View Full Version : N64 to GameCube adapter?????????

05-06-2009, 02:52 PM
So I was told that theres an adapter that inables one to use the N64 controller on the GameCube, which would then allow the N64 controller to be used on the WII, since the WII excepts GameCube controllers.
So thats where I need help.
Is this true?
Does this adapter exsist?

Please help so I can get back to taking my coworkers hard earned money.
My reign of terror at MarioKart has been put on hold since our switching of systems.
The WII controllers suck.IMO
Need the N64 controller back.

05-06-2009, 02:56 PM
Google > You :ddog:

raphnet.net online shop (http://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/n64_to_wii/index.php?category=)

05-06-2009, 03:23 PM
Google > You :ddog:

raphnet.net online shop (http://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/n64_to_wii/index.php?category=)

I call you That"Silly"Guy.
Thanks for the link............. thats the one I had seen, but was hoping there was maybe an official one.
Some of those "hacked" products dont exactly work as described, so Im hoping to get one from a store like gamestop so if theres a problem, I can just return it.
Thanks alot though.