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View Full Version : SR20 clutch issue

05-22-2009, 07:11 AM
I went to the track today and tried to get my car to drift(I say tried because it's N/A and set up for grip). I made a few laps and everything was normal, the clutch was holding perfectly fine. I got out and let my friend drive the car for a few laps and when he came back to the pits the car wouldn't grap when you put it in reverse. You can let the clutch all the way out in reverse and the car would just sit there like it was in neutral. After that I took it down the road a little bit to see what was wrong. In all the forward gears it graps and is driveable enough to limp it home but slips horribly. Taking off from a stop it will slip...slip...slip...then grab at about 4k and go and after that it doesn't slip even at full throttle. Then when you let off the gas while your coasting the engine will fall back down to idle while the car is still rolling in gear. Now my question is, do you think it is the clutch disk or the pressure plate? I have an extra disk and I'm going to pull it apart in the morning but I'm wondering if maybe I should find a pressure plate too before I pull it apart. This is only a temp fix, I'm going to order a new clutch, I just can't afford it until payday.:naw:

So, disk or pressure plate or something else? FYI, the current clutch is a Spec stage 1 that I put in about a month ago when I did the 5 speed swap. It was used but had plenty of life left on it.

05-23-2009, 10:46 AM
I swapped the clutch today twice in 5 hours. http://www.zeroyon.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif First I tried the stock disc that I had but it was too thin to work with the Spec pressure plate. Then I got a whole stock setup from a friend and tore it apart again in 1 1/2 hours and put the stock disk and pressure plate in. It works fine now. I'm still gonna buy a new clutch and possibly a flywheel in about 2 weeks but this will get me around until then. It should be good enough to run on the 6th if I don't have a new one by then.

Now, help me decide what clutch to get. I'm leaning toward an ACT.

Here are my choices.
http://enjukuracing.com/street-xtreme-clut...tml?cPath=2_122 (http://enjukuracing.com/street-xtreme-clutch-240sx-8998-p-7125.html?cPath=2_122)
http://enjukuracing.com/exedy-stage-clutch...tml?cPath=24_89 (http://enjukuracing.com/exedy-stage-clutch-sr20det-p-6991.html?cPath=24_89)
http://enjukuracing.com/exedy-stage-clutch...tml?cPath=24_89 (http://enjukuracing.com/exedy-stage-clutch-sr20det-p-7096.html?cPath=24_89) <- Had this in the Evo and didn't like how harsh the engagement was.
ACT Heavy Duty Clutch w/6puck Sprung for Nissan SR20DET S13/S14 (http://www.240sxmotoring.com/actheduclwsp.html) <- Leaning towards this one.

I'd also like to get the ACT Prolite flywheel, anyone using this? How do you like it?

05-23-2009, 11:00 AM

ACT issue similar to yours ^^^

I highly suggest a clutch kit that includes flywheel... I dont suggest Aluminum... or any flywheel that has a Re-Placeable surface... or any clutch disk that has rivits holding the pads on!!

^^ this is common on the lower priced clutchs and in the end will cause damage.

Flywheel = Chomoly only!!!

I Highly highly suggest the Nismo Copper Mix... its coin... but you will not need to replace it when adding mods... and its re-buildable!!
