View Full Version : Anyone know about solar lighting? Need some help!

03-24-2003, 08:28 PM
My dad wants to add a light at one of the assosciations he manages and wants it to be a sloar powered self contained unit. He will want it to turn on at a certain time (should be easy to do with a timer) and only run for about six hours at the most. As of now i do not know how powerful the light will be as of now, even though i know it is a very important factor.

From what i read on howstuffworks.com solar panels don't produce much voltage at all, but if directed in good sunlight they can procude a good amount of power. I also know that the power is stored in batteries, used at night and replenished during the day!

What are all the components i will need, to get this system working?

I know i have seen this sort of thing on billboards and street lights around. How much do you think something like this will cost?

sorry i probobly left out alot of needed information, so please ask questions.


03-25-2003, 01:29 PM
well first off what kind of light will your dad be wanting? How bright? What will it be lighting?

Also a high amount of voltage isn't always nessicary, as long as you can crank out enough amps.

03-25-2003, 02:18 PM
I haven't had a chance to ask yet about the bulb, but it will be lighting a walkway at night. I guess there is a step in the walkway were people keep tripping so he is going to light that area.

Will any kind of battery work for storing the power?

How long do you think a normal car battery could illuminate a light?

Will draining the battery all the way cause damage?

How big do you think the solar cell will have to be?

He could very well use a regular house light bulb, or maybe the securety lights that are on garages, or maybe a halogen bulb. What are your opinions? Which will be the most efficient for lighting an area about 15' x 15'?

03-25-2003, 03:03 PM
try this link



If that doesn't find what you want then use different terms.