View Full Version : i feel....castrated....

04-01-2003, 12:09 AM
well, my s13 took it's first dump over the last week. although it is still driveable, it has developed a really loud knocking sound coming from the valve cover area, runs really rough, gets about 10mpg, and the timing chain rattles like a mofo. oh yeah, and the wipers still don't work. so i decided to take it in the ass and have her serviced. if it was a VW i'd feel a little more confident in tackling these problems myself, but with no FSM and no experience with any cars other than VWs...i don't think i'd be able to fix it with the kind of time i have to devote to it.

anyways...while i'm happy that i at least have a car to drive in the meantime, unfortunately it's a 1990 Geo Prizm FASTBACK (the one that looks like a UFO) with 214k on it. No stereo, leaky windows, almost completely rusted out doors, etc etc. i mean, it runs like a swiss watch, but it's so slow and sucky...

i don't know what's going to suck worse. driving this POS for a week+ or getting the bill when my car is done :(

04-01-2003, 07:41 AM
Sorry to hear about the injury. I know what it's like. I'm taking my car in tomorrow to get the body damage fixed, so I'll be driving my 1991 Camry for four days. Woohoo.

04-01-2003, 08:08 AM
Loud knockings is NEVER good. When my car got a loud knocking, it was new engine time... I had thrown a rod.

04-01-2003, 08:30 AM
I had the same issue, had to temporarily retire my car. It wont even start now.

I am waiting for my SR to come in, then she will be back running in no time.

Let us know what the bill is like. I am curious what it would have cost me to fix mine.:(

04-01-2003, 09:37 AM
that sux dude..hope it works out fine

04-01-2003, 09:57 PM
how much do you think i should spend before i start thinking about a CA18DET/SR20DET swap?

Thrill Capsule
04-01-2003, 10:06 PM
Dont fret, I drive a crappy mustang as my daily. Saves the 240sx for the fun driving :)

Oh yeah the knocking is not good, I had a Talon Tsi before this and it developed a rod knock and eventually ate a valve, bye bye motor