View Full Version : Cheapest Insurance for a " track " car

05-25-2009, 02:48 AM
Basically heres the low down, My brother gave me his beat to hell s14.

Im turning it into a full track car (blah blah blah)

I dont have the resources for a truck/towing options so I wanted to drive it up to the track every month or so.

I was wondering what the cheapest insurance route I can go with since Im not going to be daily driving or rarely having it on the streets.

just for those early morning drives to the track and back.

05-25-2009, 02:52 AM
im guessing ur choice would be just the liability...its like 30 bucks tops?/month

05-25-2009, 03:13 AM
Since it will be a track car it also won't be driven much so you should mention that. Some places offer discounts for mileage restrictions.

05-25-2009, 03:19 AM
Since it will be a track car it also won't be driven much so you should mention that. Some places offer discounts for mileage restrictions.

I never knew that, thanks!

05-25-2009, 03:30 AM
Not many folks do. I believe the companies that do offer it have mileage restrictions around the 5,000 and/or 7,500 mark. Might be a little lower. Haven't looked into it for awhile so actual numbers escape me at the moment.

05-25-2009, 04:07 AM
my pops is a DMM for Farmers Insurance he can help you get what you need. He probably will tell you to go to a certain company and other than farmers. He has help my friends out before.

PM me for details

05-25-2009, 10:17 AM
im guessing ur choice would be just the liability...its like 30 bucks tops?/month

ha, yeah right. when i was 17-21, liability on my s13 was about 90.

i'm getting insurance through a friend's dad now, though, and full coverage on my CL with a 2k deductible is 55/mo. can't wait to see what liability is on the 240.

05-25-2009, 01:44 PM
Your going to need some level of stated value or anything that dings it they'll total it out.. especially if it has a roll cage/fuel cell in it for "track". If this is a car you just want to "drift" with stock crap on it then you can probably get away with it. Till it breaks and you pay the tow bill.

05-25-2009, 02:06 PM
Basically heres the low down, My brother gave me his beat to hell s14.

Im turning it into a full track car (blah blah blah)

I dont have the resources for a truck/towing options so I wanted to drive it up to the track every month or so.

I was wondering what the cheapest insurance route I can go with since Im not going to be daily driving or rarely having it on the streets.

just for those early morning drives to the track and back.

um, dude you could just call an insurrance company and ask them yourself.

IIRC you cannot insure a car for "track" purposes..... regular insurance doesn't cover cars that are driven on a race track...........

05-25-2009, 02:19 PM
i think he means just so he can have it insured so he can drive it to the track

insurance companies do offer certain plans like that for older muscle cars that only get driven a couple times a years

i'm pretty sure they can offer you the same type of deal for a track car

05-25-2009, 02:25 PM
i think he means just so he can have it insured so he can drive it to the track

yeup. I just want to drive it on the streets " legally ". I would rather have insurance than none.


soapgun that middle picture of you in your sig freaks the shit out of me.

05-25-2009, 03:01 PM
keep us updated on this man... i dont know about other states but in Fl you need to have proof of insurance before you can even register your car.

i am on the same boat as you and i ca afford a truck nor trailer so i gotta insure my car, in order to register it and drive it to and from the track legally...

05-25-2009, 03:19 PM
yeup. I just want to drive it on the streets " legally ". I would rather have insurance than none.


soapgun that middle picture of you in your sig freaks the shit out of me.

hahaha its not me :bowrofl:


05-26-2009, 03:49 PM
...soapgun that middle picture of you in your sig freaks the shit out of me.

hahaha its not me :bowrofl:


is everyone riding the esmorz train? in for teh gangbang. lol