View Full Version : OMfG I JUST RAN OVER A TURTLE!!

ttLOVEjh s13
05-21-2009, 08:07 PM
im going to hell :(

i was coming home from csulb on katella and next to that golf course there was a huge turtle like the size of a football in the middle of my lane!! there was a car on the other side of me so i couldnt swerve outta the way too much and i thought..

my lip.. or the turtle.. my lip... or the turtle.. and i decided to save my lip!

my car is way too low and i didnt wanna drag the poor thing or crack anything so i swerved and it went under my tire and i heard a big pop and i looked in the rearview mirror and saw the thing explode like a balloon of guts :barf:

i started panicing and the lady in the car next to me who saw the whole thing looked at me and laughed

now im just wondering if anyone else ran over anything crazy before, a turtle is definitely omgwtf to me

05-21-2009, 08:08 PM
Poor turtle.


05-21-2009, 08:08 PM
Pics pics pics!

05-21-2009, 08:08 PM
You're going to hell for that.

Poor defenseless turtle.


05-21-2009, 08:09 PM
i almost hit a dear twice in the Malibu canyons..

karl wasabi
05-21-2009, 08:11 PM
I'm real sad now. It was probably a tortoise too. Those things are rare you know! Like you just killed a Squirtle when he could have evolved into a Blastoise. =(

drift freaq
05-21-2009, 08:14 PM
Wow that lady that laughed is kind of sick and cruel. That is fucked up on her part.

Sorry to hear that you had to run over the turtle man. Its like I have been in same situation where a cat ran out in front of my car right before I hit it once. There was no way I could do anything but hit it because it was just this sudden blur and then a thump.

I felt so shitty, but see we are sometimes powerless over this shit. Feel bad, accept it. Try to go out your way when animals and people are around.

If you did not feel bad about it then it would be time to worry. That lady is pretty heartless.

Jimmy Up
05-21-2009, 08:14 PM
I hit something on the 10 fwy the other night, went right under my car, didnt even touch the lip, and Im kinda low.

and stiff

my airbag blew up....

05-21-2009, 08:14 PM
Poor turtle is right.

My best friend some time back hit a coyote during a street race in a 98 z28 Camaro doing a buck 10. I wasn't there that night, but the thing destroyed his entire front bumper and the coyote was obliterated. I did witness him cleaning the blood out of his hood and radiator the next day though. He snapped a pic of the front of his car after the crash and it has been on his fridge ever since as a reminder to not do stupid things.

I hit a cat like 12 years ago, but not in my s13. I was driving down a dark side street and the car literally just ran in front of my car like it was trying to commit suicide. I felt so bad that night. Fucking cat. The sound was unreal.

At least turtles can't scream.

05-21-2009, 08:15 PM
So how did you run it over without it hitting your lip? Like you swerved one way then back and clipped it with your tire while turning back? Either way that sucks

05-21-2009, 08:15 PM
Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello will mourn his lost.

Poor Leonardo. :(

05-21-2009, 08:16 PM

05-21-2009, 08:16 PM
Its like I have been in same situation where a cat ran out in front of my car right before I hit it once. There was no way I could do anything but hit it because it was just this sudden blur and then a thump.

I felt so shitty, but see we are sometimes powerless over this shit. Feel bad, accept it. Try to go out your way when animals and people are around.

You really need to read my post above this. Deja vu-ish

karl wasabi
05-21-2009, 08:16 PM
hahaha. ^^^ I hate cats. I try to hit them!

05-21-2009, 08:16 PM
damm shame that suck ass... got pic lol

karl wasabi
05-21-2009, 08:17 PM

LMFAO. This is probably the saddest guy right now.

drift freaq
05-21-2009, 08:17 PM
You really need to read my post above this. Deja vu-ish

I read it, shit happens, it sucks.

hahaha. ^^^ I hate cats. I try to hit them!

Oh and Karl you're fucking evil. Cats are cool. LOL

05-21-2009, 08:18 PM
I think I hit a bird today...not sure though, didn't hear any sounds but didn't see it fly away from the middle of my lane before i got to it....ahhh shit, i didn't even check to see if it was in my radiator.

05-21-2009, 08:18 PM
you bastard...


cute and cuddly

05-21-2009, 08:19 PM
I read it, shit happens. Oh and Karl your fucking evil. Cats are cool. LOL

Yea, it's just weird how ours happened probably the exact same way. Ninja'd in front of our cars at the last minute.

ttLOVEjh s13
05-21-2009, 08:21 PM
how do you think i feeeeel.. im sooo sad over it, it was huge like a level 36 Wartortle ready to evolve :(

and theres surprisingly nothing on my car, i was so scared to get out and see guts all over.. but i think the impact was so fast that it didnt explode til i went over it and saw it in my mirror. and the shell was still intact!! like the pressure on the shell just pushed everything inside out.. im a turtle murderer :(

05-21-2009, 08:25 PM
poor turtle. i always feel bad for the animals i see lying dead along side the road.

couple years ago i was down my street, which kind of leads out to a country area, when I came around a blind corner and there was a deer right in front of me, he would have been fine if he jumped towards the passenger side since i was trying to go left to dodge but he jumped the other way instead. i was going the speed limit so the damage to my car was minimal but the deer didn't fare as well as my car. when i got home there was fur/skin/blood between my fender and bumper.

i killed bambi... but it was sort of his fault, he should have went right instead of left.

05-21-2009, 08:25 PM
i havn't run anything over yet.

i ALMOST ran over a possum...it was a dark street, and it slowly walked across, but i stopped for it to get all the way over. haha

05-21-2009, 08:27 PM
ugh. this brought back a memory of when I was riding my bike at my grandmas when I was little I saw something in the road. on further examination it looked like a burnt pancake. then I looked a little closer and this pancake had a face. it was a turtle!!!! ahhh. it really gave me the willies I peddled away as fast as I could. poor guy

05-21-2009, 08:32 PM
i ran over a rabbit during a serious canyon run, after that i never did a run again lol unless its a route i really have to take. i had to do a lot of explaining to do when i got home.

i hope he didn't look like this before it happened:

ttLOVEjh s13
05-21-2009, 08:32 PM
ugh. this brought back a memory of when I was riding my bike at my grandmas when I was little I saw something in the road. on further examination it looked like a burnt pancake. then I looked a little closer and this pancake had a face. it was a turtle!!!! ahhh. it really gave me the willies I peddled away as fast as I could. poor guy
hahahaha im just imagining a huge flat black turtle face kinda cute kinda scary

05-21-2009, 08:34 PM
i ran over a unicorn before. i think it was a horse with a dick on its head though

ttLOVEjh s13
05-21-2009, 08:37 PM
oh yea another time in santa ana next to my hubbys house it was real dark late night and we came up to a stop sign and the headlights shined right onto a big alley cat in the middle of the street that looked up at us and it was eating something.. we looked closer and it was eating a baby kitten!!! we started revving the car to get it to stop and run away but it just continued eating.... blech!!! thats what i call Santana homes

05-21-2009, 08:42 PM
I ran over a fox.
In my 3/4 ton Chev pick-up.
With my camper on the back.

I'm sure he was instantly fused with the pavement.

05-21-2009, 08:49 PM
yeah the other day i was in riverside i saw a guy get hit on his bike

but on other news i hit a dog its all here ohh if you want to see pics of the inside of my car scroll down http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/206530-wtf-damn-dog.html

05-21-2009, 08:53 PM
Well, i didn't run anything over... but i was going to my gf friends house down newland street, and this damn possum decides to cross the street. And i only saw the possum with the corner of my eye, and being a nice guy i am. I hit the brakes locked up, and some how my car went at a slight angle and the possum miss my front left wheel and went underneath my car. Im not slammed to the ground so i guess it got lucky, only reason why i know is because i went back down the street to see it was still there or not.

05-21-2009, 09:00 PM
yeah happened to me and the fam-o coming home from Minnesota.

"oh shit! wtf is that! oh damn turtle!"


*looks back*

*turtle is flying*

"oh shit,"

*starts praying hoping the turtle is okay*

btw, thats what we did.

we were just as shocked as you. Lol.

and i had my advan sa3a's in the trunk.

05-21-2009, 09:34 PM
thats horrible!!!

05-21-2009, 09:56 PM
10 bucks says you smashed a tortoise, not a turtle.

I used to have two tortoises. They were cool. The big one was stolen from my backyard, and my mom's ex bf stepped on and crushed the little one (she was hiding under some newspaper and he didn't see her).

hahaha.I hate cats. I try to hit them!
I just lost a whoooole lotta respect for you, buddy.

05-21-2009, 10:05 PM
i almost hit a dear twice in the Malibu canyons..

twice?! so you missed the first time and then reversed and missed again? lol .jk.

i hit a wild boar one time. came right out of the jungle and thought it could cross the road before my car came. it all happened too fast. kinda like those cat stories. all i heard was something sounding like it was skidding. but i think it survived.

05-21-2009, 10:11 PM
like 10 years ago I had just got my licence and was coming home late night from the movies and under a bridge i ran over a black cat, I just saw it look at the headlights and then it was gone.......it was Friday the 13th! I have had nothing but goodluck since then!!!!!

05-21-2009, 10:20 PM
like 10 years ago I had just got my licence and was coming home late night from the movies and under a bridge i ran over a black cat, I just saw it look at the headlights and then it was gone.......it was Friday the 13th! I have had nothing but goodluck since then!!!!!

thats because you didnt let it cross ur path all the way .. hahah

or some sort of double negative witch spell spider man reversal thing happened ..

good job!

05-21-2009, 11:25 PM
Poor turtle. Strange, I feel worse I think that it was a turtle than I would a lot of other wild type animals.

I was driving through Georgia at 2am and a possum committed suicide under the Yukon I was driving. I swerved twice and he was dead set on getting under that wheel.

05-21-2009, 11:35 PM
I ran over a big dead rottweiler and dragged the carcass a good distance before it was ejected from the rear of my car. It was dark and I didn't see the bloody dog in the middle of the street until it was too late.

The other time, I sent a cat flying. I swerved left to dodge it and instead of going right where it was near the curb, it went the same direction of my car. I stopped to look for it but the cat got the hell out of there quick.

05-21-2009, 11:38 PM
you SOB....u killed Donatello

05-22-2009, 12:02 AM
Fun Fact: Did you know Squirtle is named after Squirrel + Turtle? Check the tail.

Also, Charmander = Charcoal Salamander
Also, Caterpie = Caterpillar pie. Yum.

I like toitles.

05-22-2009, 12:14 AM

haha this made me lol

05-22-2009, 12:24 AM
RIP buddy :(

Kwonza Says
05-22-2009, 12:32 AM
yea I ran over a bunny one time I felt like shit lol he/she ran towards my tire!!!

05-22-2009, 03:18 AM
I knew a guy that hit a bear in his BMW M3 like a couple years ago in the canyons. I think that counts. (Totaled his M3 btw, killed the bear though, lil cub bear poor thing...)

As for me, I hit a bunny once with my tire. I think it was ok because it jumped into the bushes...well maybe it flew into the bushes because I hit it. Well ok I don't think I ran it over, it jumped litterally at my wheel and hit it and bounced off at 50mph. I felt so bad..but it was his fault, that lil guy jumped into my wheel!

Koopa Troopa
05-22-2009, 06:57 AM
I nailed a turtle with my Alto Works once... Fucker came outta nowhere, twisted the hell out of my oil pan too...

05-22-2009, 08:35 AM
I've hit a rabbit at quite some speed. Made a huge bang - I thought it was going to be scooped up in my FMIC recess, but luckily it went under.

05-22-2009, 09:01 AM
i think the worst thingi ran over was a damn skunk...SOB jump into the street just at a point were swerving or braking would have done natzing...i hear i pop...next thing u knowi smell the bastard stench all inside the cabin...pretty much my exhaust cooked w/e stuck to the car....stank for a good 3 days...horrid...just horrid

05-22-2009, 09:20 AM
i had a bird hit the top of my windshield while driving my delivery van, i heard the smack then the thumping on the roof of the van then watched it roll off the roof..... then saw it hit the car that was right behind.....
that made me laugh.

05-22-2009, 09:21 AM

i blew up a raccoon one time, shit sprayed a stripe across the road

05-22-2009, 09:22 AM
I think the lady LOL'd because of how you tired to avoid it, yet in the end it exploded like a balloon of guts. I can see how it's funny....but damn that is just hella gross.

I remember driving on a backroad late at night and running over something that looked like a small possum. It just darted out onto the road and I would rather take my chances with that than the trees and rocks to my side. I felt pretty scared afterwards =/

05-22-2009, 09:40 AM
I once hit a... wait, correction; I once got hit by a crow while driving at 40mph...
Bastard smashed right into my windshield. I looked in my rear-view and saw him fly away. I thought that was pretty funny...

Have you guys ever thought that cats and birds play the "Lets see if we can make it across" game?
Have you noticed that they always tend to cross the street at the last possible second? Birds are funny because they play in groups, then you got that one wimp bird who says "Fuck this!" and turns around...
I have this theory that they sit there and place bets. Like... they bet their snacks and stuff. Oh and the bird who turns around automatically loses his snacks plus he has to do a solo run just because. If he lives, they give him a chance to play again but he can only win half of the snacks on the next game...

05-22-2009, 09:46 AM
^ You've thought about this way too much!

05-22-2009, 09:46 AM
This reminds me of last week.

Driving down my block, a little bird was hopping across the street.

I thought "little guy will definitely fly away as I drive by".

Well...I drive by, nothing flew out.

I look back, smashed the little guy.

I felt terrible, but couldn't help :rofl:'ing.

05-22-2009, 09:48 AM
Hahaha, I hate suicidal birds

05-22-2009, 10:23 AM
^ You've thought about this way too much!
Haha! I do alot of driving...

Vision Garage
05-22-2009, 10:29 AM
Man PETA is red flagging this thread as we kno it! Poor turtle and poor bird!

05-22-2009, 10:34 AM
Fun Fact: Did you know Squirtle is named after Squirrel + Turtle? Check the tail.

Also, Charmander = Charcoal Salamander
Also, Caterpie = Caterpillar pie. Yum.

I like toitles.

Why do you know this?

Minus 5 cool points.

05-22-2009, 10:43 AM
I never ran over a turtle, just a possum, a squirrel, and about 3 crows flew into my windshield.

05-22-2009, 10:46 AM
Ohhhhh man.... i cant even imagine what that would be like..

ask for forgiveness.....

05-22-2009, 10:49 AM
I've never run over anything. I always seem to be going too slow.

The other day I saw a squirrel jump out into the road and it went right into a big ass truck's wheel well, spun around a little bit, and then got mangled.

05-22-2009, 11:24 AM
One time in my maxima, i got run off some side street by some dumb bitch and i cliped a trash can with my passenger side mirror...completly broke if of and it was just hanging by the wire (power mirrors)..

That SAME day! I was went for a cruise, i was having a horrible day....with the stupid mirror being busted...i was pissed so i wanted to relax....as im like 3 miles from my house i see a flock of low flying birds...one of em takes a dive towards my car from like 40-50 feet infront of me (im going about 45-55 mph) and i was like wtf? "this thing is gona hit my windshield!" so i kinda gently swerved and it didnt hit the windshield...it commited suicide on the damn broken dangling mirror on the passenger side!

Like replacing the mirror and cleaning up broken mirror glass wasnt enough now i had to work around Half digested bird food/shit and a little bit of bloody feathers...it was horrible...

I turned around and went home and didnt drive the car for like a week i think....i figured it was a sign haha...

Another time i hit two cats at the same exact time...and then like an 1/8th mile up the same road i hit another one....it was crazy...

These incidences were all YEARS apart however, thank god...

I hate cats personally but i dont ever like seeing an animal die...oh well, maybe they should have just been inside the owners house...after all, thats where a "pet" belongs right?

im not getting into this rant again haha....bleeehhhhh

05-22-2009, 12:02 PM
YouTube - Watch before you EVER decide to drink then drive! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jak9wR28tuQ)

05-22-2009, 12:38 PM

One night while i was driving home on this strip of road that was really nice with car dealers on both sides. You never expect two raccoons having sex on the side. this was the day that i just got my silvia front end and zenki lip and lowered so much that the zenki lip was bassically a plow...

After seeing them flirt a bit.. they decided to make the sex more exciting and decided to jump in front of my front end. then i hear a squisssh bang .... when i looked back i didnt see anything.... maybe there still on my car till this day..

05-22-2009, 12:39 PM
I hit a racoon about 2yrs ago with my dads 00' k1500 silverado during the winter.. there was about 7+ inches of snow down so i had it in 4wheel low. i was hualing ass on the way home from a friends place and decided to 4wd slide the sucker since ive done it before in parking lots .. came around a turn (sharper then 45) completely sideways goin about 30 (wheel speed was more like 75+). about half way through the turn the damn racoon ran across the two lane road.. i thought to myself crap im ganna wreck b/c of this fucker..

I ended up nailing the bastard with the outside rear wheel crushing it into the snow and then launching it into the tree lining the road on the one side.. i saw it hit a tree about 6ft of the ground.. i laughed my ass off and made the turn without any problems.. its body was at the base of the tree the next day

Dirty Habit
05-22-2009, 12:56 PM
Thanks napa. I just spent an hour doing jack shit on youtube.

Hate it when I go on that site. lol.

drift freaq
05-22-2009, 01:29 PM
I hit a racoon about 2yrs ago with my dads 00' k1500 silverado during the winter.. there was about 7+ inches of snow down so i had it in 4wheel low. i was hualing ass on the way home from a friends place and decided to 4wd slide the sucker since ive done it before in parking lots .. came around a turn (sharper then 45) completely sideways goin about 30 (wheel speed was more like 75+). about half way through the turn the damn racoon ran across the two lane road.. i thought to myself crap im ganna wreck b/c of this fucker..

I ended up nailing the bastard with the outside rear wheel crushing it into the snow and then launching it into the tree lining the road on the one side.. i saw it hit a tree about 6ft of the ground.. i laughed my ass off and made the turn without any problems.. its body was at the base of the tree the next day

Wow another heartless fuck. See the problem here is you took delight in maiming and dismembering the poor thing. That says volumes about you as a person, it also contradicts your sig.

Oh and for the record this has nothing to do with Peta its just having a heart for living creatures. I still eat meat and see no problem with it. So don't get any Vegan granola eating idea's about me.

05-22-2009, 02:01 PM
Wow another heartless fuck. See the problem here is you took delight in maiming and dismembering the poor thing. That says volumes about you as a person, it also contradicts your sig.

Oh and for the record this has nothing to do with Peta its just having a heart for living creatures. I still eat meat and see no problem with it. So don't get any Vegan granola eating idea's about me.

x2 Its one thing to just hit an animal, its an entirely different thing to hit a one then laugh about it.

05-22-2009, 02:22 PM
I feel so bad for the turtle, I would have stopped and picked it up or something. Running over animals like Mr. Racoon up there is not even funny, what if it was a mother just trying to get through? It could have been avoided. I would be devastated if somehow my dog went running loose then some person decides to drift a corner and hit/kill my dog.

05-22-2009, 02:28 PM
Poor turtle :(

I also had a suicidal possum incident. This one was on the freeway, I was going about 80mph, saw a possum and swerved to the left (assuming he would run back, instead of out into the freeway) he decided to run deeper into the freeway and got lodged under my front bumper for a few seconds. I heard a thump and heard the poor guy dragging under the transmission or exhaust. I pulled over to check if I could save him, and there was nothing under my car. Just a large chunk of possum a few yards back, and a trail of possum behind it :( I felt terrible... but the possum clearly had a death wish.

05-22-2009, 02:32 PM
Hit a duck a few days ago... Couldnt avoid it, the thing was in the middle of the lane and its friend was in the middle of the opposite lane. They decided to hang out at the other end of a blind turn and I was haulin ass bc I love that windy road and flying down it. So I hit the poor little guy and immediatley watched all my mirrors and nothing, didnt see it anywhere. I was 99% sure it was stuffed up in my bumper. Got home half a mile later and it was no where to be found in my bumper or anywhere just feathers. Felt like a dick but there was nothing I could do to avoid it.....

05-22-2009, 02:46 PM
I hit a rabbit at night.....backed up to finish it off in case it was gurgling on it's intestines or had leg bones coming out of it's jaw.

Insert friend here.

Couldn't find rabbit.

Friend snuck rabbit into car.

Bloody rabbit jumps out of open window.

Girlfriends dumps me next day because I won't tell her what blood is from.

05-22-2009, 02:47 PM
just stop and pick him up next time then you see one, then you can ride like this

05-22-2009, 02:53 PM
a couple years ago, i was driving down a poor lit street just out of the city with my coupe that had a lip 1" from the ground

i thought i saw a brown cup in the middle of the road, so i went to run it over for some unknown reason

stopped and turned around because apparently this cup had eyes

turned out to be a baby owl sleeping in the middle of the road.

05-22-2009, 02:55 PM
I'm telling you guys... it's not our fault. They play these games.
I once saw a seagull flying in between traffic on the freeway heading the opposite way...

05-22-2009, 03:00 PM
I'm telling you guys... it's not our fault. They play these games.
I once saw a seagull flying in between traffic on the freeway heading the opposite way...
lol your whole conspiracy theory thing cracked me up.

05-22-2009, 03:04 PM
I'm real sad now. It was probably a tortoise too. Those things are rare you know! Like you just killed a Squirtle when he could have evolved into a Blastoise. =(

LMFAO!! best statement, but also sooo sad

05-22-2009, 03:12 PM
lol pussies

05-22-2009, 03:30 PM
Have you guys ever thought that cats and birds play the "Lets see if we can make it across" game?...

squirrels do it too


05-22-2009, 03:40 PM
im going to hell :(

You go to hell boy!!!! You go to hell and you die!!!!!

Mi Beardo es Loco
05-22-2009, 03:42 PM
Turtle says:

"fuck your lip, save the turtle!"

05-22-2009, 03:59 PM
I hit a rabbit like a week ago.... just cruising down the road at night when I feel something hit the back tire of my sisters civic out of nowhere....

look in the rearview and I see fur flying everywhere and a rabbit rolling in the road.

05-22-2009, 04:26 PM
I knew a guy that hit a bear in his BMW M3 like a couple years ago in the canyons. I think that counts. (Totaled his M3 btw, killed the bear though, lil cub bear poor thing...)

lol, fucking Joe... It wasn't totalled, btw, he drove it home that night, and still drives it to this day.
The car:

The bear:

05-22-2009, 04:30 PM
im going to hell :(
i was coming home from csulb on katella and next to that golf course there was a huge turtle like the size

NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! i set free a red eared slider along time ago at eldorado park.
you killed my old turtle!!!!! j/k

true story about me ditching my over grown turtle at eldorado park though. it was about 7 years ago and i doubt that it would have lived that long in that type of ecosystem.

05-22-2009, 04:39 PM
Blah... been trying to avoid this thread. Terrible idea for a thread by the way.

When I was 16 or 17 I was going home on my usual route and out of no where what looked to be a jack russel terrier just runs onto the street. I was driving my Lincoln Town Car and it unfortunately died instantly under the tires. I pulled over and saw the owners. Walked up to them feeling completely horrible (I'm a huge animal lover). Wanted to cry just as I saw the guy looking so confused and sad as he was pacing back in forth in front of the dog.

I gave them my info if there was anything I could do, but the lady that was there just told me it was okay and to just head home. She apologized for not having the dog on the leash. I had my mom drive me to school for nearly 2 weeks after that. Just didn't feel like driving my car at all.

I don't see how anyone could find any sort of entertainment in seeing a defenseless animal die. Definitely something wrong with some of you. Just as Dave said as well, I'm not all PETA about this or a Vegan, but I have a soft spot for animals.

05-22-2009, 04:58 PM
you're all going to hell

i only don't swerve for seagulls

those fuckers are satans minions they never fucking move out the way

05-22-2009, 05:15 PM
Only animals I have hit are dead ones.

05-22-2009, 05:42 PM
i swerved away from a caterpillar on a bike trail the other day. +1 karma. maybe that's why i finally got a job today...........


05-22-2009, 08:02 PM
fuuuuckk that shit is disgusting and so tragic haha..nah man that is fucked but wat can u do..i hit a cat today,stoopid thing jumped out and i slammed on the brakes and gave the thing a love tap

05-22-2009, 08:29 PM
I got airborne off a dog once. There was a dude in a camaro next to me so i couldn't see the dog jump out. The dog bounced off the guy's left bumper and dirctly under my i/c and downpipe and i literally got off of the ground and skidded a bit when the tires caught. When we both pulled over the dog was still breathing, damn saddest moment in my car. The next day i was checking stuff out and there was fur in my flex pipe, thanks to the OP for reminding me.

05-22-2009, 09:32 PM
One time I hit a dead dog, that sucked


05-22-2009, 11:15 PM
Hit a coyote in my old crx at about 55, didnt end well for either party. Sucked big time.

05-23-2009, 12:44 AM
Why do you know this?

Minus 5 cool points.


05-23-2009, 12:47 AM
^ :rofl: posi imagi-rep. :D

05-23-2009, 01:25 AM
Fun Fact: Did you know Squirtle is named after Squirrel + Turtle? Check the tail.

Also, Charmander = Charcoal Salamander
Also, Caterpie = Caterpillar pie. Yum.

I like toitles.

actually im pretty sure the name is derived from squirt and turtle.

as real turtles cant squirt water out of their back.

besides, the original (Japanese) names are completely irrelevant.


once i was driving my corolla and i saw your girlfriend just standing in the middle of the road i tried to dodge but...

i totally hit that shit.

05-23-2009, 01:29 AM
^ lol cute

05-23-2009, 01:39 AM
Ash Ketchum is pissed as fuck.


05-23-2009, 09:45 AM
Jesus fucking christ.

Sorry, but I'm not going to allow that on here from either one of you.

If you have anything against each other, PM THEM.


05-23-2009, 09:53 AM
Ran over a snake a while back when I lived up in Turnbul canyon, no chance of avoiding it, took up the whole street. Also took out a damn bird in my grill as it swooped to get something from the street. Nothing makes you feel more like shit than having to pull little bird feathers and body parts out of your grill.

05-23-2009, 09:57 AM
I was driving my 510 a couple years ago, and I hit a dead possum laying in the road.
I was hungover as shit, and it was foggy, but I still felt bad for the thing.

I had one of those "I hope it will clear" moments then a "damn it" moment closely after.

05-23-2009, 10:34 AM
Yea your going to hell, Jesus just told me

ttLOVEjh s13
05-23-2009, 11:05 AM
lol, fucking Joe... It wasn't totalled, btw, he drove it home that night, and still drives it to this day.

The bear:
ommmmg pooor bear..... you guys should have stuffed it and kept it

and what canyon was this??

05-23-2009, 12:14 PM
Hit a racoon in my Celica doing 80 once. It ripped off my front lip, pushed in the a/c condenser, radiator, and fan shroud. Fans blades sheered off and there was coolant and fur everywhere. I think I dragged it for a little bit because of the plastic under panels.

05-23-2009, 12:31 PM

05-23-2009, 03:32 PM
I've almost hit like 20 bajillion deer, fuck NC.

Only thing I've hit was a fox, and it fucked up a part of my bumper.

05-23-2009, 04:47 PM
Found this on a turtles forum:

The most horrible thing just happened!!!!!!

Remember sheldon the father of my 10 soon to born sons and daughters? If you don´t here´s a picture of us from our last vacation


Well, he was just ran over by a kid on car and exploded like a balloon full of guts. I still can´t believe what just happened, we were chilling on a golf course in katella next to the pond, I was trying to break the surprise to him that I had laid 10 eggs two days ago but I couldn´t find the way to do it, I decided to get away from him for a while and text him about it then see his reaction from far, so I told him that I was going to the store across the street to get some chips. When I got there I texted him the good news, manage my shopping and started my walk back to our spot, to my surprise sheldon receive the news very well, he was already coming my way with a big smile on his face and I couldn´t help but bust into tears of joy for he had been the perfect mate and now was about to turn into the perfect father; he was just about to get to my end of the road when we heard a loud exhaust not too far, our joyous expressions suddenly turned into surprise and then panic, for that car was coming on the same lane that sheldon was still on.

Sheldon froze due to the panic, I was just hopping that that car would just swerve into the other lane but there was another car there and all I could hope was that the driver would slow down, wait for the other car to pass and then change lanes, that would have been the correct thing to do but that driver must have being on drugs or something because instead of doing that he just kept going. I´ll never forget the expression on sheldon´s face as if he was begging me to help him but I couldn´t do anything else besides praying that if the car was about to pass on that lane at least he would try to just go over Sheldon with the middle of the car, he would have been scratched and injured but alive; little we knew that the driver was hell bent on getting a killmark on the side of his car for he swerved a little out of the way just enough to get his tire over Sheldon.

That was the worst momment of my life, I still can hear him screaming in fear although a couple of squirrels who were around told me after I recovered (because I fainted) that sheldon died instantly and that it was me who was screaming.

Everything has been unrealistic from that moment on, I still can´t believe it. I´m contemplating suicide. If I don´t post here tomorrow then you know what happened to me.........

ShellyThat post was from thursday and she hasn´t posted again. Way to go genius, you just destroyed a family and left 10 little turtles orphans.

05-23-2009, 04:51 PM
That was the worst momment of my life, I still can hear him screaming in fear although a couple of squirrels who were around told me after I recover (because I fainted) that sheldon died instantly and that it was me who was screaming.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Classic

05-23-2009, 05:52 PM
actually im pretty sure the name is derived from squirt and turtle.

as real turtles cant squirt water out of their back.

besides, the original (Japanese) names are completely irrelevant.

I think the name is squirrel + turtle because it has a squirrel's tail.

The japanese name is Zenigame, which is japanese for turtle IIRC :bowrofl:

I've only killed one animal to my knowledge and it was a small white rat after I installed a new set of wheels (totally killed my new wheel buzz too :cry:)

One time I saw a baby kitten right after it got hit by a car, and it was thrashing on the side of the road. I've had 4 cats in my lifetime and that was one of the hardest things I've ever had to drive past. I felt really bad, and I frequent that freeway on ramp. I think of it every time I drive by there. :-/

05-23-2009, 06:10 PM
kame = turtle in japanese. if you actually know the name of the turtle it's
"<name>"-game. Ex. Japanese Pond Turtle = Nihon-Ishi-Game.

05-23-2009, 06:11 PM
Found this on a turtles forum:

That post was from thursday and she hasnĀ“t posted again. Way to go genius, you just destroyed a family and left 10 little turtles orphans.


you win today

p.s. i came here to post this


05-23-2009, 10:54 PM
yeah in cocoa fl where i live there all kinds of crazy animals i have hit a few squirrels and i ran over a gator on my track bike in the middle of the night trying to get away from the heat

05-24-2009, 06:21 PM
We hit rabbits all the time out here in the high desert...out here they're just another form of rodent. It's not so bad in an SUV or truck, because if they go under you they have a good chance to survive thanks to the ground clearance. They have on several occasions run into the rear tires from the side of the road. I actually saw that happen right in front of my eyes once. We were driving behind a pickup around town here when a rabbit ran from the left side of the road, dodged left avoiding the front wheels of the truck, then dodge right only to get run over by the rear tires and get flung two feet in the air.

In my S14 and in my parent's Z31 the front lip is the right height to hit them right in the head.

One day I was out on SR58 doing 65 when a dog ran out in front of me. It actually made it to the center of the road where it would have been safe, but then it turned around right on time to get hit and then run over. In my brake lights I saw it sliding on it's side on the asphalt. I pulled over to find that my bumper, SE lip and driver's side fog were all fucked.

Since my foglight was only hanging by a wire I disconnected it. While I was doing that a semi truck passed by going the same direction I had been going.

On my way back, at the spot where I hit the dog there was nothing left but a large sticky spot on the ground.

On another note, further down the highway was a dog someone else had hit and knocked into the center median. I would pass by it every day on my way home for weeks, noting how much it had decomposed since I first saw it. By the time someone got around to clearing it off the road it was just bones and fur.

Driving up to Washington with my father in his Xterra for a memorial service for a relative, on the freeway in Oregon late at night we saw something big and brown on the road in front of us, waving around like it was a piece of paper in the wind. As we got closer we figured out what it really was...it was a deer that had just been hit. It was lying on it's side moving it's legs like it was running. Swerving would have surely caused us to hit it and lose control by that point, so my dad adjusted our lane position to straddle it and we drove right over without even touching it. No bump...nothing. I turned around to look behind and he looked in the mirror as we saw a pair of headlights behind us suddenly jump up and fall back down. Moments later we were passed by a very upset-looking gentleman in a Mercury.

05-24-2009, 06:33 PM
have you seen pet cemetery ? sleep with one eye open

05-24-2009, 06:39 PM
i hit a possum in my first 240 and it cracked my fiberglass bumper to hell. i was so pissed off that i slammed on my brakes and backed over it.

05-24-2009, 06:51 PM
poor tourtle. :(

YouTube - Turtle Rape Shoe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z1MygrkDSI)

YouTube - turtle rape full and uncut (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jWS9nccpYk)

05-24-2009, 08:41 PM
i guess there wont be any more Comcast commercials....you killed Bill Slowsky!!!


my friend told me that Stockton is the worst when it comes to roadkill. She said there are certain parts of the freeway that look like animal graveyards...

05-24-2009, 09:54 PM
LOLING at Crimson,Blurry, and Busted

05-25-2009, 07:17 AM
Jesus fucking christ.

Sorry, but I'm not going to allow that on here from either one of you.

If you have anything against each other, PM THEM.


yes em sir.. my bad i should o let it stay with no comment..

this reminds me.. when i was in elementary school. i think 5 grade i was walking to school one morning and i saw a car run over a squirl but only managed to squish its head leaving the rest of the body unscathed.. grossed me out.. i skiped breakfest that morning when i got to school

05-25-2009, 11:37 AM

Busted, have you seen the video of the real life version of this?

05-25-2009, 03:55 PM
i hit a possum as i was entering the freeway. i swear it jumped out in front me to commit suicide, all i heard was a thump, kinda like it bounced under my car a couple times. but i didnt see it in the rear view mirror. bastard must have made it out alive...

05-25-2009, 05:25 PM
I hit a mt. lion last year in my truck......sucks cause i work at the game and fish department and they were all like DAMN YOU!!! lol:D

05-25-2009, 05:30 PM
So how did you run it over without it hitting your lip? Like you swerved one way then back and clipped it with your tire while turning back? Either way that sucks

Duh, he was in a 240. He probably drifted over it.

ttLOVEjh s13
05-26-2009, 01:10 AM
Duh, he was in a 240. He probably drifted over it.
She was in a 240.. and i didnt drift over it.. didnt have my welded diff installed yet :)

05-26-2009, 01:20 AM
^To be fair, both you and your boyfriend use the same account, so its tough to tell which one of you is posting. lol

ttLOVEjh s13
05-26-2009, 02:08 AM
^To be fair, both you and your boyfriend use the same account, so its tough to tell which one of you is posting. lol
yeah i know thats why i tell her to write a comment then sign on the bottom like this.


05-26-2009, 02:12 AM
^Y'all need your own separate user names. lol

05-26-2009, 02:13 AM
Is that code for "I fell on a penis"?

05-26-2009, 02:23 AM
^You would know all about falling on penises, wouldn't you Smorz?

05-26-2009, 02:58 AM
Only when I'm on a meth roll.

05-26-2009, 03:55 PM
^You would know all about falling on penises, wouldn't you Smorz?

In all fairness I was pulling quite hard.


Uh oh.

05-27-2009, 12:26 AM
I hit a cat in my old jobs company van. The bastard was full sprint across a four lane. Sheesh. Went right under, heard a thud, look in the rear mirror to see the cat pull out of a barrel roll onto his feet and at full sprint again. On the way back... he was dead on the other side.

Bastards don't learn a lesson. I don't like cats.

05-27-2009, 01:18 AM
I remember I ran over something when I was coming back from SF. It was like 10-11pm so I don't know exactly what it was. I helped a squiral get run over again though. That bottom half got ran over already and it somehow crawled into my yard. I tried to stop it by spraying it with water but it keep going. So I picked it up with a showel and chucked it into the street. A few seconds later the top half got ran over that shit was nasty

05-27-2009, 02:29 AM
When I was 19 I had a 73 camaro. I lived in Imperial Beach and sh*t gets foggy at night.. well the camaro had no under tray of any kind so the cat got pulled up by my fan. Good thing there was a self serve car wash like a few blocks away. When I opened my engine bay my manifold was cooking some cat gumbo. Grossest sh*t I ever saw/smelled.
I was so scared a cop would see me cleaning my engine bay at night and cruise by to check on things. Same month I hit a seagull and used the same carwash. I miss IB.

05-27-2009, 11:12 AM
I helped a squiral get run over again though. That bottom half got ran over already and it somehow crawled into my yard. I tried to stop it by spraying it with water but it keep going. So I picked it up with a showel and chucked it into the street. A few seconds later the top half got ran over that shit was nasty

I can't even think of an appropriate response to this.

ttLOVEjh s13
05-28-2009, 01:02 AM
^Y'all need your own separate user names. lol
meh too lazy for that :P and its kinda crazy knowing that we're not gonna be seeing you around here no more. enjoy texas! ...but you'll be back

ttLOVEjh s13
05-28-2009, 01:02 AM
Is that code for "I fell on a penis"?
i dont get it.. inside joke?

05-28-2009, 08:39 AM
This reminds me of a funny story, back when i was a junior in hs, me and some freinds took some girls paintballing for a "day-date" before homecoming dance, me and my date had fun paintballing ect... but on the way back into town from paintballin a rabbit was in the middle of the road so im like, im gonna joke and swerve to hit it, well funny thing is at the last minute i turn to miss it, and the rabbit jumped infront of my trucks tire lol... well my date started freakin out on me slappin me and yelling at me, needless to say i didnt get any :(

oh back on topic,
if it looked like this your going to heaven, you just did god a favor :)


05-28-2009, 09:04 AM
I ran over a rabbit in the 240, bunny for you softies. Kinda rolled across the undercarriage cause im on coils, no lip at the time thank god.

I dont feel bad, it definitely got demolished by a fox or some turkey vultures.

05-28-2009, 10:43 AM
The other day I was driving to work and I saw one squirrel that got pancaked, and this other squirrel was crawling away (kinda like how skylove described) but he was using his front 2 arms G.I. Joe'n it. He looked like he was distraught from the loss of his comrade.

05-28-2009, 10:46 AM
^or it got halfway ranover LOL

06-07-2009, 11:24 PM
so that's what happened to Michelangelo
from ninja turtles,

thanks to you no more ninja turtles lol jk

06-07-2009, 11:34 PM
Ran over a squirrel once, I swear its like they always run when your coming, maybe there trying to make it a challenge for themself when a car comes, then run!

06-07-2009, 11:45 PM
birds are like that, it's a like a fucking extreme sport to them to just wait until the last moment to fly away

06-07-2009, 11:49 PM
Why are stupid ass threads like this allowed to go so far and have x number of pages but other threads equally as stupid get closed so fast?

Like the thread about why cops ride peoples ass so much got locked the first couple of posts but this one about running over a fuckin turtle has 5 pages..

06-08-2009, 12:55 AM
i dont get it.. inside joke?

Inside joke...

That's what I call sex.

06-08-2009, 12:58 AM
just from this post, i've evaluated that you're a bad person, who doesn't play the tape through, if you weren't busy texting, you could have pressed on the brakes in time to not hit the turtle, pick it up and move it to the other side of the road.
stop texting while driving, and stop using the internet on your phone while driving, next time it might be someone's toddler

06-12-2009, 01:38 PM
My cowoker almost hit one yesterday while we were driving the work chevy. I yelled "STOP TURTLE" and he hits the brakes. I get out and it is running back underneath. He backs up and there is a little snapper hissing at us.

As I try to pick him up he starts hissing and peeing all over the road. My co-worker nudges the turtle with this foot, then just picks him up and puts him in the grass.


yes, he yelled at a turtle.

Dirty Habit
06-12-2009, 02:24 PM
I dont know if I posted this in here or not.

NEVER hit a pheseant. Shit will DESTROY the whole front end of your car.

Its like a medium sized handgrenade to your front end. You wont know what the fuck happened.

06-12-2009, 03:24 PM
Why are stupid ass threads like this allowed to go so far and have x number of pages but other threads equally as stupid get closed so fast?

Like the thread about why cops ride peoples ass so much got locked the first couple of posts but this one about running over a fuckin turtle has 5 pages..

Ignore the thread....

I dont know if I posted this in here or not.

NEVER hit a pheseant. Shit will DESTROY the whole front end of your car.

Its like a medium sized handgrenade to your front end. You wont know what the fuck happened.

Man, I haven't heard of a pheseant since elementary school. It's not local to my area, and I don't go hunting. :keke:

ttLOVEjh s13
06-12-2009, 04:51 PM
My cowoker almost hit one yesterday while we were driving the work chevy. I yelled "STOP TURTLE" and he hits the brakes. I get out and it is running back underneath. He backs up and there is a little snapper hissing at us.

As I try to pick him up he starts hissing and peeing all over the road. My co-worker nudges the turtle with this foot, then just picks him up and puts him in the grass.


yes, he yelled at a turtle.Lmao I've Done that before but to a dog....

06-12-2009, 05:02 PM
The other night I was driving home, low visibility because one of my bulbs kinda fell out of my light housing, and I saw a small white ball in the road, it was running towards my car, I think it was a mouse, and I ended it.

RIP :(

06-12-2009, 05:50 PM
Why are stupid ass threads like this allowed to go so far and have x number of pages but other threads equally as stupid get closed so fast?

Like the thread about why cops ride peoples ass so much got locked the first couple of posts but this one about running over a fuckin turtle has 5 pages..
Awwww, somebody's butthurt. How cute.

just from this post, i've evaluated that you're a bad person, who doesn't play the tape through, if you weren't busy texting, you could have pressed on the brakes in time to not hit the turtle, pick it up and move it to the other side of the road.
stop texting while driving, and stop using the internet on your phone while driving, next time it might be someone's toddler
Where did you see that the OP was texting or using their phone during this incident?

06-12-2009, 05:51 PM
wow this is funny...poor turtle but that what it gets for wondering to the middle of the freaken street. By the way thats considered a hit and run buddy...

06-12-2009, 07:56 PM
I was going about 85+mph on the freeway. There were some pigeons flying accross the lanes. Right infront of me they double back and two went splat on the windshield. I swear pigeons are so fucking dumb.

06-12-2009, 09:25 PM
in one night i ran over:

- a tarantula
- a rattlesnake
- a squirell
and i almost ran over a cat but didn't

hows that for bad luck
i could have ran back, picked up the remains and made a witches brew (some kind of lager idk)

06-13-2009, 08:18 PM
Wow ran over 4 crabs yesterday. -_- someone put live baby crabs under my tire and when I moved forward all I heard was loud pops. I stopped and checked. Sick as hell! Guts everywhere.

06-13-2009, 10:29 PM
at least you don't ran onto this
http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/BigClawz/Updates/Blastoise.jpg (http://download.lavadomefive.com/members/BigClawz/Updates/Blastoise.jpg)

06-14-2009, 12:27 AM
I ran over a squirrel today.

He was 3 inches from the right side ditch, waits until I get right up on him and(surprise, surprise) tries to cross to the left side.

Got em with my front left tire, heard his bones crunch and everything, pretty gross.

06-14-2009, 12:34 AM
in one night i ran over:

- a tarantula
- a rattlesnake
- a squirell
and i almost ran over a cat but didn't

hows that for bad luck
i could have ran back, picked up the remains and made a witches brew (some kind of lager idk)

I would have screamed at the tarantula. dead or not.

06-14-2009, 07:05 AM
that musta been a hell of a tarantula for you to see it on the road. at night.

06-14-2009, 09:46 AM
that musta been a hell of a tarantula for you to see it on the road. at night.

Exactly the point of the post above yours.

06-14-2009, 02:13 PM
the other day on the freeway in the morning to work.. 1 dead dog laying between lanes... didnt pay much attention to it.. then on the left sholder a few yards up.. a city truck, 2 guys, and a plastic bag halfway covering another fairly big sized dog.... sucks i bet someone was traveling with their dog and they jumped out..

06-14-2009, 02:22 PM
I hit a dead coyote once :(

I wasn't very low though, just left some hair on my exhaust.

06-14-2009, 03:18 PM
A long time ago I had a Mazda truck and would get home late from work , I guess 5 little kittens hopped inside the engine bay to sleep since It was warm and stuff , I woke up to go to work " unknowingly " and let the truck warm up and heard thumps everywhere and thought something probably got caught on the fan and revved a little and heard little meows ... I was like oh shit popped the hood and noticed that 2 cats got chopped by the fan 2 others ran into the bushes and 1 had a heart attack or something and just died on the drive way .... I felt like crap that day ....

06-14-2009, 03:47 PM
A long time ago I had a Mazda truck and would get home late from work , I guess 5 little kittens hopped inside the engine bay to sleep since It was warm and stuff , I woke up to go to work " unknowingly " and let the truck warm up and heard thumps everywhere and thought something probably got caught on the fan and revved a little and heard little meows ... I was like oh shit popped the hood and noticed that 2 cats got chopped by the fan 2 others ran into the bushes and 1 had a heart attack or something and just died on the drive way .... I felt like crap that day ....

OMFG. THAT sucks.

Man I would feel so bad.

06-14-2009, 04:14 PM
oooohhh!! pooorr turtle!! thats my favorite animal =,(

06-14-2009, 04:41 PM
that musta been a hell of a tarantula for you to see it on the road. at night.

well first of all its a pretty big species of arachnid
i think this one might have been the size of a cd
and i also had my high beams on

06-14-2009, 04:51 PM
Wow ran over 4 crabs yesterday. -_- someone put live baby crabs under my tire and when I moved forward all I heard was loud pops. I stopped and checked. Sick as hell! Guts everywhere.

that is some fucked up shit. why would anyone do that!?

06-14-2009, 06:50 PM
well first of all its a pretty big species of arachnid
i think this one might have been the size of a cd
and i also had my high beams on

A spider the size of a cd......:faint:

ttLOVEjh s13
06-16-2009, 04:19 PM
just from this post, i've evaluated that you're a bad person, who doesn't play the tape through, if you weren't busy texting, you could have pressed on the brakes in time to not hit the turtle, pick it up and move it to the other side of the road.
stop texting while driving, and stop using the internet on your phone while driving, next time it might be someone's toddler
first thing, i was not texting and i dont even have internet on my phone cuz im not baller like that.

and second thing, i dont think its a good idea to brake suddenly on a busy street with an suv tailgating me at +55mph. oh and i saw that suv run over the exploded remains and shot the turtle shell out to the side back into the park

ttLOVEjh s13
06-16-2009, 04:30 PM
oh yea a while back i was riding with my bf in his s14 and there was a big pile of something in our lane, i thought it was a pile of clothes and he swerved as much as he could but still clipped it and i thought it was ok cause it was just a pile of clothes but he was like 'oh shit that was a cat!' and was like 'what?! :wtc: oh nooo' then we looked back and saw our friend in his s14 hit it and completely destroy it :(

11-29-2009, 12:19 PM
Going home last week possum ran out of a bush and i ran over half of its body :[ stopped and reversed he was stilll alive! pretty nasty though blood all over the street at least it wasent a turtle

11-29-2009, 05:54 PM
fuck possums!
ugly ass dirty things man.

a few months back one strolled out infront of my car. i tried to go around but still tagged it and it messed up my bumper a little

11-29-2009, 08:46 PM
I've only ran over a squirrel, i gave him a chance to live, saw him on the right side of the road so i scooted to the left lane and that bast'd still decided to go under my tire(probably a suicidal squirrel) i just felt 2 thumps and i kept on driving.

My GF gets paranoid when she see's an animal on the road like 200ft away, she starts smacking me to stop, WTF?

11-29-2009, 09:03 PM
Following a friend down a dark highway going about 60-70mph next thing i know his right side of the car (car is slammed to the ground) Leaps into the air and i see half a deer carcas fly out from underneath it!! I swearved to miss the deer too, but then his side skirt flys off too comming right towards me and had to swearve to miss that also/ this all happend within like 4-7 seconds

Luckily i missed both. No damage to his car though either

11-29-2009, 10:37 PM
i hit a bird in my mustang once. it went into my foglight bumper hole thingy. and exploded. i was wondering why people were looking at me weird in the oncoming lane. then i had to clean bird and feathers off my bumper. =(

11-29-2009, 10:49 PM
I hit a deer in the wagon going up towards the West gate of Ft. Wood. Broke its hip. I felt bad. It did no damage to the wagon. I felt bad...

And I had let my insurance lapse the week before lol :bite:

Also, hit a hawk in the s13 (felt bad), a bag assss,i m talking like 3 ft long, raccoon in my dads charger (felt kinda bad), and an opossum in my bmw (score)

lol every time I see it
YouTube - BASEketball Roadkill Caught on Tape (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhhktLredY0)

11-30-2009, 01:53 PM
screw you man for hitting a turtle! you are going to hell now!