View Full Version : headlight upgrad

04-01-2003, 05:25 PM
I am about to upgrade my headlights. I was wondering if I should get those APC conversion kits and some get some H4 bulbs, or get those pre-made sylvanias. Im looking to get the H6045CB's. The sylvania cool blues, how are they? I am also considering getting the bosch conversion, wat kind of H4 lights do they come with? THx in advance

04-01-2003, 05:55 PM
Search, please.
Thank you drive though.

04-01-2003, 06:02 PM
I have searched, but i didnt find any info about the H6045 Cool blues, and any info about the H4 bulbs from pdm-racing. Also, i wanted everybody's opinions.

04-01-2003, 06:18 PM
Fair enough. Here's my opinion: APC blows dead hermaphroditic syphillitic goatballz.
Get Hella H4s for housing and get Japanese yellow headlight bulbs. :)
Look to clearcorners.com. Mike has a pretty good idea what it takes to make an S13 put out good light.

04-01-2003, 06:29 PM
just bought these:


cheap and kickass. Only thing is, you have to break some little tabs off of each corner of the light. a pair of pliers and the headlights were in. BIGGITY BAM.. AWESOME lighting.

Seriously WAY better than the stock sealed beam. I think this should be a mandatory Upgrade for EVERYONE.

04-01-2003, 07:29 PM
I have searched, but i didnt find any info about the H6045 Cool blues, and any info about the H4 bulbs from pdm-racing. Also, i wanted everybody's opinions.

If you're talking about the Bosch H4 conversion from PDM, mine came with "standard" Osram, i.e. Sylvania, bulbs. Excellent quality housing/reflector, and MUCH improved light pattern and output. Other bulbs (Silverstars, PIAA Xtreme Whites, etc.) might give even more or "whiter" light, but the biggest gain will be the light pattern from the reflector. I remember someone a few months back said that Don changed out the Osrams for some other bulbs for a little bit extra; it can't hurt to ask if you want different bulbs.

04-01-2003, 07:57 PM
you can get the diamoncut ones off ebay for 60 bucks a pair with ion bulbs in it, the bulbs sell for around 16 bucks a pair and the diamond cut H4 conversions are usually 30 bucks each.

Probably about the same light as those ones that the dude above posted a link too, a little more expensive, and IMO they look nicer, but if your headlights are up, they are probably on, an no one is gonna be looking at your lights.

I would like to see someone do a sealed beam vs H4 conversion, side by side, to compare the lighting... my stock sealed beam ones suck, when the burn out I'm buying H4's. Right now I don't drive at night much so its a moot point.

the head
04-01-2003, 08:48 PM
i have used the Hella conversion lights on a few different cars and they make a huge difference they are a little more expensive than the others but are durable as hell and have a great beam pattern

04-01-2003, 11:44 PM
There have been many discusssions on this at club4ag.com since the stock AE86 beam pattern sucks. There is an article here : http://club4ag.com/faq%20and%20tech_pages/HID%20Lighting%20is%20it%20worth%20the%20Price.htm l by Moto of Club4ag. Bottom line, if you're not going HID get the stanley raybrig MR housings.

04-02-2003, 11:31 AM
If you get the APC conversion I will rip them outa your car and jump on them. :eek:

Don't buy from the American Poopie Company...that's reserved for the ultimate honda ricers, and homeless people.

04-02-2003, 11:39 AM
i got the Hella H4 stuff.
love it. no regrets
going HID shortly im sure ;) still deciding what i want (brand wise/output wise)

04-02-2003, 02:07 PM
Gatling... ;)