View Full Version : "swapjdm.com"... comments?

03-30-2003, 03:21 AM
I was wondering if anyone on here or anyone you know has had experience with swapjdm.com? I was about to order a redtop from a local shop, but this website appears to have a pretty darn good deal on motorsets... i say "appears" because i'm not sure about the specifics of what they say will come with the engine (e.g. ignitor, MAFS included, uncut harness, etc). I just wanted to see if anyone out there has had experiences with this company and also please tell me things that typically are broken/left out on "bargain" SRs (aside from what i've already mentioned)... I emailed them asking about specifics but this being a weekend I probably won't hear back for a few days.

Thanks in advance!

03-30-2003, 10:36 AM
If I were you, i wouldnt get it from them. They dont classify if the motorset comes with a cut or uncut harness, they got the specs wrong, and they last updated their site in January. I wouldnt trust them.

Go with flashoptions.com

$2100 for a front clip (not just the motorset) shipped! The only catch is you gota wait a month to get it.

Also check out heavethrottle.com and unstable-hybrids.com

03-30-2003, 02:40 PM
i know about HT and unstable... and i think i'm gonna pass on this company.

i'm gonna check out flashoptions... the shop can get me a guaranteed-complete motorset for 2200 so i'm gonna see what flashoptions has for 2100... except i can't wait a month so we'll see...

...also, flashoptions apparently doesn't have a start-up guarantee, and it looks from the pics like they yank the engines from the clips and put them in wooden crates... gonna email 'em and see what i can find out.

03-30-2003, 03:22 PM
I'm in the process of getting a CA18DET front clip from Flashoptions.com. The only problem i've had so far is that their email is a little flaky so sometimes you have to email them more than once, but they've been very cool to deal with so far. I'll have more to say once my clip is shipped.

03-30-2003, 03:57 PM
For an extra $100 bringing the grand total to $2300, you could have a full front clip. There is almost always something wrong with a motorset, something missing.

03-30-2003, 05:00 PM
flashoptions sends you the stuff in a wooden crate but everything (minus body panels) are in there. that's why they're able to ship it cheap, and for us free.

be careful where you buy your stuff from. there's been numerous discussions about this already.