View Full Version : *** Need your Help ***

04-30-2009, 02:44 PM
Hello my friends!!! I have a little favor to ask of you. I play in a local band here in Utah called Discourse and we're trying to obtain as many votes as possible to play this huge concert out here called The Big Ass Show. If we win we get to share the stage with great bands like The Offspring, The Red Jump Suit Apparatus, Alkaline Trio and Unwritten Law!

Here's how you can vote for us!

Go to ((X96)) EVERYTHING ALTERNATIVE | Vote for your favorite local band (http://x96.com/local_bands/) and find my band DISCOURSE. Then click on the play button underneath and listen to our song. ONLY VOTE IF YOU LIKE THE MUSIC!!! I am always open for constructive criticism! Please go check us out now!!

04-30-2009, 02:45 PM
Oh ya, and THANK YOU!!!!

04-30-2009, 02:48 PM
Well even though the intro sounded exactly like Explosions In the Sky, I voted for you.

04-30-2009, 04:30 PM
Thank you! You're the man ESmorz. I hope we don't sound exactly like Explosions In The Sky! They are an amazing band, and one of our influences. We try to be original, but thanks for voting and your criticism.