View Full Version : tranny q's (parts)

03-30-2003, 07:06 AM
anyone know the part numbers for the clutch line from master to slave cylinder and the box on the frame rail, speed sensor from a 5 spd, and sleeve on the end of the transmission for the driveshaft?

also please check my parts list, make sure i got everything that i need for the tranny swap on my 91 hb

stuff i have:
97 5-spd
clutch kit

stuff i still need or on its way:
clutch master cylinder
clutch line from master to slave cylinder and the box on the frame rail
clutch slave cylinder
speed sensor
brake pedal
clutch pedal w/ bracket

let me know if im missing something...and if you have one of these for sale let me know...

also is there anything about a tranny swap in the fsm?


03-30-2003, 06:18 PM
Do not forget the MT (engine to trans bolts, flywheel bolts, pressure plate bolts)... they are longer. Also get bolts for your starter. Do not forget transmission crossmember.

My original speed sensor was too big and the MT would not line up because they were different plugs so you may need to solder on the old connectors

If you need anything I will try my best to help you out. This was the best and only mod I have done to my car. It is like I got a new car! I did my swap in my front drive way. I did mine in 3 days

03-30-2003, 08:41 PM
anyone know if these parts and if the tranny swap would be in the fsm?

04-01-2003, 05:49 AM
someones gotta know the parts #'s and the fsm question...

the head
04-01-2003, 08:57 PM
go here and look them up prices will also be included

also there is not really an need to get the brake pedal. It is a PITA to get out just take a grinder or cutting wheel to the AT brake pedal and shorten it up