of BS anyway)... NK has no allies out there. China is to financially and economically tied to the US to side with NK for one... Also China has been moving more and more away from actions and policies like those in NK and more towards a, somewhat, open government and economy. They won't risk what they have to gain to protect, or even pay lip service to, NK.

Don't worry, you live in the US.

And Hiroshima-strength bombs are weak compared to what's out there.

you can watch the tzar bomb on youtube and tell me that you can be scarier.

Holy Shit. Don't fuck with Russia.

50mt in 1961. I can only imagine what they have today. Maybe they can blow up all of Europe now.

Actually only two were ever made. One was never armed with a warhead. The casing just sits in a museum. The second was test detonated on an island north of Russia. The bomb was mostly a propaganda and scare tactic... Nothing more. Its actual tactical usefulness was virtually zero. To big to deliver accurately and safely (Had to dropped like a conventional bomb at the time from a bomber... Missiles couldn't carry the payload) and it was SEVERE overkill. A smaller, well aimed, and safer to deliver (not to mention cheaper) strike would be far more effective.

05-26-2009, 11:10 AM
koreans are just attention whores.

drift freaq
05-26-2009, 12:20 PM
A lot of the posts in this thread are example of why I don't come around here much anymore. haha... This will not auto start WW3 and is not related to 2012 (Which is a bunch of BS anyway)... NK has no allies out there. China is to financially and economically tied to the US to side with NK for one... Also China has been moving more and more away from actions and policies like those in NK and more towards a, somewhat, open government and economy. They won't risk what they have to gain to protect, or even pay lip service to, NK.

Well you said it pretty well. Anyone who thinks this will trigger something failed in international relations 101 and failed in World Economics 101.
China has no desire to get into a any kind of armed conflict with the U.S. They need us economically to drive their own economic engine through exports. Does it mean they agree with our Western principles and and ideas? No. It means they will use Western style capitalism to drive their economic engine. They still have a completely different view of life and political systems.

Russia will posture and create a cold war long before any kind of world nuclear conflict as well.

Kim Jong ILL uses this stuff to get attention. He is a complete attention whore. He wants the world to see and recognize NK and anytime he feels we are not paying attention he pulls this shit. Its a game for him. Oh and by the way China is getting kind of annoyed about it as well now.

If there were to be a a Nuclear conflict? It would be India/ Pakistan. Or it would be Israel/ Iran.
India and Pakistan have serious issues and it could escalate. Expect the whole world to sit back and watch. Israel/Iran? Pretty much the same kind of situation both Israel and Iran are just crazy enough in my opinion to escalate something if it was deemed as needed. On that point most likely it would happen before the rest of the world took complete sides and honestly neither Russia or China wants a World conflict of Nuclear proportion. Neither would benefit.

05-26-2009, 01:58 PM
Well you said it pretty well. Anyone who thinks this will trigger something failed in international relations 101 and failed in World Economics 101.
China has no desire to get into a any kind of armed conflict with the U.S. They need us economically to drive their own economic engine through exports. Does it mean they agree with our Western principles and and ideas? No. It means they will use Western style capitalism to drive their economic engine. They still have a completely different view of life and political systems.

Russia will posture and create a cold war long before any kind of world nuclear conflict as well.

Kim Jong ILL uses this stuff to get attention. He is a complete attention whore. He wants the world to see and recognize NK and anytime he feels we are not paying attention he pulls this shit. Its a game for him. Oh and by the way China is getting kind of annoyed about it as well now.

If there were to be a a Nuclear conflict? It would be India/ Pakistan. Or it would be Israel/ Iran.
India and Pakistan have serious issues and it could escalate. Expect the whole world to sit back and watch. Israel/Iran? Pretty much the same kind of situation both Israel and Iran are just crazy enough in my opinion to escalate something if it was deemed as needed. On that point most likely it would happen before the rest of the world took complete sides and honestly neither Russia or China wants a World conflict of Nuclear proportion. Neither would benefit.


India and Pakistan need to settle their shit.

If Israel gets nuked or into any type of large scale combat, we get to protect them because it's the "Holy Land" and certain people think that it's actually worth something more than a strategic base in the Middle East.

drift freaq
05-26-2009, 02:41 PM

India and Pakistan need to settle their shit.

If Israel gets nuked or into any type of large scale combat, we get to protect them because it's the "Holy Land" and certain people think that it's actually worth something more than a strategic base in the Middle East.

Partly true partly not. Weird thing is as of yet we have never actually stepped into a conflict on Israel's behalf. We have supported their actions verbally and with aid we have not actually gone to war on their side though.

Honestly, I feel if it came down to nuclear between Iran and Israel? I feel they would blow each other off the map before we could say boo. Oh and don't be surprised if Israel just stepped out and took out the Iranian equation on their own volation swiftly and decisively. They have done this in the past and no one took sides.

Israel is actually quite capable of conquering most of the middle east based on shear military superiority over their neighbors. They are armed to the teeth and prepared to fight.

What would happen is sides would be drawn up after the fact. The major question is, would Russia choose to participate in it or not?

In the end though again both us and Russia do not want this. Shit we want the oil. The Russian's want some kinda of balance of power.

05-27-2009, 01:02 AM
koreans are just attention whores.

LOL. That's kind of true. :X

05-27-2009, 01:15 AM
If anything, oil is more important to china hahaha. They have excellent bases in antartica =0)

05-27-2009, 01:25 AM
north korea: so ronery.

Dirty Habit
05-27-2009, 11:24 AM
north korea: so ronery.

05-27-2009, 11:42 AM
It's kinda sirry, but not rearry.......

I believe with alot of this world is armed to the teeth with weapons. There will not be a ww3 because frankly, we wouldn't be around to tell about it, we would all be blown so sky high.

05-27-2009, 12:01 PM
When you have fucking MADDDDDD crazy ass people like NK, and the UN puts sanctions on them and pointing a finger at them, do you think NK gives a shit?

Did the kid at the playground acting bad give a shit if another kid told him, "Hey ... thats bad." I don't think so.