View Full Version : Palm : Pre

05-21-2009, 07:44 AM
I want one of these in GSM

damn sprint :rl:



05-21-2009, 08:18 AM
There is a lot of hype around this phone, but until it's out to the general public and gets a nice review there is not much I can say about it.

It's a very good effort from Palm and I was wondering why they revealed it only to have the general public wait in limbo for a release date (which is finally June 6).

I'm more amped for the speculated 'Tegra' platform smartphone.

Andrew @ 240sxMotoring
05-21-2009, 08:37 AM
Seriously debating whether or not I'm gonna drop the dough for this guy on the 6th.

My Touch Pro's kinda beat up.

05-21-2009, 08:50 AM
I've been messing with a preproduction one currently running a production build of the OS and I have to say that I'd definitely choose this over the iPhone.

Now if only it came in a GSM flavor right off the bat...

05-21-2009, 08:53 AM
i'll try to hold out until the GSM version come out
should be plenty of time for real world reviews / apps

top that off, everybody i know use ATT, with the unlimit mins within network, theres no reason for me to switch to sprint

05-21-2009, 08:56 AM
I've never been a Palm fan, but I am intrigued. I have a hacked iphone now on T-Mobile and I'm out of contract in June. My buddy is the "champion" for the Pre in his Sprint retail store and he's had a chance to play with the phone. He told me her likes it. They keep it locked in the safe, and only the manager has access to the safe. They're serious about not letting anything get leaked before the launch date.

I think I'll just hang out until Apple has thier conference and see what the new iPhone has before I make a determination to buy a Pre. It's been rumored to have an OLED screen, 32GB of storage, a faster processor, and some other tweaks.

Plus Sprint's customer service is the worst in the world.

05-21-2009, 09:28 AM
I've never been a Palm fan, but I am intrigued. I have a hacked iphone now on T-Mobile and I'm out of contract in June. My buddy is the "champion" for the Pre in his Sprint retail store and he's had a chance to play with the phone. He told me her likes it. They keep it locked in the safe, and only the manager has access to the safe. They're serious about not letting anything get leaked before the launch date.

I think I'll just hang out until Apple has thier conference and see what the new iPhone has before I make a determination to buy a Pre. It's been rumored to have an OLED screen, 32GB of storage, a faster processor, and some other tweaks.

Plus Sprint's customer service is the worst in the world.

yeah they're serious about leaks. everyone has to sign an NDA if they want to even look at it.

that was before MWC in spain a few months ago though. They're a bit more lax about loaning out preproduction test units for final QA purposes.

Overall it's a very solid device and has everything I wish the iPhone had.

Palm really needs this to do well otherwise you can say good bye to them for good.

05-21-2009, 09:42 AM
The Palm will really have to PROVE itself. There was alot of hype around the Blackberry Storm. Half of their users now want to throw their storms out the window.

05-21-2009, 09:44 AM
The Palm will really have to PROVE itself. There was alot of hype around the Blackberry Storm. Half of their users now want to throw their storms out the window.

I've never ever been keen on BB's. When a friend handed me his storm I handed it back after about 30 seconds. The storm is utter rubbish.

05-21-2009, 09:49 AM
I love EVERYTHING blackberry except the Storm. That piece of shit doesn't deserve the blackberry name.

That thing wasn't rushed to market to jump on the band wagon at alllllll. *rollseyes*

05-21-2009, 10:01 AM
every phone manufacturer has to at least TRY to beat the iphone

the Pre is the only thing that palm has now....

kinda shitty that they picked sprint ....
they could at least release an unlocked GSM version at the same time for 5xx like they did with the treo 680 / 700 / 750

heck i'll buy it at 5xx

05-21-2009, 10:21 AM
Sprint more than likely has an exclusivity deal with Palm on the Pre. Just like the iPhone/AT&T.

I'll give it 6-8 months till a GSM version comes out. That sounds like plenty of time to fix all of the bugs that it will inevitably have.

In general Sprint's network isn't that bad. Their data throughput is actually rather awesome and robust.

05-21-2009, 11:08 AM
The price point without a contract is 549.99 reported by Engadget yesterday.

05-21-2009, 11:50 AM
I've got the Centro, and am thinking about upgrading to this bitch.

From the videos i've seen, and the reviews its been getting, it seems pretty damn solid.

And its linux based, so stability FTW.

05-21-2009, 12:00 PM
Sprint more than likely has an exclusivity deal with Palm on the Pre. Just like the iPhone/AT&T.

I'll give it 6-8 months till a GSM version comes out. That sounds like plenty of time to fix all of the bugs that it will inevitably have.

In general Sprint's network isn't that bad. Their data throughput is actually rather awesome and robust.

i dont know if i can hold out for that long
by then google G2 / G3 is out, then theres iphone 3.0, and the samsung i7500 ... also n97 from nokia

good luck palm ....

05-21-2009, 12:38 PM
every phone manufacturer has to at least TRY to beat the iphone

Every phone manufacturer needs to stop TRYING to KILL the iPhone. There will be NO iPhone killer. Apple has sold close to or over 10 Million iPhones. What manufacturers need to do is at least try and compete with the iPhone. Give Apple a run for its money. Most of the crap that other manufacturers are calling iPhone killers turn out to be big jokes.

I do like the potential of the Palm Pre because they aren't just copying what iPhone did, they actually have a hardware keyboard AND a touch screen so you can use which ever you prefer...Thats smart! Hopefully everything else on the phone is just as smart.

Then you also have to think about the App Store. Apple just reached ten Gazillion apps the other day or something...Palm IF they do have an app store, how long will it take them to fill up the store with enough quality apps that it will even be worth visiting?

I'm a software developer and the first release of a program almost always has some kind of bugs and problems. So I always wait at least 6 months until I buy something brand new on the market to give them time to fix these bugs and problems. So by the time the bugs are fixed with a software update and the app store has enough good content in it. The iPhone will have 20 Gazillion apps and probably be on a new version of its iPhone with the new 3.0 software up to maybe a 3.2 version or something. Which means the iPhone will ALWAYS be ahead.

Sorry for blabbing...lol

05-21-2009, 12:58 PM
I do like the potential of the Palm Pre because they aren't just copying what iPhone did, they actually have a hardware keyboard AND a touch screen so you can use which ever you prefer...Thats smart!

Are you forgetting about the Touch Pro? That has a touchscreen and keyboard. The Touch Pro 2 is also coming out this year.

The software will be key for the Pre to be successful.

05-21-2009, 01:08 PM
Are you forgetting about the Touch Pro? That has a touchscreen and keyboard. The Touch Pro 2 is also coming out this year.

The software will be key for the Pre to be successful.

anything windows mobile is crap though.

05-21-2009, 01:31 PM
palm pre looks fine. i had a Treo 650 and a 700p a few years ago, and they were nice for what they were. but we've evolved far beyond that crap.
at any rate Android is godlike, so i'm not really interested in any other mobile OS.

05-21-2009, 03:23 PM
yeah i had a treo and that was trash and also had an HTC touch and with the windows mobile it sucked...

05-21-2009, 03:57 PM
WinMo makes baby Jesus cry.

I think at this point Palm is just trying to steal market share from RIM so they can stay afloat longer. If they don't get a solid App Store type interface up and running you can kiss Palm and the Pre bye-bye.

05-21-2009, 05:27 PM
looks like a cool concept.
disappointed it's only going to be on Sprint though.

05-21-2009, 07:17 PM
I had a dream....that one day All mobile phones were available for ALL mobile carriers...this way it wouldnt be about WHICH CARRIRER got the exclusive contract for WHICH PHONE...it would just be about....WHAT SERVICE ROCKS???? Then maybe they would focus on why I only have half a bar when I'm at home.

think about it....ALOT of people dropped their carriers to go with the iPhone. Most probably didn't care who the carrier was or if the service sucks or not. All they cared about was getting the iPhone. It shouldn't be about that...I hate that!! I want the phone that I want....and the service that I want!!!

05-21-2009, 10:17 PM
i have a palm centro with sprint...

i am seriously considering upgrading to the palm pre as soon as i am eligible for the 2 yr discount in August...

I have no problems with sprint...

I just hope i can keep my SERO plan with the Pre

05-21-2009, 10:23 PM
i have a palm centro with sprint...

i am seriously considering upgrading to the palm pre as soon as i am eligible for the 2 yr discount in August...

I have no problems with sprint...

I just hope i can keep my SERO plan with the Pre

You will be able to keep your SERO plan. It's already been confirmed by a Sprint rep.

I really want to get this phone....All this hype about being a iphone killer..

I need a new phone anyways. I also have the $175 off my next upgrade phone too, so it'll be cheap for me.

05-21-2009, 11:02 PM

i've heard both... yes i will be able to keep it... no i will have to change my plan...

05-21-2009, 11:23 PM
Having played with the Pre I can confidently say this phone is awesome. I hate the term "Iphone killer" because nothing will ever kill the iphone. Apple has copyrights on alot of the features that the iphone has ie the zoom feature while your browsing the web. No one will be able to use that again. I actually heard from a little birdie that the Iphone will not be exclusive to ATNT anymore, so anyone can pick it up. I firmly believe that if Verizon gets a hold of the Iphone...game over for everyone including sprint.
Now, the pre... Linux based os, WebOS is pretty dope, There is alot and i mean ALOT you can do with it. Having used it for over a week now (shhhh) it doesn't freeze like a windows based phone, and my favorite part...when u slide the keyboard open n close..it doesn't lag, its instant.
WebOS is a new contender, and I truly believe its a new era for Palm. I was not a fan of the centro or the 800w...BUT the Palm pro which hasn't seemed to have many reviews or fame was actually one of my favorite windows mobile phones I've ever used.
I'm anxious to see how the public will review the Pre. June 6th :)

05-24-2009, 10:43 PM
You will be able to keep your SERO plan. It's already been confirmed by a Sprint rep.

I really want to get this phone....All this hype about being a iphone killer..

I need a new phone anyways. I also have the $175 off my next upgrade phone too, so it'll be cheap for me.

It's offical. Your SERO plan will go bybye if you upgrade to a PRE.

Rather they're "not compatible"

Sprint's Pre business launch guide leaked in its entirety (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/24/sprints-pre-business-launch-guide-leaked-in-its-entirety/)

which is kinda ghey... sprint used to do that with me.. I had like 500 mins for like $20 once with them. back when phones were huge. everytime I tried to better deal it.. it cost way more.. made me feel not welcome...

pre looks polished.. like I ripped and reskinned half the screens from an iphone polished.. orientation sensors need work... if palm is betting on this.. I think it's gonna be overshadowed by the next iphone.. neat.. more for business.. I imagine the apps could be much nicer but the lack of apps is a killer... doesn't feel solid either. and it's thick which is to be expected but when your used to the iphone.. it doesn't slide into your pocket.. I guess it's not stupid intuitive so it's not "just works" apple simple.

as noted in the document.. uses standard micro USB port for charging.. uses non standard power pins over said port so you have to buy all new "pre" chargers and adaptors.. no real media capability as well. I give it's MP3 album "ipod" part of the phone a C-. It's functional but not intuitive or smooth. Alot of repeat effects. Feels like a chineese knock off after a while. It's all there but yet it's not.

05-25-2009, 09:48 AM
Time to buy some stock in Sprint and Palm. :eek3d:

06-07-2009, 03:06 PM
I guess Sprint would have to offer you the next step up or similar to what you've got.

Anyone catch the Touchstone? it looks so damn badass.


Wireless magnetic charging base.

Well, technically, wireless from your phone to the charger.


06-07-2009, 04:02 PM
looks thick.

and not in a good way.

06-07-2009, 09:50 PM
from all the pics / vids that i saw its real ergonomic

still, no gsm, f*** sprint

06-08-2009, 08:19 AM
Hopefully I'll be getting a few of them today. *crosses fingers*

06-08-2009, 09:16 AM
Hopefully I'll be getting a few of them today. *crosses fingers*

i thought they all sold out

06-08-2009, 07:12 PM
My friend works at Sprint and he has one. He loves it. He said all the Sprint stores nationwide are sold out of it.

06-08-2009, 08:05 PM
My friend works at Sprint and he has one. He loves it. He said all the Sprint stores nationwide are sold out of it.

Is it me or does it seem like bad business practice to have such a short supply on a highly anticipated product?

I thought it was pointless to even offer them at Best Buy when there are only 2-5 available at launch.

06-08-2009, 08:12 PM
I think they do that to make demand even higher when the new batches come out, IMO.

06-08-2009, 08:27 PM
Is it me or does it seem like bad business practice to have such a short supply on a highly anticipated product?

I thought it was pointless to even offer them at Best Buy when there are only 2-5 available at launch.

heh, keep the supply low, and the demand will stay high.

just like the Wii, ps3.