View Full Version : Sell my awsome Mr2?? Maybe get a 240??

03-30-2003, 10:52 AM
Hey guys, im having to make some crazy decisions around this time. I have to go to college soon, and cant take my current car. My current car is an awsome Mr2 turbo, with nitrous, that runs high 12's, and looks damn nice at the same time. Heres a pic:


Anyway, i have put so much time, and money into this car that it makes me sick to think that i have to sell it. But the point is, its beginning to become unpractical. Its got an awsome expensive paint job, and all these other things that i will never find in another car again. However, i could just put it in storage for a year and pick it up after the 1st year in college. But another thing, is that i also really want a bike. I will have a bike in the next two years (new cbr 600rr), and to be honest i cant reallly have the mr2 and a bike. Another scenerio, is that i could pick up a 97+ 240 that i wouldnt "mod" so much after a year of college, and sell my mr2 now. A 240 would be much more practical, in my opinion.

What do you guys think?

03-30-2003, 11:25 AM
I don't know how much more practical you think a 240 would be over the MR2 speaking from personaly experience. If it is the fact that there is a back seat, ask anyone who has ever been in the backseat of a 240, and whether they will ever get back in it. (I have been in my own ONE time for only 10 minutes and feel bad when somone has to sit back there. Several people on the board actually have second cars to do their everyday things. You could realistically get a 95-96 and swap the front end for the 97-98 if that is your thing, the price of the 97-98s tend to have remained pretty high for some odd reason, where the 95-96s can be had for a reasonable price and the cost of the parts for the swap would still keep you under what that 97 would cost you... I say keep the MR2 if you love it that much and get a 240 also if the money allows you to do so.

03-30-2003, 12:08 PM
your car is sweet. but i don't understant why you have to sell it. do you need the money? why can't you take your car?

03-30-2003, 01:56 PM
Parents wont allow it. And plus i just need the money for other things to get me through that year. I have put all my money in the mr2, and have no saving, extra cash, or anything like that.

I duno, i guess i just want to move away from the "little red sports car" thing. I kind of want something a little bigger, newer, less miles. Stuff like that.

03-30-2003, 02:32 PM
is yours that white one with RS Watanabes? :eek:

solution to your problem: give it to me and i'll give you some cash to spend at college :D

03-30-2003, 03:17 PM
White one? Rs wanabes? What are you talking about?

This is mine:


03-30-2003, 03:48 PM
How much do you think you can sell your car for?

if you are looking for practicality, get a maxima or sentra, or get a 2.5 RS :D

I am not too sure what you mean by practicality though, are you looking for something that seats 4, or something that will get you around town easily, and does it have to be manual?

Juss get a POS Civic and put your car in storage, and bring it out on breaks and such.

Or sell your car and find a new project when done with college.

03-30-2003, 05:05 PM
Alright , i guess i didnt mean any more practical. Just something that isnt exaclty a little red sports car. Orlando cops are horrible, and i know it would get me in trouble. I really want a black s14a. What i really mean is i want something that i havnt put so much money into, that has less miles, is newer, bigger...etc...

Well...i think i am just going to put it up for sale. Ive put about 13-14 grand into it. Its in absolutely perfect condition, everything is awsome, its the best one around, and will run in the high 12's (turbo/nitrous). So, maybe i will start it around 11,900, and see what happens.

03-30-2003, 07:24 PM
Although it's an awesome car, I really wouldn't expecti it to go for that much money. That's the problem with modifying an older car, your mods don't really add to the resale value, and often hurt it. Although i'm still puzzled as to why you would want to sell it, if you really need to use a different car while you are in college, I would get a beater and keep your MR2 in storage except for breaks and such as was mentioned earlier in the post. I just have a feeling that if you sell this car you're going to end upregretting it in the long run. Not that a 240sx is bad, but you've put a lot of work into this already...

03-30-2003, 07:35 PM
I think he's selling it to "move on". Just wants something newer, bigger. A change! I dunno, maybe its just me, but i'd keep it. Maybe thats just me tho, cuz I've never had a car that fast.

03-30-2003, 07:48 PM
i saw this one:
and neraly wet myself :eek: but yours (red with 5 spokes) is freaking nice as well... wish i could afford something that nice... i nearly got an MR2 turbo before finally getting a deal on my soon-to-be-swapped S13 coupe...

03-30-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Jsquared
i saw this one:
and neraly wet myself :eek: but yours (red with 5 spokes) is freaking nice as well... wish i could afford something that nice... i nearly got an MR2 turbo before finally getting a deal on my soon-to-be-swapped S13 coupe...

BTW you have to cut and paste the link into a new window.

SR240SXT So, your parents are making you sell the car before you go to college because you have spent all of your spare money on the car itself? That's what I'm getting from your explanation--just wanted to make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

03-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Bliss.... you hit it pretty well there. I do, in fact, want to move on. Make a change.

My parents are exactly making me sell it, they just wont let me have it first year in college. They think it will be a distraction among other things, and thye are prob right. And money is an issue too. Also, im just sick of the hassle of a car, i would like to get away from it for a year. Im sick of traffic, parking, tickets, insurance....stuff like that. Like i said, the orlando cops are horrible, i think i would end up in jail after a month of having this car up there. Its hard not to want to punch it all the time.

But like i said, there are so many different reasons, and i think moving on, or "change" is a big one.