View Full Version : Apple's comeback to all the Microsoft ads

05-13-2009, 07:08 AM
Viddler.com - Apple responds to Microsoft ads - Uploaded by engadget (http://www.viddler.com/explore/engadget/videos/406/30.056/)

I know this may turn into yet another Mac vs. PC thread, but I can't help but think this ad is too funny.

What do you guys think?

05-13-2009, 07:12 AM
same played out stuff with a different front............

05-13-2009, 07:13 AM
"may" turn into an argument?
"will" is a better assessment.
Just wait and see, same old tired shit coming soon.

05-13-2009, 07:24 AM
i like how the advertisement in the video i had was for internet explorer... Hopefully this thread doesn't turn out gay like it probably will.

05-13-2009, 07:46 AM


05-13-2009, 09:28 AM
its pretty funnny lol

Vision Garage
05-13-2009, 11:53 AM
Oh man not another one


UM.... GO LAKERS?????

05-13-2009, 11:56 AM
My Dell is better than a Mac.

05-13-2009, 11:57 AM
apple sucks :)

05-13-2009, 11:59 AM
is that the same PC dude from the PC commercials? hahaha shit.

drift freaq
05-13-2009, 12:30 PM
apple sucks :)

Ya man Apple makes shitty ass computers, that stay on all the time without turning off, they just sleep.

05-13-2009, 12:39 PM
Ya man Apple makes shitty ass computers, that stay on all the time without turning off, they just sleep.


I don't know what it is about these crappy Apple computers.

You leave them on all year long with no problems. Never freeze up or act stupid.

Such a waste of money.

(I love my Mac.)


05-13-2009, 12:51 PM
What kind of music player does the mac use? Some dude sold me a pc without genuine software and I can't get WMP I also don't feel like paying 15X$ to just get WMP. Help!

05-13-2009, 01:01 PM
I would simply like to state a non related fact before everyone starts the dick measuring with why "THEIR" apple is better than any pc.

Go spend a day at the apple store, stand right by the genius bar.

come back and report your findings...

just because your computer works fine because all you do is surf the net with it, modify some pictures, maybe play a pc game that came out 3 years ago on... PC's.

Other people use them for business, why on the fucking earth I do not know.

other than superiority in music editing, video editing, graphic editing.

I see no point in a normal consumer owning a mac.

You have to make an appointment for someone to fix it, even mac experts don't know how to fix these fucking things. Flash an image on it wipe your data, bam we fixed it.

oh it's a bad hard drive, we don't offer that model hard drive anymore so you'll be forced to upgrade to a refurbished drive, no worries we've already added it to your invoice.

No you cannot extend your warranty, this model is obsolete.

My buddy just got that new ipod shuffle, I've taken it to the mac store TWICE to be replaced.

if you happen to plug it into a usb1.1 port it will re-flash the device and cause it instantly to go into recovery mode, from that point forward it will either turn into APPLE USB RECOVERY DEVICE on any computer you plug it into.

OR you may get lucky if you didn't click "restore ipod" and you will have to delete EVERY USB DRIVER on your computer in safe mode with ps/2 equipment just so it erases the hardware profile for the usb devices.

Then you can plug it into a 2.0 slot and it works again.

if you didn't click restore ipod.

yeah, do some better testing on your products before trying to say if you had a mac this wouldn't of been a problem.

75 percent of ipod owners fucking own pc's.

05-13-2009, 01:05 PM
I wonder what the ratio is for guys that own PC and also have an Xbox to the guys that have Mac and PS3s.

All of my friends that have Macs all own PS3s. I've been a Mac computer guy since ever. Love my Mac

05-13-2009, 01:14 PM
waa waa waa

Is all I heard.

I've had my original iPod Nano for what...4-5 years now?

No problems.

Every PC i've ever had/used got infested with viruses and always had issues with normal use.

I'll be damned if I ever go back to that shit again.

05-13-2009, 01:23 PM
Macs used to be truly superior when they used their own hardware.... but that was awhile ago.

not the Macs besides superior batteries and really nice screens are pretty much identical to a PC. they use asus motherboards, nvidia chipsets, nvidia graphics, INTEL processors. same shit as a PC.

infact i bought a 350 dollar ASUS laptop and installed MAC OS X and it runs great. since they started using all the same shit you can install MAC OS on most PCs with some modification to the OS.

you want a macbook pro? buy a high end PC for around 1200 bucks, install MAC OS X

done. in some cases itll be better.

but i do love Macs. software is soooo much better

drift freaq
05-13-2009, 01:25 PM
I would simply like to state a non related fact before everyone starts the dick measuring with why "THEIR" apple is better than any pc.

Go spend a day at the apple store, stand right by the genius bar.

come back and report your findings...

just because your computer works fine because all you do is surf the net with it, modify some pictures, maybe play a pc game that came out 3 years ago on... PC's.

Other people use them for business, why on the fucking earth I do not know.

other than superiority in music editing, video editing, graphic editing.

I see no point in a normal consumer owning a mac.

You have to make an appointment for someone to fix it, even mac experts don't know how to fix these fucking things. Flash an image on it wipe your data, bam we fixed it.

oh it's a bad hard drive, we don't offer that model hard drive anymore so you'll be forced to upgrade to a refurbished drive, no worries we've already added it to your invoice.

No you cannot extend your warranty, this model is obsolete.

My buddy just got that new ipod shuffle, I've taken it to the mac store TWICE to be replaced.

if you happen to plug it into a usb1.1 port it will re-flash the device and cause it instantly to go into recovery mode, from that point forward it will either turn into APPLE USB RECOVERY DEVICE on any computer you plug it into.

OR you may get lucky if you didn't click "restore ipod" and you will have to delete EVERY USB DRIVER on your computer in safe mode with ps/2 equipment just so it erases the hardware profile for the usb devices.

Then you can plug it into a 2.0 slot and it works again.

if you didn't click restore ipod.

yeah, do some better testing on your products before trying to say if you had a mac this wouldn't of been a problem.

75 percent of ipod owners fucking own pc's.

If your ignorant enough to rely soley on the Genius bar, you possibly should not own a computer at all.
Seriously the Genius bar is a marketing gimmick and depending on the store can have some people that really know their stuff or can be staffed by idiots.

Shit I know more about the computers than most the people at the Mac store. Oh and as far as hard drives go and ram Macs use the same damn drives and ram that PC's do. Marketers just don't want you to know that because then you can go buy it for less. LOL

Fuck When are people going to get over this shit. Sure Apple puts out ads poking fun at PC's. They are the market share underdog that's what you do. Common advertising game for all companies.

What was more comical was the fact that Microsoft felt so threatened by the ads that they had to make I am a PC ads.

This is with something like 80% of the market share going to PC's based on Microsoft software!

Its funny that Microsoft feels so threatened by Mac ads that they have to respond. Its even funnier that Apple responded to it because Apple probably laughs at Microsoft's response to the original I am a Mac and I am PC ads.

Shit the funniest shit about this is the fact that PC owners on this board just feel the need to trash the Mac.

Oh and Apple care can be bought after your warranty is over thereby extending your warranty by three years. I suggest you learn more about Apple products before speaking up Omikron you seem to be pretty ignorant of them.

I knew someone would turn this into a whole Macs suck thread.

Fucking get over it MAC's are good at what they do. They can work in business if needed.
Because PC's are the defacto business standard they do well there.

Neither computer platform sucks completely. They both have their places .

Vision Garage
05-13-2009, 01:29 PM
PC = 240sx (somethings always fukked up but its so fun to tinker with)

Mac = Toyota Prius (yea it never gives you problems but wheres the fun in that?)

05-13-2009, 01:34 PM
Not again!!!

05-13-2009, 01:41 PM
arnt mac-book pros like 2500 bucks? eff that, every classmate who has one of those just screams out... "mommy and daddy pay for everything". id be embarrassed to have over-priced electronics like that because they're pretty and fun.

05-13-2009, 01:46 PM
ill just say this. i have owned both. i loved my mac ten times more then a pc.

bluetooth was available (built in) way before it was on a pc laptop. mad syncing with my pda alot more easier.

never had one virus.

always fast and never froze.

i used it for graphic editing and editting music.


on the other hand, i like my pc too. it was more user friendly whereas i had to reteach myself all the shortcuts and different progs on the mac.

two. i find it much easier to write html on my pc.

if the opportunity arrose to buy another mac, i would. hands down. like stated above, each has their benefits and their downsides.



05-13-2009, 01:47 PM
"may" turn into an argument?
"will" is a better assessment.
Just wait and see, same old tired shit coming soon.

Damn, this guy hit the nail on the fucking HEAD

05-13-2009, 01:49 PM
amen brotha phlip.

05-13-2009, 01:53 PM
I don't like how ipod/iphone syncs with itunes.

I don't like Apple's ADC connector because I have to spend an outrageous amount of money on an outdated "upgrade" video card in my G5.

I don't like the one click mouse.

That's about it.

Oh, and I prefer Windows XP Professional to anything else out there. If you use it in a manner unlike CrimsonRockett, you shouldn't have a problem with viruses/spyware.

05-13-2009, 01:56 PM
If your ignorant enough to rely soley on the Genius bar, you possibly should not own a computer at all.
I currently have a Dell Laptop running windows vista64, an old piece of shit gateway we were going to trash running windows 7 (7077 I think the release is.), a pc I hand built with windows server 2003 aka (xp64), a old ass mac G4, a toshiba satalite laptop, and some old ass dell 600 series consumer desktop, and some sony desktop.

All of which are completely functional, minus the fact the mac still has it's old ass operating system on it because my roommate bought the wrong upgrade os for it. LOL

I've got 10 years experience in the information technology field, networking, network operation center, security administration, enterprise administrator, blackberry administrator, desktop deployment technician, imaging server specialist, AND I've made my own images for oem rollout machines, and built and networked an ALTIRIS server.

You let me know how your experience with computers pans out to mine to even make your comment relative to the fact I am just saying simply to observe.

Seriously the Genius bar is a marketing gimmick and depending on the store can have some people that really know their stuff or can be staffed by idiots.
like all of them.

Shit I know more about the computers than most the people at the Mac store. Oh and as far as hard drives go and ram Macs use the same damn drives and ram that PC's do. Marketers just don't want you to know that because then you can go buy it for less. LOL
And they will void your precious warranty.

When it comes to macs, and their stability I simply am stating the fact that the service their customers get now, is the same service people with pc's were getting years ago until people just decided to figure it out.

That's all.

Fuck When are people going to get over this shit. Sure Apple puts out ads poking fun at PC's. They are the market share underdog that's what you do. Common advertising game for all companies.

Underdog my sweet ass....

The phycological impact of a mac vs pc commercial will blatantly educate the uneducated consumer that if you spend the EXTRA money on our solid product it will never break on you, it will never get an internet virus, and quite frankly you know someone who knows someone that has bitched about viruses on their pc's.

Know anybody with a mac that does the same?

No, because you probably know 3-5 other people out of your 100 friends and family that own macs.

This automatically puts it in my head as a consumer that if I ever invest a large sum of money into a pc, it should be a mac. Because I'm dumb and they're easy.

The commercial said so.

And with microsoft, and ibm, and amd laying off employee's and mac staying somewhat unaffected by this because we're snatching up ipods and shit like kids are getting gameboys and pokemon.

they have to do something to make that capital back.

It's more behind the scenes than people would like to realize, and thats the only reason why I despise apples gurilla marketing.

It's smart, it gets business, but it miseducates people.

And that's not cool in my book.

Any of the jobs I've been looking at want me to be a fucking MAC EXPERT now, because of idiot brokers, loan officers, financial planners, buying macs and trying to make them work on pc based networks.

So I have no choice but to educate myself on them.

but they have no place in a mixed media business environment unless it was completely mac based.


05-13-2009, 01:58 PM
Damn, this guy hit the nail on the fucking HEAD

I was thinking about making a thread concerning fake vs real parts... what do you think?

lol j/k j/k j/k.

05-13-2009, 01:58 PM
i bet u my pc can beat up ur mac

personaly i dont like a one click mouse lol but im sure they found other stuff for that

for the recod anyone who knows about computers knows of microsoft shitty OS and all of its holes and can bow to mac but is blatenly devoted to pc plain and simple

05-13-2009, 02:07 PM
dont think that the hackers and the virus makers havent started creating viruses for mac's. soon, mac's will have the same problems with viruses that pc's do. then what leg will mac's have to stand on? oh yeah! they can use the giant stick thats up their ass!

Vision Garage
05-13-2009, 02:08 PM
hahaha. Cut back on the PORN Johnny and your PC should be fine!

05-13-2009, 02:18 PM
this argument never gets old does it?

05-13-2009, 02:21 PM
this argument never gets old does it?

Yea and completely steered away from commenting on the video.

I'm closing this thread....