View Full Version : Hit and runs FTW!

04-25-2009, 10:40 PM
Soo I was driving with my girlfriend and 2 friends...we were on the highway. We spotted a new Mustang and were talking merrily. A hispanic guy swerved around us in his mad tyt3 kitted out Accord and then tried to get loose. This didn't work so he lost control, pinned the side of my car, pushed me into a wall, and then swerved out and took out a Sunfire. We were going pretty fast and suprisingly nothing really bad happened. It didn't dent my door, but it screwed up my passenger side quarter panel and my suspensions kinda messed up. Noone in my car was hurt. The guy just looked at us, waved, and got away. I got his plate numbers so i'm pretty sure he's caught. I looked up his name in the court date system and apparently he's got court in 2 weeks for driving without a license.


04-25-2009, 10:44 PM

At least he was caught. Shit my car was hit and I got nothing but a nice dent and a broken light out of it.

04-25-2009, 10:46 PM
fuck him, fuck his life. period lol
what an asshole. hopefully he gets what he deserves
sucks to hear but glad you're ok and so is your car

04-25-2009, 10:53 PM
wow good luck with that
if he's driving on a suspended license he probably doesn't have insurance either
you may hafta take him to claims court

get his home address
and make it worth his while to pay for your damages in full

hopefully it all works out for you man!!!!

04-25-2009, 10:56 PM
Farzam with the awesome MS Paint picture.

04-25-2009, 11:14 PM
I mean they could go to the house and it be the dude's brother who was driving, or it could been a stolen plate...there are a lot of variables. All I know is that I work at a law firm so i'm gonna make sure the law works to find the guy so I can get my money.

I already got the plateholder's name, address, and insurance policy number

I'm super pissed but I might get a 5 speed shell, put my motor in it, and have yet another 240sx. If that doesn't work out I might just get a nicer car.

04-26-2009, 12:52 AM
fucking people who dont stop, pisses me off, this shit happend to me back in 06 someone rear ended me, i slammed on the gas and the damage wasnt really that bad since i did that he ran away enver caught him

04-26-2009, 02:43 AM
Wow fucking random.

Just now omw home, my friend was driving and some hispanics ( 3 of them ) randomly took a picture while driving by of her car.

She floored it up next to them and I was going to toss a full bottle of beer at them. We had a 6 pack of Blue Moon in the car.

Then I realized it was blue moon and just flashed it to them and then they gave us a peace sign and became nicer haha.


Funny thing was, my first initial reaction was to pin the fuckers haha.

04-26-2009, 05:43 PM
Earlier that day I saw a crow just standing in the middle of nowhere staring at us. At that point I knew the day would end up bad.

This guy in a silver Dodge Ram nearly sideswiped me. Then he chased us down with his arm hanging out of the truck wielding a beer bottle. We stopped and got out and immediately he went from pissed to nice...drunk mofo.

Backing out of a spot a guy going 30+ in a 10mph zone nearly took me out.

This sucks I might buy a 318ti now

04-26-2009, 10:41 PM
good job on getting the plates. thats another moron off the streets

04-27-2009, 04:17 AM
i got hit and run once.

i caught the guy myself.

got a police report and got insurance money, cops wont track him down unless its easy for them (like in our cases).

good stuff.

04-27-2009, 07:55 AM
I was pretty tempted to chase him down and curbstomp him buttttttttttt i'd rather abide laws...

04-27-2009, 10:52 AM
fucked up quarter panels.

overfenders and aero or not?

a little chasing here and a curbstomp there never really hurt anybody.

04-27-2009, 11:19 AM
Farzam you are still alive?

I remember back in the day on INC before you got banned for whatever reason.